Trump Accidentally Tweeted something from a Racist Website again. This time against the Jews

Oh and how's this from an insiders perspective CC? Who knows Trump far better than you or I do.

"My father-in-law is an incredibly loving and tolerant person who has embraced my family and our Judaism since I began dating my wife.

I know that Donald does not at all subscribe to any racist or anti-semitic thinking.

I have personally seen him embrace people of all racial and religious backgrounds. The suggestion that he may be intolerant is not reflective of the Donald Trump I know."

Read more: Jared Kushner defends Trump over use of anti-Semitic imagery
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trump's official patented response is to just shrug and blow his anti-pc dog whistle..?

In a piece on the New York Observer website entitled “An Open Letter to Jared Kushner, From One of Your Jewish Employees,” arts and entertainment writer Dana Schwartz wrote that she was harassed by anti-Semites on Twitter after writing about a controversial image Trump’s campaign tweeted and then deleted over the weekend.

The tweet showed an image of Hillary Clinton over a pile of money with a six-sided star resembling a Star of David, which Trump later said was a “sheriff’s star” that was misinterpreted by the media.

“The worst people in this country saw your father-in-law’s message and took it as they saw fit,” Schwartz wrote. “And yet Donald Trump in his response chose not to condemn them, the anti-Semites who, by his argument were obviously misinterpreting the image, but the media.”

Kushner, who is Jewish, is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka, who converted to Judaism before their wedding. Schwartz wrote that by supporting Trump’s campaign he is “giving his most hateful supporters tacit approval.”

“Mr. Kushner, I ask you: What are you going to do about this?” she wrote. “Look at those tweets I got again, the ones calling me out for my Jewish last name, insulting my nose, evoking the holocaust, and tell me I’m being too sensitive.”

Newspaper Owned by Donald Trump’s Son-in-Law Criticizes Deleted Tweet

And Jared responded appropriately to the over sensitive no doubt a Democrat employee.

Think about it. How can one be anti Jewish and still do business with thousands of Jews in NYC? Nobody would have flagged this before a tweet or two?

Give me a freaking break.


And the history of Mar a Lago stands as a testament to Trump credibility on not being racist or a bigot.
yeeeah and the stud who hooks up with a mail-order bride loves women...and the Filipino!
trump is a master at baiting the media into giving him air time.

shameless and blameless... they must have misunderstood...

because PC! :uhoh3:
Critics erupted with complaints that the graphic evoked anti-Semitic imagery and the Trump campaign refused to answer questions about the tweet even as reports emerged that the image had been posted to an anti-Semitic, white supremacist message board 10 days earlier.

Trump downplayed the controversy in a tweet Monday morning by slamming the "dishonest media."

sure donald, everyone is dishonest but you, donald. :itsok:
Donald Trump Retweets ‘WhiteGenocideTM’ Account—Again

Aww man, It was just an accident how he keeps retweeting these messages from racists.

FTA: The account leaves no doubt about the Twitter user's white supremacist sympathies. The user's location is listed as “Jewmerica” and the bio reads “Jewish nationalist/supremacist!” The name: “Donald Trumpovitz.” The account's feed features dozens of racist memes, posts arguing against miscegenation and pro-Trump messages.

I mean to be fair, living in Jewmerica could really mean anything :2up:

Just shows your freaking ignorance of the fact that his club in Florida was the first one in Palm Beach to allow Jews and Blacks when he bought Mar a lago. He shunned all the other clubs in Palm Beach.

AND he shamed all the other clubs in Palm Beach.

And that means what? He didnt tweet this anti semetic shit from a Neo Nazi site again? Because he was willing to take Jews money? :badgrin:
The star is the same shape as a sheriff's star. It is the same shape as the star in Microsoft's shape template.

Calling it anti semetic is idiotic.
trump first denied that his manager man-handled the female reporter.

didn't even happen, he said...

days later trump relinquished, well, she HAD to be man-handled because she may have had a hidden bomb in her pen!

it's not a star of david, it's a sheriff star, yeeeah that's the ticket! :laugh2:

How is a star racist?
If it was a swastika I could see the racism.
This is a typical Left-fanatic tactic. Take a statement from a Republican that clearly has nothing to do with racism, anti-Semitism etc., pick out one small part that could be somehow stretched into a symbol, and then screaming how obvious it is that it's "blatant anti-Semitism", in hopes that he can fool someone into believing him.

The good news is, fewer and fewer normal people are listening to the leftist fanatics any more, much less believing them.
trump first denied that his manager man-handled the female reporter.

didn't even happen, he said...

days later trump relinquished, well, she HAD to be man-handled because she may have had a hidden bomb in her pen!

it's not a star of david, it's a sheriff star, yeeeah that's the ticket! :laugh2:


Of course neither Corey nor Trump remembered Corey throwing a woman to the ground and man handling her.

Because it never fucking happened!

those arm bruises must have been caused by her mysterious pen bomb!
those arm bruises must have been caused by her mysterious pen bomb!

Michelle "the lying bitch " Fields was never man handled at all. The video proves it. The stills prove it. She was game for promoting her new book. And of course Corey was never charged because nothing freaking happened.

Oh and the bruises she showed in her pics were in the wrong spot weren't they now?
How is a star racist?
If it was a swastika I could see the racism.
This is a typical Left-fanatic tactic. Take a statement from a Republican that clearly has nothing to do with racism, anti-Semitism etc., pick out one small part that could be somehow stretched into a symbol, and then screaming how obvious it is that it's "blatant anti-Semitism", in hopes that he can fool someone into believing him.

The good news is, fewer and fewer normal people are listening to the leftist fanatics any more, much less believing them.

Dude you have to do better than that. This post came from a neo Nazi site. This is what? The 3rd time he accidentally tweeted from neo Nazis. Do you follow any neo nazis?

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