Trump accused his own intelligence agencies of presenting fake news this week

Funny how Bush was an IDIOT for listening to George Tenet.
A bigger idiot for ignoring Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors who failed to find anything that could threaten Iraq`s neighbors let alone us.

Saddam Hussein gassing his own people with chemical weapons wasn't a threat to his neighboring countries?

If we cared about that, why did we sell him the material to begin with?

We did not sell Saddam Hussein the material or technology to make his chemical weapons. That came from Russia, China, and North Korea.

As we were moving into Baghdad, our satellite imagery picked up a long caravan of trucks heading toward Syria. It was suspected by our intelligence agencies that chemical weapons or the components thereof, were in that caravan.

That's how Syria got their start in developing their own chemical weapons. That, along with more help from the Russians.
Funny how Bush was an IDIOT for listening to George Tenet.
A bigger idiot for ignoring Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors who failed to find anything that could threaten Iraq`s neighbors let alone us.

Saddam Hussein gassing his own people with chemical weapons wasn't a threat to his neighboring countries?

If we cared about that, why did we sell him the material to begin with?

We did not sell Saddam Hussein the material or technology to make his chemical weapons. That came from Russia, China, and North Korea.

As we were moving into Baghdad, our satellite imagery picked up a long caravan of trucks heading toward Syria. It was suspected by our intelligence agencies that chemical weapons or the components thereof, were in that caravan.

That's how Syria got their start in developing their own chemical weapons. That, along with more help from the Russians.
How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons
Trump is an active agent of foreign hostile nations.
He`s the Manchurian Candidate in real life who needs to be arrested. The Saudis, Chinese, Russians, North Koreans and Turks have this traitor by the balls. What else could explain his refusal to heed the advice of our intelligence agencies?
I think it had something to do with the fact that they were SPYING ON HIM!!!!
Except that isn't true.
Trump calls intel chiefs public testimony ‘fake news’

After disputing all testimony from the top Intel chiefs in this country this week, Trump took the liberty to tell the world today that it was all "fake news".

What we have here is an authoritarian wanna be who takes his marching orders from Putin. After lying to the press today, he said the Intel admitted to misquoting themselves about their testimony, then interrupted further questions by dismissing the press. We'll, first off, no, they did not admit any misquotes. That's a lie. They said what they said, which was contrary to everything Trump has said in the past about foreign policy. And second, the biggest national security threat to this country is Trump, his Republican goons who try and cover for him, and his base. Going against our intelligence staff is our biggest threat to date, and he must be totally stopped from doing further damage.

Maybe we should consult Colin Powell about this.
We'll, that was sort of covered;
Trump calls intel chiefs public testimony ‘fake news’

After disputing all testimony from the top Intel chiefs in this country this week, Trump took the liberty to tell the world today that it was all "fake news".

What we have here is an authoritarian wanna be who takes his marching orders from Putin. After lying to the press today, he said the Intel admitted to misquoting themselves about their testimony, then interrupted further questions by dismissing the press. We'll, first off, no, they did not admit any misquotes. That's a lie. They said what they said, which was contrary to everything Trump has said in the past about foreign policy. And second, the biggest national security threat to this country is Trump, his Republican goons who try and cover for him, and his base. Going against our intelligence staff is our biggest threat to date, and he must be totally stopped from doing further damage.
I watched the same vids and found they have bee watching CNN and ABC to much because any Citizen of the USA could have given the same info using the same words. Really weak and not very good. Information coming from these people are weak. Like the Iraq had weapons of mass destruction yes they had poison gas but that was about it.
Trump calls intel chiefs public testimony ‘fake news’

After disputing all testimony from the top Intel chiefs in this country this week, Trump took the liberty to tell the world today that it was all "fake news".

What we have here is an authoritarian wanna be who takes his marching orders from Putin. After lying to the press today, he said the Intel admitted to misquoting themselves about their testimony, then interrupted further questions by dismissing the press. We'll, first off, no, they did not admit any misquotes. That's a lie. They said what they said, which was contrary to everything Trump has said in the past about foreign policy. And second, the biggest national security threat to this country is Trump, his Republican goons who try and cover for him, and his base. Going against our intelligence staff is our biggest threat to date, and he must be totally stopped from doing further damage.
I watched the same vids and found they have bee watching CNN and ABC to much because any Citizen of the USA could have given the same info using the same words. Really weak and not very good. Information coming from these people are weak. Like the Iraq had weapons of mass destruction yes they had poison gas but that was about it.
Not everyone was on board with the WMD factor. It was Cheney who pushed that war that created ISIS.

Who Was the Founder of ISIS?
Trump calls intel chiefs public testimony ‘fake news’

After disputing all testimony from the top Intel chiefs in this country this week, Trump took the liberty to tell the world today that it was all "fake news".

What we have here is an authoritarian wanna be who takes his marching orders from Putin. After lying to the press today, he said the Intel admitted to misquoting themselves about their testimony, then interrupted further questions by dismissing the press. We'll, first off, no, they did not admit any misquotes. That's a lie. They said what they said, which was contrary to everything Trump has said in the past about foreign policy. And second, the biggest national security threat to this country is Trump, his Republican goons who try and cover for him, and his base. Going against our intelligence staff is our biggest threat to date, and he must be totally stopped from doing further damage.

After telling his appointees, his intelligence chiefs, they all have to return to school, on Thursday, Trump would not specifically say if he still has confidence in Coats and Haspel but made it clear that he has disagreed with his senior intelligence officials on "certain things" and "time will prove me right, probably." Probably?

Later, he made a complete fool of himself.

"They said they were totally misquoted and totally taken out of context," Trump said when asked by CNN if he raised the testimony with Coats and Haspel during his daily briefing on Thursday.

"They said it was fake news," Trump said.

Following that incomprehensible statement, Trump tweeted, "Just concluded a great meeting with my Intel team in the Oval Office who told me that what they said on Tuesday at the Senate Hearing was mischaracterized by the media - and we are very much in agreement on Iran, ISIS, North Korea, etc. Their testimony was distorted [by the] press."

This bald faced lie is a consequence of the fact that Trump is so uninformed that he does not know the statements from Coats, Wray, and Haspel were on camera testimony before a Senate committee. The whole nation has seen the televised Senate testimony, but not Trump.

This is nothing short of incredible. Trump is a buffoon, a national security threat begging to be removed from power. Nobody could be that stupid.
I am further convinced he wants to be impeached. He will be the star in a great melodrama and it matters little to him that he will be the antagonist.
Trump calls intel chiefs public testimony ‘fake news’

After disputing all testimony from the top Intel chiefs in this country this week, Trump took the liberty to tell the world today that it was all "fake news".

What we have here is an authoritarian wanna be who takes his marching orders from Putin. After lying to the press today, he said the Intel admitted to misquoting themselves about their testimony, then interrupted further questions by dismissing the press. We'll, first off, no, they did not admit any misquotes. That's a lie. They said what they said, which was contrary to everything Trump has said in the past about foreign policy. And second, the biggest national security threat to this country is Trump, his Republican goons who try and cover for him, and his base. Going against our intelligence staff is our biggest threat to date, and he must be totally stopped from doing further damage.
I watched the same vids and found they have bee watching CNN and ABC to much because any Citizen of the USA could have given the same info using the same words. Really weak and not very good. Information coming from these people are weak. Like the Iraq had weapons of mass destruction yes they had poison gas but that was about it.

It was a public hearing.
Trump calls intel chiefs public testimony ‘fake news’

After disputing all testimony from the top Intel chiefs in this country this week, Trump took the liberty to tell the world today that it was all "fake news".

What we have here is an authoritarian wanna be who takes his marching orders from Putin. After lying to the press today, he said the Intel admitted to misquoting themselves about their testimony, then interrupted further questions by dismissing the press. We'll, first off, no, they did not admit any misquotes. That's a lie. They said what they said, which was contrary to everything Trump has said in the past about foreign policy. And second, the biggest national security threat to this country is Trump, his Republican goons who try and cover for him, and his base. Going against our intelligence staff is our biggest threat to date, and he must be totally stopped from doing further damage.

After telling his appointees, his intelligence chiefs, they all have to return to school, on Thursday, Trump would not specifically say if he still has confidence in Coats and Haspel but made it clear that he has disagreed with his senior intelligence officials on "certain things" and "time will prove me right, probably." Probably?

Later, he made a complete fool of himself.

"They said they were totally misquoted and totally taken out of context," Trump said when asked by CNN if he raised the testimony with Coats and Haspel during his daily briefing on Thursday.

"They said it was fake news," Trump said.

Following that incomprehensible statement, Trump tweeted, "Just concluded a great meeting with my Intel team in the Oval Office who told me that what they said on Tuesday at the Senate Hearing was mischaracterized by the media - and we are very much in agreement on Iran, ISIS, North Korea, etc. Their testimony was distorted [by the] press."

This bald faced lie is a consequence of the fact that Trump is so uninformed that he does not know the statements from Coats, Wray, and Haspel were on camera testimony before a Senate committee. The whole nation has seen the televised Senate testimony, but not Trump.

This is nothing short of incredible. Trump is a buffoon, a national security threat begging to be removed from power. Nobody could be that stupid.
I am further convinced he wants to be impeached. He will be the star in a great melodrama and it matters little to him that he will be the antagonist.
Amen to that.
Funny how Bush was an IDIOT for listening to George Tenet.
A bigger idiot for ignoring Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors who failed to find anything that could threaten Iraq`s neighbors let alone us.
Shame how Hillary pushed for war and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez.
They didn`t push for war but they voted to authorize a war as a means to force Saddam into letting the UN weapons inspectors into the country and it worked. The vote to authorize was taken BEFORE the inspectors failed to find those WMDs and Colin Powell`s mobile weapons labs. The responsibility for 20,000+ casualties belongs to one man and only one man. President Cheney.
Funny how Bush was an IDIOT for listening to George Tenet.
A bigger idiot for ignoring Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors who failed to find anything that could threaten Iraq`s neighbors let alone us.
Shame how Hillary pushed for war and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez.
They didn`t push for war but they voted to authorize a war as a means to force Saddam into letting the UN weapons inspectors into the country and it worked. The vote to authorize was taken BEFORE the inspectors failed to find those WMDs and Colin Powell`s mobile weapons labs. The responsibility for 20,000+ casualties belongs to one man and only one man. President Cheney.
You obviously never bothered to listen to Hillary’s push for war speech.

Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was President. Why do you think Bill is lying for Bush?
Funny how Bush was an IDIOT for listening to George Tenet.
A bigger idiot for ignoring Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors who failed to find anything that could threaten Iraq`s neighbors let alone us.
Shame how Hillary pushed for war and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez.
They didn`t push for war but they voted to authorize a war as a means to force Saddam into letting the UN weapons inspectors into the country and it worked. The vote to authorize was taken BEFORE the inspectors failed to find those WMDs and Colin Powell`s mobile weapons labs. The responsibility for 20,000+ casualties belongs to one man and only one man. President Cheney.
You obviously never bothered to listen to Hillary’s push for war speech.

Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was President. Why do you think Bill is lying for Bush?
As always, Republicans never get the story straight; Meme says Bill Clinton, George W. Bush had basically the same policy on Iraq
Trump is an active agent of foreign hostile nations.
He`s the Manchurian Candidate in real life who needs to be arrested. The Saudis, Chinese, Russians, North Koreans and Turks have this traitor by the balls. What else could explain his refusal to heed the advice of our intelligence agencies?
I think it had something to do with the fact that they were SPYING ON HIM!!!!
They were spying on the Russians who were in contact with Trump's team.
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Trump calls intel chiefs public testimony ‘fake news’

After disputing all testimony from the top Intel chiefs in this country this week, Trump took the liberty to tell the world today that it was all "fake news".

What we have here is an authoritarian wanna be who takes his marching orders from Putin. After lying to the press today, he said the Intel admitted to misquoting themselves about their testimony, then interrupted further questions by dismissing the press. We'll, first off, no, they did not admit any misquotes. That's a lie. They said what they said, which was contrary to everything Trump has said in the past about foreign policy. And second, the biggest national security threat to this country is Trump, his Republican goons who try and cover for him, and his base. Going against our intelligence staff is our biggest threat to date, and he must be totally stopped from doing further damage.

So, what was it about?
Saddam Hussein gassing his own people with chemical weapons wasn't a threat to his neighboring countries?
He was certainly a threat to Iran. He fought quite a bloody war with them. They were overjoyed when we took him out and put a Shia government in his place.
Trump calls intel chiefs public testimony ‘fake news’

After disputing all testimony from the top Intel chiefs in this country this week, Trump took the liberty to tell the world today that it was all "fake news".

What we have here is an authoritarian wanna be who takes his marching orders from Putin. After lying to the press today, he said the Intel admitted to misquoting themselves about their testimony, then interrupted further questions by dismissing the press. We'll, first off, no, they did not admit any misquotes. That's a lie. They said what they said, which was contrary to everything Trump has said in the past about foreign policy. And second, the biggest national security threat to this country is Trump, his Republican goons who try and cover for him, and his base. Going against our intelligence staff is our biggest threat to date, and he must be totally stopped from doing further damage.

So, what was it about?
You didn't watch and listen to their testimony? If you didn't, don't ask me. You're too lazy to do your own research because you have zero interest in the truth, and have no natural curiosity. Trump Sheep look the other way when confronted with reality.
Trump calls intel chiefs public testimony ‘fake news’

After disputing all testimony from the top Intel chiefs in this country this week, Trump took the liberty to tell the world today that it was all "fake news".

What we have here is an authoritarian wanna be who takes his marching orders from Putin. After lying to the press today, he said the Intel admitted to misquoting themselves about their testimony, then interrupted further questions by dismissing the press. We'll, first off, no, they did not admit any misquotes. That's a lie. They said what they said, which was contrary to everything Trump has said in the past about foreign policy. And second, the biggest national security threat to this country is Trump, his Republican goons who try and cover for him, and his base. Going against our intelligence staff is our biggest threat to date, and he must be totally stopped from doing further damage.

So, what was it about?
You didn't watch and listen to their testimony? If you didn't, don't ask me. You're too lazy to do your own research because you have zero interest in the truth, and have no natural curiosity.

Your op complained a lot about something, but never actually mentioned what the "issue" is.

Almost like you don't care about the "issue" you are upset about and just want to throw shit at the President.
Funny how Bush was an IDIOT for listening to George Tenet.
A bigger idiot for ignoring Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors who failed to find anything that could threaten Iraq`s neighbors let alone us.
Shame how Hillary pushed for war and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez.
They didn`t push for war but they voted to authorize a war as a means to force Saddam into letting the UN weapons inspectors into the country and it worked. The vote to authorize was taken BEFORE the inspectors failed to find those WMDs and Colin Powell`s mobile weapons labs. The responsibility for 20,000+ casualties belongs to one man and only one man. President Cheney.
You obviously never bothered to listen to Hillary’s push for war speech.

Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was President. Why do you think Bill is lying for Bush?
It doesn`t matter what anyone said BEFORE the UN weapons inspection team failed to find WMDs. Good grief it`s like I`m trying to explain something to a 3 year old. Who ties your shoes in the morning and gets you on the bus for special ed?
Funny how Bush was an IDIOT for listening to George Tenet.
A bigger idiot for ignoring Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors who failed to find anything that could threaten Iraq`s neighbors let alone us.
Shame how Hillary pushed for war and Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez.
They didn`t push for war but they voted to authorize a war as a means to force Saddam into letting the UN weapons inspectors into the country and it worked. The vote to authorize was taken BEFORE the inspectors failed to find those WMDs and Colin Powell`s mobile weapons labs. The responsibility for 20,000+ casualties belongs to one man and only one man. President Cheney.
You obviously never bothered to listen to Hillary’s push for war speech.

Bill said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was President. Why do you think Bill is lying for Bush?
It doesn`t matter what anyone said BEFORE the UN weapons inspection team failed to find WMDs. Good grief it`s like I`m trying to explain something to a 3 year old. Who ties your shoes in the morning and gets you on the bus for special ed?
Bill Clinton said Iraq had WMDs when Bush was Prez two years after the invasion, ignoramus.
Trump calls intel chiefs public testimony ‘fake news’

After disputing all testimony from the top Intel chiefs in this country this week, Trump took the liberty to tell the world today that it was all "fake news".

What we have here is an authoritarian wanna be who takes his marching orders from Putin. After lying to the press today, he said the Intel admitted to misquoting themselves about their testimony, then interrupted further questions by dismissing the press. We'll, first off, no, they did not admit any misquotes. That's a lie. They said what they said, which was contrary to everything Trump has said in the past about foreign policy. And second, the biggest national security threat to this country is Trump, his Republican goons who try and cover for him, and his base. Going against our intelligence staff is our biggest threat to date, and he must be totally stopped from doing further damage.
The nutter responses to this post are gonna be fun to read.
I am getting to the point where I do not beleive the nutters can still beleive this horseshit. At some point you have to start thinking these are paid bots. They go on and on about the dems not funding the wall and how they are traitors when the republicans had super majority and did not fund it. Then they blame shit on Ryan and any one but Trump as he spouts ludicris shit all day. It gets harder and harder to believe what these supporters are saying. Not only do our intellegence report dispute what Don the liar is saying but our allies are currently figuing out how to get around our sanctions in Iran and supporting what our inttelegence sais. Meanwhile Trump supporters are deaf as the entire world tells them thier leader is full of shit.

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