Trump accused of threatening violence

And YET all we hear is about how some lefty attacked someone wearing a MAGA Hat or attacking some conservative for well being conservative. The fact is for every supposed attack by a righty on a lefty there are 10 by the left on the right. But you Trump hating zealots pretend otherwise and I really love it when one of yours attacks a conservative, makes the news and then you all claim " how do you know he is a lefty?"
its because far right violence is a bigger threat than al qaeda or daesh.

the red cap isnt a symbol of conservatism, its a symbol of bigotry.
That's why every report about an attack on someone for political reasons is a Democrat attacking a Conservative. RIGHT?

Did you miss all the pipe bombs sent to Democrats by a Trump follower?

Did you miss the Synagogue massacre by a Trump follower?

this same kind of talk by President Trump triggers the ''crazies'' to come out of the woodwork! :eek:

I don't think it's totally intentional by him, it's more like a form of some kind of self aggrandizement... ''my minions are more 'kick ass' than your minions'', kind of thing... but he really should watch himself, and keep his trap shut...

You are being too kind. We have a president of the United States threatening the citizens of the United States with violence. Not only is this totally against the concept of what America is all about, he takes us to a new level toward fascism. This man must go.
Obama killed people. He was the epitome of evil. He needs to be sent to the electric chair.
Sure, but Trump still does it in the shadows.
Violence maybe, anger for sure. it takes a little effort to back away from the hysteria, stay calm & carry on.
After we heard Barry Hussein actually say "if they bring a knife to a fight we will bring a gun" and we saw Obama's A.G. refused to prosecute "new black panther" thugs who intimidated voters with clubs and shotguns. After we saw a Sanders supporter open fire on a republican baseball team and people wearing MAGA hats intimidated and assaulted and after we saw Hollywood personalities threaten the President with everything from assault to murder and kidnapping the crazy angry left imagines threats from Trump. No surprises here.
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"I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad." Trump

This quote, if made by a private citizen on social media against Trump, would be a borderline threat to the president to the extent that it would almost warrant investigation by the Secret Service. I am absolutely amazed at what this country has come to accept as being normal, coming out of Trump's mouth. Combine that with the violence in New Zealand, which the mass murderer says was partially inspired by Trump's white nationalism, and we have a total loose cannon in the White House.
Sorry bout that,

And YET all we hear is about how some lefty attacked someone wearing a MAGA Hat or attacking some conservative for well being conservative. The fact is for every supposed attack by a righty on a lefty there are 10 by the left on the right. But you Trump hating zealots pretend otherwise and I really love it when one of yours attacks a conservative, makes the news and then you all claim " how do you know he is a lefty?"
its because far right violence is a bigger threat than al qaeda or daesh.

the red cap isnt a symbol of conservatism, its a symbol of bigotry.

  1. Everyone knows at some point the Republicans are going to be fed up and when that happens there will be massive hell to pay.
  2. One reason there is going to be a clash between Democrats and Republicans, is because just that statement you've made, of your's how you believe or its you dumb opinion that to wear a hat that simply states, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, is being a bigot, or racists, thats where this war will all come about right there.
  3. We Republicans want America Great, and if Democrats keep saying "Over my dead body", then yes it will be.
Sorry bout that,

And YET all we hear is about how some lefty attacked someone wearing a MAGA Hat or attacking some conservative for well being conservative. The fact is for every supposed attack by a righty on a lefty there are 10 by the left on the right. But you Trump hating zealots pretend otherwise and I really love it when one of yours attacks a conservative, makes the news and then you all claim " how do you know he is a lefty?"
its because far right violence is a bigger threat than al qaeda or daesh.

the red cap isnt a symbol of conservatism, its a symbol of bigotry.

  1. Everyone knows at some point the Republicans are going to be fed up and when that happens there will be massive hell to pay.
  2. One reason there is going to be a clash between Democrats and Republicans, is because just that statement you've made, of your's how you believe or its you dumb opinion that to wear a hat that simply states, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, is being a bigot, or racists, thats where this war will all come about right there.
  3. We Republicans want America Great, and if Democrats keep saying "Over my dead body", then yes it will be.
  1. If we want to make America great, we need an updated understanding of the economy.
2. If we want to make America great, we need to avoid a declining and aging population.

3. If we want to make America great, we need to support science and the universities, not undermine them.

4. If we want to make America great, we have to face up to environmental realities.

5. If we want to make America great, we need partners in the rest of the world.
As a citizen of the United State of America, I am not accustomed to being threatened by the president. Trump seems to think that his job description is "President of the Republican Party of America". I am not intimidated by "his" military, police, and biker gangs. Consequently, he will be removed from the office he occupies.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

And YET all we hear is about how some lefty attacked someone wearing a MAGA Hat or attacking some conservative for well being conservative. The fact is for every supposed attack by a righty on a lefty there are 10 by the left on the right. But you Trump hating zealots pretend otherwise and I really love it when one of yours attacks a conservative, makes the news and then you all claim " how do you know he is a lefty?"
its because far right violence is a bigger threat than al qaeda or daesh.

the red cap isnt a symbol of conservatism, its a symbol of bigotry.

  1. Everyone knows at some point the Republicans are going to be fed up and when that happens there will be massive hell to pay.
  2. One reason there is going to be a clash between Democrats and Republicans, is because just that statement you've made, of your's how you believe or its you dumb opinion that to wear a hat that simply states, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, is being a bigot, or racists, thats where this war will all come about right there.
  3. We Republicans want America Great, and if Democrats keep saying "Over my dead body", then yes it will be.
  1. If we want to make America great, we need an updated understanding of the economy.
2. If we want to make America great, we need to avoid a declining and aging population.

3. If we want to make America great, we need to support science and the universities, not undermine them.

4. If we want to make America great, we have to face up to environmental realities.

5. If we want to make America great, we need partners in the rest of the world.

  1. The economy is strongest when its allowed to work in freedom.
  2. If you don't understand USA economics, maybe buy a book and wade through some one else's opinions.
  3. This topic has nothing to do if you understand economics, you must be an idiot then.
  4. You always saying "If we want to make America Great Again" saying "if" etc....just shows you don't, you're a fucking idiot, or shall I say NAZI.
  5. Kill off the old people and Make America Great Again, by killing those who came before,...NAZI!
  6. Support science and universities perhap global warming BS?,!
  7. Face global warming and accept being taxed and red taped for nothing, NAZI!,..that called fascism...NAZI!!!!
  8. Of yeah turn over ALL control to the New World Order,....I get it,..NAZI!!!!!!

Sorry bout that,

As a citizen of the United State of America, I am not accustomed to being threatened by the president. Trump seems to think that his job description is "President of the Republican Party of America". I am not intimidated by "his" military, police, and biker gangs. Consequently, he will be removed from the office he occupies.

  1. You have that right to believe in what you want to believe, but when you lick your fingers after you poop in order to conserve water for the environment and just to do your part in saving the planet and want others to do the same we as a whole say FUCK NO, and FUCK YOU!
  2. The President does not have to eat your shit, shit boy.
  3. The next civil war will be on you dumb ass!
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

And YET all we hear is about how some lefty attacked someone wearing a MAGA Hat or attacking some conservative for well being conservative. The fact is for every supposed attack by a righty on a lefty there are 10 by the left on the right. But you Trump hating zealots pretend otherwise and I really love it when one of yours attacks a conservative, makes the news and then you all claim " how do you know he is a lefty?"
its because far right violence is a bigger threat than al qaeda or daesh.

the red cap isnt a symbol of conservatism, its a symbol of bigotry.

  1. Everyone knows at some point the Republicans are going to be fed up and when that happens there will be massive hell to pay.
  2. One reason there is going to be a clash between Democrats and Republicans, is because just that statement you've made, of your's how you believe or its you dumb opinion that to wear a hat that simply states, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, is being a bigot, or racists, thats where this war will all come about right there.
  3. We Republicans want America Great, and if Democrats keep saying "Over my dead body", then yes it will be.
  1. If we want to make America great, we need an updated understanding of the economy.
2. If we want to make America great, we need to avoid a declining and aging population.

3. If we want to make America great, we need to support science and the universities, not undermine them.

4. If we want to make America great, we have to face up to environmental realities.

5. If we want to make America great, we need partners in the rest of the world.

  1. The economy is strongest when its allowed to work in freedom.
  2. If you don't understand USA economics, maybe buy a book and wade through some one else's opinions.
  3. This topic has nothing to do if you understand economics, you must be an idiot then.
  4. You always saying "If we want to make America Great Again" saying "if" etc....just shows you don't, you're a fucking idiot, or shall I say NAZI.
  5. Kill off the old people and Make America Great Again, by killing those who came before,...NAZI!
  6. Support science and universities perhap global warming BS?,!
  7. Face global warming and accept being taxed and red taped for nothing, NAZI!,..that called fascism...NAZI!!!!
  8. Of yeah turn over ALL control to the New World Order,....I get it,..NAZI!!!!!!

who's the nazi?
Sorry bout that,

As a citizen of the United State of America, I am not accustomed to being threatened by the president. Trump seems to think that his job description is "President of the Republican Party of America". I am not intimidated by "his" military, police, and biker gangs. Consequently, he will be removed from the office he occupies.

  1. You have that right to believe in what you want to believe, but when you lick your fingers after you poop in order to conserve water for the environment and just to do your part in saving the planet and want others to do the same we as a whole say FUCK NO, and FUCK YOU!
  2. The President does not have to eat your shit, shit boy.
  3. The next civil war will be on you dumb ass!

The next civil war will be on me? My, my! The keyboard commandos are restless tonight! But, I don't have to worry about that. Texans explained to us 3 years ago that Jade Helm was all about the military emptying Walmart's to turn them into prisons for the takeover of Texas, starting in El Paso, as I recall. So, we are covered. Besides, we have been infiltrating San Antonio and Austin with our communist sleeper agents for years. You don't have a chance....
As a citizen of the United State of America, I am not accustomed to being threatened by the president. Trump seems to think that his job description is "President of the Republican Party of America". I am not intimidated by "his" military, police, and biker gangs. Consequently, he will be removed from the office he occupies.
Did you complain when Obama was "mobilizing" his army to attack the republicans or was that different? Did you complain when Obama encouraged his followers to bring firearms to any political disagreement?
As a citizen of the United State of America, I am not accustomed to being threatened by the president. Trump seems to think that his job description is "President of the Republican Party of America". I am not intimidated by "his" military, police, and biker gangs. Consequently, he will be removed from the office he occupies.
Did you complain when Obama was "mobilizing" his army to attack the republicans or was that different? Did you complain when Obama encouraged his followers to bring firearms to any political disagreement?

I have never heard of either of those events, but feel free to start a relevant thread about them.

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