Trump acolytes as the new "defenders" of Grand Jury testimonies......

Tell us what Mueller is expected to say.
What bombshell are you expecting?

Moron....I stated MANY times I do not expect any "bombshells" from Mueller...I ONLY expect for the questions to be bombshells....

See. you dipshits are too busy kissing Trump's ass to actually READ the report therefore you have NO idea just how damaging the report really is........

Today 500 retied prosecutors signed a letter stating that with the evidence exposed by Mueller ANYONE but a sitting president would be indicted.

So, my first question to Mueller is rather simple.........

Mr prominent prosecutor and an American who values the rule of law........AND, placing aside the DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted.....and predicated upon the evidence you uncovered, would you indict any common citizen based on the same evidence???
Poor little Natty, lying on his back wailing again. Seriously, you should get some psychiatric help asap.
As one of the many excuses to hold back on Mueller's UNredacted report....where, surely, some interesting facts were exposed by those who testified before a Grand Jury......Trump acolytes are trying to use the false premise that such testimonies should not be shared with anyone.

Certainly grand jury testimonies should not be shared with EVERYONE.....but members of congress and other federal officials certainly can have access to them......(Didn't Don Jr. also testify?

Anyway, here are the facts....where if Barr had an ounce of objectivity and decency, he would have accessed a court of jurisdiction and asked the judge for a ruling.

Learn something......(Barr COULD have shared an UNredacted copy of the report......were he not a Trump WHORE)


If Barr were looking for a way to disclose the report to Congress, he might also find authority under Rule 6(e)(3)(D). That section permits an attorney for the government to disclose a grand jury matter involving counterintelligence to “any federal…official” to assist in that official’s duties, and permits disclosure.....

How Barr May Interpret What It Means to Withhold “Grand Jury Information”

Its a valid reason dumbass. No Grand Jury testimony is ever released.
Must be nice to be living in Trump's head - rent-free, huh nat4900 ? You keep going with your anecdotal posts. Maybe, one day - your dream may come true. Your dream that you will not be living in Trump's head - rent free. :D

Trump has been dancing in that head of his for over two years now. Thats all gnat can think of. Id go jump off a building if I had trump consuming that much of my time.
Its against the law to release them. You sure are a whiny little shit and dumber than a box of rocks to boot.

Above.....the latest show of Trump ass kissers' "intelligentsia"........NOW, to these nitwits and poorly educated bunch, its against the law to follow the law.
Tell us what Mueller is expected to say.
What bombshell are you expecting?

Moron....I stated MANY times I do not expect any "bombshells" from Mueller...I ONLY expect for the questions to be bombshells....

See. you dipshits are too busy kissing Trump's ass to actually READ the report therefore you have NO idea just how damaging the report really is........

Today 500 retied prosecutors signed a letter stating that with the evidence exposed by Mueller ANYONE but a sitting president would be indicted.

So, my first question to Mueller is rather simple.........

Mr prominent prosecutor and an American who values the rule of law........AND, placing aside the DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted.....and predicated upon the evidence you uncovered, would you indict any common citizen based on the same evidence???


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