Trump Admin: Making Asbestos Great Again.


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
MAGA. Let's increase cancer cases while we end pre existing conditions.

E.P.A. Leaders Disregarded Agency’s Experts in Issuing Asbestos Rule, Memos Show

Senior officials at the Environmental Protection Agency disregarded the advice of their own scientists and lawyers in April when the agency issued a rule that restricted but did not ban asbestos, according to two internal memos.

Because of its fiber strength and resistance to heat, asbestos has long been used in insulation and construction materials. It is also a known carcinogen. Last month’s rule kept open a way for manufacturers to adopt new uses for asbestos, or return to certain older uses, but only with E.P.A. approval.

Andrew Wheeler, the E.P.A. administrator, said when the rule was issued that it would significantly strengthen public health protections. But in the memos, dated Aug. 10, more than a dozen of E.P.A.’s own experts urged the agency to ban asbestos outright, as do most other industrialized nations.

“Rather than allow for (even with restrictions) any new uses for asbestos, E.P.A. should seek to ban all new uses of asbestos because the extreme harm from this chemical substance outweighs any benefit — and because there are adequate alternatives to asbestos,” staff members wrote.

It was not the first time administration has sidelined government scientists. Under President Trump, the E.P.A. has rolled back environmental protections and come under criticism for relaxing rules on toxic chemicals.

Last month, the agency weakened a proposed standard for cleaning up groundwater pollution caused by toxic chemicals. In March, it scaled back a proposed ban on a deadly chemical in paint strippers. And it has rejected a proposed ban on the use of chlorpyrifos, a pesticide that has sickened farm workers and been linked to developmental disabilities in their children.

Even so, one former E.P.A. official said, disregarding the advice of career scientists on an issue as complex as asbestos risk was still unusual.

“It’s really unprecedented for political leaders to fail to pay attention to any of the scientists in either regional offices or headquarters,” said Betsy Southerland, former director of science and technology in the E.P.A. department responsible for water.

E.P.A. Leaders Disregarded Agency’s Experts in Issuing Asbestos Rule, Memos Show
You libtards love to BAN things. Just relax the EPA has final approval. :itsok:

I am surprised to see you express such blind faith in the ability of the EPA to make the right choice.

Never took you for such a staunch supporter of the EPA

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Of course I support the EPA good grief. I do not support liberal activist political appointees in the EPA who have their heads up their ass.

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