Trump Admin Tells Minnesota Governor To Get Bent Over $16 Million Aid Request Following Riots

Are the 140,000 deaths asymptomatic? What about the overwhelmed hospitals in Arizona, Texas, Arizona and Florida?

Is your red herring a fallacy?

Hospitals were never overwhelmed and the military help PROVIDED sat empty.

Your attitude is why your country in flailing and dying. Your fellow countrymen ARE your American family regardless or race or background.

Anyone who believes otherwise IS the problem.

You NEED a high death rate - though we are now at TWELVE straight weeks of decline and the lowest deaths since March. You are DESPERATE to falsify the numbers to try and create the fiction that there is a higher percent of deaths than there are. This is why Cuomo and Newsom murdered all those people in the nursing homes, to inflate the death rates for political gain.

I think somewhere in the hive mind of the fascist democrats is an understanding that your 6 weeks of raping and pillaging might not have endeared to you America the way you thought it would. So your rushing back to panic porn. Problem is you destroyed your credibility when you lied that the virus won't affect peaceful rioters.

The virus isn't a hoax, but 95% of what you and the radical left claim about it is.


Fully Agree. In fact his megalomania reaches way too far in this matter:

Trump really believes he is a King, and the separation of powers is a fantasy.

Sadly, so do his ardent supporters.

No, shitstain, if he "thought he was king", he'd have already slapped you and the violent garbage you cheered on into the dungeon. Only a leftist could think, "It's so megalomaniacal that Trump won't let us destroy cities and then pay to fix them!" I can only assume that if you were so inconsiderate to the human race as to breed, you regularly let your hellspawn destroy their toys and then buy them new ones.
No, shitstain, if he "thought he was king", he'd have already slapped you and the violent garbage you cheered on into the dungeon. Only a leftist could think, "It's so megalomaniacal that Trump won't let us destroy cities and then pay to fix them!" I can only assume that if you were so inconsiderate to the human race as to breed, you regularly let your hellspawn destroy their toys and then buy them new ones.


Yeah. They really do "think" that way.
We don't need a King, we've already got a Fuehrer.

Please define a "leftist", I'e asked this question at least a dozen times in the past and no one who uses this term has ever defined it or what they believe it means.

Maybe they were too busy being amazed that you're too illiterate to understand English.


  1. a person with left-wing political views.
    "these values are shared by many leftists" ·
  1. having or relating to left-wing political views.
    "leftist radicals"
Any other painfully obvious words you want to embarrassingly admit you don't know the meaning of?
Are the 140,000 deaths asymptomatic? What about the overwhelmed hospitals in Arizona, Texas, Arizona and Florida?

Your attitude is why your country in flailing and dying. Your fellow countrymen ARE your American family regardless or race or background.

Anyone who believes otherwise IS the problem.

Arizona's hospitals aren't overwhelmed, dumbass, and a large number of the people who are actually being hospitalized for Covid here are Mexican citizens, fleeing their country's shit Covid response.

And we need your foreign ass to tell us who are "American family" is just slightly less than we need it explaining the Constitution that isn't yours.

YOU are the problem. Now and always.
Arizona's hospitals aren't overwhelmed, dumbass, and a large number of the people who are actually being hospitalized for Covid here are Mexican citizens, fleeing their country's shit Covid response.

And we need your foreign ass to tell us who are "American family" is just slightly less than we need it explaining the Constitution that isn't yours.

YOU are the problem. Now and always.

That’s not what Arizona Central says. Or the Wall Street Journal. If fact the ONLY person saying this is you.

Someone needs to tell your lying “Christian” ass where your social responsibilities lie because you don’t have the good sense God gave a goose.

How are these “Mexicans” getting into the country with the borders closed? Why would you go to the country with the worst outbreak in the world and the most expensive hospitals in the world for treatment?

When Jesus said “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, He didn’t say to check their or their citizenship first.
He also said that those who claim to be righteous and ignore those in need will not enter the Kingdom of heaven.

If you were a real Christian those of the words you would live by. And you wouldn’t be lying and beating false witness every single day.
That’s not what Arizona Central says. Or the Wall Street Journal. If fact the ONLY person saying this is you.

Someone needs to tell your lying “Christian” ass where your social responsibilities lie because you don’t have the good sense God gave a goose.

How are these “Mexicans” getting into the country with the borders closed? Why would you go to the country with the worst outbreak in the world and the most expensive hospitals in the world for treatment?

When Jesus said “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, He didn’t say to check their or their citizenship first.
He also said that those who claim to be righteous and ignore those in need will not enter the Kingdom of heaven.

If you were a real Christian those of the words you would live by. And you wouldn’t be lying and beating false witness every single day.

That's what Abrazo Healthcare says, and as one of the largest chains of hospitals in Arizona, I would think they'd know. I guess what you MEAN is, "You're the only person I heard saying it, because it wasn't in my talking points."

Someone needs to tell YOUR lying, evil ass where your business is, because you are a nosy, interfering bitch inserting her ignorance where it isn't needed or wanted. Oh, wait, someone DOES tell you. Me. All the time. If we don't need to hear the "real facts" about the US from America's hat, we sure as fuck don't need to hear the "real facts" about Arizona from a dumb twat who's never been within a thousand miles of it. I sincerely doubt you could name the capital of Arizona without Googling it first.

The Mexicans are getting into the country the same way they always do, you fucking moron: the borders AREN'T closed. If you knew anything about the state I live in and you've never been to, but feel the need to tell me "the facts" about, you would know that. Porous borders are an ongoing problem for Arizona. Yuma (that's in southwestern Arizona by the border, since I know your pompous, painfully-ignorant CANADIAN ass doesn't know that) is typically the #1 spot on the US-Mexico border for illegal crossings.

To further your education about the country and state you know fuck and all about, despite constantly presuming to lecture their residents about "the facts" that you "know" from your thought masters, Mexicans flood across the border for healthcare all the time, because the US counterpart of evil leftist dipshits like you insist on giving them free healthcare at the expense of US taxpayers. Also, despite what your thought masters have told you to believe about "The US is the WORST place for Covid-19, just like it's the worst place for EVERYTHING, so feel good about what a useless nothing Canada is", Mexico's response to Covid-19 has largely been to lie its ass off about the numbers. Kinda like China. Knowledgeable reports say that their death rate is as much as five times higher than they're telling the rest of the world, their hospitals and morgues are overwhelmed, and their hospitals sucked to start with.
We the people desiring of peace but refusing slavery have been pushed to our limit.

This is going to get REALLY ugly, millions WILL die, and anyone with a brain wants to avoid it. But each day that option diminishes.
If law and order isn't restored, then you could be right. Gotta recall these PC driven mayor's and governor's in these democrap run town's, citie's, and state's. This nation needs to seriously look at how we put people in power now, because something has gone bad wrong with the way in which it has been done in the past. Someone like AOC is absolutely wrong for the job she holds, and their are many more just like her these days.

It's as if we need a panel of judges that we can trust, who then gives the final ok for a person to hold the position in which the people had voted on them to hold. Otherwise we need a Fail-Safe that allows us to deflect an idiotic choice that was made idiotically.

Not sure how the panel of judges could be created or how we could get them to truly represent what the country needs, and what we would be ok with in the traditional sense. We still have those types in our society, and they are very smart, but they are being ignored by the radicals who are hell bent on taking this nation down by it's old system that is being exploited big time by these radicals now.

We need to appointment the panel of judges, and then we need to empower them. However, that type of thinking needs to have a back up or Fail-Safe system that can easily get rid of a judge for whom might then become a radical nut case just like what we've seen happen to our judges in the past. Changes need to be made, but not in a leftist or liberal kind of way. They have become the problem due their empowerment these days. A stand has to be taken, and it has to happen in order to restore order for all in this country.
and that's precisely why trump is the most corrupt president and admin in all of our history!!! SAD

sad he's such a creep!
I like how President Trump's leadership outrages the SJWs.
BTW, the Dems/Press have been digging for dirt on Trump for about 5 years now.
They can't find anything so they invent scandals like the Russian Collusion hoax, and the fraudulent prosecution of General Flynn.
Flynn plead guilty because he's guilty snowflake sorry to burst your cozy bubble
and that's precisely why trump is the most corrupt president and admin in all of our history!!! SAD

sad he's such a creep!
/——/ Thanks for your input, Karen.
Am pretty sure you're using the term Karen wrong. Karen's are on the conservative side of the spectrum not the left dummy
/——/ Karen’s are neither exclusively left or right. They are just entitled bitches.
Bullshit there rightys all the way
and that's precisely why trump is the most corrupt president and admin in all of our history!!! SAD

sad he's such a creep!
/——/ Thanks for your input, Karen.
Am pretty sure you're using the term Karen wrong. Karen's are on the conservative side of the spectrum not the left dummy
/——/ Karen’s are neither exclusively left or right. They are just entitled bitches.
Bullshit there rightys all the way

Your lack of education is showing.

and that's precisely why trump is the most corrupt president and admin in all of our history!!! SAD

sad he's such a creep!
/——/ Thanks for your input, Karen.
Am pretty sure you're using the term Karen wrong. Karen's are on the conservative side of the spectrum not the left dummy
/——/ Karen’s are neither exclusively left or right. They are just entitled bitches.
Bullshit there rightys all the way
/——-/ Read about this Karen, you dummy:
A white female Black Lives Matter protester was filmed yelling in the faces of two black male police officers in Washington D.C. Tuesday in a viral video that has since been viewed more than 2.1 million times.
White DC protester seen yelling in faces of black cops in viral video: 'They're a part of the problem'
and that's precisely why trump is the most corrupt president and admin in all of our history!!! SAD

sad he's such a creep!
I like how President Trump's leadership outrages the SJWs.
BTW, the Dems/Press have been digging for dirt on Trump for about 5 years now.
They can't find anything so they invent scandals like the Russian Collusion hoax, and the fraudulent prosecution of General Flynn.
Flynn plead guilty because he's guilty snowflake sorry to burst your cozy bubble
/——-/ Flynn was broke and the azzwipes threatened his son. He made a false confession to protect his family. And you know it.

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