Trump Administation Corruption May Be Focus of 2018 Election

Many of the possible focuses of the upcoming Congressional Elections appears to be topics that are predictably partisan. Voters have already taken positions on most of the issues. The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. Voters are almost always willing to put agendas aside when it comes to acknowledging and admitting even a favored politician is ripping off the treasury and taxpayers. American voters have shown acceptance for bad behavior as long as it does not include financial corruption. Proven crooks do not do well. The tip of the iceberg is beginning to show in the Trump family to include Trump himself.

If the Democrats fuel their Blue Wave with exposes on Trump family and administration corruption, a Tsunami is on the way.

Yes you will vote far left as you are commanded and spam the boards with your far left religious propaganda.

The Clintons ARE crooks and you voted for them anyway!
Why do I attract the tin foil hatters like you on this thread?

Says the far left drone that is irony impaired!

You voted for and support the far left and the Clintons. They are crooks!

Then again all far left drones ignore this:

Pelosi Leads List Of Conflict Of Interest Dems | Investor's Business Daily
Many of the possible focuses of the upcoming Congressional Elections appears to be topics that are predictably partisan. Voters have already taken positions on most of the issues. The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. Voters are almost always willing to put agendas aside when it comes to acknowledging and admitting even a favored politician is ripping off the treasury and taxpayers. American voters have shown acceptance for bad behavior as long as it does not include financial corruption. Proven crooks do not do well. The tip of the iceberg is beginning to show in the Trump family to include Trump himself.

If the Democrats fuel their Blue Wave with exposes on Trump family and administration corruption, a Tsunami is on the way.

In your wet dreams. Mewler ain’t got nothing.
I think I read or heard on TV about some stuff having to do with financial corruption like behind the scenes pay for play stuff and some stuff called emoluments that even if not found to be emoluments might be found to be bribes and or included in the pay for play stuff. I ain't sayin any of it is true, just sayin it might come up for discussion in the next few months.

Oh so they found Trump playing dirty? Pleas, do show us that.
Many of the possible focuses of the upcoming Congressional Elections appears to be topics that are predictably partisan. Voters have already taken positions on most of the issues. The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. Voters are almost always willing to put agendas aside when it comes to acknowledging and admitting even a favored politician is ripping off the treasury and taxpayers. American voters have shown acceptance for bad behavior as long as it does not include financial corruption. Proven crooks do not do well. The tip of the iceberg is beginning to show in the Trump family to include Trump himself.

If the Democrats fuel their Blue Wave with exposes on Trump family and administration corruption, a Tsunami is on the way.

The orange buffoon stated that he picks the "best people".....and actually he meant the "best crooks" in his sphere of acolytes....Need proof?

Many of the possible focuses of the upcoming Congressional Elections appears to be topics that are predictably partisan. Voters have already taken positions on most of the issues. The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. Voters are almost always willing to put agendas aside when it comes to acknowledging and admitting even a favored politician is ripping off the treasury and taxpayers. American voters have shown acceptance for bad behavior as long as it does not include financial corruption. Proven crooks do not do well. The tip of the iceberg is beginning to show in the Trump family to include Trump himself.

If the Democrats fuel their Blue Wave with exposes on Trump family and administration corruption, a Tsunami is on the way.

In your wet dreams. Mewler ain’t got nothing.
I think I read or heard on TV about some stuff having to do with financial corruption like behind the scenes pay for play stuff and some stuff called emoluments that even if not found to be emoluments might be found to be bribes and or included in the pay for play stuff. I ain't sayin any of it is true, just sayin it might come up for discussion in the next few months.

Oh so they found Trump playing dirty? Pleas, do show us that.
I didn't make that claim in the OP. Try a class in reading comp at your local community college
Many of the possible focuses of the upcoming Congressional Elections appears to be topics that are predictably partisan. Voters have already taken positions on most of the issues. The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. Voters are almost always willing to put agendas aside when it comes to acknowledging and admitting even a favored politician is ripping off the treasury and taxpayers. American voters have shown acceptance for bad behavior as long as it does not include financial corruption. Proven crooks do not do well. The tip of the iceberg is beginning to show in the Trump family to include Trump himself.

If the Democrats fuel their Blue Wave with exposes on Trump family and administration corruption, a Tsunami is on the way.

In your wet dreams. Mewler ain’t got nothing.
I think I read or heard on TV about some stuff having to do with financial corruption like behind the scenes pay for play stuff and some stuff called emoluments that even if not found to be emoluments might be found to be bribes and or included in the pay for play stuff. I ain't sayin any of it is true, just sayin it might come up for discussion in the next few months.

Oh so they found Trump playing dirty? Pleas, do show us that.
I didn't make that claim in the OP. Try a class in reading comp at your local community college

Oh so there is nothing still. Mm.
Many of the possible focuses of the upcoming Congressional Elections appears to be topics that are predictably partisan. Voters have already taken positions on most of the issues. The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. Voters are almost always willing to put agendas aside when it comes to acknowledging and admitting even a favored politician is ripping off the treasury and taxpayers. American voters have shown acceptance for bad behavior as long as it does not include financial corruption. Proven crooks do not do well. The tip of the iceberg is beginning to show in the Trump family to include Trump himself.

If the Democrats fuel their Blue Wave with exposes on Trump family and administration corruption, a Tsunami is on the way.

In your wet dreams. Mewler ain’t got nothing.
I think I read or heard on TV about some stuff having to do with financial corruption like behind the scenes pay for play stuff and some stuff called emoluments that even if not found to be emoluments might be found to be bribes and or included in the pay for play stuff. I ain't sayin any of it is true, just sayin it might come up for discussion in the next few months.

Oh so they found Trump playing dirty? Pleas, do show us that.
I didn't make that claim in the OP. Try a class in reading comp at your local community college

Oh so there is nothing still. Mm.
Again, your reading comprehension exposes your as a dunce and dimwit.
Let me try to explain it to you in more elementary terms.
People who vote, no matter which party they belong to or whether they are conservative, liberal, or middle of the road don't like to be robbed and cheated. No matter who the politician is, when people learn they are thieves and crooks the people reject them. They will tolerate many things, but they will not tolerate being blatantly robbed.
Are you a weak coward who tolerates being robbed?
I still have hope that voters will elect the most qualified & those that will work for all of the people they serve, principals not party.
In your wet dreams. Mewler ain’t got nothing.
I think I read or heard on TV about some stuff having to do with financial corruption like behind the scenes pay for play stuff and some stuff called emoluments that even if not found to be emoluments might be found to be bribes and or included in the pay for play stuff. I ain't sayin any of it is true, just sayin it might come up for discussion in the next few months.

Oh so they found Trump playing dirty? Pleas, do show us that.
I didn't make that claim in the OP. Try a class in reading comp at your local community college

Oh so there is nothing still. Mm.
Again, your reading comprehension exposes your as a dunce and dimwit.
Let me try to explain it to you in more elementary terms.
People who vote, no matter which party they belong to or whether they are conservative, liberal, or middle of the road don't like to be robbed and cheated. No matter who the politician is, when people learn they are thieves and crooks the people reject them. They will tolerate many things, but they will not tolerate being blatantly robbed.

Ah, a superior, self appointed pseudo intellectual who also claims to be psychic. Where the hell was you in 2016-17! Listen moron, you don’t know dick other then the dreck that spews from that smelly hole below your nose. You don’t know shit, if you did you would also know that the people printing the crap you read and touch your self over are not real popular, and not really trusted. I stand by my assertion, you are just tugging it and Hopi g for a hate trump circle jerk. Go back to being JoeB. You come off less of an asshole.
I think I read or heard on TV about some stuff having to do with financial corruption like behind the scenes pay for play stuff and some stuff called emoluments that even if not found to be emoluments might be found to be bribes and or included in the pay for play stuff. I ain't sayin any of it is true, just sayin it might come up for discussion in the next few months.

Oh so they found Trump playing dirty? Pleas, do show us that.
I didn't make that claim in the OP. Try a class in reading comp at your local community college

Oh so there is nothing still. Mm.
Again, your reading comprehension exposes your as a dunce and dimwit.
Let me try to explain it to you in more elementary terms.
People who vote, no matter which party they belong to or whether they are conservative, liberal, or middle of the road don't like to be robbed and cheated. No matter who the politician is, when people learn they are thieves and crooks the people reject them. They will tolerate many things, but they will not tolerate being blatantly robbed.

Ah, a superior, self appointed pseudo intellectual who also claims to be psychic. Where the hell was you in 2016-17! Listen moron, you don’t know dick other then the dreck that spews from that smelly hole below your nose. You don’t know shit, if you did you would also know that the people printing the crap you read and touch your self over are not real popular, and not really trusted. I stand by my assertion, you are just tugging it and Hopi g for a hate trump circle jerk. Go back to being JoeB. You come off less of an asshole.
How did you become so unstable? Was it a girlfriend or wife, boyfriend? Did a small puppy reject you and choose to live as a hungry street dog instead of your pet? What happened to you?
Many of the possible focuses of the upcoming Congressional Elections appears to be topics that are predictably partisan. Voters have already taken positions on most of the issues. The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. Voters are almost always willing to put agendas aside when it comes to acknowledging and admitting even a favored politician is ripping off the treasury and taxpayers. American voters have shown acceptance for bad behavior as long as it does not include financial corruption. Proven crooks do not do well. The tip of the iceberg is beginning to show in the Trump family to include Trump himself.

If the Democrats fuel their Blue Wave with exposes on Trump family and administration corruption, a Tsunami is on the way.

As it should be. Healthcare too.
It's been all the left has talked about for 2 years...........Suddenly......IT'S THE FOCUS............

What corruption? The DOW is around 25,000, American prisoners were released from N.K. without spending a dime, illegal immigration is down about 80% and confidence in the Country is high. People actually died during the Hussein administration and Hillary lied. The economy stagnated and it's alleged that the Hussein administration paid for a spy in the Trump campaign out of the defense dept budget. Hussein's A.G. had to resign to avoid manslaughter charges in the death of a Border Patrol Officer and he kept his IRS chief from testifying about using the IRS to spy on and intimidate political enemies. The entire corrupt Hussein operation would have been laughed out of Washington if it wasn't for the loyalty of the criminal conspiracy in the mainstream media. .
Some of what you say is true whitey but for you to not give Obama his full due as President I have to tell you you are a republican ass hole No more No less
The focus will shift to California when Hillary moves there to campaign to replace the mentally impaired Nancy.
What corruption? The DOW is around 25,000, American prisoners were released from N.K. without spending a dime, illegal immigration is down about 80% and confidence in the Country is high. People actually died during the Hussein administration and Hillary lied. The economy stagnated and it's alleged that the Hussein administration paid for a spy in the Trump campaign out of the defense dept budget. Hussein's A.G. had to resign to avoid manslaughter charges in the death of a Border Patrol Officer and he kept his IRS chief from testifying about using the IRS to spy on and intimidate political enemies. The entire corrupt Hussein operation would have been laughed out of Washington if it wasn't for the loyalty of the criminal conspiracy in the mainstream media. .
Some of what you say is true whitey but for you to not give Obama his full due as President I have to tell you you are a republican ass hole No more No less

For what is he due ... anything?
What corruption? The DOW is around 25,000, American prisoners were released from N.K. without spending a dime, illegal immigration is down about 80% and confidence in the Country is high. People actually died during the Hussein administration and Hillary lied. The economy stagnated and it's alleged that the Hussein administration paid for a spy in the Trump campaign out of the defense dept budget. Hussein's A.G. had to resign to avoid manslaughter charges in the death of a Border Patrol Officer and he kept his IRS chief from testifying about using the IRS to spy on and intimidate political enemies. The entire corrupt Hussein operation would have been laughed out of Washington if it wasn't for the loyalty of the criminal conspiracy in the mainstream media. .
Some of what you say is true whitey but for you to not give Obama his full due as President I have to tell you you are a republican ass hole No more No less

For what is he due ... anything?
ALL the economy All the economic pluses we've made that Obama srarted
What corruption? The DOW is around 25,000, American prisoners were released from N.K. without spending a dime, illegal immigration is down about 80% and confidence in the Country is high. People actually died during the Hussein administration and Hillary lied. The economy stagnated and it's alleged that the Hussein administration paid for a spy in the Trump campaign out of the defense dept budget. Hussein's A.G. had to resign to avoid manslaughter charges in the death of a Border Patrol Officer and he kept his IRS chief from testifying about using the IRS to spy on and intimidate political enemies. The entire corrupt Hussein operation would have been laughed out of Washington if it wasn't for the loyalty of the criminal conspiracy in the mainstream media. .
What corruption?
Cohen's pay-to-play operation.
Half million loan from Chinese government.
Far more of an issue will be the democrat attempt to overthrow the US government
What kind of tinfoil do you use to make you hat. Do you use a good high quality heavy weight brand or does the store brand and dollar store foil work OK for you.

Had Bush placed an FBI Agent in the Kenyans campaign the streets of many US Cities would be filled with blood.
Since when is looking for Russian spies or even American spies who fk with our elections wrong?

There's nothing wrong with a good snipe hunt ... It keeps the kids busy.
And if you believe in Santa Clause ... You may just find some candy in your stocking Christmas morning.


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