Trump Administation Corruption May Be Focus of 2018 Election

What corruption? The DOW is around 25,000, American prisoners were released from N.K. without spending a dime, illegal immigration is down about 80% and confidence in the Country is high. People actually died during the Hussein administration and Hillary lied. The economy stagnated and it's alleged that the Hussein administration paid for a spy in the Trump campaign out of the defense dept budget. Hussein's A.G. had to resign to avoid manslaughter charges in the death of a Border Patrol Officer and he kept his IRS chief from testifying about using the IRS to spy on and intimidate political enemies. The entire corrupt Hussein operation would have been laughed out of Washington if it wasn't for the loyalty of the criminal conspiracy in the mainstream media. .
Some of what you say is true whitey but for you to not give Obama his full due as President I have to tell you you are a republican ass hole No more No less

For what is he due ... anything?
everything Trump is patting his back for were MOSTLY started by Obama Employment ,,Unemployment and market numbers were already heading in the right direction when dump became our lol leader
Many of the possible focuses of the upcoming Congressional Elections appears to be topics that are predictably partisan. Voters have already taken positions on most of the issues. The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. Voters are almost always willing to put agendas aside when it comes to acknowledging and admitting even a favored politician is ripping off the treasury and taxpayers. American voters have shown acceptance for bad behavior as long as it does not include financial corruption. Proven crooks do not do well. The tip of the iceberg is beginning to show in the Trump family to include Trump himself.

If the Democrats fuel their Blue Wave with exposes on Trump family and administration corruption, a Tsunami is on the way.

Yes you will vote far left as you are commanded and spam the boards with your far left religious propaganda.

The Clintons ARE crooks and you voted for them anyway!
Why do I attract the tin foil hatters like you on this thread?

Speaking of tin foil hats?? That's you and your post is the biggest bunch of hogwash I've ever read.

Get a life you tree stump dumb asshole.
What corruption? The DOW is around 25,000, American prisoners were released from N.K. without spending a dime, illegal immigration is down about 80% and confidence in the Country is high. People actually died during the Hussein administration and Hillary lied. The economy stagnated and it's alleged that the Hussein administration paid for a spy in the Trump campaign out of the defense dept budget. Hussein's A.G. had to resign to avoid manslaughter charges in the death of a Border Patrol Officer and he kept his IRS chief from testifying about using the IRS to spy on and intimidate political enemies. The entire corrupt Hussein operation would have been laughed out of Washington if it wasn't for the loyalty of the criminal conspiracy in the mainstream media. .
Some of what you say is true whitey but for you to not give Obama his full due as President I have to tell you you are a republican ass hole No more No less

For what is he due ... anything?
everything Trump is patting his back for were MOSTLY started by Obama Employment ,,Unemployment and market numbers were already heading in the right direction when dump became our lol leader

Ed, sometimes you really crack me up. :auiqs.jpg:
Many of the possible focuses of the upcoming Congressional Elections appears to be topics that are predictably partisan. Voters have already taken positions on most of the issues. The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. Voters are almost always willing to put agendas aside when it comes to acknowledging and admitting even a favored politician is ripping off the treasury and taxpayers. American voters have shown acceptance for bad behavior as long as it does not include financial corruption. Proven crooks do not do well. The tip of the iceberg is beginning to show in the Trump family to include Trump himself.

If the Democrats fuel their Blue Wave with exposes on Trump family and administration corruption, a Tsunami is on the way.
/——-/ More unsubstantiated charges from the buttsore leftists
Many of the possible focuses of the upcoming Congressional Elections appears to be topics that are predictably partisan. Voters have already taken positions on most of the issues. The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. Voters are almost always willing to put agendas aside when it comes to acknowledging and admitting even a favored politician is ripping off the treasury and taxpayers. American voters have shown acceptance for bad behavior as long as it does not include financial corruption. Proven crooks do not do well. The tip of the iceberg is beginning to show in the Trump family to include Trump himself.

If the Democrats fuel their Blue Wave with exposes on Trump family and administration corruption, a Tsunami is on the way.
/——-/ More unsubstantiated charges from the buttsore leftists
What unsubstantiated do you see in the OP?
The Alt Right and Trumpers are terrified of the coming reports.

They should be.
Many of the possible focuses of the upcoming Congressional Elections appears to be topics that are predictably partisan. Voters have already taken positions on most of the issues. The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. Voters are almost always willing to put agendas aside when it comes to acknowledging and admitting even a favored politician is ripping off the treasury and taxpayers. American voters have shown acceptance for bad behavior as long as it does not include financial corruption. Proven crooks do not do well. The tip of the iceberg is beginning to show in the Trump family to include Trump himself.

If the Democrats fuel their Blue Wave with exposes on Trump family and administration corruption, a Tsunami is on the way.
This is a perfect microcosm for that the Democrats have these mid-terms: nothing but Trump. Any message they've had that speaks to the economy, immigration, abortion, etc... if it's even there, it's taken a back of the bus seat to their screaming about Trump loudly and daily. That's plenty effective for the base who's existences further depend on a steady diet of Trump hate, but for independent voters who are looking for some solutions to their problems... attacking the guy who's lived up to many of his 2016 campaign promises, most namely the economy doing very well, isn't going to cut it. The democrats constant and un-ending complaining about Trump means that they need something truly earth-shattering to get anyone to really take them seriously when they say Trump is such a clear and present danger that needs to be removed from office.

I'm not a Trump fan, but that's just reality for you.
Independent voters are going to vote against Trumpers running for Congress this fall.

They are going to take their true dislike of Trump out on his political followers.
Many of the possible focuses of the upcoming Congressional Elections appears to be topics that are predictably partisan. Voters have already taken positions on most of the issues. The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. Voters are almost always willing to put agendas aside when it comes to acknowledging and admitting even a favored politician is ripping off the treasury and taxpayers. American voters have shown acceptance for bad behavior as long as it does not include financial corruption. Proven crooks do not do well. The tip of the iceberg is beginning to show in the Trump family to include Trump himself.

If the Democrats fuel their Blue Wave with exposes on Trump family and administration corruption, a Tsunami is on the way.
/——-/ More unsubstantiated charges from the buttsore leftists
What unsubstantiated do you see in the OP?
/——/ That Trump is ripping off the Treasury, you blithering idiot. Can’t you read? What proof of any corruption?
Independent voters are going to vote against Trumpers running for Congress this fall.

They are going to take their true dislike of Trump out on his political followers.
Independent voters are independent because they have their own motivations that don't line up to a party. Pretending that they'll be voting in monolithic fashion is pretty funny, but expected from the side that can't function without assigning people to a respective group in order to explain how stuff works.
Many of the possible focuses of the upcoming Congressional Elections appears to be topics that are predictably partisan. Voters have already taken positions on most of the issues. The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. Voters are almost always willing to put agendas aside when it comes to acknowledging and admitting even a favored politician is ripping off the treasury and taxpayers. American voters have shown acceptance for bad behavior as long as it does not include financial corruption. Proven crooks do not do well. The tip of the iceberg is beginning to show in the Trump family to include Trump himself.

If the Democrats fuel their Blue Wave with exposes on Trump family and administration corruption, a Tsunami is on the way.
This is a perfect microcosm for that the Democrats have these mid-terms: nothing but Trump. Any message they've had that speaks to the economy, immigration, abortion, etc... if it's even there, it's taken a back of the bus seat to their screaming about Trump loudly and daily. That's plenty effective for the base who's existences further depend on a steady diet of Trump hate, but for independent voters who are looking for some solutions to their problems... attacking the guy who's lived up to many of his 2016 campaign promises, most namely the economy doing very well, isn't going to cut it. The democrats constant and un-ending complaining about Trump means that they need something truly earth-shattering to get anyone to really take them seriously when they say Trump is such a clear and present danger that needs to be removed from office.

I'm not a Trump fan, but that's just reality for you.
You analysis is exactly what the OP and this thread focuses on. Democrats know from polling that the routine attacks on trump have limited ability to change the voter atmosphere and environment. Republicans know it also. The idea for the thread came from paying attention and listening to conclusions reached by both sides. The consensus on both side seemed to be that financial scandals, i.e., corruption involving financial wrong doing would be a game changer able to influence both Republicans and independents to stay away from the polls or vote for the Democrat.
Independent voters are going to vote against Trumpers running for Congress this fall.

They are going to take their true dislike of Trump out on his political followers.
/——/ You better send a note to all the Independents informing them of how you expect them to vote: You will be assimilated, resistance is futile.
You analysis is exactly what the OP and this thread focuses on. Democrats know from polling that the routine attacks on trump have limited ability to change the voter atmosphere and environment. Republicans know it also. The idea for the thread came from paying attention and listening to conclusions reached by both sides. The consensus on both side seemed to be that financial scandals, i.e., corruption involving financial wrong doing would be a game changer able to influence both Republicans and independents to stay away from the polls or vote for the Democrat.
And it still doesn't address the fact that the left has shot their credibility completely when it comes to Trump. If there was financial corruption to be reported on, i can guarantee you that the right media won't report it, or they'll explain it away. So it's the left media that'll be left to report it, which will blend into the ether of Trump attacks that people are used to seeing from that media.

When everything is such a big deal, abnormal and completely unacceptable, then nothing is.
Many of the possible focuses of the upcoming Congressional Elections appears to be topics that are predictably partisan. Voters have already taken positions on most of the issues. The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. Voters are almost always willing to put agendas aside when it comes to acknowledging and admitting even a favored politician is ripping off the treasury and taxpayers. American voters have shown acceptance for bad behavior as long as it does not include financial corruption. Proven crooks do not do well. The tip of the iceberg is beginning to show in the Trump family to include Trump himself.

If the Democrats fuel their Blue Wave with exposes on Trump family and administration corruption, a Tsunami is on the way.
/——-/ More unsubstantiated charges from the buttsore leftists
What unsubstantiated do you see in the OP?
/——/ That Trump is ripping off the Treasury, you blithering idiot. Can’t you read? What proof of any corruption?
The OP DOES NOT SAY THAT. You did not use a quote because nowhere in the OP is trump accused of ripping off the Treasury.
You are the blithering idiot for not comprehending the OP and allowing your poor reading comprehension skills to make a fool out of yourself.
Many of the possible focuses of the upcoming Congressional Elections appears to be topics that are predictably partisan. Voters have already taken positions on most of the issues. The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. Voters are almost always willing to put agendas aside when it comes to acknowledging and admitting even a favored politician is ripping off the treasury and taxpayers. American voters have shown acceptance for bad behavior as long as it does not include financial corruption. Proven crooks do not do well. The tip of the iceberg is beginning to show in the Trump family to include Trump himself.

If the Democrats fuel their Blue Wave with exposes on Trump family and administration corruption, a Tsunami is on the way.
/——-/ More unsubstantiated charges from the buttsore leftists
What unsubstantiated do you see in the OP?
/——/ That Trump is ripping off the Treasury, you blithering idiot. Can’t you read? What proof of any corruption?
The OP DOES NOT SAY THAT. You did not use a quote because nowhere in the OP is trump accused of ripping off the Treasury.
You are the blithering idiot for not comprehending the OP and allowing your poor reading comprehension skills to make a fool out of yourself.
/——/ Oh then what does this mean if not an accusation of Trump corruption? The one issue that stands out as being a possible game changer is corruption in the Trump administration. ”
You analysis is exactly what the OP and this thread focuses on. Democrats know from polling that the routine attacks on trump have limited ability to change the voter atmosphere and environment. Republicans know it also. The idea for the thread came from paying attention and listening to conclusions reached by both sides. The consensus on both side seemed to be that financial scandals, i.e., corruption involving financial wrong doing would be a game changer able to influence both Republicans and independents to stay away from the polls or vote for the Democrat.
And it still doesn't address the fact that the left has shot their credibility completely when it comes to Trump. If there was financial corruption to be reported on, i can guarantee you that the right media won't report it, or they'll explain it away. So it's the left media that'll be left to report it, which will blend into the ether of Trump attacks that people are used to seeing from that media.

When everything is such a big deal, abnormal and completely unacceptable, then nothing is.
I disagree that the "left" has lost credibility or that the right will not report it, it being a financial scandal. All media have profit as the main agenda. I would agree that any financial scandal will have to be very solid with plenty of undeniable evidence.
Labeling a "side that can't function without assigning people to a respective group in order to explain how stuff works" is an excellent description of the Alt Right, which does exactly that in demonzing its enemies from the responsible right to the responsible left.
Labeling a "side that can't function without assigning people to a respective group in order to explain how stuff works" is an excellent description of the Alt Right, which does exactly that in demonzing its enemies from the responsible right to the responsible left.
Correct. The Alt-Right is the right's identity politics reaction to the far left's identity politics. Both are abhorrent and representative of people who are really fucking stupid.

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