Trump Administration Admits Defeat on COVID-19, Surrenders as Failures

Only the really stupid still believe the true infection fatality rate is anything to wet the bed about. They panic over a virus barely worse than a bad flu. EOY 2020 all cause mortality stats will show no spike in deaths. We are actually on pace to have less deaths overall than the avg of the past few years. It's a f'n joke

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Great, post them...

Here is another one, walking corpse. Anything else?

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Why do you bother with the Brain Dead?
It wasn't necessary, but thanks for letting me know I left you scarred after the last time I bitch-slapped you.
You're still taking mind-bending drugs?
But I admire you admitting you're a bitch.
Walking corpse he called you a bitch. Is that an bitches?
I don't think there's a mathematical symbol that can describe how low Faun's IQ is.

40 mil in 7bil so that’s what 1.8mil deaths in the US? Faun is such a stupid walking corpse.
Dayum, you're a fucking idiot. That was based on virtually no data in March and guessing the mortality rate might be 0.5%. But now here we are in reality where we have 8 months of real data showing a mortality rate of 2.6%, not 0.5%.

You prove you're a moron with every post you make, ShortBus. :cuckoo:
Link it, bitch. Survival rate for those under 65 is 99.96%. Are you too stupid to do math? Walking corpse.

ShortBus, don't you ever tire of making a complete fool of yourself? 99.96% is the survival rate of those under 50, not 65...

And in the U.S., there have been 231,045 deaths out of 8,962,783. I know that's challenging for you because it involves numbers, but see if you can figure out the percentage....

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Why do you bother with the Brain Dead?
It wasn't necessary, but thanks for letting me know I left you scarred after the last time I bitch-slapped you.
You're still taking mind-bending drugs?
But I admire you admitting you're a bitch.
Walking corpse he called you a bitch. Is that an bitches?
I don't think there's a mathematical symbol that can describe how low Faun's IQ is.

40 mil in 7bil so that’s what 1.8mil deaths in the US? Faun is such a stupid walking corpse.
Dayum, you're a fucking idiot. That was based on virtually no data in March and guessing the mortality rate might be 0.5%. But now here we are in reality where we have 8 months of real data showing a mortality rate of 2.6%, not 0.5%.

You prove you're a moron with every post you make, ShortBus. :cuckoo:
Link it, bitch. Survival rate for those under 65 is 99.96%. Are you too stupid to do math? Walking corpse.

ShortBus, don't you ever tire of making a complete fool of yourself? 99.96% is the survival rate of those under 50, not 65...

And in the U.S., there have been 231,045 deaths out of 8,962,783. I know that's challenging for you because it involves numbers, but see if you can figure out the percentage....
Under 70 waste of life. Already posted that CDC link. You’re such a stupid walking corpse.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Great, post them...

Here is another one, walking corpse. Anything else?

ShortBus .... Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate = 2.5%


You're your own worst enemy.


HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Why do you bother with the Brain Dead?
It wasn't necessary, but thanks for letting me know I left you scarred after the last time I bitch-slapped you.
You're still taking mind-bending drugs?
But I admire you admitting you're a bitch.
Walking corpse he called you a bitch. Is that an bitches?
I don't think there's a mathematical symbol that can describe how low Faun's IQ is.

40 mil in 7bil so that’s what 1.8mil deaths in the US? Faun is such a stupid walking corpse.
Dayum, you're a fucking idiot. That was based on virtually no data in March and guessing the mortality rate might be 0.5%. But now here we are in reality where we have 8 months of real data showing a mortality rate of 2.6%, not 0.5%.

You prove you're a moron with every post you make, ShortBus. :cuckoo:
Link it, bitch. Survival rate for those under 65 is 99.96%. Are you too stupid to do math? Walking corpse.

ShortBus, don't you ever tire of making a complete fool of yourself? 99.96% is the survival rate of those under 50, not 65...

And in the U.S., there have been 231,045 deaths out of 8,962,783. I know that's challenging for you because it involves numbers, but see if you can figure out the percentage....
Under 70 waste of life. Already posted that CDC link. You’re such a stupid walking corpse.

Yeah, and your own link that has a link to the CDC says their best estimate is 2.5%. You proved me right while you're moronically arguing I'm wrong.


HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Great, post them...

Here is another one, walking corpse. Anything else?

ShortBus .... Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate = 2.5%


You're your own worst enemy.

2.5% of what? Not everyone gets infected walking corpse. What % is asymptomatic? 40%? What is your numerator, walking corpse?

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Why do you bother with the Brain Dead?
It wasn't necessary, but thanks for letting me know I left you scarred after the last time I bitch-slapped you.
You're still taking mind-bending drugs?
But I admire you admitting you're a bitch.
Walking corpse he called you a bitch. Is that an bitches?
I don't think there's a mathematical symbol that can describe how low Faun's IQ is.

40 mil in 7bil so that’s what 1.8mil deaths in the US? Faun is such a stupid walking corpse.
Dayum, you're a fucking idiot. That was based on virtually no data in March and guessing the mortality rate might be 0.5%. But now here we are in reality where we have 8 months of real data showing a mortality rate of 2.6%, not 0.5%.

You prove you're a moron with every post you make, ShortBus. :cuckoo:
Link it, bitch. Survival rate for those under 65 is 99.96%. Are you too stupid to do math? Walking corpse.

ShortBus, don't you ever tire of making a complete fool of yourself? 99.96% is the survival rate of those under 50, not 65...

And in the U.S., there have been 231,045 deaths out of 8,962,783. I know that's challenging for you because it involves numbers, but see if you can figure out the percentage....
Under 70 waste of life. Already posted that CDC link. You’re such a stupid walking corpse.

Yeah, and your own link that has a link to the CDC says their best estimate is 2.5%. You proved me right while you're moronically arguing I'm wrong.

Show the 6mil. You assume that every American can get infected. Link that’s the case since it’s not. I ll Wait patiently. Walking corpse.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Why do you bother with the Brain Dead?
It wasn't necessary, but thanks for letting me know I left you scarred after the last time I bitch-slapped you.
You're still taking mind-bending drugs?
But I admire you admitting you're a bitch.
Walking corpse he called you a bitch. Is that an bitches?
I don't think there's a mathematical symbol that can describe how low Faun's IQ is.

40 mil in 7bil so that’s what 1.8mil deaths in the US? Faun is such a stupid walking corpse.
Dayum, you're a fucking idiot. That was based on virtually no data in March and guessing the mortality rate might be 0.5%. But now here we are in reality where we have 8 months of real data showing a mortality rate of 2.6%, not 0.5%.

You prove you're a moron with every post you make, ShortBus. :cuckoo:
Link it, bitch. Survival rate for those under 65 is 99.96%. Are you too stupid to do math? Walking corpse.

ShortBus, don't you ever tire of making a complete fool of yourself? 99.96% is the survival rate of those under 50, not 65...

And in the U.S., there have been 231,045 deaths out of 8,962,783. I know that's challenging for you because it involves numbers, but see if you can figure out the percentage....
Under 70 waste of life. Already posted that CDC link. You’re such a stupid walking corpse.

Yeah, and your own link that has a link to the CDC says their best estimate is 2.5%. You proved me right while you're moronically arguing I'm wrong.

From the link. Where do you see 2.5% death for all Americans? So a 99% survival rate is not good enough? And you’re going backwards in math. We don’t have an exact number of those over 70 and under 70. You backed into a false number. Stupid walking corpse. The average age of death from COVId is 78 and otherwise it’s 78.8. Stupid walking corpse. Now show me your 2.5% math step by step.

CDC update Wednesday says individuals are more likely to survive the coronavirus after contracting it. The health agency says if you have the virus between the ages of 0 to 70, you have a 99% survival rate. And if you’re over 70, the survival rate is nearly 95%.
We can’t control it.
We aren’t even going to try.
You’ll have to live with it.
Have some hydroxychloroquine.

How about YOU tell us how to contain it because, so far its hasnt been contained by any country.

Bullshit. A lot of countries have contained it, and New Zealand is Covid-free.

Contain it with a strict mask ordinance.

New Zealand is a tiny island that doesnt have anywhere near the same international traffic as the US. What an absurd comparison.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
It hasnt been contained anywhere.
It has been curtailed in places, but not contained. It is official policy that we have declared defeat and are not going to control the pandemic, as stated by the white house chief of staff, while trump does super spreader events daily.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Great, post them...

Here is another one, walking corpse. Anything else?

ShortBus .... Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate = 2.5%


You're your own worst enemy.

You fucked up the math and now you ll forever be known as a stupid walking corpse

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
It hasnt been contained anywhere.
It has been curtailed in places, but not contained. It is official policy that we have declared defeat and are not going to control the pandemic, as stated by the white house chief of staff, while trump does super spreader events daily.
Good. Survival of the fittest. Maybe it will teach us to not be as fat and highly reliant on prescription drugs? If you die then it’s your time.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Great, post them...

Here is another one, walking corpse. Anything else?

ShortBus .... Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate = 2.5%


You're your own worst enemy.

2.5% of what? Not everyone gets infected walking corpse. What % is asymptomatic? 40%? What is your numerator, walking corpse?
2.5% of those who get infected. Exactly how retarded are you, ShortBus?? Can't you understand what YOU post??


HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Why do you bother with the Brain Dead?
It wasn't necessary, but thanks for letting me know I left you scarred after the last time I bitch-slapped you.
You're still taking mind-bending drugs?
But I admire you admitting you're a bitch.
Walking corpse he called you a bitch. Is that an bitches?
I don't think there's a mathematical symbol that can describe how low Faun's IQ is.

40 mil in 7bil so that’s what 1.8mil deaths in the US? Faun is such a stupid walking corpse.
Dayum, you're a fucking idiot. That was based on virtually no data in March and guessing the mortality rate might be 0.5%. But now here we are in reality where we have 8 months of real data showing a mortality rate of 2.6%, not 0.5%.

You prove you're a moron with every post you make, ShortBus. :cuckoo:
Link it, bitch. Survival rate for those under 65 is 99.96%. Are you too stupid to do math? Walking corpse.

ShortBus, don't you ever tire of making a complete fool of yourself? 99.96% is the survival rate of those under 50, not 65...

And in the U.S., there have been 231,045 deaths out of 8,962,783. I know that's challenging for you because it involves numbers, but see if you can figure out the percentage....
Under 70 waste of life. Already posted that CDC link. You’re such a stupid walking corpse.

Yeah, and your own link that has a link to the CDC says their best estimate is 2.5%. You proved me right while you're moronically arguing I'm wrong.

Show the 6mil. You assume that every American can get infected. Link that’s the case since it’s not. I ll Wait patiently. Walking corpse.

You're cracking me up, ShortBus.

Again, 70% of the population is 231 million. 2.6% of that is 6 million. How the fuck could you not figure that out without help from a Liberal?
Last edited:

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Great, post them...

Here is another one, walking corpse. Anything else?

ShortBus .... Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate = 2.5%


You're your own worst enemy.

2.5% of what? Not everyone gets infected walking corpse. What % is asymptomatic? 40%? What is your numerator, walking corpse?
2.5% of those who get infected. Exactly how retarded are you, ShortBus?? Can't you understand what YOU post??

No. Nowhere did it say that. Post the exact verbiage and I ll apologize right now. It is getting late maybe my brain is fried. Do it, walking corpse.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Why do you bother with the Brain Dead?
It wasn't necessary, but thanks for letting me know I left you scarred after the last time I bitch-slapped you.
You're still taking mind-bending drugs?
But I admire you admitting you're a bitch.
Walking corpse he called you a bitch. Is that an bitches?
I don't think there's a mathematical symbol that can describe how low Faun's IQ is.

40 mil in 7bil so that’s what 1.8mil deaths in the US? Faun is such a stupid walking corpse.
Dayum, you're a fucking idiot. That was based on virtually no data in March and guessing the mortality rate might be 0.5%. But now here we are in reality where we have 8 months of real data showing a mortality rate of 2.6%, not 0.5%.

You prove you're a moron with every post you make, ShortBus. :cuckoo:
Link it, bitch. Survival rate for those under 65 is 99.96%. Are you too stupid to do math? Walking corpse.

ShortBus, don't you ever tire of making a complete fool of yourself? 99.96% is the survival rate of those under 50, not 65...

And in the U.S., there have been 231,045 deaths out of 8,962,783. I know that's challenging for you because it involves numbers, but see if you can figure out the percentage....
Under 70 waste of life. Already posted that CDC link. You’re such a stupid walking corpse.

Yeah, and your own link that has a link to the CDC says their best estimate is 2.5%. You proved me right while you're moronically arguing I'm wrong.

Show the 6mil. You assume that every American can get infected. Link that’s the case since it’s not. I ll Wait patiently. Walking corpse.

You're cracking me up, ShortBus.

Again, 70% of the population is 231 million. 2.5% of that is 5.8 million. How the fuck could you not figure that out without help from a Liberal?
Where the fuck do you see that from my link? You’re looking at a link that ain’t mine. Or I am tired and need to go to bed. From my link;

Gov. Ron DeSantis also tweeted about the update, saying people in the age groups of 0 to 19 have a 99.997% chance of survival if they contract COVID-19, the age group of 20 to 49 a 99.98% chance, 50 to 69 years old 99.5% and 70 years old and above a 94.6% chance. By that math, waste of life, 50% of the population would need to be over 70 for the overall death rate to be 2.5%. How the fuck does your walking corpse brain not understand that?

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Great, post them...

Here is another one, walking corpse. Anything else?

ShortBus .... Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate = 2.5%


You're your own worst enemy.

You fucked up the math and now you ll forever be known as a stupid walking corpse
ShortBus, you still need help with the math...?

231,045 deaths out of 8,962,783 cases equals 2.6%.

Can't you do math without a Liberal helping you?

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Great, post them...

Here is another one, walking corpse. Anything else?

ShortBus .... Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate = 2.5%


You're your own worst enemy.

You fucked up the math and now you ll forever be known as a stupid walking corpse
ShortBus, you still need help with the math...?

231,045 deaths out of 8,962,783 cases equals 2.6%.

Can't you do math without a Liberal helping you?
Dumbass we have had way more cases as many have gone undiagnosed. OMG!!!!’re so stupid. My wife definitely had it and recovered but never documented same with my kids. Duh. You’re so stupid. Dumb walking corpse.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.
Yah, yah, yah, and most people that die because of regular flue actually die of pneumonia caused by getting the flu. People have conditions that they live with fine until something like this strikes. You cannot win this argument, unless you are going to just go ahead and exterminate every body with any type of medical conditions and then start adding up your pure count of Covid dead. Doubt you are going to change many death certificates.
You cannot win this argument at all...You are the one insisting that what clearly isn't working continue to be done.

You are, by definition, insane.
Take your meds and blow me.
Translation: "I am insane and have no argument".
Translation you made your little amateur diagnosis ( typical trumpian BS) and cannot prove it, so blow me, Clown.
Your hatred for Trump has blinded you. You are irrational like AOC.
Your love of Trump has blinded you. You are irrational as any cultist follower. Enjoy the Kool-Aide.
No “e” in Kool Aid and no my hatred of lying Democrats has me all in against them and their lies. My kids are still home because of their bullshit worry and teachers and politicians still getting paid fully for not doing their jobs. I ask Again, what would you have done differently than Trump? Democrats are liars with their fake Russia conspiracy bullshit and now blaming Trump for this instead of China.
I said it in an earlier post today. Not going to look it up. You do it.
Why not? It’s your post? Pretty rude. You going to put me on ignore too like the cowardly OP? Amazing how Democrats don’t want to debate but just want an echo chamber.
Hey Azog. It popped up in my alerts, something I post at 11:48 this morning, so I copied it. I just did not want to have to look it up and ain't on the payroll. Here ya go. :
I would have taken some of the same steps, but leveled with the American People, not just favored investment groups. I would have set the example of masking, distancing, and used the bully pulpit to attack those that tried to rally support for ignoring the science as health, we were taught in high school. Trump should have rallied his supporters to fight the virus, not health officials. I definitely would not have suggested various dumb assed treatments, such as internal cleansers, sunlight, or made assurance it would end when warm weather came. I would not have held spreader events against the recommendation of health experts. I would not have made fun of people for masking. I would not have nationalized PPE purchased and on the way to hospitals early in the epidemic, to turn over to selected wholesalers to be sold for higher profits. He was a bad leader in time of crises and that is all that counts. Anybody can play leader when the going is easy. When the chips are down is the only time that counts. Heck, he wasn't that great when times were supposed to be easy. Trump being trump is what got him impeached.
But initially the CDC and the surgeon general said masks were bad?
Initially, I think they were trying to make sure their first responders and hospital front line personnel were covered. They were masking in other countries at that time. Doctors are always masking to protect patients from infection and have worn masks to protect themselves (as possible) from the illnesses of patients. It is kind of elementary, old school, first line protection, especially with diseases that cause coughing. This isn't some new age, just discovered medical technique. Even if it is carried on breath without droplet projected by cough, it keeps it from going as far and some are indeed caught clinging to the fibers in the mask, including non-surgical masks. Any is better than none in my book.
No. They said wearing masks mean you touch your face too much and hence would spread the virus. They didn’t know if it was air-born and thought you d get it by touching your face if you recall. Fauci, Birx, WHO were all wrong but we are blaming Trump.
Hey, like I said, the masking thing is one of the elementary things learned in health and used for generations. It did not take a scientist with a Phd to tell me it was the right way to go this year. Even the little Asian woman coughing her way down the aisle of the plain I was on before I got sick was trying to cover her mouth (just not succeeding) and made me wish I had a mask at the time. Damn sure wished I had, had one 5 days later.
Again lockdowns dont work and masks for life is unrealistic.
What is it that bothers you about a mask. Are you claustrophobic? They do not bother me. Was in Lowes again yesterday in a narrow Hardware aisle for a screw-in hook. Immediate behind me was an old guy with a bad dry sounding cough and every time he breathed out it was a hard houghhhh s sound and visible shoulder slump. Suspect he is screwed, but he was masked and I was definitely glad I was masked. I swear Azog, if you ever worked, climbed, crawled, fired, loaded a tank, just did the normal things that sometime make up a day as a tanker for 8 or 10 hours, in full Military Operational Protective Posture 4, (which includes a gas mask, charcoal lined suit, hood, boots and rubber gloves to the elbows) a little cloth dbl or triple layer face mask would not seem like anything. Life ain't just a bowl of cherries, ya know, and it will get back to normal sooner or later.
Masks don’t bother me. What bothers me is hypocrisy. Leftists keep yelling to trust science and then they tell me that gender is a construct and ignore science and logical people like you still vote blue. Fucking insanity.
Jeez, the kinks came out with Lola in 1970 and this crap is still bugging the heck out of you? My daughter is 4 years older than you are. I am supposed to be the one stuck in his ways here. Just stay out of the wrong bars and if you are on the internet, don't go to that site. :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong. My kids plays sports and they are girls and now they are stuck playing vs trans girls. Why? Because society has gone mad. So now we only trust the science when it’s convenient? I see. All you people are so illogical.
Normal little girls playing against chicks with dicks is not fair. They really ought to have a league of their own, doubt if Tom Hanks would coach, but Madonna would probably be up to play.
Democrats are hypocrites. Want you to wear masks and social distance unless they are “peacefully protesting”. Want you to trust science unless it’s inconvenient for them. Great people..and you vote for them. Sadly.
I don't always vote for them, only when the republicans want to swing too far or do something to damage my stable position. I didn't take up peaceful protest for the year either. I will say, I saw a lot of masked people at times, at the sometimes peaceful protests. Wondered if they were more about hiding their identity, so they wouldn't lose their day job, as peaceful did not seem to last past sundown.
I understand what you are saying, but the fact is most of the democrats were not out there protesting peaceful or otherwise, just like most of the republicans were not out there in Boogaloo, Proud Boys, or random militia BDUs, ALICE gear and loaded for armageddon. If you listen to either of the echo chambers, that is just how it was presented as it suited their respective, un respectable narratives.
Science is not your enemy. At some level, you know this. It is just fashionable to dis science in the current political atmosphere. I had multiple Multiple MRIs two years ago and then my surgeon went into my leg and knee, harvesting parts to make other parts and put me back together. I have the DVD of the complete MRI series from two states on my solid state computer hard drive, that I view on my flat screen monitor. My older brother had triple bypass open heart surgery the year before that, to correct a problem that would have been a death when we were kids. I was born in 1954. This crap did not exist back then. It was science fiction. Now it is science fact.
You missed my point. Hypocrisy is the enemy. Are you even paying attention?

--- Trust science unless it comes to transgender issues
--- Wear masks unless you're protesting and burning shit but we will call it a myth
--- Don't use your majority to confirm a supreme court justice but we will to impeach the President

My issue is hypocrisy and you completely missed it with your diatribe. If we don't even listen to one another then what is the point?
Hypocrisy is one of the hall marks of politics on both sides, and at present as in the past both sides are guilty as I charge. I listen, but both sides over blow their case. Actual reality is somewhere in the middle, as it has always been.
I have never seen it this blatant and to me it screams that they believe that voters are stupid. I am smarter than they are. They will not get my vote and I will spread my message so many more vote RED.
I have heard this charge of hypocrisy on both sides since I was 12. If you think back, so have you. Don't over react and call it new or higher level. It is not.
Give me an example of such blatant hypocrisy from 2012. I'll wait.
No. You keep asking for research projects, but forget I am not on the payroll. But since you are really talking about memory or realization. How about the weapons of mass destruction, to get a war in the entire middle east, while claiming we were the good guys? We were only going to get in, find them and destroy the capability to manufacture, then we supposedly decided on regime change. Yeah.., right. I never did trust that Son-Of-A-Bush.
How about, the draconian warrantless wire taps, Special Rendition and most of the Patriot act in our free country with rights guaranteed by the constitution? Never let a crises go to waste, eh?
Bush lied. I didn't vote for him thankfully!

He was our worst president to date but that wasn't hypocrisy it was just lying.
Hypocrisy is when your party stands for conservative values in support of the constitution, yet you go for government intervention, surveillance, massive fiscal irresponsibility after pushing a balance budget on the opposing party president, keeping your new war off budget for the first 4 years (or was it 8) of your administration. Always speaking up for Geneva convention, until you want to torture prisoners off the American continent, and a host of other things, including green lighting illegal actions of our current president domestically and abroad to the extent of firing all the inspector generals that might rat out your crimes against our laws and the constitution. Nice try, though.
Give me examples. So your party is the Democratic Party. Glad you finally admitted it.
Never said that. I am independent, choosing the best candidate. Gave you examples. Try playing devils advocate and research them yourself. I may give you my opinion and listen to yours, but do not do homework for my own kids, when they were in school and I certainly didn't take you to raise. What's with you, last couple of days. You have been better spoken and more fact based. You just Fkn with me?
????? I am just laughing at how you and others just shrug at the hypocrisy of the Democrats. They treat Kavanaugh like the Devil but dismiss the laptop story as fake news. Bobulinsky to me anyway is more credible than Ford was. You disagree?
I shug at the hypocrisy of both sides, as little I can do about it. I have no problem with Kavanaugh and the decisions he has made on the court, more than anybody else on the court. Have nothing against Amy at the moment. I understand the hypocrisy of Moscow Mitch pushing it through, but basically just shrug. Truest thing trump ever said after he screwed the Covid response was "It is what it is" and it applies to a lot of things after the cards are played.
Only way to beat a virus is to garner herd immunity and watch it die out.
You're a fucking retard, ShortBus. That would result in at least roughly 6 million people dying in America. Whereas a better solution is to develop a vaccine.
6mil? LMAO where did you find that number? We ll see how the vaccine works. I hope you’re right. As far as I can see this only kills the feeble. So you have every right to be scared.
70% of the population, which is the minimum to achieve herd immunity, times 2.6%, the current mortality rate. It involves numbers, ShortBus, so I don't expect you to understand.
2.6% ha ha ha ha aha ha ahbahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha
Even the most aggressive models had it at 2mil deaths. Stupid walking corpse.
Great, post them...

Here is another one, walking corpse. Anything else?

ShortBus .... Scenario 5: Current Best Estimate = 2.5%


You're your own worst enemy.

You fucked up the math and now you ll forever be known as a stupid walking corpse
ShortBus, you still need help with the math...?

231,045 deaths out of 8,962,783 cases equals 2.6%.

Can't you do math without a Liberal helping you?
Dumbass we have had way more cases as many have gone undiagnosed. OMG!!!!’re so stupid. My wife definitely had it and recovered but never documented same with my kids. Duh. You’re so stupid. Dumb walking corpse.
We've also had many individuals who've been counted as multiple cases. Still, the fatality rate is about 2.6% according to the most recent numbers.

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