Trump Administration Announces Syrian Foreign Policy Shift From Obama at U.N.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
U.S. Envoy to UN: Removing Assad ‘Not OUR Priority’

"The US ambassador to the United Nations said Thursday that Washington is no longer focused on ousting President Bashar Assad as it seeks ways to end Syria’s civil war.

“You pick and choose your battles,” Nikki Haley told reporters. “And when we’re looking at this it’s about changing up priorities and our priority is no longer to sit and focus on getting Assad out.”

Haley was speaking after US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had signaled a change in the US stance by admitting that Assad’s eventual fate was up to the Syrian people.

Speaking at the US mission to the United Nations, which is about to assume the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council, Haley said Washington will focus on the push for a political solution.

“Our priority is to really look at how do we get things done? Who do we need to work with to really make a difference for the people in Syria,” she said.

“We can’t necessarily focus on Assad the way the previous administration maybe did. Do we think he’s a hindrance? Yes,” she said.

“Are we going to sit there and focus on getting him out? No.”

The only reason the United States was dragged into the middle of Syria's Civil War between al-Assad and ISIS was because Obama stuck his nose where it did not belong, issuing the ill-advised 'Red Line' without knowing what was going on then backing down in front of the whole world, emboldening our enemies. Making matters worse, when chastised for the move Obama attempted to blame the whole world for HIS 'Red line', making a laughing stock out of the U.S.

After that Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended ISIS while dragging the U.S. further into the middle of the civil war, into an un-authorized and UN-Constitutional war with Syria, siding with terrorist ISIS over the dictator the U.S. had helped put n power years ago. U.s. combat troops - after Obama vowed there would be no more combat boots on the ground in the M.E. - are still fighting there today.

This foreign policy change shows the abandoning of Obama's failed foreign policy regarding Syria and, hopefully in the near future, the end of America's un-Constitutional war in Syria, bringing our troops home instead.

Liberals have repeatedly declared over and over in the past that America is not the 'world's policeman'...but they did not seem to have such opposition to the 'Nobel Peace Prize winner's' personal private, Un-Constitutional wars in Libya, Syria, and even Yemen...or him having his own personal Un-Constitutional Drone Assassination program in which he acted as sole judge, jury, and executioner abroad of enemies, Americans, or civilian casualties.

Hopefully this Trump policy shift is a sign of better things to come. After having ignored North Korea, Russia and china, after aiding terrorism to expand across the globe and seize it's own countries, and after helping Iran further its goal of acquiring nuclear weapons, beginning a nuclear arms race in the M.E. - according to Saudi, eliminating sanctions that limited their ability to spread terrorism around the globe, this administration - this country - faces some stark challenges yet to come.

U.S. Envoy to UN: Removing Assad ‘Not Our Priority’
and visions of sugarplums danced in their heads ..

I always assumed that keeping Assad was part of the agreement for Putin to help Trump become President.
Obama never met a red line he wasn't willing to run from.
It didn't help that half the country is in the pocket of the people on the other side of the red line

How about support the U.S. Constitution which has worked quite well for the last 240 years! The Founding Fathers were wise to ensure that one state or region could not elect our president! Here is a suggestion for the DNC: instead of whining about the election and trying to disrupt the Trump administration your time would be better spent trying to figure out why you lost voters in the Midwest!
How about support the U.S. Constitution which has worked quite well for the last 240 years! The Founding Fathers were wise to ensure that one state or region could not elect our president! Here is a suggestion for the DNC: instead of whining about the election and trying to disrupt the Trump administration your time would be better spent trying to figure out why you lost voters in the Midwest!
Because of foreign sabotage and last minute FBI treason. That's already been figured out. Now stop trying to deflect from your support of 2 brutal dictators in Assad and Putin.
I always assumed that keeping Assad was part of the agreement for Putin to help Trump become President.
Yeah, implicit if not explicit in Putin getting behind Trump. The gop establishment and Hillary were both looking for anybody to oppose both ISIS and Assad. I'm not sure there was ever a good option. We're now looking at partition. Assad and the Russians against Iran Syria against our Kurd proxies. And the kurds are a problem for Turkey .... and Guess who was tied to the Turkey lobbyist.
The Western Globalists were so hell-bent on 'Regime Change' in Syria.The plan was in the works for years. But it doesn't make sense. Assad was a Western-educated secular leader who was absolutely no threat to the US/West. Yet they wanted him dead. I think it had a lot to do with pleasing Saudi Arabia. They were desperate to do its bidding.

They've supported some awful folks in Syria. Most of em are brutal Jihadists. And it's been proven Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other 'Allies' in the region, did fund & arm ISIS. It's time to end the 'Regime Change' policy. It's misguided and illegal. Lots of serious cash and weapons are now in the hands of very bad people in Syria. We should get out and allow Assad, Russia, and Iran to exterminate the extremists. They were well on their way to doing that until the US/West and Saudi Arabia intervened. Let's get out of Syria.
I always assumed that keeping Assad was part of the agreement for Putin to help Trump become President.
Yeah, implicit if not explicit in Putin getting behind Trump. The gop establishment and Hillary were both looking for anybody to oppose both ISIS and Assad. I'm not sure there was ever a good option. We're now looking at partition. Assad and the Russians against Iran Syria against our Kurd proxies. And the kurds are a problem for Turkey .... and Guess who was tied to the Turkey lobbyist.
There are no good options for meddling in the Middle East. The best thing to do is pull out and let them sort their own shit out. We're on the complete other side of the planet with our own problems.
I always assumed that keeping Assad was part of the agreement for Putin to help Trump become President.
Yeah, implicit if not explicit in Putin getting behind Trump. The gop establishment and Hillary were both looking for anybody to oppose both ISIS and Assad. I'm not sure there was ever a good option. We're now looking at partition. Assad and the Russians against Iran Syria against our Kurd proxies. And the kurds are a problem for Turkey .... and Guess who was tied to the Turkey lobbyist.
There are no good options for meddling in the Middle East. The best thing to do is pull out and let them sort their own shit out. We're on the complete other side of the planet with our own problems.

It's all about 'Empire-Building' now. It's something our Founding Fathers warned against. All Empires collapse. We're $20 Trillion in Debt and there's no end in sight for war. We'll collapse from within. We're spread too thin and spending enormous amounts of money. We need to adopt a humble foreign policy. We need to scale it back bigtime on the foreign interventionism. We better to do it before it's too late.
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I always assumed that keeping Assad was part of the agreement for Putin to help Trump become President.
Yeah, implicit if not explicit in Putin getting behind Trump. The gop establishment and Hillary were both looking for anybody to oppose both ISIS and Assad. I'm not sure there was ever a good option. We're now looking at partition. Assad and the Russians against Iran Syria against our Kurd proxies. And the kurds are a problem for Turkey .... and Guess who was tied to the Turkey lobbyist.
There are no good options for meddling in the Middle East. The best thing to do is pull out and let them sort their own shit out. We're on the complete other side of the planet with our own problems.
Look it's not all W's fault and not all Obama's. Or Trump's. There may not be any better option than accepting we lost and Putin won. And why were so gung ho against Assad was never totally clear to me. Not that I wanted to swap spit with him, but his enemy is not necessarily my ally.

But the fact is we just surrendered to Putin and invited him to make mischief for us with Iran.
I always assumed that keeping Assad was part of the agreement for Putin to help Trump become President.
Yeah, implicit if not explicit in Putin getting behind Trump. The gop establishment and Hillary were both looking for anybody to oppose both ISIS and Assad. I'm not sure there was ever a good option. We're now looking at partition. Assad and the Russians against Iran Syria against our Kurd proxies. And the kurds are a problem for Turkey .... and Guess who was tied to the Turkey lobbyist.
There are no good options for meddling in the Middle East. The best thing to do is pull out and let them sort their own shit out. We're on the complete other side of the planet with our own problems.
Look it's not all W's fault and not all Obama's. Or Trump's. There may not be any better option than accepting we lost and Putin won. And why were so gung ho against Assad was never totally clear to me. Not that I wanted to swap spit with him, but his enemy is not necessarily my ally.

But the fact is we just surrendered to Putin and invited him to make mischief for us with Iran.
Irrelevant. I have no interest in the Middle East other than getting out of there. We've meddled there for decades and ended up creating, arming, and funding terrorists for decades. Both intentionally and unintentionally. It doesn't work.
I always assumed that keeping Assad was part of the agreement for Putin to help Trump become President.
Yeah, implicit if not explicit in Putin getting behind Trump. The gop establishment and Hillary were both looking for anybody to oppose both ISIS and Assad. I'm not sure there was ever a good option. We're now looking at partition. Assad and the Russians against Iran Syria against our Kurd proxies. And the kurds are a problem for Turkey .... and Guess who was tied to the Turkey lobbyist.
There are no good options for meddling in the Middle East. The best thing to do is pull out and let them sort their own shit out. We're on the complete other side of the planet with our own problems.
Look it's not all W's fault and not all Obama's. Or Trump's. There may not be any better option than accepting we lost and Putin won. And why were so gung ho against Assad was never totally clear to me. Not that I wanted to swap spit with him, but his enemy is not necessarily my ally.

But the fact is we just surrendered to Putin and invited him to make mischief for us with Iran.

Russia and Iran have always been close allies to Syria. We actually made things much worse by trying to do Saudi Arabia's bidding there. Everyone was coexisting just fine before the US/West decided on 'Regime Change.'

It was just more bloody unnecessary meddling. So it's unfair to blame it all on Assad, Russia, and Iran too. They're defending their interests. There wouldn't be this current chaos, if the US/West would have just minded its own business.
I always assumed that keeping Assad was part of the agreement for Putin to help Trump become President.
Yeah, implicit if not explicit in Putin getting behind Trump. The gop establishment and Hillary were both looking for anybody to oppose both ISIS and Assad. I'm not sure there was ever a good option. We're now looking at partition. Assad and the Russians against Iran Syria against our Kurd proxies. And the kurds are a problem for Turkey .... and Guess who was tied to the Turkey lobbyist.
There are no good options for meddling in the Middle East. The best thing to do is pull out and let them sort their own shit out. We're on the complete other side of the planet with our own problems.
Look it's not all W's fault and not all Obama's. Or Trump's. There may not be any better option than accepting we lost and Putin won. And why were so gung ho against Assad was never totally clear to me. Not that I wanted to swap spit with him, but his enemy is not necessarily my ally.

But the fact is we just surrendered to Putin and invited him to make mischief for us with Iran.
Irrelevant. I have no interest in the Middle East other than getting out of there. We've meddled there for decades and ended up creating, arming, and funding terrorists for decades. Both intentionally and unintentionally. It doesn't work.

Spot On. Time for a disengagement policy. We've done the constant meddling thing for several decades. It's time to try something different.
U.S. Envoy to UN: Removing Assad ‘Not OUR Priority’

"The US ambassador to the United Nations said Thursday that Washington is no longer focused on ousting President Bashar Assad as it seeks ways to end Syria’s civil war.

“You pick and choose your battles,” Nikki Haley told reporters. “And when we’re looking at this it’s about changing up priorities and our priority is no longer to sit and focus on getting Assad out.”

Haley was speaking after US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had signaled a change in the US stance by admitting that Assad’s eventual fate was up to the Syrian people.

Speaking at the US mission to the United Nations, which is about to assume the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council, Haley said Washington will focus on the push for a political solution.

“Our priority is to really look at how do we get things done? Who do we need to work with to really make a difference for the people in Syria,” she said.

“We can’t necessarily focus on Assad the way the previous administration maybe did. Do we think he’s a hindrance? Yes,” she said.

“Are we going to sit there and focus on getting him out? No.”

The only reason the United States was dragged into the middle of Syria's Civil War between al-Assad and ISIS was because Obama stuck his nose where it did not belong, issuing the ill-advised 'Red Line' without knowing what was going on then backing down in front of the whole world, emboldening our enemies. Making matters worse, when chastised for the move Obama attempted to blame the whole world for HIS 'Red line', making a laughing stock out of the U.S.

After that Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended ISIS while dragging the U.S. further into the middle of the civil war, into an un-authorized and UN-Constitutional war with Syria, siding with terrorist ISIS over the dictator the U.S. had helped put n power years ago. U.s. combat troops - after Obama vowed there would be no more combat boots on the ground in the M.E. - are still fighting there today.

This foreign policy change shows the abandoning of Obama's failed foreign policy regarding Syria and, hopefully in the near future, the end of America's un-Constitutional war in Syria, bringing our troops home instead.

Liberals have repeatedly declared over and over in the past that America is not the 'world's policeman'...but they did not seem to have such opposition to the 'Nobel Peace Prize winner's' personal private, Un-Constitutional wars in Libya, Syria, and even Yemen...or him having his own personal Un-Constitutional Drone Assassination program in which he acted as sole judge, jury, and executioner abroad of enemies, Americans, or civilian casualties.

Hopefully this Trump policy shift is a sign of better things to come. After having ignored North Korea, Russia and china, after aiding terrorism to expand across the globe and seize it's own countries, and after helping Iran further its goal of acquiring nuclear weapons, beginning a nuclear arms race in the M.E. - according to Saudi, eliminating sanctions that limited their ability to spread terrorism around the globe, this administration - this country - faces some stark challenges yet to come.

U.S. Envoy to UN: Removing Assad ‘Not Our Priority’

It looks like the Russian investment in our election is paying its first dividend. Even Obama was able to grasp the strategic implications but lost his nerve. Assad is a puppet of Iran which is backed by Russia. Their desire is to create a Persian Empire in the Middle East. That creates a major threat to Israel and the US.

Obama did not finance them. He is guilty of ignoring them as they grew stronger. The fact is that this is not a civil war.

We bring our troops home at what cost? In case you haven't noticed, Iran is a enemy of the US. They have helped to kill our troops but that seems to be okay. If Iran and Russia succeed in creating a Persian Empire, it threatens the US and Israel.

The drone program was one of the few things that I agreed with Obama on. We killed terrorists and I am glad that we did. When Americans aid terrorists they have no rights. I want them dead. What they are doing is treason.

You really cite Iran as a threat? We just helped them today.
U.S. Envoy to UN: Removing Assad ‘Not OUR Priority’

"The US ambassador to the United Nations said Thursday that Washington is no longer focused on ousting President Bashar Assad as it seeks ways to end Syria’s civil war.

“You pick and choose your battles,” Nikki Haley told reporters. “And when we’re looking at this it’s about changing up priorities and our priority is no longer to sit and focus on getting Assad out.”

Haley was speaking after US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had signaled a change in the US stance by admitting that Assad’s eventual fate was up to the Syrian people.

Speaking at the US mission to the United Nations, which is about to assume the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council, Haley said Washington will focus on the push for a political solution.

“Our priority is to really look at how do we get things done? Who do we need to work with to really make a difference for the people in Syria,” she said.

“We can’t necessarily focus on Assad the way the previous administration maybe did. Do we think he’s a hindrance? Yes,” she said.

“Are we going to sit there and focus on getting him out? No.”

The only reason the United States was dragged into the middle of Syria's Civil War between al-Assad and ISIS was because Obama stuck his nose where it did not belong, issuing the ill-advised 'Red Line' without knowing what was going on then backing down in front of the whole world, emboldening our enemies. Making matters worse, when chastised for the move Obama attempted to blame the whole world for HIS 'Red line', making a laughing stock out of the U.S.

After that Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended ISIS while dragging the U.S. further into the middle of the civil war, into an un-authorized and UN-Constitutional war with Syria, siding with terrorist ISIS over the dictator the U.S. had helped put n power years ago. U.s. combat troops - after Obama vowed there would be no more combat boots on the ground in the M.E. - are still fighting there today.

This foreign policy change shows the abandoning of Obama's failed foreign policy regarding Syria and, hopefully in the near future, the end of America's un-Constitutional war in Syria, bringing our troops home instead.

Liberals have repeatedly declared over and over in the past that America is not the 'world's policeman'...but they did not seem to have such opposition to the 'Nobel Peace Prize winner's' personal private, Un-Constitutional wars in Libya, Syria, and even Yemen...or him having his own personal Un-Constitutional Drone Assassination program in which he acted as sole judge, jury, and executioner abroad of enemies, Americans, or civilian casualties.

Hopefully this Trump policy shift is a sign of better things to come. After having ignored North Korea, Russia and china, after aiding terrorism to expand across the globe and seize it's own countries, and after helping Iran further its goal of acquiring nuclear weapons, beginning a nuclear arms race in the M.E. - according to Saudi, eliminating sanctions that limited their ability to spread terrorism around the globe, this administration - this country - faces some stark challenges yet to come.

U.S. Envoy to UN: Removing Assad ‘Not Our Priority’

It looks like the Russian investment in our election is paying its first dividend. Even Obama was able to grasp the strategic implications but lost his nerve. Assad is a puppet of Iran which is backed by Russia. Their desire is to create a Persian Empire in the Middle East. That creates a major threat to Israel and the US.

Obama did not finance them. He is guilty of ignoring them as they grew stronger. The fact is that this is not a civil war.

We bring our troops home at what cost? In case you haven't noticed, Iran is a enemy of the US. They have helped to kill our troops but that seems to be okay. If Iran and Russia succeed in creating a Persian Empire, it threatens the US and Israel.

The drone program was one of the few things that I agreed with Obama on. We killed terrorists and I am glad that we did. When Americans aid terrorists they have no rights. I want them dead. What they are doing is treason.

You really cite Iran as a threat? We just helped them today.

Oh Gawd, that's some loony paranoid Warmongering there. Iran can't and won't achieve a 'Persian Empire.' Have ya gone crazy mon? :cuckoo:
I thought Trump hated the UN.

I don't think he 'hates' the UN. I think he's like me, he's a Nationalist, not a Globalist. Personally, i don't feel it's right to force US Taxpayers to fund a Globalist entity that doesn't always have Americans' best interests in mind.
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U.S. Envoy to UN: Removing Assad ‘Not OUR Priority’

"The US ambassador to the United Nations said Thursday that Washington is no longer focused on ousting President Bashar Assad as it seeks ways to end Syria’s civil war.

“You pick and choose your battles,” Nikki Haley told reporters. “And when we’re looking at this it’s about changing up priorities and our priority is no longer to sit and focus on getting Assad out.”

Haley was speaking after US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had signaled a change in the US stance by admitting that Assad’s eventual fate was up to the Syrian people.

Speaking at the US mission to the United Nations, which is about to assume the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council, Haley said Washington will focus on the push for a political solution.

“Our priority is to really look at how do we get things done? Who do we need to work with to really make a difference for the people in Syria,” she said.

“We can’t necessarily focus on Assad the way the previous administration maybe did. Do we think he’s a hindrance? Yes,” she said.

“Are we going to sit there and focus on getting him out? No.”

The only reason the United States was dragged into the middle of Syria's Civil War between al-Assad and ISIS was because Obama stuck his nose where it did not belong, issuing the ill-advised 'Red Line' without knowing what was going on then backing down in front of the whole world, emboldening our enemies. Making matters worse, when chastised for the move Obama attempted to blame the whole world for HIS 'Red line', making a laughing stock out of the U.S.

After that Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, and defended ISIS while dragging the U.S. further into the middle of the civil war, into an un-authorized and UN-Constitutional war with Syria, siding with terrorist ISIS over the dictator the U.S. had helped put n power years ago. U.s. combat troops - after Obama vowed there would be no more combat boots on the ground in the M.E. - are still fighting there today.

This foreign policy change shows the abandoning of Obama's failed foreign policy regarding Syria and, hopefully in the near future, the end of America's un-Constitutional war in Syria, bringing our troops home instead.

Liberals have repeatedly declared over and over in the past that America is not the 'world's policeman'...but they did not seem to have such opposition to the 'Nobel Peace Prize winner's' personal private, Un-Constitutional wars in Libya, Syria, and even Yemen...or him having his own personal Un-Constitutional Drone Assassination program in which he acted as sole judge, jury, and executioner abroad of enemies, Americans, or civilian casualties.

Hopefully this Trump policy shift is a sign of better things to come. After having ignored North Korea, Russia and china, after aiding terrorism to expand across the globe and seize it's own countries, and after helping Iran further its goal of acquiring nuclear weapons, beginning a nuclear arms race in the M.E. - according to Saudi, eliminating sanctions that limited their ability to spread terrorism around the globe, this administration - this country - faces some stark challenges yet to come.

U.S. Envoy to UN: Removing Assad ‘Not Our Priority’
language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content

The new policy position is pretty much the same as the new policy position outlined by John Kerry in Dec. 2015.

The U.S. should cease all combat operations in Syria now or just STFU.

“As I emphasized today, the United States and our partners are not seeking so-called regime change as it is known, in Syria,” Kerry said in a joint press briefing with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

“What we have said is that we don’t believe that Assad himself has the ability to be able to lead the future Syria, but we didn’t – we focused today not on our differences about what can or can’t be done immediately about Assad,” he said.

“We focused on a process – on the political process whereby Syrians will be making decisions for the future of Syria. But we do believe that nobody should be forced to choose between a dictator and being plagued by terrorists. Our challenge remains creating the conditions on which an alternative can emerge.”
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