Trump Administration Caves: No Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

There are millions of poor Americans without healthcare, but the D Party wants to give free healthcare to illegals. In what universe, does that make sense?

The Pew Research Center estimates that 11.2 million undocumented immigrants reside in the United States. Approximately 14% of these persons live in Texas, and this number is expected to increase.1 Primary care is delivered to this population at 1 of the 69 federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) in Texas or via safety net hospital systems.2 Both locations care for uninsured and indigent patients, regardless of citizenship. The FQHCs receive money from the federal government and are equipped to provide both primary and preventative care. Safety net hospital systems (also called "county" or "public" hospitals) tend to be located in larger cities (e.g., Houston or San Antonio) and are funded by their specific county. Although they offer a multitude of services, including specialist care and elective surgeries, a longer wait time is usually involved. One unfortunate consequence of the current system is that patients often present to the emergency room with a more advanced disease due to lack of early diagnosis or treatment. The resulting health care costs more and is often either uncompensated or inadequately compensated.

Health Care for Undocumented Immigrants in Texas
Are you really making the argument for free healthcare for illegals, while many citizens are without?

Have you considered the consequences of such foolishness for the D Party?
Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

The decision comes days after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question.

There will not be a question asking about citizenship on the 2020 census, the Trump administration said Tuesday.

The decision comes less than a week after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question, saying it did not provide an adequate explanation for the addition.

“We can confirm that the decision has been made to print the 2020 Decennial Census questionnaire without a citizenship question, and that the printer has been instructed to begin the printing process,” Kate Bailey, a Justice Department attorney, wrote to lawyers for the plaintiffs challenging the addition of the question.

Kelly Laco, a Justice Department spokeswoman, confirmed in an email to HuffPost there would not be a citizenship question on the 2020 census.

Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

Great news! Now everyone can be counted.
So you want to count illegal aliens, who aren't even supposed to be here, thereby giving states more congressmen, and electoral votes, ILLEGITIMATELY. Another example of leftist lawlessness and degradation. No surprise. The Democratic Party - party of criminality.
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Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

The decision comes days after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question.

There will not be a question asking about citizenship on the 2020 census, the Trump administration said Tuesday.

The decision comes less than a week after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question, saying it did not provide an adequate explanation for the addition.

“We can confirm that the decision has been made to print the 2020 Decennial Census questionnaire without a citizenship question, and that the printer has been instructed to begin the printing process,” Kate Bailey, a Justice Department attorney, wrote to lawyers for the plaintiffs challenging the addition of the question.

Kelly Laco, a Justice Department spokeswoman, confirmed in an email to HuffPost there would not be a citizenship question on the 2020 census.

Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

Great news! Now everyone can be counted.
So you want to count illegal aliens, who aren't even supposed to be here, thereby giving states more congressmen, and electoral votes, ILLEGITIMATELY. Another example of leftist lawlessness and degradation. No surprise. The Democratic Party - party of criminality.

Meanwhile Lakhota cries RUSSIA!
This Twilight Zone shit is acceptable in LibTardia.
Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

The decision comes days after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question.

There will not be a question asking about citizenship on the 2020 census, the Trump administration said Tuesday.

The decision comes less than a week after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question, saying it did not provide an adequate explanation for the addition.

“We can confirm that the decision has been made to print the 2020 Decennial Census questionnaire without a citizenship question, and that the printer has been instructed to begin the printing process,” Kate Bailey, a Justice Department attorney, wrote to lawyers for the plaintiffs challenging the addition of the question.

Kelly Laco, a Justice Department spokeswoman, confirmed in an email to HuffPost there would not be a citizenship question on the 2020 census.

Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

Great news! Now everyone can be counted.
This shouldn’t be believed until the taking of the census actually begins – nothing this dishonest administration says can be trusted.
Doing a little reading on this.

The NYT says a primary argument against asking the question is "opponents say the citizenship question is intended to frighten noncitizens away from participating in the census, whether they are in the country legally or not. The American Civil Liberties Union says that it would make the count less accurate, and would have the effect of diverting federal money and political power away from states and cities where larger numbers of noncitizens tend to live, and into the hands of rural areas."

Is that the primary argument? Is this about federal funding and political power, or are there other arguments?
Doing a little reading on this.

The NYT says a primary argument against asking the question is "opponents say the citizenship question is intended to frighten noncitizens away from participating in the census, whether they are in the country legally or not. The American Civil Liberties Union says that it would make the count less accurate, and would have the effect of diverting federal money and political power away from states and cities where larger numbers of noncitizens tend to live, and into the hands of rural areas."

Is that the primary argument? Is this about federal funding and political power, or are there other arguments?

The primary argument is that it would reduce response rates which have would have a negative effect on the results. The results from the Census are used for literally hundreds of things by not just the Feds but state and local governments as well as private bushiness.

The primary argument the Admin used for adding it was to help the DOJ enforce voting rights. This was a weak and obvious bullshit reason, which is why SCOTUS told them no. The data from the Census is only available in aggregate form, the CB will not give out individual data even to other agencies. This has been upheld by the courts multiple times.

The Trump admin gave no compelling reason why adding the question was worth the drop in response rates, something even Wilbur Ross admitted would happen if the question were to be added.
This is disgusting. NFW that question should be illegal. Whoever went to the USSC from Commerce should be shot. The DOJ should have argued the case.
Testimony provides damning evidence Trump administration lied about census citizenship question
Fact: citizenship data is already collected by the American Community Survey, which replaces the long form Census questionnaire.

Fact: citizenship questions discourage a significant number of people from responding.

Fact: it is a constitutional duty to accurately count the entire population for representation purposes.

Conclusion: putting a citizenship question in the census is not necessary because that information is already collected by Census. Asking it would cause an inaccurate count, and intentionally trying for an inaccurate count is a violation of the constitution.

So the question is whether or not the intent was to gain an undercount of a certain segment of the population in violation of the Constitution.

Why do you think it should be included in the Census?

1. Agree that the citizenship data such as income tax forms with SS numbers should be used to determine representation. Even the SS Administration should know about how many US citizens there are. That data could be cross-checked by each state to get an accurate count and compared to the walking census takers.
2. If they don't respond they are obviously not citizens, duh.
3. If you read the Constitution you count everyone, then deduct the non-citizens
4. Counting illegals gives illegal representation to sanctuary cities and states taking representation away from actual citizen taxpayers.
5. Roberts sucks, fucking moron. He just tried to balance out the good gerrymandering ruling with this census bullshit.
This shouldn’t be believed until the taking of the census actually begins – nothing this dishonest administration says can be trusted.
But you present no evidence of the administration being dishonest in any way. Just more hot air, as usual.

If the administration finds a way to deciher between citizens and non-citizens, that is a GOOD thing. Only a low-life traitor would think otherwise.
The Constitution was ignored. No way that the citizenship question is illegal. Commerce had shitty lawyers arguing the case, Barr should have been involved. Now our votes are diluted by the migrants/illegals. CA and NY gets more congressmen than they deserve.

What it came down to with the Supreme Court is that Justice Roberts didn't like that trump and his administration lied to the court.

They bold faced lied to every court they went to in the process.

The proof came on a hard drive from the dead man who came up with the scheme to put that question on the census. That hard drive proved that they put that question there for only political reasons. That if the question was there, it would give republicans an unfair advantage.

Seems that there's at least one conservative judge on that court who doesn't like to be lied to.

The reason why CA and NY get the representation they have is because they have the most people in their state.

Read the constitution. It clearly appropriates representation by population and that the census determines population.

There's nothing illegal or unconstitutional with not having that question on the census so your claim is nothing but a lie.

If you don't like how our government is supposed to run then you're perfectly free to leave the US for a nation that's more to your liking. I suggest either Saudi Arabia or Russia. They have the government and society more to your liking.
Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

The decision comes days after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question.

There will not be a question asking about citizenship on the 2020 census, the Trump administration said Tuesday.

The decision comes less than a week after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question, saying it did not provide an adequate explanation for the addition.

“We can confirm that the decision has been made to print the 2020 Decennial Census questionnaire without a citizenship question, and that the printer has been instructed to begin the printing process,” Kate Bailey, a Justice Department attorney, wrote to lawyers for the plaintiffs challenging the addition of the question.

Kelly Laco, a Justice Department spokeswoman, confirmed in an email to HuffPost there would not be a citizenship question on the 2020 census.

Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

Great news! Now everyone can be counted.

Everyone would have been counted anyway.
The Constitution was ignored. No way that the citizenship question is illegal. Commerce had shitty lawyers arguing the case, Barr should have been involved. Now our votes are diluted by the migrants/illegals. CA and NY gets more congressmen than they deserve.

What it came down to with the Supreme Court is that Justice Roberts didn't like that trump and his administration lied to the court.

They bold faced lied to every court they went to in the process.

The proof came on a hard drive from the dead man who came up with the scheme to put that question on the census. That hard drive proved that they put that question there for only political reasons. That if the question was there, it would give republicans an unfair advantage.

Seems that there's at least one conservative judge on that court who doesn't like to be lied to.

The reason why CA and NY get the representation they have is because they have the most people in their state.

Read the constitution. It clearly appropriates representation by population and that the census determines population.

There's nothing illegal or unconstitutional with not having that question on the census so your claim is nothing but a lie.

If you don't like how our government is supposed to run then you're perfectly free to leave the US for a nation that's more to your liking. I suggest either Saudi Arabia or Russia. They have the government and society more to your liking.

There is nothing illegal or unconstitutional WITH having the question on the census. It's been there before.

Try learning some history you fucking dime store hack-twat.
The Constitution was ignored. No way that the citizenship question is illegal. Commerce had shitty lawyers arguing the case, Barr should have been involved. Now our votes are diluted by the migrants/illegals. CA and NY gets more congressmen than they deserve.

What it came down to with the Supreme Court is that Justice Roberts didn't like that trump and his administration lied to the court.

They bold faced lied to every court they went to in the process.

The proof came on a hard drive from the dead man who came up with the scheme to put that question on the census. That hard drive proved that they put that question there for only political reasons. That if the question was there, it would give republicans an unfair advantage.

Seems that there's at least one conservative judge on that court who doesn't like to be lied to.

The reason why CA and NY get the representation they have is because they have the most people in their state.

Read the constitution. It clearly appropriates representation by population and that the census determines population.

There's nothing illegal or unconstitutional with not having that question on the census so your claim is nothing but a lie.

If you don't like how our government is supposed to run then you're perfectly free to leave the US for a nation that's more to your liking. I suggest either Saudi Arabia or Russia. They have the government and society more to your liking.

There is nothing illegal or unconstitutional WITH having the question on the census. It's been there before.

Try learning some history you fucking dime store hack-twat.

It is illegal and unconstitutional when it's proven that the reason for it is to deny blue states the representation they should have. It's unconstitutional and illegal to put it there then lie in a court of law about why they put that question there.

When it's put there to specifically under count blue states to give red states unfair advantage, it's illegal and unconstitutional.

You might want to learn about how it's illegal to lie in court and how it's illegal to cheat and try to rig the system to give yourself an unfair advantage.

Everything you posted is meaningless. Your opinion means nothing. It's our court system that has the say and everything they rule is very meaningful. What you want is irrelevant and worthless. The supreme court has ruled and they ruled in the favor of the blue states, constitution and the law.

If you don't like it, that's your problem. Not mine.

Deal with it.
The Constitution was ignored. No way that the citizenship question is illegal. Commerce had shitty lawyers arguing the case, Barr should have been involved. Now our votes are diluted by the migrants/illegals. CA and NY gets more congressmen than they deserve.

What it came down to with the Supreme Court is that Justice Roberts didn't like that trump and his administration lied to the court.

They bold faced lied to every court they went to in the process.

The proof came on a hard drive from the dead man who came up with the scheme to put that question on the census. That hard drive proved that they put that question there for only political reasons. That if the question was there, it would give republicans an unfair advantage.

Seems that there's at least one conservative judge on that court who doesn't like to be lied to.

The reason why CA and NY get the representation they have is because they have the most people in their state.

Read the constitution. It clearly appropriates representation by population and that the census determines population.

There's nothing illegal or unconstitutional with not having that question on the census so your claim is nothing but a lie.

If you don't like how our government is supposed to run then you're perfectly free to leave the US for a nation that's more to your liking. I suggest either Saudi Arabia or Russia. They have the government and society more to your liking.

There is nothing illegal or unconstitutional WITH having the question on the census. It's been there before.

Try learning some history you fucking dime store hack-twat.

It is illegal and unconstitutional when it's proven that the reason for it is to deny blue states the representation they should have. It's unconstitutional and illegal to put it there then lie in a court of law about why they put that question there.

When it's put there to specifically under count blue states to give red states unfair advantage, it's illegal and unconstitutional.

You might want to learn about how it's illegal to lie in court and how it's illegal to cheat and try to rig the system to give yourself an unfair advantage.

Everything you posted is meaningless. Your opinion means nothing. It's our court system that has the say and everything they rule is very meaningful. What you want is irrelevant and worthless. The supreme court has ruled and they ruled in the favor of the blue states, constitution and the law.

If you don't like it, that's your problem. Not mine.

Deal with it.

If a person selects as non-citizen it still counts them in the count. It doesn't deny anyone anything.

What a whiny little twat you are.
The Constitution was ignored. No way that the citizenship question is illegal. Commerce had shitty lawyers arguing the case, Barr should have been involved. Now our votes are diluted by the migrants/illegals. CA and NY gets more congressmen than they deserve.

What it came down to with the Supreme Court is that Justice Roberts didn't like that trump and his administration lied to the court.

They bold faced lied to every court they went to in the process.

The proof came on a hard drive from the dead man who came up with the scheme to put that question on the census. That hard drive proved that they put that question there for only political reasons. That if the question was there, it would give republicans an unfair advantage.

Seems that there's at least one conservative judge on that court who doesn't like to be lied to.

The reason why CA and NY get the representation they have is because they have the most people in their state.

Read the constitution. It clearly appropriates representation by population and that the census determines population.

There's nothing illegal or unconstitutional with not having that question on the census so your claim is nothing but a lie.

If you don't like how our government is supposed to run then you're perfectly free to leave the US for a nation that's more to your liking. I suggest either Saudi Arabia or Russia. They have the government and society more to your liking.

There is nothing illegal or unconstitutional WITH having the question on the census. It's been there before.

Try learning some history you fucking dime store hack-twat.

It is illegal and unconstitutional when it's proven that the reason for it is to deny blue states the representation they should have. It's unconstitutional and illegal to put it there then lie in a court of law about why they put that question there.

When it's put there to specifically under count blue states to give red states unfair advantage, it's illegal and unconstitutional.

You might want to learn about how it's illegal to lie in court and how it's illegal to cheat and try to rig the system to give yourself an unfair advantage.

Everything you posted is meaningless. Your opinion means nothing. It's our court system that has the say and everything they rule is very meaningful. What you want is irrelevant and worthless. The supreme court has ruled and they ruled in the favor of the blue states, constitution and the law.

If you don't like it, that's your problem. Not mine.

Deal with it.

SCOTUS sent it back due to way the question was worded....dumbass

Every time you comment you put your foot in your mouth
Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

The decision comes days after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question.

There will not be a question asking about citizenship on the 2020 census, the Trump administration said Tuesday.

The decision comes less than a week after the Supreme Court temporarily blocked the administration from adding the question, saying it did not provide an adequate explanation for the addition.

“We can confirm that the decision has been made to print the 2020 Decennial Census questionnaire without a citizenship question, and that the printer has been instructed to begin the printing process,” Kate Bailey, a Justice Department attorney, wrote to lawyers for the plaintiffs challenging the addition of the question.

Kelly Laco, a Justice Department spokeswoman, confirmed in an email to HuffPost there would not be a citizenship question on the 2020 census.

Trump Administration Drops Bid To Put Citizenship Question On 2020 Census

Great news! Now everyone can be counted.
And what does that gain you...........
Be HONEST.......


  • California is home to more than two million undocumented immigrants.
    Undocumented (also known as illegal or unauthorized) immigrants are not directly identified in any representative national or state surveys. But the best estimates suggest that in 2014, the year of the most recent data available, California was home to between 2.35 and 2.6 million undocumented immigrants. Nearly a quarter of the nation’s undocumented immigrants reside in California, where they constitute more than 6% of the state’s population. Nationally, the undocumented population has stabilized at approximately 11 million, following a slight decline after 2007. A combination of increased enforcement, voluntary returns, and fewer new migrants has increased the average length of residence in the United States, with 66% of undocumented immigrants having lived here for 10 or more years.

Under Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, seats in the House of Representatives are apportioned among the states by population, as determined by the census conducted every ten years. Each state is entitled to at least one representative, however small its population.

Any more questions why the left is happy.

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