Trump Administration Concedes Its Incompetence

We've completely flummoxed ISIS. The Muslim ban will keep them from coming here. If the rubes bleev that, then it must be true!

Before the ban, ISIS was streaming into America. They voted for Hillary eleventy-nine million times! Thank GOD Donald Trump has stopped the flood!


No more lone wolf attacks.

Oh, wait. We better shut off the internet so no losers can watch ISIS videos.
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yea, the Trump administration should of over ruled the 9th circuit court that acted outside the law.
They still can.
They're going to redistrict it.

And start prosecuting the criminals in our judicial system. Thank goodness. Fucking asswads.

They can start with this pig:

Federal judge: Possible misconduct by FBI in LaVoy Finicum shooting irrelevant to defense in Oregon standoff case

Anna J. Brown - Wikipedia
You cannot over rule the judicial branch, Einstein. Otherwise emperor Trump would just do whatever he wanted

No way to get rid of that E. O. unless the Supreme Court or congress overrule it Einstein
What embarrassment of banning terrorist?

Splain that one.
All immigrants to this country have been properly vetted, there are no terrorists

Apparently not:

Cetin immigrated from Turkey and is a legal permanent resident of the United States, authorities said. It’s unclear when he moved to the US.
Muslim migrant is arrested for Cascade mall shooting in Washington – motive ‘unknown’

"In November, Ohio State University student Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, posted the following message on Facebook:

"America! Stop interfering with other countries, especially Muslim Ummah [community]. We are not weak. We are not weak, remember that," the post said.

"Artran then plowed a car into a crowd of people at Ohio State before getting out of the car and attacking students with a butcher knife. A police officer was able to quickly get to the scene and kill Artran before he did more damage, but the attack resulted in 11 people going to the hospital.

"Law enforcement officials said that Artan was a Somali refugee, NBC reported in November.

:Law enforcement officials told NBC News that Artan was a Somali refugee who left his homeland with his family in 2007, lived in Pakistan, and then came to the United States in 2014 as a legal permanent resident.

"He lived briefly in a temporary shelter in Dallas before settling in Ohio, according to records maintained by Catholic Charities."

Ah, the pathetic refugee that we must protect..moved here, received charity from the Catholic Church, then sent 11 ppl to the hospital.

House Dem Falsely Claims U.S. Hasn’t Faced Any Terrorist Attacks by Refugees
What embarrassment of banning terrorist?

Splain that one.
it included legal residents. they may have been better off, not paying for it.

What are you talking about?
something you are supposed to know, if you want to be taken seriously.

So do you like to make shit up and why?

just clueless and Causeless, but expect to be taken seriously; i got it.
What embarrassment of banning terrorist?

Splain that one.
it included legal residents. they may have been better off, not paying for it.

What are you talking about?
something you are supposed to know, if you want to be taken seriously.

So do you like to make shit up and why?

just clueless and Causeless, but expect to be taken seriously; i got it.

So now you are having a tantrum because I caught you lying?

it included legal residents. they may have been better off, not paying for it.

What are you talking about?
something you are supposed to know, if you want to be taken seriously.

So do you like to make shit up and why?

just clueless and Causeless, but expect to be taken seriously; i got it.

So now you are having a tantrum because I caught you lying?

you have to be more than simply, clueless and Causeless, for me to take you seriously, in public.
What are you talking about?
something you are supposed to know, if you want to be taken seriously.

So do you like to make shit up and why?

just clueless and Causeless, but expect to be taken seriously; i got it.

So now you are having a tantrum because I caught you lying?

you have to be more than simply, clueless and Causeless, for me to take you seriously, in public.

Let me guess you're Berkley kid right?
Does anyone have a link to the judges opinion? The only thing i have been able to find is rhat he said trumps ban was not rational because we have not had a terrorist attack here from anyone that has come from any of those countries since 9/11. If thats his sole reason for overturning Trumps order it seems like a pretty big overreach by Robart. I would like to read the transcript of his opinion if one is available.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
something you are supposed to know, if you want to be taken seriously.

So do you like to make shit up and why?

just clueless and Causeless, but expect to be taken seriously; i got it.

So now you are having a tantrum because I caught you lying?

you have to be more than simply, clueless and Causeless, for me to take you seriously, in public.

Let me guess you're Berkley kid right?

hey, idiot....


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you aren't smart enough to get into berkeley. schmuck.

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