Trump Administration loses track of 1,500 children they kidnapped.

Where are all the right to lifers opposing the abuse of very young children in separating them from their parents. Studies show the affected children will suffer from PTSD for the rest of their lives.

There is no reason for this action on any grounds but just on moral and ethical grounds, this is torture and abuse, of both the parents and the children and should be condemned by anyone who calls themselves a human being.

I am all for sending them all back with their parents to the country they came from. The. They can apply to come in illegally.

This is my issue with these programs, they are people that illegally came to the country and now it is now the problem of this country to make sure all is good.

We have legal citizens that are needing government to track and take care of. The kind thing to do is to send them back to their home country and for our country to take are of their own first.
They came here illegally. If they do not want to be separated from their children stay home.

Why didn't they stay in their country and get raped and murdered in silence....

It is obvious you don't give a shit about helping others.. Some of these people come from horrendous parts of the world. A lot of it made unstable by western powers...
Obviously the OP is lying. More absurd Democrat Fake News. There was no 'Kidnapping' of anyone. The apprehensions were completely legal. That being said, our Immigration System is broken. Secure the Border and end all Illegal Immigration period. You wanna come to my country, do it the right way.

…,or we will traumatize your children for the rest of their lives...…….
So the moral is don’t bring your illegal children into this country. The dumbass democrats will lose track of them
WTF?? Republicans are in charge now. Is there ever a bad situation in which you will ever hold the right responsible?
The link I gave you was to a Bing search on the subject. It had more than one link on it. I didn't put up a link to a news website. I gave you a search so you could pick the article from the news source you wanted.

You can do the same search. Just go to your favorite search engine, type in US lost 1500 immigrant children then hit enter. Then pick your article from your favorite news site.

There are a lot of news articles about it from a variety of sources.

You don't have to believe it if you don't want to.

I can lead you to water but I can't make you drink.

You totally missed the point, I Google all the time, my point is why in the world does he quote from a wingnuts website when you can get better writing, less bias and a ton more credibility which the OP has zero.
Does it really matter where truth comes from?
The story is true.
You could have done what I did. Look for the truth yourself. It only took a couple minutes to find the truth and I didn't expect anyone else to do it for me.
Just because you don't like a new outlet really shouldn't mean that you should discount everything they report. And if you don't believe it, just google it and find the truth for yourself. You shouldn't need to be spoon fed the truth.

Again, you missed the point. Thanks for trying.

I didn't miss the point.

You want to blame the poster and news source for you not taking a couple minutes to check out if the story is true or not. You don't like the news outlet that was originally posted about the news article. You believe that you can say the story is false just because of the source.

Like I said, if you don't like the source of the news then look it up yourself.

You missed my point.

I've read a lot of posts that are from a source I don't trust. So I do what all intelligent people do. I look it up myself. Instead of making a fool of myself because the source of the news isn't an outlet I like.

The truth is the truth.

You should have not been so quick to attack the OP before you checked it out for yourself.

I had already checked out the source and I Googled the story to find out if it was true or not, so when I posted I knew the story was true. I was asking rdean to use a reliable source, then you butted in with your crap. So you did miss the point.
Why on Earth would you ask for an additional source, rather than address the source given, if you already knew the given source was accurate?? :cuckoo:
Where are all the right to lifers opposing the abuse of very young children in separating them from their parents. Studies show the affected children will suffer from PTSD for the rest of their lives.

There is no reason for this action on any grounds but just on moral and ethical grounds, this is torture and abuse, of both the parents and the children and should be condemned by anyone who calls themselves a human being.

I am all for sending them all back with their parents to the country they came from. The. They can apply to come in illegally.

This is my issue with these programs, they are people that illegally came to the country and now it is now the problem of this country to make sure all is good.

We have legal citizens that are needing government to track and take care of. The kind thing to do is to send them back to their home country and for our country to take are of their own first.

“These people” have come to ask for asylum as they are legally allowed to do. When asylum seekers ask, the law requires us to listen.

Trump hates asylum seekers. They have nothing but what they’re carrying. He’s trying to frighten them away by taking their children. Instead he is exposing his inhumanity and lack of morals or ethics.

This is so un-Christian and so violates any shred of human decency that there is no defence for it.
Well, at least The New York Times was fair...

Did the Trump administration separate nearly 1,500 immigrant kids from their parents at the border, and then lose track of them?

No. The government did realize last year that it lost track of 1,475 migrant children it had placed with sponsors in the United States, according to testimony before a Senate subcommittee last month. But those children had arrived alone at the Southwest border — without their parents. Most of them are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and were fleeing drug cartels, gang violence and domestic abuse, according to government data.

Officials at the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees refugee resettlement, began making calls last year to determine what had happened to 7,635 children the government had helped place between last October and the end of the year.

From these calls, officials learned that 6,075 children remained with their sponsors. Twenty-eight had run away, five had been removed from the United States and 52 had relocated to live with a non-sponsor. The rest were unaccounted for, giving rise to the 1,475 number. It is possible that some of the adult sponsors simply chose not to respond to the agency.

Losing track of children who arrive at the border alone is not a new phenomenon. A 2016 inspector general report showed that the federal government was able to reach only 84 percent of children it had placed, leaving 4,159 unaccounted for...

Did the Trump Administration Separate Immigrant Children From Parents and Lose Them?
Here's how the government managed to lose track of 1,500 migrant children

Just hearing about a woman who came from the Congo to escape violence, presented herself at the border, is arrested and took her child away.

Government makes her take a DNA test to prove she was the mother.

These children are kidnapped when they are stolen from their parents. These children will grow up enemies of this country and they will be traumatized for life.

Of course, Republicans see nothing wrong. This is who that odious party has become.

AND ONCE AGAIN people like YOU JUMPING to conclusions that the BIASED FAKE MSM takes completely erroneously out of context!

And this is where the USA Today piece comes in. It fastens on this passage:

From October to December 2017, ORR attempted to reach 7,635 UAC and their sponsors.
Of this number, ORR reached and received agreement to participate in the safety and well-being call from approximately 86 percent of sponsors.
From these calls, ORR learned that 6,075 UAC remained with their sponsors.
Twenty-eight UAC had run away,
five had been removed from the United States, and
52 had relocated to live with a non-sponsor.
ORR was unable to determine with certainty the whereabouts of 1,475 UAC.
Based on the calls, ORR referred 792 cases, which were in need of further assistance, to the National Call Center for additional information and services.

Of course, all the context is left out of the USA Today piece, which at one point falsely says, “the federal government has lost — yes, lost — 1,475 migrant children in its custody.” But these children weren’t in HHS custody. They were placed with sponsors that HHS vetted. It’d obviously be better if HHS could locate all of the sponsors in its follow-up. Some of them surely moved, and perhaps others, if they or family members are illegal immigrants, may not want to be in further contact with authorities.

"Lost Migrant Children" Article Premise Deeply Flawed | National Review
Once again the MSM totally fabricating NEWS!!!
But Obama’s defenders overstate the degree to which this is a departure from norms.

Here is a brief list of things the Obama administration did do:
  • Arrested tens of thousands of undocumented parents whose kids were US citizens, causing them to lose contact with their children.
  • Disappeared” those parents in the immigration enforcement system, where they were nigh-on impossible to track down, before deporting them to countries they hadn’t lived in for as long as decades.
  • Orphaned thousands of kids who were left without a legal guardian when their parents were shunted to another country.
  • Sent the parents of those kids to places where there was more than a good chance they’d be kidnapped, tortured, sexually assaulted, killed, or sometimes all of the above.
  • Traumatized both the kids left behind and the kids whose parents were undocumented but not yet arrested, which saw those kids develop symptoms of PTSD, stress-based health problems, and night terrors.
In other words, Obama may have never specifically called for migrants to have their kids taken away when crossing the border, but wrenching parents away from their kids — in many cases, permanently — was for many years a regular, known outcome of his policies.

The Democratic Precedent
So the moral is don’t bring your illegal children into this country. The dumbass democrats will lose track of them
WTF?? Republicans are in charge now. Is there ever a bad situation in which you will ever hold the right responsible?
Not this one dumbass. This happened under obama’s Watch. Trump would never go to the Congo and kidnap their children. Also that picture was taken in 2014! Who was in the WH in 2014?
So the moral is don’t bring your illegal children into this country. The dumbass democrats will lose track of them
WTF?? Republicans are in charge now. Is there ever a bad situation in which you will ever hold the right responsible?
Not this one dumbass. This happened under obama’s Watch. Trump would never go to the Congo and kidnap their children. Also that picture was taken in 2014! Who was in the WH in 2014?

Also that picture was taken in 2014! Who was in the WH in 2014?

you see leftards lie

this is yet another example
So the moral is don’t bring your illegal children into this country. The dumbass democrats will lose track of them
WTF?? Republicans are in charge now. Is there ever a bad situation in which you will ever hold the right responsible?
Not this one dumbass. This happened under obama’s Watch. Trump would never go to the Congo and kidnap their children. Also that picture was taken in 2014! Who was in the WH in 2014?

Also that picture was taken in 2014! Who was in the WH in 2014?

you see leftards lie

this is yet another example
Dumbfuck, the 2014 photo is of immigrant boys at a CBP placement center. They’re not lost, which is the issue. And any lost while Obama was president would be on him. We’re talking about kids lost on Trump’s watch. Trumptards will never hold Trump responsible for anything bad that happens on his watch. You idiots prove that time and time again.
So the moral is don’t bring your illegal children into this country. The dumbass democrats will lose track of them
WTF?? Republicans are in charge now. Is there ever a bad situation in which you will ever hold the right responsible?
Not this one dumbass. This happened under obama’s Watch. Trump would never go to the Congo and kidnap their children. Also that picture was taken in 2014! Who was in the WH in 2014?

Also that picture was taken in 2014! Who was in the WH in 2014?

you see leftards lie

this is yet another example

The reason he knows that photo is from 2014 is because it says so in the article. So where’s the lie?
Here's how the government managed to lose track of 1,500 migrant children

Just hearing about a woman who came from the Congo to escape violence, presented herself at the border, is arrested and took her child away.

Government makes her take a DNA test to prove she was the mother.

These children are kidnapped when they are stolen from their parents. These children will grow up enemies of this country and they will be traumatized for life.

Of course, Republicans see nothing wrong. This is who that odious party has become.


'Trump Administration loses track of 1,500 children they kidnapped.'

Spoken like a true butt-hurt snowflake lying drama-queen.

Barry and his criminal administration protected and assisted Human Traffickers bring in thousands of kids - putting their lives in jeopardy, engaged in human trafficking to bring in illegals in violation of US law, and dropped them off / dumped them al lover the U.S. without notifying state / local agencies they were coming to prevent those states from stopping it from happening. The Obama administration did not keep (accurate) records of where they dumped these illegals, did not keep track of them.

It's truly amazing watching to what extent you Obama-worshippers will go in ignoring / re-writing history, lying, and engaging in such deceitful drama to paint the current President in a negative light, attempting to misleadingly claim he is a worse President than Obama when all evidence is to the contrary.

Barak Obama was a failed President who violated both the Constitution and Rule of Law, who aided this nation's enemies - terrorists, to include Al Qaeda who slaughtered 3,000 Americans, Mexican Drug cartels, the Russians, the Iranians, Hezbollah, etc..., and who illegally victimized Americans, stripping them of their Constitutional Rights - illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC justices...and on a GOP Presidential Candidate / current President. He 'weaponized' the IRS and used it against Americans who did not want to see him re-elected.

The DNC Presidential Candidate is a career-long criminal and sexual predator enabler , a criminal who had to be protected by an entire Presidential administration to prevent her from going to prison and to help keep her in the race, a politician who could not even win her own party's nomination and could not win the Presidency even after committing treason by collaborating with foreign spies and Russians, violating US election laws, and breaking US campaign finance laws.

And despite these PROVEN FACTS
mentally disturbed 'programmed' partisans like yourself remain loyal to the corrupt, power-hungry '3rd World Dictator Wannabes', refuse to accept the results of elections, and sadly have to come on chat boards like this one and MANUFACTURE crimes / criticism by acting like a mentally disturbed drama queen by making false statements (LYING) like accusing the current President of 'kidnapping' immigrant children.

I will say a special prayer for you and those like you.

So the moral is don’t bring your illegal children into this country. The dumbass democrats will lose track of them
WTF?? Republicans are in charge now. Is there ever a bad situation in which you will ever hold the right responsible?
Not this one dumbass. This happened under obama’s Watch. Trump would never go to the Congo and kidnap their children. Also that picture was taken in 2014! Who was in the WH in 2014?

Also that picture was taken in 2014! Who was in the WH in 2014?

you see leftards lie

this is yet another example
Dumbfuck, the 2014 photo is of immigrant boys at a CBP placement center. They’re not lost, which is the issue. And any lost while Obama was president would be on him. We’re talking about kids lost on Trump’s watch. Trumptards will never hold Trump responsible for anything bad that happens on his watch. You idiots prove that time and time again.
So the question has been asked and is unanswered. Where did these kids come from? How did they get here and exactly how did Trump lose them? I don’t remember Trump letting any illegal children into the country. When, why, and how did this take place? you dumb fuck!
So the moral is don’t bring your illegal children into this country. The dumbass democrats will lose track of them
WTF?? Republicans are in charge now. Is there ever a bad situation in which you will ever hold the right responsible?
Not this one dumbass. This happened under obama’s Watch. Trump would never go to the Congo and kidnap their children. Also that picture was taken in 2014! Who was in the WH in 2014?

Also that picture was taken in 2014! Who was in the WH in 2014?

you see leftards lie

this is yet another example

Dumbfuck, the 2014 photo is of immigrant boys at a CBP placement center. They’re not lost, which is the issue. And any lost while Obama was president would be on him. We’re talking about kids lost on Trump’s watch. Trumptards will never hold Trump responsible for anything bad that happens on his watch. You idiots prove that time and time again.

AND dumbf..k... It were DEMOCRAT idiots that put out the photo claiming it was Trump's doing!

Misleading tweets by liberal activists fuel President Trump
How or why the story resurfaced on social media four years after it was published is unclear. But among those who took notice was Jon Favreau, Obama's former speechwriter. In a now-deleted tweet, Favreau wrote: "This is happening right now, and the only debate that matters is how we force our government to get these kids back to their families as fast as humanly possible."
Misleading tweets by liberal activists fuel President Trump

AND Lets' talk about the "lost kids"! Ok Dumbf..K.. here are the facts!

From October to December 2017, Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) attempted to reach 7,635 “unaccompanied children” (UAC)and their sponsors.
Of this number, ORR reached and received agreement to participate in the safety and well-being call from approximately 86 percent of sponsors.
From these calls, ORR learned that 6,075 UAC remained with their sponsors.
Twenty-eight UAC
had run away,
five had been removed from the United States, and
52 had relocated to live with a non-sponsor.
ORR was unable to determine with certainty the whereabouts of 1,475 UAC.
Based on the calls, ORR referred 792 cases, which were in need of further assistance, to the National Call Center for additional information and services.

Of course, all the context is left out of the USA Today piece, which at one point falsely says, “the federal government has lost — yes, lost — 1,475 migrant children in its custody.” But these children weren’t in HHS custody. They were placed with sponsors that HHS vetted. It’d obviously be better if HHS could locate all of the sponsors in its follow-up. Some of them surely moved, and perhaps others, if they or family members are illegal immigrants, may not want to be in further contact with authorities.

"Lost Migrant Children" Article Premise Deeply Flawed | National Review

So Dumbf..k... now you know the facts once again... REALITY and not unicorn land that you live in is what we are discussing!
So the moral is don’t bring your illegal children into this country. The dumbass democrats will lose track of them
WTF?? Republicans are in charge now. Is there ever a bad situation in which you will ever hold the right responsible?
Not this one dumbass. This happened under obama’s Watch. Trump would never go to the Congo and kidnap their children. Also that picture was taken in 2014! Who was in the WH in 2014?

Also that picture was taken in 2014! Who was in the WH in 2014?

you see leftards lie

this is yet another example

Dumbfuck, the 2014 photo is of immigrant boys at a CBP placement center. They’re not lost, which is the issue. And any lost while Obama was president would be on him. We’re talking about kids lost on Trump’s watch. Trumptards will never hold Trump responsible for anything bad that happens on his watch. You idiots prove that time and time again.

AND dumbf..k... It were DEMOCRAT idiots that put out the photo claiming it was Trump's doing!

Misleading tweets by liberal activists fuel President Trump
How or why the story resurfaced on social media four years after it was published is unclear. But among those who took notice was Jon Favreau, Obama's former speechwriter. In a now-deleted tweet, Favreau wrote: "This is happening right now, and the only debate that matters is how we force our government to get these kids back to their families as fast as humanly possible."
Misleading tweets by liberal activists fuel President Trump

AND Lets' talk about the "lost kids"! Ok Dumbf..K.. here are the facts!

From October to December 2017, Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) attempted to reach 7,635 “unaccompanied children” (UAC)and their sponsors.
Of this number, ORR reached and received agreement to participate in the safety and well-being call from approximately 86 percent of sponsors.
From these calls, ORR learned that 6,075 UAC remained with their sponsors.
Twenty-eight UAC
had run away,
five had been removed from the United States, and
52 had relocated to live with a non-sponsor.
ORR was unable to determine with certainty the whereabouts of 1,475 UAC.
Based on the calls, ORR referred 792 cases, which were in need of further assistance, to the National Call Center for additional information and services.

Of course, all the context is left out of the USA Today piece, which at one point falsely says, “the federal government has lost — yes, lost — 1,475 migrant children in its custody.” But these children weren’t in HHS custody. They were placed with sponsors that HHS vetted. It’d obviously be better if HHS could locate all of the sponsors in its follow-up. Some of them surely moved, and perhaps others, if they or family members are illegal immigrants, may not want to be in further contact with authorities.

"Lost Migrant Children" Article Premise Deeply Flawed | National Review

So Dumbf..k... now you know the facts once again... REALITY and not unicorn land that you live in is what we are discussing!
He sure as fuck will not take responsibility for being such a dumb fuck!

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