Trump administration to propose rule that would cut 3.1 million people from food stamp program

Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 3 Million

8 out of 10 states with the highest percentage of folks on food stamps voted for Trump

Once again, Trump and his enablers have shafted their own supporters.

Unfortunately they will blame Dems for it and still vote for trump
/——/ Your analysis is flawed. How do you know food stamp users in those states voted for Trump in the first place? How do you know how any of them voted? Did you consider the possibility that they voted for Trump in 2016 to turn the economy around so they wouldn’t need food stamps? And did you consider the possibility that they are no longer on food stamps and will vote for him in 2020, or is that above your pay grade?
How do you know the welfare moochers in those states voted for him?
I wonder what it will be like to live in those places when the moochers get really really hungry. Like starving hungry.

You might need more ammo. And more guns.
/——/ You mean like in Socialist nirvana Venezuela or in DemocRAT controlled San Fransisco? Move to either one and find out.
Why would you want people who vote for you to be on food stamps? Wouldn't you want them to have the opportunity to get off of them? I'm not sure why Democrats view government dependency as desirable. Instead of getting as many people on foodstamps as possible(Obama), wouldn't you want to provide as much opportunity as possible so people wouldn't need them?

Millions of jobs have to be done and they simply do not pay much. The argument for raising minimum wage? SOCIALISM!!!

I see your argument as talking out of both sides of your mouth. No, tens of millions of people can not become engineers or doctors. They still have to eat.
Why would you want people who vote for you to be on food stamps? Wouldn't you want them to have the opportunity to get off of them? I'm not sure why Democrats view government dependency as desirable. Instead of getting as many people on foodstamps as possible(Obama), wouldn't you want to provide as much opportunity as possible so people wouldn't need them?

Millions of jobs have to be done and they simply do not pay much. The argument for raising minimum wage? SOCIALISM!!!

I see your argument as talking out of both sides of your mouth. No, tens of millions of people can not become engineers or doctors. They still have to eat.
/——/ I earn a great living and I’m neither a doctor or lawyer. When I got my first part time job in 1968 it was for $1.40 an hour. I wanted to buy my first car and minimum wage wasn’t enough so I got experience, improved my skills and found a job for about $2.25 and by 1969 I was making over $3 an hour. I bought my first car, a used VW Karman Ghia.
Why would you want people who vote for you to be on food stamps? Wouldn't you want them to have the opportunity to get off of them? I'm not sure why Democrats view government dependency as desirable. Instead of getting as many people on foodstamps as possible(Obama), wouldn't you want to provide as much opportunity as possible so people wouldn't need them?

Millions of jobs have to be done and they simply do not pay much. The argument for raising minimum wage? SOCIALISM!!!

I see your argument as talking out of both sides of your mouth. No, tens of millions of people can not become engineers or doctors. They still have to eat.
/——/ I earn a great living and I’m neither a doctor or lawyer. When I got my first part time job in 1968 it was for $1.40 an hour. I wanted to buy my first car and minimum wage wasn’t enough so I got experience, improved my skills and found a job for about $2.25 and by 1969 I was making over $3 an hour. I bought my first car, a used VW Karman Ghia.

It doesn't matter what you did. When you did it there were millions of well paying factory jobs that one could get with absolutely no experience. That is no longer the case.

That's like arguing, I could buy a loaf of bread for 19 cents, I don't understand why everyone can't do that today.
I have even a better idea Moon Bat.

I'll chose when I want to be compassionate and help people that need it when I think they deserve it and the fucking government can stay out of it. It is called "Liberty" Moon Bat. Go look it up.

Whenever one of you fools talks about "liberty", it usually mean rich people being able to screw over working folks like you...

You are too dumb to realize it.
we need a democrat candidate who speaks to what american are feeling in their guts and kick Trump out of the white house and into jail!
The Citizens of the United States of America want America placed first not second behind other countries. They want to be left only to live their lives without government regulations telling them what to eat, who to love, where to go to church. Basically they want to be left alone.

I don't see it as a race. People don't seem to understand that we do better when others do better also. You don't have to knock others down to do well yourself. When people have something to lose, they are less likely to want to see it destroyed.
Bingo that's exactly it.
we need a democrat candidate who speaks to what american are feeling in their guts and kick Trump out of the white house and into jail!
The Citizens of the United States of America want America placed first not second behind other countries. They want to be left only to live their lives without government regulations telling them what to eat, who to love, where to go to church. Basically they want to be left alone.

So you're in favour of gay marriage and abortion rights for women.
the problem is you steal money from us to pay for your poor friends,,,and no where in the constitution does that authority exist,,,

Nowhere in the constitution does it say we have to give big tax subsidies to big corporations, but you guys do that shit, too.

Hey, here's why I am all for taking money and giving it to poor people. It's preferable to them breaking into my house at night and trying to take it.
Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 3 Million

8 out of 10 states with the highest percentage of folks on food stamps voted for Trump

Once again, Trump and his enablers have shafted their own supporters.

Unfortunately they will blame Dems for it and still vote for trump
/——/ Your analysis is flawed. How do you know food stamp users in those states voted for Trump in the first place? How do you know how any of them voted? Did you consider the possibility that they voted for Trump in 2016 to turn the economy around so they wouldn’t need food stamps? And did you consider the possibility that they are no longer on food stamps and will vote for him in 2020, or is that above your pay grade?

The people who needed food stamps in 2016, haven't changed. The bottom 40% didn't get a raise, or a much of a tax cut. They got tariffs on almost everything they buy, and a lot of them lost their health insurance.

The economy is strong, but doing little to bolster President Trump's support, survey says

If the rising tide doesn't lift all boats, the ones who get swamped will not be voting Trump in 2020.
Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 3 Million

8 out of 10 states with the highest percentage of folks on food stamps voted for Trump

Once again, Trump and his enablers have shafted their own supporters.

Unfortunately they will blame Dems for it and still vote for trump
/——/ Your analysis is flawed. How do you know food stamp users in those states voted for Trump in the first place? How do you know how any of them voted? Did you consider the possibility that they voted for Trump in 2016 to turn the economy around so they wouldn’t need food stamps? And did you consider the possibility that they are no longer on food stamps and will vote for him in 2020, or is that above your pay grade?

The people who needed food stamps in 2016, haven't changed. The bottom 40% didn't get a raise, or a much of a tax cut. They got tariffs on almost everything they buy, and a lot of them lost their health insurance.

The economy is strong, but doing little to bolster President Trump's support, survey says

If the rising tide doesn't lift all boats, the ones who get swamped will not be voting Trump in 2020.
/—-/ They got on food stamps and were struggling under Obozo. They see the economy turning and improving but they are sooooooo stupid they are going to vote for the democRAT president to continue their misery with no hope of relief. Sure Spanky.
Why would you want people who vote for you to be on food stamps? Wouldn't you want them to have the opportunity to get off of them? I'm not sure why Democrats view government dependency as desirable. Instead of getting as many people on foodstamps as possible(Obama), wouldn't you want to provide as much opportunity as possible so people wouldn't need them?

Millions of jobs have to be done and they simply do not pay much. The argument for raising minimum wage? SOCIALISM!!!

I see your argument as talking out of both sides of your mouth. No, tens of millions of people can not become engineers or doctors. They still have to eat.
/——/ I earn a great living and I’m neither a doctor or lawyer. When I got my first part time job in 1968 it was for $1.40 an hour. I wanted to buy my first car and minimum wage wasn’t enough so I got experience, improved my skills and found a job for about $2.25 and by 1969 I was making over $3 an hour. I bought my first car, a used VW Karman Ghia.

It doesn't matter what you did. When you did it there were millions of well paying factory jobs that one could get with absolutely no experience. That is no longer the case.

That's like arguing, I could buy a loaf of bread for 19 cents, I don't understand why everyone can't do that today.
/—-/ No dumbass, it means I took matters into my own hands and worked hard to do better. Today I’d take the $10 an hour job and work my way up. Same theory, just different numbers.
Why would you want people who vote for you to be on food stamps? Wouldn't you want them to have the opportunity to get off of them? I'm not sure why Democrats view government dependency as desirable. Instead of getting as many people on foodstamps as possible(Obama), wouldn't you want to provide as much opportunity as possible so people wouldn't need them?
Socialists want everyone dependent on the government. Socialists believe in Government as their provider and savior.
Why would you want people who vote for you to be on food stamps? Wouldn't you want them to have the opportunity to get off of them? I'm not sure why Democrats view government dependency as desirable. Instead of getting as many people on foodstamps as possible(Obama), wouldn't you want to provide as much opportunity as possible so people wouldn't need them?

Millions of jobs have to be done and they simply do not pay much. The argument for raising minimum wage? SOCIALISM!!!

I see your argument as talking out of both sides of your mouth. No, tens of millions of people can not become engineers or doctors. They still have to eat.
/——/ I earn a great living and I’m neither a doctor or lawyer. When I got my first part time job in 1968 it was for $1.40 an hour. I wanted to buy my first car and minimum wage wasn’t enough so I got experience, improved my skills and found a job for about $2.25 and by 1969 I was making over $3 an hour. I bought my first car, a used VW Karman Ghia.

It doesn't matter what you did. When you did it there were millions of well paying factory jobs that one could get with absolutely no experience. That is no longer the case.

That's like arguing, I could buy a loaf of bread for 19 cents, I don't understand why everyone can't do that today.
/—-/ No dumbass, it means I took matters into my own hands and worked hard to do better. Today I’d take the $10 an hour job and work my way up. Same theory, just different numbers.

Just for future reference, if you think name calling is a proper rebuttal, I will ignore you.

Yes, you can take a $10 an hour job and move up BUT there are a limited number of jobs one can move up to.

I note this over and over, please tell me in decent language if you can where I am wrong.

Your solution will work for an individual. It will not work for tens of millions. This is a country of tens of millions.
Why would you want people who vote for you to be on food stamps? Wouldn't you want them to have the opportunity to get off of them? I'm not sure why Democrats view government dependency as desirable. Instead of getting as many people on foodstamps as possible(Obama), wouldn't you want to provide as much opportunity as possible so people wouldn't need them?
Socialists want everyone dependent on the government. Socialists believe in Government as their provider and savior.
Socialists want the people as their provider, and in turn to provide back the people. Government would only enter into the picture if they represent the people.

Capitalists on the other had, just want to keep the surplus for themselves, instead of returning it to those who created the value.
Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 3 Million

8 out of 10 states with the highest percentage of folks on food stamps voted for Trump

Once again, Trump and his enablers have shafted their own supporters.

Unfortunately they will blame Dems for it and still vote for trump
/——/ Your analysis is flawed. How do you know food stamp users in those states voted for Trump in the first place? How do you know how any of them voted? Did you consider the possibility that they voted for Trump in 2016 to turn the economy around so they wouldn’t need food stamps? And did you consider the possibility that they are no longer on food stamps and will vote for him in 2020, or is that above your pay grade?

The people who needed food stamps in 2016, haven't changed. The bottom 40% didn't get a raise, or a much of a tax cut. They got tariffs on almost everything they buy, and a lot of them lost their health insurance.

The economy is strong, but doing little to bolster President Trump's support, survey says

If the rising tide doesn't lift all boats, the ones who get swamped will not be voting Trump in 2020.
/—-/ They got on food stamps and were struggling under Obozo. They see the economy turning and improving but they are sooooooo stupid they are going to vote for the democRAT president to continue their misery with no hope of relief. Sure Spanky.

They economy isn't "turning". There has been slow but steady growth for the past 10 years, but that growth is slowing, and it has been slowing since Trump was elected. It grew at only 2.2% during the first quarter of 2019, and 2.1 during the second quarter. This growth is slower than Obama's.

Under Obama, cons called the recovery "weak" and the "worst recovery in history". Under Trump they call it a "roaring economy". Obama didn't have to cut taxes, and Republicans wouldn't let him increase the deficit to aid the recovery, in fact they forced the Sequestration and cut spending.

You lied about the Obama economy, and now you're lying about the Trump economy. Neither lies were good for the country, but that's what Republicans do. If they told the truth about what they were going to do to the country, no one would ever vote for them.
Why would you want people who vote for you to be on food stamps? Wouldn't you want them to have the opportunity to get off of them? I'm not sure why Democrats view government dependency as desirable. Instead of getting as many people on foodstamps as possible(Obama), wouldn't you want to provide as much opportunity as possible so people wouldn't need them?

Millions of jobs have to be done and they simply do not pay much. The argument for raising minimum wage? SOCIALISM!!!

I see your argument as talking out of both sides of your mouth. No, tens of millions of people can not become engineers or doctors. They still have to eat.
/——/ I earn a great living and I’m neither a doctor or lawyer. When I got my first part time job in 1968 it was for $1.40 an hour. I wanted to buy my first car and minimum wage wasn’t enough so I got experience, improved my skills and found a job for about $2.25 and by 1969 I was making over $3 an hour. I bought my first car, a used VW Karman Ghia.

It doesn't matter what you did. When you did it there were millions of well paying factory jobs that one could get with absolutely no experience. That is no longer the case.

That's like arguing, I could buy a loaf of bread for 19 cents, I don't understand why everyone can't do that today.
/—-/ No dumbass, it means I took matters into my own hands and worked hard to do better. Today I’d take the $10 an hour job and work my way up. Same theory, just different numbers.

Just for future reference, if you think name calling is a proper rebuttal, I will ignore you.

Yes, you can take a $10 an hour job and move up BUT there are a limited number of jobs one can move up to.

I note this over and over, please tell me in decent language if you can where I am wrong.

Your solution will work for an individual. It will not work for tens of millions. This is a country of tens of millions.
/—-/ You have a defeatist attitude, you gave up without trying. Swifthires - Job Results
Many jobs for immediate hire paying $15 an hour. No experience necessary.
Millions of jobs have to be done and they simply do not pay much. The argument for raising minimum wage? SOCIALISM!!!

I see your argument as talking out of both sides of your mouth. No, tens of millions of people can not become engineers or doctors. They still have to eat.
/——/ I earn a great living and I’m neither a doctor or lawyer. When I got my first part time job in 1968 it was for $1.40 an hour. I wanted to buy my first car and minimum wage wasn’t enough so I got experience, improved my skills and found a job for about $2.25 and by 1969 I was making over $3 an hour. I bought my first car, a used VW Karman Ghia.

It doesn't matter what you did. When you did it there were millions of well paying factory jobs that one could get with absolutely no experience. That is no longer the case.

That's like arguing, I could buy a loaf of bread for 19 cents, I don't understand why everyone can't do that today.
/—-/ No dumbass, it means I took matters into my own hands and worked hard to do better. Today I’d take the $10 an hour job and work my way up. Same theory, just different numbers.

Just for future reference, if you think name calling is a proper rebuttal, I will ignore you.

Yes, you can take a $10 an hour job and move up BUT there are a limited number of jobs one can move up to.

I note this over and over, please tell me in decent language if you can where I am wrong.

Your solution will work for an individual. It will not work for tens of millions. This is a country of tens of millions.
/—-/ You have a defeatist attitude, you gave up without trying. Swifthires - Job Results
Many jobs for immediate hire paying $15 an hour. No experience necessary.

I make good money. See, I don't believe that everything is about me. I'm 57 and about ready to retire. I'm doing fine.

I'm able to understand that things are not the same as they were when I was young.

We have put "shareholder value" above everything. Above people, safety, everything.

"Shareholder value" is why Boeing killed nearly 350 people and are on the verge of killing many decent paying jobs. They still are desparete to find the cheap way out of this mess to not hurt "shareholder value".
the problem is you steal money from us to pay for your poor friends,,,and no where in the constitution does that authority exist,,,

Nowhere in the constitution does it say we have to give big tax subsidies to big corporations, but you guys do that shit, too.

Hey, here's why I am all for taking money and giving it to poor people. It's preferable to them breaking into my house at night and trying to take it.
/—-/ Nowhere in the constitution does it say we must subsidize murdering babies in abortion mills, but here we are.

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