Trump administration to propose rule that would cut 3.1 million people from food stamp program

"At a Working Families Party event in Milwaukee, Castro said that President Donald Trump “is unfit for office,” to which someone in the crowd said, “No shit!”

“You said that very well,” he replied."

Julián Castro’s ‘Latino Candidate’ Trap
Just because a President has an agenda you oppose doesn't mean they're unfit for the job.

Opposition to his agenda isn't why we say he's unfit for the job. It's his utter inability to grasp the concepts contained in the Constitution, and his narcisstic tendency to see any criticism or opposition to his programs as a personal attack, to be quashed and destroyed. That includes Congressional oversight, and his role in the Russia Investigation.

And it's his racism. Which runs counter to all human decency.
Pure propaganda. Trump has not said or done anything as President that is racist. He hasn't violated the Constitution either. You don't like the fact that he's the President. Grow the hell up.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt, but your opinion really doesn't matter. You know whose opinion does matter? All of the black, brown, hispanic, Asian and Jewish voters who stayed home in 2016, and voted to give the House to Democrats in 2018. Those voters' opinions matter, because there's a whole lot more people like them then are are fools who will vote for the politics of hate and division a second time.

Fewer and fewer voters identify as Republican. That's because fewer and fewer voters are prepared to voted for a racist, misogynist asshole, who lies every time he opens his mouth.

I thought you said you were Canadian.
"At a Working Families Party event in Milwaukee, Castro said that President Donald Trump “is unfit for office,” to which someone in the crowd said, “No shit!”

“You said that very well,” he replied."

Julián Castro’s ‘Latino Candidate’ Trap
Just because a President has an agenda you oppose doesn't mean they're unfit for the job.

Opposition to his agenda isn't why we say he's unfit for the job. It's his utter inability to grasp the concepts contained in the Constitution, and his narcisstic tendency to see any criticism or opposition to his programs as a personal attack, to be quashed and destroyed. That includes Congressional oversight, and his role in the Russia Investigation.

And it's his racism. Which runs counter to all human decency.
Pure propaganda. Trump has not said or done anything as President that is racist. He hasn't violated the Constitution either. You don't like the fact that he's the President. Grow the hell up.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt, but your opinion really doesn't matter. You know whose opinion does matter? All of the black, brown, hispanic, Asian and Jewish voters who stayed home in 2016, and voted to give the House to Democrats in 2018. Those voters' opinions matter, because there's a whole lot more people like them then are are fools who will vote for the politics of hate and division a second time.

Fewer and fewer voters identify as Republican. That's because fewer and fewer voters are prepared to voted for a racist, misogynist asshole, who lies every time he opens his mouth.
WOW so many lies so little time
I also responded to this post you seem to have dodged it
No, I don't. I support a higher minimum wage, and forcing employers to pay their own damn workers. But since McConnell refuses to bring that bill to the floor, Trump is unlikely to sign it if the Senate were to pass it, I oppose cutting off the poorest and most vulnerable until MM is raised to at least $15 per hour.

Once McDonald's, Walmart, and other low wage corporations start paying living wages to all employees, I support the elimination of earned income credits, Section 8 Housing, and food stamps for all working employees. That will truly provide tax relief for the working and middle class, and reduce the transfer of wealth from working and middle class Americans to the wealthiest 10% that has been going on since Reagan changed the tax code and Republicans started using earned income credits and food stamps to subsidize low wages to mega corporations' employees, while shareholder's reaped the benefits.

Those shareholder benefits are the real reason why Republicans oppose raising the minimum wage.
Would you pay someone more than what the job is worth to you? Or would it depend on how much they needed to live?
Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 3 Million

8 out of 10 states with the highest percentage of folks on food stamps voted for Trump

Once again, Trump and his enablers have shafted their own supporters.

Unfortunately they will blame Dems for it and still vote for trump
If you are able to work you should work. I don't give a fuck what party you are in you should not be getting welfare.

40% of all food stamp receipients, are adults with full time jobs. The jobs don't pay enough for them to buy food. You call this "welfare". I call it a "wage subsidy".

The people who aren't working, who are sitting home living off the work of others, and are taking money taken out of the hands of the men and women who rightfully earned it, are the stockholders of corporations which rely on minimum wage workers who are receiving food stamps, Section 8 Housing Vouchers, and assorted income support programs, while the stockholders are enjoying record earnings.

Why don't those people receiving "food stamps" have jobs that make sufficient money for them to not be on the dole?

The answer is easy! They are lazy, uneducated, and lack any meaningful skill to provide an employer.
The "Church"
Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 3 Million

8 out of 10 states with the highest percentage of folks on food stamps voted for Trump

Once again, Trump and his enablers have shafted their own supporters.

Unfortunately they will blame Dems for it and still vote for trump
If you are able to work you should work. I don't give a fuck what party you are in you should not be getting welfare.

40% of all food stamp receipients, are adults with full time jobs. The jobs don't pay enough for them to buy food. You call this "welfare". I call it a "wage subsidy".

The people who aren't working, who are sitting home living off the work of others, and are taking money taken out of the hands of the men and women who rightfully earned it, are the stockholders of corporations which rely on minimum wage workers who are receiving food stamps, Section 8 Housing Vouchers, and assorted income support programs, while the stockholders are enjoying record earnings.
So you support government subsidies. Cool.

No, I don't. I support a higher minimum wage, and forcing employers to pay their own damn workers. But since McConnell refuses to bring that bill to the floor, Trump is unlikely to sign it if the Senate were to pass it, I oppose cutting off the poorest and most vulnerable until MM is raised to at least $15 per hour.

Once McDonald's, Walmart, and other low wage corporations start paying living wages to all employees, I support the elimination of earned income credits, Section 8 Housing, and food stamps for all working employees. That will truly provide tax relief for the working and middle class, and reduce the transfer of wealth from working and middle class Americans to the wealthiest 10% that has been going on since Reagan changed the tax code and Republicans started using earned income credits and food stamps to subsidize low wages to mega corporations' employees, while shareholder's reaped the benefits.

Those shareholder benefits are the real reason why Republicans oppose raising the minimum wage.

Once again, you are a Canuck! Why the hell would we give a tinker's damn what you think? Why don't you drag your ass across the border and see how long it takes for us to deport you?
"At a Working Families Party event in Milwaukee, Castro said that President Donald Trump “is unfit for office,” to which someone in the crowd said, “No shit!”

“You said that very well,” he replied."

Julián Castro’s ‘Latino Candidate’ Trap
Just because a President has an agenda you oppose doesn't mean they're unfit for the job.
I dunno. Locking a guy up for 23 days without any shower, and food so inadequate he loses 20 lbs …. and refusing to address the problem. He's either unwilling on unable to comply with laws.

That;s BS and you know it. How could anyone get attention saying they were treated well?
The "Church"
If you are able to work you should work. I don't give a fuck what party you are in you should not be getting welfare.

40% of all food stamp receipients, are adults with full time jobs. The jobs don't pay enough for them to buy food. You call this "welfare". I call it a "wage subsidy".

The people who aren't working, who are sitting home living off the work of others, and are taking money taken out of the hands of the men and women who rightfully earned it, are the stockholders of corporations which rely on minimum wage workers who are receiving food stamps, Section 8 Housing Vouchers, and assorted income support programs, while the stockholders are enjoying record earnings.
So you support government subsidies. Cool.

No, I don't. I support a higher minimum wage, and forcing employers to pay their own damn workers. But since McConnell refuses to bring that bill to the floor, Trump is unlikely to sign it if the Senate were to pass it, I oppose cutting off the poorest and most vulnerable until MM is raised to at least $15 per hour.

Once McDonald's, Walmart, and other low wage corporations start paying living wages to all employees, I support the elimination of earned income credits, Section 8 Housing, and food stamps for all working employees. That will truly provide tax relief for the working and middle class, and reduce the transfer of wealth from working and middle class Americans to the wealthiest 10% that has been going on since Reagan changed the tax code and Republicans started using earned income credits and food stamps to subsidize low wages to mega corporations' employees, while shareholder's reaped the benefits.

Those shareholder benefits are the real reason why Republicans oppose raising the minimum wage.

What do you pay the workers at the company you own?

My paralegal business paid $25 per hour, but that was 15 years ago. Today, I'd pay $40 and still make good money.

My son-in-law pays his roofers $25 per hour, supplies them with water, juice, and gatorade all day, pays them cash bonuses when they finish a big job, gives them cold beer and a BBQ on a Friday night. People line up to work for him, but you gotta show up on time, and work hard. It's hard to get and keep a good crew. Finding skilled workers who are clean, sober and responsible enough to do quality work, in a safe and timely way, is the larger challenge. Even the clean-up kid who just stays down below, clearing debris from the roof off the yard and driveway (as one client said "leaving the place looking like they'd never been there"), gets $20 per hour.

My son-in-law wants hard workers who will do quality work, in a timely way, and represent his company well, and those workers are hard to find given the nature of the work. Supplies and wages cost him $7500 per week during the season, meaning he has to find $10,000 worth of work every single week, to pay his crew, his suppliers and himself.

He could pay a lot less, but by paying more, he gets better workers, and doesn't have to spend as much time on the job sites, and more time, hustling jobs, and expanding his business. He spent all of last year training his best worker on how to run a job site and supervise the jobs, so he could add a second crew.

My last legal job paid amazing wages, and benefits like profit sharing bonuses, health club membership, concierge ticket services for with special prices for concerts and events, overtime for more than 7 hours work in a day, meal vouchers if working late, and taxi rides home past 9:00 p.m. Access to Blue Jays, Raptors and Leafs tickets, 3 weeks paid vacation, pension plan with matching contributions up to $2,500 per year, the list goes on and on, the best of everything. No one ever left the firm. I worked there for 5 years, and only two people left to work elsewhere, during that time. One of them returned 3 months later, never to leave. The other left to take a job closer to her daughter's school, in case of emergency.

Our law firm had the highest billable hours per employee, on Bay Street. We were considered to be the hardest working firm on Bay Street. My recollection of working there - BEST JOB EVAH!!! Finally, a firm which recognizes and rewards their employees for all of the money we make on their behalf!!!!

What skill does that clean-up kid bring to the table? A trained chimp could do that job!
"At a Working Families Party event in Milwaukee, Castro said that President Donald Trump “is unfit for office,” to which someone in the crowd said, “No shit!”

“You said that very well,” he replied."

Julián Castro’s ‘Latino Candidate’ Trap
Just because a President has an agenda you oppose doesn't mean they're unfit for the job.

Opposition to his agenda isn't why we say he's unfit for the job. It's his utter inability to grasp the concepts contained in the Constitution, and his narcisstic tendency to see any criticism or opposition to his programs as a personal attack, to be quashed and destroyed. That includes Congressional oversight, and his role in the Russia Investigation.

And it's his racism. Which runs counter to all human decency.

You libtards are short on ears and long on mouth! Why don't you mention any specifics? The reason is you don't have anything specific to say is because of your TDS!
"At a Working Families Party event in Milwaukee, Castro said that President Donald Trump “is unfit for office,” to which someone in the crowd said, “No shit!”

“You said that very well,” he replied."

Julián Castro’s ‘Latino Candidate’ Trap
Just because a President has an agenda you oppose doesn't mean they're unfit for the job.

Opposition to his agenda isn't why we say he's unfit for the job. It's his utter inability to grasp the concepts contained in the Constitution, and his narcisstic tendency to see any criticism or opposition to his programs as a personal attack, to be quashed and destroyed. That includes Congressional oversight, and his role in the Russia Investigation.

And it's his racism. Which runs counter to all human decency.
Pure propaganda. Trump has not said or done anything as President that is racist. He hasn't violated the Constitution either. You don't like the fact that he's the President. Grow the hell up.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt, but your opinion really doesn't matter. You know whose opinion does matter? All of the black, brown, hispanic, Asian and Jewish voters who stayed home in 2016, and voted to give the House to Democrats in 2018. Those voters' opinions matter, because there's a whole lot more people like them then are are fools who will vote for the politics of hate and division a second time.

Fewer and fewer voters identify as Republican. That's because fewer and fewer voters are prepared to voted for a racist, misogynist asshole, who lies every time he opens his mouth.

Come on you crusty old ice box! Give us an example of how Trump is a racist. Be the first libtard to ever come through when asked that question! Are you up for the challenge?

Didn't think so!
"At a Working Families Party event in Milwaukee, Castro said that President Donald Trump “is unfit for office,” to which someone in the crowd said, “No shit!”

“You said that very well,” he replied."

Julián Castro’s ‘Latino Candidate’ Trap
Just because a President has an agenda you oppose doesn't mean they're unfit for the job.

Opposition to his agenda isn't why we say he's unfit for the job. It's his utter inability to grasp the concepts contained in the Constitution, and his narcisstic tendency to see any criticism or opposition to his programs as a personal attack, to be quashed and destroyed. That includes Congressional oversight, and his role in the Russia Investigation.

And it's his racism. Which runs counter to all human decency.
Pure propaganda. Trump has not said or done anything as President that is racist. He hasn't violated the Constitution either. You don't like the fact that he's the President. Grow the hell up.

I don't like him for the same reason I did not like Hillary. An inability to tell the truth.

Apparently you must hate yourself!
"At a Working Families Party event in Milwaukee, Castro said that President Donald Trump “is unfit for office,” to which someone in the crowd said, “No shit!”

“You said that very well,” he replied."

Julián Castro’s ‘Latino Candidate’ Trap
Just because a President has an agenda you oppose doesn't mean they're unfit for the job.

Opposition to his agenda isn't why we say he's unfit for the job. It's his utter inability to grasp the concepts contained in the Constitution, and his narcisstic tendency to see any criticism or opposition to his programs as a personal attack, to be quashed and destroyed. That includes Congressional oversight, and his role in the Russia Investigation.

And it's his racism. Which runs counter to all human decency.
Pure propaganda. Trump has not said or done anything as President that is racist. He hasn't violated the Constitution either. You don't like the fact that he's the President. Grow the hell up.

I don't like him for the same reason I did not like Hillary. An inability to tell the truth.

Apparently you must hate yourself!
He's just an indoctrinated leftist moron that's perpetually offended... and if there's nothing to be offended about, they just dream something up. They can't survive without having something to BITCH about. Cry baby little leftist twit snowflakes.
we need a democrat candidate who speaks to what american are feeling in their guts and kick Trump out of the white house and into jail!
The Citizens of the United States of America want America placed first not second behind other countries. They want to be left only to live their lives without government regulations telling them what to eat, who to love, where to go to church. Basically they want to be left alone.
No one cares.
so you have talked to 230 million people and all of them said that???

I doubt that,,
It didn't happen.

what didnt happen???
Changing the gun law from 18 to 21. It was passed here in Washington state, but almost every county sheriff said they weren't gonna enforce it.
just checked and it seems he didnt get his way on that one,,,but he does want it to be law,,,

but he did get the bumpstocks banned

so the claim still stands that trump is anti 2nd amendment,,,
The President is borderline anti-second amendment, but he is anti-private property.
"At a Working Families Party event in Milwaukee, Castro said that President Donald Trump “is unfit for office,” to which someone in the crowd said, “No shit!”

“You said that very well,” he replied."

Julián Castro’s ‘Latino Candidate’ Trap
Just because a President has an agenda you oppose doesn't mean they're unfit for the job.

Opposition to his agenda isn't why we say he's unfit for the job. It's his utter inability to grasp the concepts contained in the Constitution, and his narcisstic tendency to see any criticism or opposition to his programs as a personal attack, to be quashed and destroyed. That includes Congressional oversight, and his role in the Russia Investigation.

And it's his racism. Which runs counter to all human decency.
Pure propaganda. Trump has not said or done anything as President that is racist. He hasn't violated the Constitution either. You don't like the fact that he's the President. Grow the hell up.

I don't like him for the same reason I did not like Hillary. An inability to tell the truth.

Apparently you must hate yourself!

Why you don't wish to discuss things in an adult manner isn't my problem I suppose
Just because a President has an agenda you oppose doesn't mean they're unfit for the job.

Opposition to his agenda isn't why we say he's unfit for the job. It's his utter inability to grasp the concepts contained in the Constitution, and his narcisstic tendency to see any criticism or opposition to his programs as a personal attack, to be quashed and destroyed. That includes Congressional oversight, and his role in the Russia Investigation.

And it's his racism. Which runs counter to all human decency.
Pure propaganda. Trump has not said or done anything as President that is racist. He hasn't violated the Constitution either. You don't like the fact that he's the President. Grow the hell up.

I don't like him for the same reason I did not like Hillary. An inability to tell the truth.

Apparently you must hate yourself!
He's just an indoctrinated leftist moron that's perpetually offended... and if there's nothing to be offended about, they just dream something up. They can't survive without having something to BITCH about. Cry baby little leftist twit snowflakes.

I am pro-life. I fully support the 2nd Amendment. I believe we need a balanced budget amendment.

What makes me a "leftist"? I don't like politicians that constantly lie to us?

Is that it?
we need a democrat candidate who speaks to what american are feeling in their guts and kick Trump out of the white house and into jail!
The Citizens of the United States of America want America placed first not second behind other countries. They want to be left only to live their lives without government regulations telling them what to eat, who to love, where to go to church. Basically they want to be left alone.

I don't see it as a race. People don't seem to understand that we do better when others do better also. You don't have to knock others down to do well yourself. When people have something to lose, they are less likely to want to see it destroyed.
Why would you want people who vote for you to be on food stamps? Wouldn't you want them to have the opportunity to get off of them? I'm not sure why Democrats view government dependency as desirable. Instead of getting as many people on foodstamps as possible(Obama), wouldn't you want to provide as much opportunity as possible so people wouldn't need them?

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