Trump administration to propose rule that would cut 3.1 million people from food stamp program

Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 3 Million

8 out of 10 states with the highest percentage of folks on food stamps voted for Trump

Once again, Trump and his enablers have shafted their own supporters.

Unfortunately they will blame Dems for it and still vote for trump
Fake news, cockroach.
Trump Budget Requires Work for Food Stamps | Breitbart

You don't think if you are able to work you shouldn't have to work for your food?

No wonder most Tard kids are a mess,

they have been raised by fools....
Hey, leftards are all for allowing illegals into the country because they claim that they do jobs able-bodied Americans will not stoop to do......could it be because they don't have to do so because they get fed either way? All welfare should be cut off...not one dime should be spent to subsidize anyone, illegal or legal.
How do you know the welfare moochers in those states voted for him?
I wonder what it will be like to live in those places when the moochers get really really hungry. Like starving hungry.

You might need more ammo. And more guns.
Hey, leftards are all for allowing illegals into the country because they claim that they do jobs able-bodied Americans will not stoop to do......could it be because they don't have to do so because they get fed either way? All welfare should be cut off...not one dime should be spent to subsidize anyone, illegal or legal.

Wow, the kind of evil cocksucker who attacks the parents of slaughtered children also wants to see people starve.

You really are an awful person, aren't you?
Bu then Trump complains about the Feds not lowering rates which is nothing more than Socialism for the rich. Arguing to drive down interest rates, putting seniors on food stamps to enrich the markets.

Hey, leftards are all for allowing illegals into the country because they claim that they do jobs able-bodied Americans will not stoop to do......could it be because they don't have to do so because they get fed either way? All welfare should be cut off...not one dime should be spent to subsidize anyone, illegal or legal.

No, the "left" does not make this argument. Business does. I'm fine with ending all programs but I will continue to argue to support the poor as long as we still have the Federal Reserve looking after the rich.

The "left" (which left and Democrat is not the same) argue they should be allowed in as long as we as a country continue to destroy and undermine their countries to boost Wall Street.
Trump wants to kick off the "enablers" off the Food Stamp program. I am all for that.
The people that shouldn't really be on the Food Stamp program are only scamming it, so they can get on the "freebies". Especially, those who are able to work. But rather live off the system.

I agree. Why is anyone on food stamps at all??

There are jobs all across this country. Nobody should be drawing food stamps. They need to get off their dead asses and get a damned job.
Trump wants to kick off the "enablers" off the Food Stamp program. I am all for that.
The people that shouldn't really be on the Food Stamp program are only scamming it, so they can get on the "freebies". Especially, those who are able to work. But rather live off the system.

I agree. Why is anyone on food stamps at all??

There are jobs all across this country. Nobody should be drawing food stamps. They need to get off their dead asses and get a damned job.

You can't afford food for what many are being paid today. Food stamps are a benefit for employers. Otherwise they would have to pay enough for people to afford to be able to eat.
Actually in the Trump economy, even if those people were on food stamps, they now have jobs. Only bitter leftists remain.
Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 3 Million

8 out of 10 states with the highest percentage of folks on food stamps voted for Trump

Once again, Trump and his enablers have shafted their own supporters.

Unfortunately they will blame Dems for it and still vote for trump

Millions of voters that have pay the taxes to fund the fucking food stamps for shitheads like the fact Trump is trying to cut back some of it.

I'll pay for my food and you pay for yours.
In Trump's booming economy everybody that wants a job can get one. No need for any any food stamps.
Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 3 Million

8 out of 10 states with the highest percentage of folks on food stamps voted for Trump

Once again, Trump and his enablers have shafted their own supporters.

Unfortunately they will blame Dems for it and still vote for trump

Millions of voters that have pay the taxes to fund the fucking food stamps for shitheads like the fact Trump is trying to cut back some of it.

I'll pay for my food and you pay for yours.

Why should I have to pay the farmers?
Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 3 Million

8 out of 10 states with the highest percentage of folks on food stamps voted for Trump

Once again, Trump and his enablers have shafted their own supporters.

Unfortunately they will blame Dems for it and still vote for trump

Millions of voters that have pay the taxes to fund the fucking food stamps for shitheads like the fact Trump is trying to cut back some of it.

I'll pay for my food and you pay for yours.

Why should I have to pay the farmers?

You shouldn't.

There should be no welfare, subsidies, grants, entitlements or bailouts. Not for anybody.

The difference is that the farmers usually work their asses off for their subsidies while the Democrat voting welfare queens that don't do jackshit.
Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 3 Million

8 out of 10 states with the highest percentage of folks on food stamps voted for Trump

Once again, Trump and his enablers have shafted their own supporters.

Unfortunately they will blame Dems for it and still vote for trump

Millions of voters that have pay the taxes to fund the fucking food stamps for shitheads like the fact Trump is trying to cut back some of it.

I'll pay for my food and you pay for yours.

Why should I have to pay the farmers?

You shouldn't.

There should be no welfare, subsidies, grants, entitlements or bailouts. Not for anybody.

The difference is that the farmers usually work their asses off for their subsidies while the Democrat voting welfare queens that don't do jackshit.

We pay them to not work. Corporate farming gets huge subsidies. With that being the case, I am suppose to get upset that we make sure the poor can eat?
We all know that Obama was the Food Stamp President. Greatest expansion of food stamps in history. Time to get off the gubmint dole and get a job, America is hiring everywhere.
Greatest recession since the great depression. Without food stamps people would have starved.

I am All for food but not food stamps as people would sell them for 80 cents on the dollar and buy scratch tickets. Provide actual food via soup kitchens and such or have food delivered.
Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 3 Million

8 out of 10 states with the highest percentage of folks on food stamps voted for Trump

Once again, Trump and his enablers have shafted their own supporters.

Unfortunately they will blame Dems for it and still vote for trump

Millions of voters that have pay the taxes to fund the fucking food stamps for shitheads like the fact Trump is trying to cut back some of it.

I'll pay for my food and you pay for yours.

Why should I have to pay the farmers?

You shouldn't.

There should be no welfare, subsidies, grants, entitlements or bailouts. Not for anybody.

The difference is that the farmers usually work their asses off for their subsidies while the Democrat voting welfare queens that don't do jackshit.

We pay them to not work. Corporate farming gets huge subsidies. With that being the case, I am suppose to get upset that we make sure the poor can eat?

If you don't like subsidies then join me in advocating that all subsidies, welfare, bailouts, entitlements and grants be stopped.

Nobody gets money made by other people. No more transferring money from the people that earned it to the people that didn't earn it.

That is fair, isn't it?
Trump Administration Moves to End Food Stamps for 3 Million

8 out of 10 states with the highest percentage of folks on food stamps voted for Trump

Once again, Trump and his enablers have shafted their own supporters.

Unfortunately they will blame Dems for it and still vote for trump

Millions of voters that have pay the taxes to fund the fucking food stamps for shitheads like the fact Trump is trying to cut back some of it.

I'll pay for my food and you pay for yours.

Why should I have to pay the farmers?

You shouldn't.

There should be no welfare, subsidies, grants, entitlements or bailouts. Not for anybody.

The difference is that the farmers usually work their asses off for their subsidies while the Democrat voting welfare queens that don't do jackshit.

We pay them to not work. Corporate farming gets huge subsidies. With that being the case, I am suppose to get upset that we make sure the poor can eat?

If you don't like subsidies then join me in advocating that all subsidies, welfare, bailouts, entitlements and grants be stopped.

Nobody gets money made by other people. No more transferring money from the people that earned it to the people that didn't earn it.

That is fair, isn't it?

It isn't going to happen. To do that we would have to shut down the Federal Reserve and until some outside source makes it irrelevant that is never going to happen so I will continue to advocate for the poor.

One day it will happen.

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