Trump adviser leaves FOX will $20 lawsuit settlement!


I do not want to be objectified!
Picture was taken when sexists ruled the Miss America pageant. Swimsuit competition has been dropped by the pageant.
Did you just try to say the Miss America pageant is no longer sexist?

So ugly women have a chance now, do they? :lol:
It is a fucking beauty contest. Always has been. If it was about their intellect it would be held in a library not on a stage with a runway (stripper landing pad)

I thought Fox hired people for their brains!


Are you kidding? I couldn't even spell my own name until high school!
Brian spends a lot of his spare time buffing his forehead.
So when was Carlson a Trump advisor as the thread title claims? As for most of the post liberal war on women alive and well.

You really cannot ready, can you. Roger, the pervert Ailes is now advising Comrade Trump. Grow a Brain!
You said Trump adviser leaves FOX with 20 million settlement since Carlson is the one who got the settlement the implication in your thread title is she is the Trump advisor. If you had said Trump advisor pays 20 million settlement then it would have been referring to Ailes. Now go work on your writing skills.

Ha Ha! Ailes left FOX with a 20 Million bill for his sexual harassment. Carlson left months ago. I am a published writer. You need to retake reading comprehension 101. :biggrin:
You can claim to be Ernest Hemingway reincarnated if you want to it does not the fact that your thread title is misleading that you got called on it and your not adult enough to admit your mistake. Continue to live in denial if you must I'm going out for lunch.

I do not want to be objectified!
Picture was taken when sexists ruled the Miss America pageant. Swimsuit competition has been dropped by the pageant.
Did you just try to say the Miss America pageant is no longer sexist?

So ugly women have a chance now, do they? :lol:

When I told my mom I was going to cover the pageant one year the first thing out of my mom's mouth was "Don't say anything!" My mom knew me very well and knew how I felt about the Miss America pageant.

The Miss America pageant is one of the most sexist events I've ever had the displeasure to cover.

I understand that it's the only opportunity for some girls. Which in itself is sexist and disgusting.

Instead of exploiting their bodies and looks, why not give them the proper opportunities they need to succeed in life?

Such as a good education, equal pay for equal work, not discriminating women just because they have or will have children.

Just to name a few.
My remarks were what I heard recently on the news about the swimsuit competition being scrubbed in the future. So in effect, the newscasters should learn something before they report things.

Ok so when I tell you the truth and you can't refute it you change what you said.

That's not going to work with me.

This is what you said:

Swimsuit competition has been dropped by the pageant

Now you change it to something you didn't say.

Now you blame it on someone in the news.

Please give me a link to your claims.

If you want to make claims then you better be prepared to back those claims up with credible proof.

As I did in my response to your lie.

I do not want to be objectified!
Picture was taken when sexists ruled the Miss America pageant. Swimsuit competition has been dropped by the pageant.
Did you just try to say the Miss America pageant is no longer sexist?

So ugly women have a chance now, do they? :lol:

When I told my mom I was going to cover the pageant one year the first thing out of my mom's mouth was "Don't say anything!" My mom knew me very well and knew how I felt about the Miss America pageant.

The Miss America pageant is one of the most sexist events I've ever had the displeasure to cover.

I understand that it's the only opportunity for some girls. Which in itself is sexist and disgusting.

Instead of exploiting their bodies and looks, why not give them the proper opportunities they need to succeed in life?

Such as a good education, equal pay for equal work, not discriminating women just because they have or will have children.

Just to name a few.
My remarks were what I heard recently on the news about the swimsuit competition being scrubbed in the future. So in effect, the newscasters should learn something before they report things.

Ok so when I tell you the truth and you can't refute it you change what you said.

That's not going to work with me.

This is what you said:

Swimsuit competition has been dropped by the pageant

Now you change it to something you didn't say.

Now you blame it on someone in the news.

Please give me a link to your claims.

If you want to make claims then you better be prepared to back those claims up with credible proof.

As I did in my response to your lie.

I do not want to be objectified!
Picture was taken when sexists ruled the Miss America pageant. Swimsuit competition has been dropped by the pageant.
Did you just try to say the Miss America pageant is no longer sexist?

So ugly women have a chance now, do they? :lol:

When I told my mom I was going to cover the pageant one year the first thing out of my mom's mouth was "Don't say anything!" My mom knew me very well and knew how I felt about the Miss America pageant.

The Miss America pageant is one of the most sexist events I've ever had the displeasure to cover.

I understand that it's the only opportunity for some girls. Which in itself is sexist and disgusting.

Instead of exploiting their bodies and looks, why not give them the proper opportunities they need to succeed in life?

Such as a good education, equal pay for equal work, not discriminating women just because they have or will have children.

Just to name a few.
My remarks were what I heard recently on the news about the swimsuit competition being scrubbed in the future. So in effect, the newscasters should learn something before they report things.

Ok so when I tell you the truth and you can't refute it you change what you said.

That's not going to work with me.

This is what you said:

Swimsuit competition has been dropped by the pageant

Now you change it to something you didn't say.

Now you blame it on someone in the news.

Please give me a link to your claims.

If you want to make claims then you better be prepared to back those claims up with credible proof.

As I did in my response to your lie.
Reading comprehension is lacking in your diet so you can make of it what you will when I say for you to go outside and play Hide and Go Fuck Yourself.

I do not want to be objectified!
Picture was taken when sexists ruled the Miss America pageant. Swimsuit competition has been dropped by the pageant.
Did you just try to say the Miss America pageant is no longer sexist?

So ugly women have a chance now, do they? :lol:

When I told my mom I was going to cover the pageant one year the first thing out of my mom's mouth was "Don't say anything!" My mom knew me very well and knew how I felt about the Miss America pageant.

The Miss America pageant is one of the most sexist events I've ever had the displeasure to cover.

I understand that it's the only opportunity for some girls. Which in itself is sexist and disgusting.

Instead of exploiting their bodies and looks, why not give them the proper opportunities they need to succeed in life?

Such as a good education, equal pay for equal work, not discriminating women just because they have or will have children.

Just to name a few.

I hate how people exploit those girls, but I went ahead and photographed them cuz it made me money!

I didn't make a penny from that job. I was asked to be there by a photographer. Not an editor.

The photographer is a friend of mine, we both shoot the same type of events. He wanted to retire and wanted me to take over some of his jobs. The Miss America event was one of them.

Because no editor sent me, I didn't publish the photos I took nor did the photo company that we both worked for pay me.

I did that as a favor for a good friend. No more. No less.

His first attempt to get me to take over that job was he arranged for me to work with a singer I've always wanted to work with but that singer never comes to the west because that singer doesn't like to get on an airplane. That singer stays in the east and was performing at a casino in Atlantic City. It's next to impossible to get clearance with a casino to photograph a concert in Atlantic City. So my friend bribed me with that concert. I went to Atlantic City in 2001 and worked with that singer. Then my friend started to teach me about the pageant job. He told me that I would have to go to Atlantic City at least once a month every month for the pageant. That's on top of having to go there for the pageant week itself. I said thanks but no thanks.

In 2007 they had moved the pageant to Las Vegas and he again asked me to give it a try, since the pageant was in Vegas instead of Atlantic City. It wasn't until after I was there that he said I would still have to go out to NJ every month all year round for as long as I had that job. Which I wasn't willing to do.

Some people don't do things just for money. They do them because of friendship.

And just because I believe they are sexist doesn't mean that I can't take their money. It's spends just the same way anyone else's money is spent. I didn't take anyone's money for that job or those photos.

I can't stand country western music but I work with many country western music performers. I just use good ear plugs and do my job. Are you saying that I should not work with country western musicians just because I can't stand their music? I'm not there to like or dislike their music. I'm there to take photos. They don't pay me on whether I like the music or not. They pay me because they want me to take the photos.

One last fact for you. Every photographer I met at the pageant felt the same way about the event as I do. When you have a job to do. You do it. I will not fault someone for wanting to pay their bills and eat. Which is what a paycheck is for.
So when was Carlson a Trump advisor as the thread title claims? As for most of the post liberal war on women alive and well.

You really cannot ready, can you. Roger, the pervert Ailes is now advising Comrade Trump. Grow a Brain!
You said Trump adviser leaves FOX with 20 million settlement since Carlson is the one who got the settlement the implication in your thread title is she is the Trump advisor. If you had said Trump advisor pays 20 million settlement then it would have been referring to Ailes. Now go work on your writing skills.

Ha Ha! Ailes left FOX with a 20 Million bill for his sexual harassment. Carlson left months ago. I am a published writer. You need to retake reading comprehension 101. :biggrin:
You can claim to be Ernest Hemingway reincarnated if you want to it does not the fact that your thread title is misleading that you got called on it and your not adult enough to admit your mistake. Continue to live in denial if you must I'm going out for lunch.

Funny, everyone else understood it except for you. I guess you need some more detailed instructions?
So when was Carlson a Trump advisor as the thread title claims? As for most of the post liberal war on women alive and well.

You really cannot ready, can you. Roger, the pervert Ailes is now advising Comrade Trump. Grow a Brain!
You said Trump adviser leaves FOX with 20 million settlement since Carlson is the one who got the settlement the implication in your thread title is she is the Trump advisor. If you had said Trump advisor pays 20 million settlement then it would have been referring to Ailes. Now go work on your writing skills.

Ha Ha! Ailes left FOX with a 20 Million bill for his sexual harassment. Carlson left months ago. I am a published writer. You need to retake reading comprehension 101. :biggrin:
You can claim to be Ernest Hemingway reincarnated if you want to it does not the fact that your thread title is misleading that you got called on it and your not adult enough to admit your mistake. Continue to live in denial if you must I'm going out for lunch.

Ailes is now on the Trump payroll. He received a $20 MIL settlement from Fox. What don't you get?
So when was Carlson a Trump advisor as the thread title claims? As for most of the post liberal war on women alive and well.

You really cannot ready, can you. Roger, the pervert Ailes is now advising Comrade Trump. Grow a Brain!
You said Trump adviser leaves FOX with 20 million settlement since Carlson is the one who got the settlement the implication in your thread title is she is the Trump advisor. If you had said Trump advisor pays 20 million settlement then it would have been referring to Ailes. Now go work on your writing skills.

Ha Ha! Ailes left FOX with a 20 Million bill for his sexual harassment. Carlson left months ago. I am a published writer. You need to retake reading comprehension 101. :biggrin:
You can claim to be Ernest Hemingway reincarnated if you want to it does not the fact that your thread title is misleading that you got called on it and your not adult enough to admit your mistake. Continue to live in denial if you must I'm going out for lunch.

Ailes is now on the Trump payroll. He received a $20 MIL settlement from Fox. What don't you get?
Gretchen Carlson got the 20 million settlement not Ailes.
You really cannot ready, can you. Roger, the pervert Ailes is now advising Comrade Trump. Grow a Brain!
You said Trump adviser leaves FOX with 20 million settlement since Carlson is the one who got the settlement the implication in your thread title is she is the Trump advisor. If you had said Trump advisor pays 20 million settlement then it would have been referring to Ailes. Now go work on your writing skills.

Ha Ha! Ailes left FOX with a 20 Million bill for his sexual harassment. Carlson left months ago. I am a published writer. You need to retake reading comprehension 101. :biggrin:
You can claim to be Ernest Hemingway reincarnated if you want to it does not the fact that your thread title is misleading that you got called on it and your not adult enough to admit your mistake. Continue to live in denial if you must I'm going out for lunch.

Ailes is now on the Trump payroll. He received a $20 MIL settlement from Fox. What don't you get?
Gretchen Carlson got the 20 million settlement not Ailes.

Ha Ha Ha! But Ailes left FOX with the bill. Everyone understood the title except you. I suggest Literary Comprehension 101. The freshmen would love to have an old guy in the class.

I do not want to be objectified!
Picture was taken when sexists ruled the Miss America pageant. Swimsuit competition has been dropped by the pageant.
Did you just try to say the Miss America pageant is no longer sexist?

So ugly women have a chance now, do they? :lol:

When I told my mom I was going to cover the pageant one year the first thing out of my mom's mouth was "Don't say anything!" My mom knew me very well and knew how I felt about the Miss America pageant.

The Miss America pageant is one of the most sexist events I've ever had the displeasure to cover.

I understand that it's the only opportunity for some girls. Which in itself is sexist and disgusting.

Instead of exploiting their bodies and looks, why not give them the proper opportunities they need to succeed in life?

Such as a good education, equal pay for equal work, not discriminating women just because they have or will have children.

Just to name a few.

I hate how people exploit those girls, but I went ahead and photographed them cuz it made me money!

I didn't make a penny from that job. I was asked to be there by a photographer. Not an editor.

The photographer is a friend of mine, we both shoot the same type of events. He wanted to retire and wanted me to take over some of his jobs. The Miss America event was one of them.

Because no editor sent me, I didn't publish the photos I took nor did the photo company that we both worked for pay me.

I did that as a favor for a good friend. No more. No less.

His first attempt to get me to take over that job was he arranged for me to work with a singer I've always wanted to work with but that singer never comes to the west because that singer doesn't like to get on an airplane. That singer stays in the east and was performing at a casino in Atlantic City. It's next to impossible to get clearance with a casino to photograph a concert in Atlantic City. So my friend bribed me with that concert. I went to Atlantic City in 2001 and worked with that singer. Then my friend started to teach me about the pageant job. He told me that I would have to go to Atlantic City at least once a month every month for the pageant. That's on top of having to go there for the pageant week itself. I said thanks but no thanks.

In 2007 they had moved the pageant to Las Vegas and he again asked me to give it a try, since the pageant was in Vegas instead of Atlantic City. It wasn't until after I was there that he said I would still have to go out to NJ every month all year round for as long as I had that job. Which I wasn't willing to do.

Some people don't do things just for money. They do them because of friendship.

And just because I believe they are sexist doesn't mean that I can't take their money. It's spends just the same way anyone else's money is spent. I didn't take anyone's money for that job or those photos.

I can't stand country western music but I work with many country western music performers. I just use good ear plugs and do my job. Are you saying that I should not work with country western musicians just because I can't stand their music? I'm not there to like or dislike their music. I'm there to take photos. They don't pay me on whether I like the music or not. They pay me because they want me to take the photos.

One last fact for you. Every photographer I met at the pageant felt the same way about the event as I do. When you have a job to do. You do it. I will not fault someone for wanting to pay their bills and eat. Which is what a paycheck is for.

And only other people are exploiting those people. Got it.
Picture was taken when sexists ruled the Miss America pageant. Swimsuit competition has been dropped by the pageant.
Did you just try to say the Miss America pageant is no longer sexist?

So ugly women have a chance now, do they? :lol:

When I told my mom I was going to cover the pageant one year the first thing out of my mom's mouth was "Don't say anything!" My mom knew me very well and knew how I felt about the Miss America pageant.

The Miss America pageant is one of the most sexist events I've ever had the displeasure to cover.

I understand that it's the only opportunity for some girls. Which in itself is sexist and disgusting.

Instead of exploiting their bodies and looks, why not give them the proper opportunities they need to succeed in life?

Such as a good education, equal pay for equal work, not discriminating women just because they have or will have children.

Just to name a few.

I hate how people exploit those girls, but I went ahead and photographed them cuz it made me money!

I didn't make a penny from that job. I was asked to be there by a photographer. Not an editor.

The photographer is a friend of mine, we both shoot the same type of events. He wanted to retire and wanted me to take over some of his jobs. The Miss America event was one of them.

Because no editor sent me, I didn't publish the photos I took nor did the photo company that we both worked for pay me.

I did that as a favor for a good friend. No more. No less.

His first attempt to get me to take over that job was he arranged for me to work with a singer I've always wanted to work with but that singer never comes to the west because that singer doesn't like to get on an airplane. That singer stays in the east and was performing at a casino in Atlantic City. It's next to impossible to get clearance with a casino to photograph a concert in Atlantic City. So my friend bribed me with that concert. I went to Atlantic City in 2001 and worked with that singer. Then my friend started to teach me about the pageant job. He told me that I would have to go to Atlantic City at least once a month every month for the pageant. That's on top of having to go there for the pageant week itself. I said thanks but no thanks.

In 2007 they had moved the pageant to Las Vegas and he again asked me to give it a try, since the pageant was in Vegas instead of Atlantic City. It wasn't until after I was there that he said I would still have to go out to NJ every month all year round for as long as I had that job. Which I wasn't willing to do.

Some people don't do things just for money. They do them because of friendship.

And just because I believe they are sexist doesn't mean that I can't take their money. It's spends just the same way anyone else's money is spent. I didn't take anyone's money for that job or those photos.

I can't stand country western music but I work with many country western music performers. I just use good ear plugs and do my job. Are you saying that I should not work with country western musicians just because I can't stand their music? I'm not there to like or dislike their music. I'm there to take photos. They don't pay me on whether I like the music or not. They pay me because they want me to take the photos.

One last fact for you. Every photographer I met at the pageant felt the same way about the event as I do. When you have a job to do. You do it. I will not fault someone for wanting to pay their bills and eat. Which is what a paycheck is for.

And only other people are exploiting those people. Got it.

Tell me how I exploited anyone.

By taking their photo, not being paid and no one seeing the photos?

Do you realize how ridiculous your post is?
Did you just try to say the Miss America pageant is no longer sexist?

So ugly women have a chance now, do they? :lol:

When I told my mom I was going to cover the pageant one year the first thing out of my mom's mouth was "Don't say anything!" My mom knew me very well and knew how I felt about the Miss America pageant.

The Miss America pageant is one of the most sexist events I've ever had the displeasure to cover.

I understand that it's the only opportunity for some girls. Which in itself is sexist and disgusting.

Instead of exploiting their bodies and looks, why not give them the proper opportunities they need to succeed in life?

Such as a good education, equal pay for equal work, not discriminating women just because they have or will have children.

Just to name a few.

I hate how people exploit those girls, but I went ahead and photographed them cuz it made me money!

I didn't make a penny from that job. I was asked to be there by a photographer. Not an editor.

The photographer is a friend of mine, we both shoot the same type of events. He wanted to retire and wanted me to take over some of his jobs. The Miss America event was one of them.

Because no editor sent me, I didn't publish the photos I took nor did the photo company that we both worked for pay me.

I did that as a favor for a good friend. No more. No less.

His first attempt to get me to take over that job was he arranged for me to work with a singer I've always wanted to work with but that singer never comes to the west because that singer doesn't like to get on an airplane. That singer stays in the east and was performing at a casino in Atlantic City. It's next to impossible to get clearance with a casino to photograph a concert in Atlantic City. So my friend bribed me with that concert. I went to Atlantic City in 2001 and worked with that singer. Then my friend started to teach me about the pageant job. He told me that I would have to go to Atlantic City at least once a month every month for the pageant. That's on top of having to go there for the pageant week itself. I said thanks but no thanks.

In 2007 they had moved the pageant to Las Vegas and he again asked me to give it a try, since the pageant was in Vegas instead of Atlantic City. It wasn't until after I was there that he said I would still have to go out to NJ every month all year round for as long as I had that job. Which I wasn't willing to do.

Some people don't do things just for money. They do them because of friendship.

And just because I believe they are sexist doesn't mean that I can't take their money. It's spends just the same way anyone else's money is spent. I didn't take anyone's money for that job or those photos.

I can't stand country western music but I work with many country western music performers. I just use good ear plugs and do my job. Are you saying that I should not work with country western musicians just because I can't stand their music? I'm not there to like or dislike their music. I'm there to take photos. They don't pay me on whether I like the music or not. They pay me because they want me to take the photos.

One last fact for you. Every photographer I met at the pageant felt the same way about the event as I do. When you have a job to do. You do it. I will not fault someone for wanting to pay their bills and eat. Which is what a paycheck is for.

And only other people are exploiting those people. Got it.

Tell me how I exploited anyone.

By taking their photo, not being paid and no one seeing the photos?

Do you realize how ridiculous your post is?

You said the competition was exploitive...yet you photographed it.

How is that not exploitive?

Do you not understand the meaning of the word?

How about hypocrite?
Fox reaches $20 million settlement with Gretchen Carlson over sexual harassment claims

Yup, Comrade Trump and Roger have a lot in common. They are both sleaze.

Thank God Barack, Bill and Hillary and Harry Reid are all holy, though.

IOW, on these matters, your opinions are so slanted they are worthless.

B-b-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!

Even if you are stupid, you do not have to expose yourself.
Given your inability to stay on topic, you're in no position to refer to others as "stupid."
Fox reaches $20 million settlement with Gretchen Carlson over sexual harassment claims

Yup, Comrade Trump and Roger have a lot in common. They are both sleaze.

Thank God Barack, Bill and Hillary and Harry Reid are all holy, though.

IOW, on these matters, your opinions are so slanted they are worthless.

This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread is about Trump.

LOL. I have spoken about Trump many times before. (and often not very complimentary)

But he did call Trump sleazy and that immediately brought me back to the Big Three --- Bill, Barack and Hillary and Reid (4) --- the sleaziest politicians in memory.

But your big win here today is that I did not speak about Trump and tried to steer the argument towards that aforementioned infested group above. Wow. You look so brilliant with that retort. You have just convicted Donald and exonerated Hilldebeest --- because we apparently could not mount a counter attack. Go have a cocktail or a malted milk and celebrate.
Fox reaches $20 million settlement with Gretchen Carlson over sexual harassment claims

Yup, Comrade Trump and Roger have a lot in common. They are both sleaze.

Thank God Barack, Bill and Hillary and Harry Reid are all holy, though.

IOW, on these matters, your opinions are so slanted they are worthless.

This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread is about Trump.

LOL. I have spoken about Trump many times before. (and often not very complimentary)

But he did call Trump sleazy and that immediately brought me back to the Big Three --- Bill, Barack and Hillary and Reid (4) --- the sleaziest politicians in memory.

But your big win here today is that I did not speak about Trump and tried to steer the argument towards that aforementioned infested group above. Wow. You look so brilliant with that retort. You have just convicted Donald and exonerated Hilldebeest --- because we apparently could not mount a counter attack. Go have a cocktail or a malted milk and celebrate.

Another Trumpette masquerading as an Independent....really. GET A LIFE!

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