Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

you're wrong. most men don't GRAB anything because they think they can get away with it. most men don't try to fuck a married woman - knowing she's married & not caring that they themselves are married. anybody that truly believes that is either misogynistic, an incel... or both. thinks that is obviously an incel.
Most men...most politicians do not engage in criminal sexual misconduct for DECADES....most men / politicians do not realize it is going on and refuse to stop it, instead choose to create a special committee whose sole purpose is to pay for the silence of these Democrats' victims using tax dollars to do so ....for decades....and then walk away 'scott-free', retiring with full tax payer-funded benefits....but Democrats, the liberal media, and snowflakes certainly had no problem with it.

They spent 3 years investigating a NON-crime based on ZERO evidence but let these criminal pervs and embezzlers / thieves walk despite enough evidence to convict them and put them away for DECADES...
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.
That’s what you’ll run on it won’t work. The independents aren’t buying it. This stuff is turning them off.

But this is trumps strategy. His supporters sure love it. They love anything he does. He could be that pedophile Epstein’s best friend republicans would love it. Deplorable
When Trump became presidunce the racists came out of their closets

When Trump became President, the Race Baiters flew into a frenzy.

You are an asshole.

when trump became 'president' the torch bearers got the green light. why did david duke support trump? why did richard spencer giggle like a school girl? why did PEPE croak with glee?
You can't control who supports you.
What’s really sad is even the KKK is more American than the pedophile terrorists in the Democrat Party.
Yes muddy but some of us are good people lol
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.
That’s what you’ll run on it won’t work. The independents aren’t buying it. This stuff is turning them off.

But this is trumps strategy. His supporters sure love it. They love anything he does. He could be that pedophile Epstein’s best friend republicans would love it. Deplorable
When Trump became presidunce the racists came out of their closets
Not hardly
You fuckers are just calling everything in existence Racist.
The 4 idiots were calling Pelosi a racist the other day.
People are getting tired of it.
Good seeing you out of the racist closet muddy
Oh so all of the times you called me a racist before was bullshit???

The truth muddy is I don't know if you're a racist or not ,,,but I'm a gambler and my money would be on you being a racist and that's as sure a bet than can be made
You are a Trump supporter so that makes you ignorant.

Just when you think snowflakes can't say anything DUMBER than they already have...


You are a good little Nazi who defends your Fuehrer.

Please allow me to paraphrase CNN's Cuomo, who rebuked his fellow Leftist journalist, Don Lemon, for going off on a 'Trump is Hitler' rant:

He told Lemon that attempting to call Republicans / Conservatives 'Nazis' and President Trump 'Hitler' demonstrates an enormous amount of IGNORANCE about history, about Hitler, and about Nazi Germany. It is so extremely insane - and has been used so incorrectly by the Left, much like the term 'racism' - that when people hear nutjobs like yourself say this they immediately shut down and stop listening to you. Doing so, Cuomo stated, takes away from legitimate criticism of the President's policies and actions.

Calling Trump 'Hitler' and Conservatives 'Nazis' is as STUPID / IGNORANT as Omar trying to claim that Israel / Jews - the victims of near-genocide at the hands of Hitler / Nazi Germany - is equivalent to 'Nazis'


his documented lies are in the 1000s... & one more has been added when he claims he didn't like the 'send her back' chant & tried to speak over it. poor gropenführer STILL doesn't realize how video tape works..............
Neither do you.
Too much is on YouTube that supports Trump when it comes to these 4 Congress critters.

it depends on the source & whether it was edited. he absolutely did not try to squash that chant... in fact he bobbed his head back & forth in rhythm waiting for it to die down on its own.
you're wrong. most men don't GRAB anything because they think they can get away with it. most men don't try to fuck a married woman - knowing she's married & not caring that they themselves are married. anybody that truly believes that is either misogynistic, an incel... or both. thinks that is obviously an incel.
Most men...most politicians do not engage in criminal sexual misconduct for DECADES....most men / politicians do not realize it is going on and refuse to stop it, instead choose to create a special committee whose sole purpose is to pay for the silence of these Democrats' victims using tax dollars to do so ....for decades....and then walk away 'scott-free', retiring with full tax payer-funded benefits....but Democrats, the liberal media, and snowflakes certainly had no problem with it.

They spent 3 years investigating a NON-crime based on ZERO evidence but let these criminal pervs and embezzlers / thieves walk despite enough evidence to convict them and put them away for DECADES...

silly you.......... just cause YOU care whether they are (R)s & therefore will justify it cause (D)s may have done the same thing is exactly what a partisan stooge would do. & a trumpanzee.......... which is obvious that you are both.

& i am neither.
it depends on the source & whether it was edited. he absolutely did not try to squash that chant... in fact he bobbed his head back & forth in rhythm waiting for it to die down on its own.
Thank you for the opinion...Since you are so offended by American citizens exercising their Constitutional Right of Free Speech and seem to want to make insulting / making fun of Democrats 'Illegal', I now call for a time of silent empathy...
...ok, that's enough 'emotional support' for easily-offended snowflakes. .

it depends on the source & whether it was edited. he absolutely did not try to squash that chant... in fact he bobbed his head back & forth in rhythm waiting for it to die down on its own.
Thank you for the opinion...Since you are so offended by American citizens exercising their Constitutional Right of Free Speech and seem to want to make insulting / making fun of Democrats 'Illegal', I now call for a time of silent empathy...
...ok, that's enough 'emotional support' for easily-offended snowflakes. .


what? that makes no sense whatsoever. i don't take any credence in a biased edited video, because it doesn't show the truth. free speech is only valuable when its truthful speech to those who don't deal in CONspiracy. god damn, that post of yours is some sort of trumpspeak, ain't it..... what i said is what happened. i certainly did not say they couldn't chant....
silly you.......... just cause YOU care whether they are (R)s & therefore will justify it cause (D)s may have done the same thing....
And THAT, boys and girls - 'playtime' attempting to tell me what I believe / feel / support - is called 'PROJECTION'. :p

The FACT is Republicans NEVER sexually abused women for decades, created a committee to hide it, and used tax dollars to pay off their victims...only stopping because they got caught - LIKE THE DEMOCRATS DID....but don't let facts stop you from trying to spin Democratic Party sanctioned / supported criminal perversion and theft of tax dollars.
silly you.......... just cause YOU care whether they are (R)s & therefore will justify it cause (D)s may have done the same thing....
And THAT, boys and girls - 'playtime' attempting to tell me what I believe / feel / support - is called 'PROJECTION'. :p

The FACT is Republicans NEVER sexually abused women for decades, created a committee to hide it, and used tax dollars to pay off their victims...only stopping because they got caught - LIKE THE DEMOCRATS DID....but don't let facts stop you from trying to spin Democratic Party sanctioned / supported criminal perversion and theft of tax dollars.

lol.... jeffery epstein just might blow a big hole thru that post.................... & the funniest part of it is you seem to think i am a (D).

that's a fail on yer part. again.
That’s what you’ll run on it won’t work. The independents aren’t buying it. This stuff is turning them off.

But this is trumps strategy. His supporters sure love it. They love anything he does. He could be that pedophile Epstein’s best friend republicans would love it. Deplorable
When Trump became presidunce the racists came out of their closets

When Trump became President, the Race Baiters flew into a frenzy.

You are an asshole.

when trump became 'president' the torch bearers got the green light. why did david duke support trump? why did richard spencer giggle like a school girl? why did PEPE croak with glee?
You can't control who supports you.
What’s really sad is even the KKK is more American than the pedophile terrorists in the Democrat Party.

oh dear. you see, lenny.... i say let the hammer drop on any & all child diddlers no matter the party... if they are indeed from both sides of the aisle. me thinx THIS pedophile will be naming names........................

& donny from queens tried to say he didn't know who david duke was... like he thought anybody wasn't gonna call bullshit on that one. he could have & should have said he denounced them the 2nd it was brought up. he finally did, when he had no choice. & that little retweet of some bigot regarding hillary & the star of david over cash was also plain ignorance on trump's part? sure..... which is why they 'fixed' it before he retweeted it again.

Trump is a celebrity.
He does not know everyone who has posed for a photo with.
That’s what you’ll run on it won’t work. The independents aren’t buying it. This stuff is turning them off.

But this is trumps strategy. His supporters sure love it. They love anything he does. He could be that pedophile Epstein’s best friend republicans would love it. Deplorable
When Trump became presidunce the racists came out of their closets
Not hardly
You fuckers are just calling everything in existence Racist.
The 4 idiots were calling Pelosi a racist the other day.
People are getting tired of it.
Good seeing you out of the racist closet muddy
Oh so all of the times you called me a racist before was bullshit???

No muddy I just believe that upon trumps becoming president many racists were able to raise their voices and show support for their racist brother IF you support a racist doesn't that make you one too ?

Remember Republicans blamed Obama for the rise in violence?

U.S. hate crimes increased by 17 percent last year, federal officials said Tuesday, a surge driven by racial and anti-Semitic attacks and linked by some experts to the wider public emergence of white supremacists and other hate groups.

Across the country, authorities reported 7,175 hate crimes in 2017, compared with 6,121 in 2016

This is Trump's fault. Even Trump admits this. For one, because he blamed Obama when he was leadership and he even condemns himself in this 2013 tweet

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

11:01 AM - 8 Nov 2013
When Trump became presidunce the racists came out of their closets

When Trump became President, the Race Baiters flew into a frenzy.

You are an asshole.

when trump became 'president' the torch bearers got the green light. why did david duke support trump? why did richard spencer giggle like a school girl? why did PEPE croak with glee?
You can't control who supports you.
What’s really sad is even the KKK is more American than the pedophile terrorists in the Democrat Party.

oh dear. you see, lenny.... i say let the hammer drop on any & all child diddlers no matter the party... if they are indeed from both sides of the aisle. me thinx THIS pedophile will be naming names........................

& donny from queens tried to say he didn't know who david duke was... like he thought anybody wasn't gonna call bullshit on that one. he could have & should have said he denounced them the 2nd it was brought up. he finally did, when he had no choice. & that little retweet of some bigot regarding hillary & the star of david over cash was also plain ignorance on trump's part? sure..... which is why they 'fixed' it before he retweeted it again.

Trump is a celebrity.
He does not know everyone who has posed for a photo with.

We have Trump on VIDEO partying with Epstein. Not just a photo op. And why do you think Acosta got picked by Trump to head the labor department? A reward for letting Epstein off?
Not only does he smear Dems of all kinds but also people in his own party that called him an idiot And I guess paying off a prostitute to keep her from talking is all good and well with you? Figures Trump U ?? Nothing but a thief and he's all yours

He "smears" dems of all kinds, generally after they attack him.

YOu libs have been challenged to support your claim. RESTATING your claim is not supporting your claim.

I know that this is hard for you to understand.

Making other, unrelated accusations, is not supporting your claim. It is throwing shit against a wall.

I know that is hard for you to understand. Otherwise you would not be a liberal.

You have two choices here.

a. Support your claim.

b. Keeping talking shit, because you know you cannot support the bullshit claim made.
Calling for the deaths of 5 black guys who were innocent makes the scum trump what ,in your eyes?? A hero??

Only an ignorant fool would claim the Central Park 5 were innocent.

And Trump condemned them, based on their individual actions, so still not supporting your claim.
41 million isn't given for nothing They were wronged and the moron racist didn't like them getting paid
lol.... jeffery epstein just might blow a big hole thru that post.................... & the funniest part of it is you seem to think i am a (D). that's a fail on yer part. again.
Yeah, let me know when they find flight logs showing Trump - like Clinton - flew onboard the Pedo-lane' 26 time to Epstein's Pedophile Island...and I don't care what you are, snowflake.

lol.... jeffery epstein just might blow a big hole thru that post.................... & the funniest part of it is you seem to think i am a (D). that's a fail on yer part. again.
Yeah, let me know when they find flight logs showing Trump - like Clinton - flew onboard the Pedo-lane' 26 time to Epstein's Pedophile Island...and I don't care what you are, snowflake.

But CLINTON BUT Hillary BUT Obama How about the garbage in our WH now ?? Only morons support the lying degenerate draft dodger
But CLINTON BUT Hillary BUT Obama...

Hey Snowflake, YOU are the one who brought up Convicted / indicted-again Clinton Pedo-Pal Epstein. If YOU were going to get so TRIGGERED by being reminded Slick Willy flew 26 times on the 'Pedo-Island Express' perhaps YOU should not have brought the subject a thread NOT about Pedo-Pals Epstein and Clinton?!



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