Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

When Trump became presidunce the racists came out of their closets

When Trump became President, the Race Baiters flew into a frenzy.

You are an asshole.

when trump became 'president' the torch bearers got the green light. why did david duke support trump? why did richard spencer giggle like a school girl? why did PEPE croak with glee?
You can't control who supports you.
What’s really sad is even the KKK is more American than the pedophile terrorists in the Democrat Party.

oh dear. you see, lenny.... i say let the hammer drop on any & all child diddlers no matter the party... if they are indeed from both sides of the aisle. me thinx THIS pedophile will be naming names........................

& donny from queens tried to say he didn't know who david duke was... like he thought anybody wasn't gonna call bullshit on that one. he could have & should have said he denounced them the 2nd it was brought up. he finally did, when he had no choice. & that little retweet of some bigot regarding hillary & the star of david over cash was also plain ignorance on trump's part? sure..... which is why they 'fixed' it before he retweeted it again.

Trump is a celebrity.
He does not know everyone who has posed for a photo with.

wtf are you even talking about? wow.... c'mon leonard... give it a better try than that.
I have news. Trump is NOT America.
More news ,, trump is not normal He's bonkers

anybody who looks at videos of him from years ago speaking, can tell there is a vast difference in his coherence, his syntax, etc... he doesn't repeat the same words, can carry on a conversation & stay on point. he is old, his brain is old & he has mental issues due to his age, a family history of alzheimers, & probably a syphilitic brain.
lol.... jeffery epstein just might blow a big hole thru that post.................... & the funniest part of it is you seem to think i am a (D). that's a fail on yer part. again.
Yeah, let me know when they find flight logs showing Trump - like Clinton - flew onboard the Pedo-lane' 26 time to Epstein's Pedophile Island...and I don't care what you are, snowflake.


but but but CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if slick willy is dirty, then i want him caught. along with anybody else. see how that works? you can't even fathom donny being guilty? oh for fuck's sake, ever hear him on howard stern? i have.... many times. he liked the youngins alright... certainly at his miss teen usa pageant, where he bragged about going into their dressing rooms unannounced just to catch them in various stages of nudity. &he's got some questionable pics with his own daughter around the same age as the ones that epstein raped & pimped out, but that is a whole other world of nasty for another time.

lol.... keep bending over for your president. he'll love you long time.
I have news. Trump is NOT America.
More news ,, trump is not normal He's bonkers

anybody who looks at videos of him from years ago speaking, can tell there is a vast difference in his coherence, his syntax, etc... he doesn't repeat the same words, can carry on a conversation & stay on point. he is old, his brain is old & he has mental issues due to his age, a family history of alzheimers, & probably a syphilitic brain.
His mental illness is probably caused by his wanking every day A real wanker
But CLINTON BUT Hillary BUT Obama...

Hey Snowflake, YOU are the one who brought up Convicted / indicted-again Clinton Pedo-Pal Epstein. If YOU were going to get so TRIGGERED by being reminded Slick Willy flew 26 times on the 'Pedo-Island Express' perhaps YOU should not have brought the subject a thread NOT about Pedo-Pals Epstein and Clinton?!



epstein had some 14 phone numbers that belonged to trump. lol.... oh how donny hardly knew ye............

Jeffrey Epstein’s connections to Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, explained
Here’s what we know.

By Andrew Prokop Updated Jul 17, 2019, 8:17pm EDT
Jeffrey Epstein’s connections to Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, explained
but but but CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if slick willy is dirty, then i want him caught. along with anybody else. see how that works?
I also want all criminals caught and punished...but as the Democrats / Obama protected Hillary and other members of his administration from indictment showed, that hardly ever happens....and the Obama administration's FISA Court Abuses and the Dems' / snowflakes' continuous accusations without any evidence to support them proves they do NOT know how it works......

Since you have such a firm grasp on how it works, perhaps you can educate Ed and other snowflakes here who continue to launch / parrot allegations without having anything to back them up?!
I have news. Trump is NOT America.
More news ,, trump is not normal He's bonkers

anybody who looks at videos of him from years ago speaking, can tell there is a vast difference in his coherence, his syntax, etc... he doesn't repeat the same words, can carry on a conversation & stay on point. he is old, his brain is old & he has mental issues due to his age, a family history of alzheimers, & probably a syphilitic brain.
His mental illness is probably caused by his wanking every day A real wanker
While I find 2 Trump-haters making shite up and gabbing like a couple of gossiping old women amusing, maybe you guys should get your own room in which to do your 'self-satisfying circle-jerk'...

When Trump became President, the Race Baiters flew into a frenzy.

You are an asshole.

when trump became 'president' the torch bearers got the green light. why did david duke support trump? why did richard spencer giggle like a school girl? why did PEPE croak with glee?
You can't control who supports you.
What’s really sad is even the KKK is more American than the pedophile terrorists in the Democrat Party.

oh dear. you see, lenny.... i say let the hammer drop on any & all child diddlers no matter the party... if they are indeed from both sides of the aisle. me thinx THIS pedophile will be naming names........................

& donny from queens tried to say he didn't know who david duke was... like he thought anybody wasn't gonna call bullshit on that one. he could have & should have said he denounced them the 2nd it was brought up. he finally did, when he had no choice. & that little retweet of some bigot regarding hillary & the star of david over cash was also plain ignorance on trump's part? sure..... which is why they 'fixed' it before he retweeted it again.

Trump is a celebrity.
He does not know everyone who has posed for a photo with.

wtf are you even talking about? wow.... c'mon leonard... give it a better try than that.

Just snapping you back into reality.
anybody who looks at videos of him from years ago speaking, can tell there is a vast difference in his coherence, his syntax, etc... he doesn't repeat the same words, can carry on a conversation & stay on point. he is old, his brain is old & he has mental issues due to his age, a family history of alzheimers, & probably a syphilitic brain.

The only thing syphilitic are the cocks you keep gargling at $10 bucks a pop you loser.

Trump is on top of his game. He is winning at every turn. His wit is sharper than all the baby-killing socialist Democrat pigs combined.

Trump will be re-elected, so stick THAT on thee knob of of the next dork you swallow and suck it, asswipe.
but but but CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if slick willy is dirty, then i want him caught. along with anybody else. see how that works?
I also want all criminals caught and punished...but as the Democrats / Obama protected Hillary and other members of his administration from indictment showed, that hardly ever happens....and the Obama administration's FISA Court Abuses and the Dems' / snowflakes' continuous accusations without any evidence to support them proves they do NOT know how it works......

Since you have such a firm grasp on how it works, perhaps you can educate Ed and other snowflakes here who continue to launch / parrot allegations without having anything to back them up?!

FISA abuses? but yes of course................. the protocol for obtaining a FISA warrant is extremely stringent, & does not include obama inside donny's microwave.


I have news. Trump is NOT America.
More news ,, trump is not normal He's bonkers

anybody who looks at videos of him from years ago speaking, can tell there is a vast difference in his coherence, his syntax, etc... he doesn't repeat the same words, can carry on a conversation & stay on point. he is old, his brain is old & he has mental issues due to his age, a family history of alzheimers, & probably a syphilitic brain.
His mental illness is probably caused by his wanking every day A real wanker
While I find 2 Trump-haters making shite up and gabbing like a couple of gossiping old women amusing, maybe you guys should get your own room in which to do your 'self-satisfying circle-jerk'...


circle jerk? :auiqs.jpg: can you be any more ignorant?
when trump became 'president' the torch bearers got the green light. why did david duke support trump? why did richard spencer giggle like a school girl? why did PEPE croak with glee?
You can't control who supports you.
What’s really sad is even the KKK is more American than the pedophile terrorists in the Democrat Party.

oh dear. you see, lenny.... i say let the hammer drop on any & all child diddlers no matter the party... if they are indeed from both sides of the aisle. me thinx THIS pedophile will be naming names........................

& donny from queens tried to say he didn't know who david duke was... like he thought anybody wasn't gonna call bullshit on that one. he could have & should have said he denounced them the 2nd it was brought up. he finally did, when he had no choice. & that little retweet of some bigot regarding hillary & the star of david over cash was also plain ignorance on trump's part? sure..... which is why they 'fixed' it before he retweeted it again.

Trump is a celebrity.
He does not know everyone who has posed for a photo with.

wtf are you even talking about? wow.... c'mon leonard... give it a better try than that.

Just snapping you back into reality.

no... just showing your desperation.
anybody who looks at videos of him from years ago speaking, can tell there is a vast difference in his coherence, his syntax, etc... he doesn't repeat the same words, can carry on a conversation & stay on point. he is old, his brain is old & he has mental issues due to his age, a family history of alzheimers, & probably a syphilitic brain.

The only thing syphilitic are the cocks you keep gargling at $10 bucks a pop you loser.

Trump is on top of his game. He is winning at every turn. His wit is sharper than all the baby-killing socialist Democrat pigs combined.

Trump will be re-elected, so stick THAT on thee knob of of the next dork you swallow and suck it, asswipe.

oh my. oh my my MY my my............. you make me giggle....:spinner:
I have news. Trump is NOT America.
More news ,, trump is not normal He's bonkers

anybody who looks at videos of him from years ago speaking, can tell there is a vast difference in his coherence, his syntax, etc... he doesn't repeat the same words, can carry on a conversation & stay on point. he is old, his brain is old & he has mental issues due to his age, a family history of alzheimers, & probably a syphilitic brain.
His mental illness is probably caused by his wanking every day A real wanker
While I find 2 Trump-haters making shite up and gabbing like a couple of gossiping old women amusing, maybe you guys should get your own room in which to do your 'self-satisfying circle-jerk'...

You ever get on a board with PC Bri, sassy Blues Red ,,etc etc ? Someone could commit suicide
epstein had some 14 phone numbers that belonged to trump.
Before I school your ass, too, before we get back to the thread topic, let me remind you that YOU continued this line of conversation...

Is it desperation over the evidence proving Bill Clinton's perverted proven trips on the 'Pedo-Plane' to Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' or the irrational hatred of Donald Trump because he defeated Hillary in 2016 that causes snowflakes / Trump-Haters to believe that a millionaire having several of Trump's phone numbers is somehow equivalent to flight logs that prove Bill Clinton traveled to Epstein's private Pedophile Island onboard his personal airplane 26 times in 2 years?

Liberal media, as soon as Epstein was indicted again, made it a point to report that Trump had banned Epstein from his resorts after the pedophile attempted to force an under-aged girl to give him a 'massage' at one of Trump's opposed to, again, Bill Clinton flying onboard Epstein's private Pedo-Plane out to his private Pedophile Island 26 times in 2 years...

So while you and Ed stroke each other's hatred of Trump, try to find some evidence to back up the accusations you are trying to maybe some flight logs that prove Trump made the same such flights Slick Willy did...

Until you DO have any such evidence, I suggest we get back to the thread topic....which is how Democrats are defending anti-Semitic terrorist-supporting Democrats while demanding making fun of Democrats be made illegal and attempting to strip Americans of their Constitutional Right of Freedom of Speech....
If you don't know that Trump is a draft dodging lying crooked degenerate you're not half as smart as you think you are

Trump is a WINNER: Rich, hot wife, great kids, tv star, and president.
You are a LOSER: On Food Stamps and jerking off in your socks.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
epstein had some 14 phone numbers that belonged to trump.
Before I school your ass, too, before we get back to the thread topic, let me remind you that YOU continued this line of conversation...

Is it desperation over the evidence proving Bill Clinton's perverted proven trips on the 'Pedo-Plane' to Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' or the irrational hatred of Donald Trump because he defeated Hillary in 2016 that causes snowflakes / Trump-Haters believe that a millionaire having several of Trump's phone numbers is somehow equivalent to flight logs that prove Bill Clinton traveled to Epstein's private Pedophile Island onboard his personal airplane 26 times in 2 years?

Liberal media, as soon as Epstein was indicted again, made it a point to report that Trump had banned Epstein from his resorts after the pedophile attempted to force an under-aged girl to give him a 'massage' at one of Trump's opposed to, again, Bill Clinton flying onboard Epstein's private Pedo-Plane out to his private Pedophile Island 26 times in 2 years...

So while you and Ed stroke each other's hatred for Trump, try to find some evidence to back up the accusations you are trying to maybe some flight logs that prove Trump made the same such flights Slick Willy did...

Until you DO have any such evidence, I suggest we get back to the thread topic....which is how Democrats are defending anti-Semitic terrorist-supporting Democrats while demanding making fun of Democrats be made illegal and attempting to strip Americans of their Constitutional Right of Freedom of Speech....



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