Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

Not only does he smear Dems of all kinds but also people in his own party that called him an idiot And I guess paying off a prostitute to keep her from talking is all good and well with you? Figures Trump U ?? Nothing but a thief and he's all yours

He "smears" dems of all kinds, generally after they attack him.

YOu libs have been challenged to support your claim. RESTATING your claim is not supporting your claim.

I know that this is hard for you to understand.

Making other, unrelated accusations, is not supporting your claim. It is throwing shit against a wall.

I know that is hard for you to understand. Otherwise you would not be a liberal.

You have two choices here.

a. Support your claim.

b. Keeping talking shit, because you know you cannot support the bullshit claim made.
Calling for the deaths of 5 black guys who were innocent makes the scum trump what ,in your eyes?? A hero??

Only an ignorant fool would claim the Central Park 5 were innocent.

And Trump condemned them, based on their individual actions, so still not supporting your claim.

they didn't commit the crime that he was calling for the death penalty... he didn't walk back that part either when they were found to have no part in it.

ONly an ignorant fool would claim that they had no part in that horrible rape.
He "smears" dems of all kinds, generally after they attack him.

YOu libs have been challenged to support your claim. RESTATING your claim is not supporting your claim.

I know that this is hard for you to understand.

Making other, unrelated accusations, is not supporting your claim. It is throwing shit against a wall.

I know that is hard for you to understand. Otherwise you would not be a liberal.

You have two choices here.

a. Support your claim.

b. Keeping talking shit, because you know you cannot support the bullshit claim made.
Calling for the deaths of 5 black guys who were innocent makes the scum trump what ,in your eyes?? A hero??

Only an ignorant fool would claim the Central Park 5 were innocent.

And Trump condemned them, based on their individual actions, so still not supporting your claim.
They were PROVEN innocent thru DNA tests Only an idiot will keep supporting that pos

They always knew that there were other attackers that got away.

That one of them was found, in no way demonstrates anyone else is innocent.

You are the idiot.

uh-huh... did the true animal convicted actually name anybody else? cause it sure wasn't the original 5 dudes named in the case; but tiny hands sure didn't care when he still wanted them strung up.

The original 5 volunteered details of the case, that only someone there could have known, several of them confessed.

Calling for them to be strung up, was completely reasonable.

Why do you libs always side with the criminals vs the victims?
I get it Correll you and purge You'd vote for the pos trump if he shot and killed someone on 5th ave What great citizens,,patriots you are LOL

Oh, you looked up the case and realized I was right, but are too committed to admit it?
Honestly ?? No I didn't look it up Just went with what I remember the Trump home town newspapers said

You talking about the NEW YORK TIMES? lol!!!

If you want to blame them for lying to you, and putting you in the position of defending something false, I will believe you.

But then we have to discuss the implications of your list being wrong.

the same NYT that donny spent cash to take out FULL PAGE ads.

ya, that NYT.

Yes, that one. What point do you think you are making?
Oh, you looked up the case and realized I was right, but are too committed to admit it?
Honestly ?? No I didn't look it up Just went with what I remember the Trump home town newspapers said

You talking about the NEW YORK TIMES? lol!!!

If you want to blame them for lying to you, and putting you in the position of defending something false, I will believe you.

But then we have to discuss the implications of your list being wrong.

You can apologize later
President Donald Trump has repeatedly commented on a case that wrongly accused a group of black and Latino men of assaulting a white female jogger in Central Park in 1989.

Trump's comments surrounding the case, many of which were made in his capacity as a New York business mogul, have resurfaced following a Netflix series on the men who were charged with the assault. The men are commonly referred to as the Central Park Five.

Raymond Santana, Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, Yusef Salaam and Korey Wise were all boys when they were convicted of raping Trisha Meili. They were then found innocent of the crime after convicted murder Matias Reyes in 2002 confessed to raping Meili, which was confirmed by DNA evidence. The city awarded the men $41 million in 2014, a decade after some of the men initially sued the city for how it handled the case.

Trump, now president, has doubled down on his stance that some involved in the attack were guilty.

It was always known, that other attackers got away.

That one was found, in no way makes the Central Park Five not guilty.

This is YOUR example, and it proves that Trump attacks people that deserve it based on their actions, and that you libs are bat shit crazy.

the dude that was finally caught NEVER named the 5 originally charged. he sure would have if it were true because no way, no how would he have taken the rap for all of them. he would have taken the deal that was undoubtedly raised to reduce any sentence he was gonna be given. besides no DNA from any of them was found on the victim...

So, you dropping the primary defense of them, ie that the "Real rapist" was found.

And now you are supporting them, because you claim that the fact that the one rapist did not name them as accomplishes, somehow outweighs all the other evidence and testimony that led to their convictions?

LOL! Dude. You are siding with MONSTERS vs their innocent rape victims.

We never denied Clinton was a perv. These guys are such dopes believing trumps a good guy and cares about them. Like Reagan only embarrassing
Trump has always been a low life even back when he was partying with Epstein Repubs like that type Pussy grabbers Got one of their own in the WH

I'm sorry you never got to grab one.
If I did I wouldn't be bragging about it

Trump is quite the braggart. That is a valid complaint.

But most men have grabbed a pussy or seven. It takes a very strange man, to consider that something to be ashamed of.

you're wrong. most men don't GRAB anything because they think they can get away with it. most men don't try to fuck a married woman - knowing she's married & not caring that they themselves are married. anybody that truly believes that is either misogynistic, an incel... or both.

oH, I get it. YOu are pretending to not know the meaning of the word "let".

Here it is for you.

"2a: to give opportunity to or fail to prevent"

Definition of LET

Now, you have a choice. Thank me for educating you, and admit that your fellow liberals are full of shit liars,

or double down on your dishonest asshole-ness.

We both know that you really have no choice.

Prove my right.

That’s what you’ll run on it won’t work. The independents aren’t buying it. This stuff is turning them off.

But this is trumps strategy. His supporters sure love it. They love anything he does. He could be that pedophile Epstein’s best friend republicans would love it. Deplorable
When Trump became presidunce the racists came out of their closets

When Trump became President, the Race Baiters flew into a frenzy.

You are an asshole.

when trump became 'president' the torch bearers got the green light. why did david duke support trump? why did richard spencer giggle like a school girl? why did PEPE croak with glee?
You can't control who supports you.
What’s really sad is even the KKK is more American than the pedophile terrorists in the Democrat Party.
Yes muddy but some of us are good people lol

Already posted multiple times in this very thread, proof that that was a lie.

You are a piece of shit.
Not only does he smear Dems of all kinds but also people in his own party that called him an idiot And I guess paying off a prostitute to keep her from talking is all good and well with you? Figures Trump U ?? Nothing but a thief and he's all yours

He "smears" dems of all kinds, generally after they attack him.

YOu libs have been challenged to support your claim. RESTATING your claim is not supporting your claim.

I know that this is hard for you to understand.

Making other, unrelated accusations, is not supporting your claim. It is throwing shit against a wall.

I know that is hard for you to understand. Otherwise you would not be a liberal.

You have two choices here.

a. Support your claim.

b. Keeping talking shit, because you know you cannot support the bullshit claim made.
Calling for the deaths of 5 black guys who were innocent makes the scum trump what ,in your eyes?? A hero??

Only an ignorant fool would claim the Central Park 5 were innocent.

And Trump condemned them, based on their individual actions, so still not supporting your claim.
41 million isn't given for nothing They were wronged and the moron racist didn't like them getting paid

They always knew that there were other rapists that got away.

That one was found, does not in any way, prove that the 5 are innocent.

That the dems released them, is a massive injustice.
Wow, I apologize for attempting to treat you as a rational adult who dealt in facts / documented reports / reality. I had no idea you were mentally unstable and known to go off medication, causing delusions and excessive irrational hatred for the President. My bad. After this, I will just ignore you and Ed, who has proven he is a fellow chronic TDS-sufferer who shares the same symptoms as you. Please continue your 'circle-jerk', stroking your shared personal hatred of the President.

Yep, your mistake was attempting to treat you as a rational adult. He's an imbecile
Wow, I apologize for attempting to treat you as a rational adult who dealt in facts / documented reports / reality. I had no idea you were mentally unstable and known to go off medication, causing delusions and excessive irrational hatred for the President. My bad. After this, I will just ignore you and Ed, who has proven he is a fellow chronic TDS-sufferer who shares the same symptoms as you. Please continue your 'circle-jerk', stroking your shared personal hatred of the President.

Yep, your mistake was attempting to treat you as a rational adult. He's an imbecile
And proof he's an imbecile is how he ripped up our agreement with Iran ,stopped all channels of discussion All because of his hatred of Obama ,who made the orange scumbag look like the AH he is and always was A racist in our WH Thanks to other scum Make America White Again is their new emblem for their hats
FISA abuses? but yes of course................. the protocol for obtaining a FISA warrant is extremely stringent, & does not include obama inside donny's microwave.
Wow, I apologize for attempting to treat you as a rational adult who dealt in facts / documented reports / reality. I had no idea you were mentally unstable and known to go off medication, causing delusions and excessive irrational hatred for the President. My bad. After this, I will just ignore you and Ed, who has proven he is a fellow chronic TDS-sufferer who shares the same symptoms as you. Please continue your 'circle-jerk', stroking your shared personal hatred of the President.

lol... :itsok:

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The Rules of Procedure for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court were promulgated pursuant to 50 U.S.C. § 1803(g). They govern all proceedings in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The current Rules of Procedure for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court supersede both the February 17, 2006 Rules of Procedure and the May 5, 2006 Procedures for Review of Petitions Filed Pursuant to Section 501 (f) of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, as amended. The current Rules of Procedure took effect on November 1, 2010.

Rules of Procedure | Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court | United States

FISA abuses? but yes of course................. the protocol for obtaining a FISA warrant is extremely stringent, & does not include obama inside donny's microwave.
Wow, I apologize for attempting to treat you as a rational adult who dealt in facts / documented reports / reality. I had no idea you were mentally unstable and known to go off medication, causing delusions and excessive irrational hatred for the President. My bad. After this, I will just ignore you and Ed, who has proven he is a fellow chronic TDS-sufferer who shares the same symptoms as you. Please continue your 'circle-jerk', stroking your shared personal hatred of the President.
Easy Do you rally think a guy married 3 times cheating on all,,,paying off porn stars to keep their mouths shut,,cheat 100's at his phony Trump U is a man to follow ANYWHERE? And those are just the tip of the iceberg into this degenerates past
I KNOW you continue to throw up all these diversions because you have no evidence to back the false accusations you snowflakes continue to make about Trump and opposed to the evidence of flight logs showing Bill Clinton flying 26 times in 2 years on Epstein's Pedo-Plane to his private Pedophile, at least 10 times without his Secret Service detail.

YOU originally brought it up as an attempted distraction from the fact that Democrats seek to make ridiculing them illegal while attempting to strip Americans of their Constitutional Right to Free Speech, which is the real topic if this thread...


already said if bill clintonor anybody - including TRUMP is tied to & guilty of the rape of any of the victims, they should fry.

why are you what trump admits to grabbing about saying the same?

The purpose of the first amendment is to give people withn this great Nation, the freedom to bash their government, without their government being able to stop them or crush them by other means..

Trump is unAmerican..... (he should leave) :D

When Omar is assassinated, can we BLAME Trump for using his Presidency and position to incite the crazies out to kill her?
FISA abuses? but yes of course................. the protocol for obtaining a FISA warrant is extremely stringent, & does not include obama inside donny's microwave.
Wow, I apologize for attempting to treat you as a rational adult who dealt in facts / documented reports / reality. I had no idea you were mentally unstable and known to go off medication, causing delusions and excessive irrational hatred for the President. My bad. After this, I will just ignore you and Ed, who has proven he is a fellow chronic TDS-sufferer who shares the same symptoms as you. Please continue your 'circle-jerk', stroking your shared personal hatred of the President.
Easy Do you rally think a guy married 3 times cheating on all,,,paying off porn stars to keep their mouths shut,,cheat 100's at his phony Trump U is a man to follow ANYWHERE? And those are just the tip of the iceberg into this degenerates past
I KNOW you continue to throw up all these diversions because you have no evidence to back the false accusations you snowflakes continue to make about Trump and opposed to the evidence of flight logs showing Bill Clinton flying 26 times in 2 years on Epstein's Pedo-Plane to his private Pedophile, at least 10 times without his Secret Service detail.

YOU originally brought it up as an attempted distraction from the fact that Democrats seek to make ridiculing them illegal while attempting to strip Americans of their Constitutional Right to Free Speech, which is the real topic if this thread...

What do you call a president who orders his people not to answer subpoenas , who did his best to get Mueller fired, who can't show his taxes like all others since Nixon did ,who can't show banking records because we'd find out he's a crook? who's lied so many times he breaks all records?

individual one.
I KNOW you continue to throw up all these diversions because you have no evidence to back the false accusations you snowflakes continue to make about Trump and opposed to the evidence of flight logs showing Bill Clinton flying 26 times in 2 years on Epstein's Pedo-Plane to his private Pedophile, at least 10 times without his Secret Service detail.

YOU originally brought it up as an attempted distraction from the fact that Democrats seek to make ridiculing them illegal while attempting to strip Americans of their Constitutional Right to Free Speech, which is the real topic if this thread...

What do you call a president who orders his people not to answer subpoenas , who did his best to get Mueller fired, who can't show his taxes like all others since Nixon did ,who can't show banking records because we'd find out he's a crook? who's lied so many times he breaks all records?
Why do you continue to attempt to distract from the thread topic?

If you want to attempt to spread old debunked lies and talking points there already at least a dozen snowflake threads open for that.
What I posted was only debunked in your minds eye All is the truth Trump is slime and not to be believed in anything he says
Again, why do you keep dodging the thread topic?
No ones bad mouthing America We bad mouth the scum in our WH we bad mouth idiots who support the lying sack of feces ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Is that on topic??

just like the bullshit donny was just spewing about those congresswomen. he claimed AOC said 'america is garbage'.


& then he said one of them said that' jews were evil'


the projection is off the charts with that cretin.
Last edited:
The idiot in the Oval Office is totally incapable of understanding that his existence is not synonymous with the United States. He thinks that he is the living embodiment of America. There is a huge difference between "bad-mouthing America" and objecting to his shitty policies and his incompetence.
Nonsense. He's the only person in Washington that is actually doing his job.
Trump is trying to do his job and fight the insanity that is the Democrat Party today.
Republicans refuse to get involved because they've been doing things they are afraid will become public.
The media doesn't care if it was 30 years ago.
If they find anything you've said or done that may appear not to be politically-correct they will destroy you.
Trump doesn't care what they say or do to him.
He's going to keep doing his job....and this is what drives the media nuts.

oh who are you kidding lenny? trump obsesses over anybody who criticizes him. he's a giant orange man baby who can't take the heat & is a weak individual who needs that ample orange ass of his powdered every day by the sycophants that have sold their soul in hopes of getting a book deal when this clusterfuck of an administration is finally booted out.

Really you lying crybaby? Seems it was your 4 brain dead jackasses who ran out and called a press conference because they thought they were insulted. They were not mentioned by name so who's the arrogant ones who think it's all about them? Then spouted Anti-American Anti-Semitic garbage while the country laughed at their stupidity. Seems YOU and the Squat are the weak ones here. Crying every day about debunked garbage. Enjoy the Trump landslide in 2020 as these goofs fade away.

wow - that was entertaining... totally insane, but funny indeed.
The purpose of the first amendment is to give people withn this great Nation, the freedom to bash their government, without their government being able to stop them or crush them by other means..

Trump is unAmerican..... (he should leave) :D

When Omar is assassinated, can we BLAME Trump for using his Presidency and position to incite the crazies out to kill her?
It seems the First Amendment is for all except for Trump.
The liberals are trying desperately to silence him.
The idiot in the Oval Office is totally incapable of understanding that his existence is not synonymous with the United States. He thinks that he is the living embodiment of America. There is a huge difference between "bad-mouthing America" and objecting to his shitty policies and his incompetence.
Nonsense. He's the only person in Washington that is actually doing his job.
Trump is trying to do his job and fight the insanity that is the Democrat Party today.
Republicans refuse to get involved because they've been doing things they are afraid will become public.
The media doesn't care if it was 30 years ago.
If they find anything you've said or done that may appear not to be politically-correct they will destroy you.
Trump doesn't care what they say or do to him.
He's going to keep doing his job....and this is what drives the media nuts.

oh who are you kidding lenny? trump obsesses over anybody who criticizes him. he's a giant orange man baby who can't take the heat & is a weak individual who needs that ample orange ass of his powdered every day by the sycophants that have sold their soul in hopes of getting a book deal when this clusterfuck of an administration is finally booted out.

Really you lying crybaby? Seems it was your 4 brain dead jackasses who ran out and called a press conference because they thought they were insulted. They were not mentioned by name so who's the arrogant ones who think it's all about them? Then spouted Anti-American Anti-Semitic garbage while the country laughed at their stupidity. Seems YOU and the Squat are the weak ones here. Crying every day about debunked garbage. Enjoy the Trump landslide in 2020 as these goofs fade away.

wow - that was entertaining... totally insane, but funny indeed.
From what I've been reading is that the democrats platform is free shit and dump Trump.
Not sure that will fly with free thinking democrats.
That is funny
Hey Dupe, they don’t hate America or jews, that’s just some bullshit Trump spews.

You ought to know to fact check that asshole.
are you fucking serious are you going to make me waste my time and list all the anti Semite anti American crap spewed by these four comunist radicals

because it would be a waste of time because no matter the proof no matter the facts you would deny deny deny

Disagreeing with Israeli policy does not make you a anti-Semite. Criticizing the US does not make you anti-American. You are anti-America.
and critizeing someone that happens to be a a minority doesn't make you a racist which you think it does

uh... ya, it does when it's trump saying exactly what he said according to the gov'ment & the law.

Federal Law Says 'Go Back To Where You Came From' Counts As Discrimination
Sanjana Karanth
July 16, 2019

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has written specific rules that protect people, mostly immigrants, against employment discrimination on the basis of their national origin. The agency is responsible for enforcing laws that prohibit discrimination and harassment based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age and disability.

“Ethnic slurs and other verbal or physical conduct because of nationality are illegal if they are severe or pervasive and create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment, interfere with work performance, or negatively affect job opportunities,” the commission said on its website to describe harassment based on national origin.

“Examples of potentially unlawful conduct include insults, taunting, or ethnic epithets, such as making fun of a person’s foreign accent or comments like, ‘Go back to where you came from,’ whether made by supervisors or co-workers,” it continued.

Federal Law Says 'Go Back To Where You Came From' Counts As Discrimination

Compliance Manual Section 15: Race and Color Discrimination

Show where he mentioned race or color. Come on liar, show it.

you silly little poorly educated & quite lazy trumpkin you....
Federal Law Says 'Go Back To Where You Came From' Counts As Discrimination
Sanjana Karanth
HuffPostJuly 16, 2019

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has written specific rules that protect people, mostly immigrants, against employment discrimination on the basis of their national origin. The agency is responsible for enforcing laws that prohibit discrimination and harassment based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age and disability.

“Ethnic slurs and other verbal or physical conduct because of nationality are illegal if they are severe or pervasive and create an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment, interfere with work performance, or negatively affect job opportunities,” the commission said on its website to describe harassment based on national origin.

“Examples of potentially unlawful conduct include insults, taunting, or ethnic epithets, such as making fun of a person’s foreign accent or comments like, ‘Go back to where you came from,’ whether made by supervisors or co-workers,” it continued.

Federal Law Says 'Go Back To Where You Came From' Counts As Discrimination

crystal clear enough for ya?


peddle that pablum to ALL them thar brownies coming in from ALL those 'shithole' countries... or ALL the rapist & drug dealing mexicans... or ALL those moooooslems that he banned until he can figure out what the hell is going on.

Ahh, the old throw a bunch of shit against the wall, hoping something sticks, or it is just too much to address.

Pick your strongest example, so I can crush it and laugh at you, like you are a retarded monkey.

trump has never clarified that the (D)s holding office are his enemies as opposed to voting (D)s.... he has called mexicans rapists & thugs & 'some' he 'supposes' are good' . he has never clarified at all that most mooooslems are good people. but he wanted to ban ALL mooooslems. the ONLY thing he clarified was that not allof the media was his enemy... ALL were, except one. FOX.

your president is divisive, thrives on it & he is not going to push his policies when campaigning.... he's going to use 'the other' - you know,.... those that are 'invading & 'infesting' our country. lol... god you are ridiculous in your love for that conman.

I ask you to pick your strongest example for serious discussion, and you just repeat all of the shit.

YOu really are a retarded monkey.

I will address your first shit sandwich.

You posted the clip of Trump's "enemy" ad. It shows COngressmen, and politicians and reporters, not regular people going about their business.

Your first piece of shit, is revealed to be shit. Do you want to defend that, somehow, or move down the list to your next lie?

Your choice, but pick one, I'm not going to let you get away with your retard shit throwing monkey routine.

oh gimmee a break, cartoon boy. i don't 'need' to defend anything.... your president dotard has repeatedly called 'democrats' the enemy... m......

& then i said, if they STILL support such an unethical, immoral, thieving INCOMPETENT conman after all that has been said & done & NOT done, after these 2 1/2 years, then they & YOU have moved from basket to the other & deserve to be mocked & scorned.

1. I understand your confusion at being expected to defend the shit you say. After all you are a liberal.

2. And you can't.

3. Hillary smeared half the nation. ANd you do to. As you just did. THus proving my point.

4. Trump's platform was designed to serve our interests. Voting for that is not being conned. YOu are just a fucking asshole.

here's yer interest cartoon boy..................


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