Trump AG To Get Shot At Hillary Emails

Does not mean a thing when Comey, who has several years left as head of the FBI and untouchable by Trump, will got into court and explain 'why' they are not important criminally.

I know you alt right crazies hate the truth, but, hey, it is what it is.
And who is the top law enforcement officer is in the US ?
Immaterial. No one can tell Comey to not testify. And if the lunacy of bring Clinton to court occurs in a fascist show trial, Comey will be a defense witness.
Fascist show ? You don't even know what that fucking word means.
Yes, that's why you guys are so funny like all fascists. There probably will be not much of an investigation if one does really get off the ground, and less chance of a fascist show trial. Comey is no more impressed with Trump and Sessions than he is with Obama or Clinton.
Hillary lost the election her political career is done the best thing the Trump administration can do is let her fade into a distant memory they have more important things to deal with.
Hillary lost the election her political career is done the best thing the Trump administration can do is let her fade into a distant memory they have more important things to deal with.
Trump WILL be dealing with other things. Sessions, otoh, will be dealing with Clinton.
Does not mean a thing when Comey, who has several years left as head of the FBI and untouchable by Trump, will got into court and explain 'why' they are not important criminally.

I know you alt right crazies hate the truth, but, hey, it is what it is.
And who is the top law enforcement officer is in the US ?
Immaterial. No one can tell Comey to not testify. And if the lunacy of bring Clinton to court occurs in a fascist show trial, Comey will be a defense witness.

Does not mean a thing when Comey, who has several years left as head of the FBI and untouchable by Trump, will got into court and explain 'why' they are not important criminally.
If Comey "will got into court", he'll be required to give his findings, not his opinions. And his findings will be that Hillary broke the law. His opinions are irrelevant.
He will testify as he feels he needs. His testimony will be that HRC did not break the law. End of story.

The problem there is that Comey has already testified that Clinton lied to Congress under oath. He made no claim that she hadn't committed a crime, only that he didn't think she should be charged.
Does not mean a thing when Comey, who has several years left as head of the FBI and untouchable by Trump, will got into court and explain 'why' they are not important criminally.

I know you alt right crazies hate the truth, but, hey, it is what it is.
And who is the top law enforcement officer is in the US ?
Immaterial. No one can tell Comey to not testify. And if the lunacy of bring Clinton to court occurs in a fascist show trial, Comey will be a defense witness.

Does not mean a thing when Comey, who has several years left as head of the FBI and untouchable by Trump, will got into court and explain 'why' they are not important criminally.
If Comey "will got into court", he'll be required to give his findings, not his opinions. And his findings will be that Hillary broke the law. His opinions are irrelevant.
He will testify as he feels he needs. His testimony will be that HRC did not break the law. End of story.

The problem there is that Comey has already testified that Clinton lied to Congress under oath. He made no claim that she hadn't committed a crime, only that he didn't think she should be charged.
Comey did not say that, and if you folks keep insisting such nonsense, there never will be much of an investigation and certainly no trial.

You have to stop the lying, 9th.

Or you can quote testimony where Comey says, "she lied" and that lie was criminal. His testimony not your interpretation.
Hey Trump sheep, Trump has already said it's time to stop caring about those e-mails. He already got what he needed out of you.

As for Judicial Watch's statement, it's just one last publicity grab before they go into hibernation for the length of Trump's Presidency. They will now become cheerleaders.
Comey would be called in to testify, and everyone knows it.

This effort is a no go, guys of the far right. Just won't be a prosecution. Get your hopes up again, though.
I can't wait and he'll speak up you wait and see. you heard it here first bubba!!!!! I can't fking wait. yahoooooo
Hey Trump sheep, Trump has already said it's time to stop caring about those e-mails. He already got what he needed out of you.

As for Judicial Watch's statement, it's just one last publicity grab before they go into hibernation for the length of Trump's Presidency. They will now become cheerleaders.
it isn't up to him it's up to the AG he put in play and would you take a fking look at this!!!! yahoooooooo!!!!
Does not mean a thing when Comey, who has several years left as head of the FBI and untouchable by Trump, will got into court and explain 'why' they are not important criminally.

I know you alt right crazies hate the truth, but, hey, it is what it is.

I have never heard the term "alt-right" until this election. If there is indeed an alt-right, then wouldn't it make sense that there must also be an "alt-center and alt-left?"
Does not mean a thing when Comey, who has several years left as head of the FBI and untouchable by Trump, will got into court and explain 'why' they are not important criminally.

I know you alt right crazies hate the truth, but, hey, it is what it is.
And who is the top law enforcement officer is in the US ?
Immaterial. No one can tell Comey to not testify. And if the lunacy of bring Clinton to court occurs in a fascist show trial, Comey will be a defense witness.

Does not mean a thing when Comey, who has several years left as head of the FBI and untouchable by Trump, will got into court and explain 'why' they are not important criminally.
If Comey "will got into court", he'll be required to give his findings, not his opinions. And his findings will be that Hillary broke the law. His opinions are irrelevant.
He will testify as he feels he needs. His testimony will be that HRC did not break the law. End of story.

The problem there is that Comey has already testified that Clinton lied to Congress under oath. He made no claim that she hadn't committed a crime, only that he didn't think she should be charged.
Comey did not say that, and if you folks keep insisting such nonsense, there never will be much of an investigation and certainly no trial.

You have to stop the lying, 9th.

Or you can quote testimony where Comey says, "she lied" and that lie was criminal. His testimony not your interpretation.
dude he doesn't get to make that call, what about that don't you understand?
Does not mean a thing when Comey, who has several years left as head of the FBI and untouchable by Trump, will got into court and explain 'why' they are not important criminally.

I know you alt right crazies hate the truth, but, hey, it is what it is.

Just keep hopin' .....
You are the ones who have been hoping for Years! :lol: Keep on hoping.
Does not mean a thing when Comey, who has several years left as head of the FBI and untouchable by Trump, will got into court and explain 'why' they are not important criminally.

I know you alt right crazies hate the truth, but, hey, it is what it is.

I have never heard the term "alt-right" until this election. If there is indeed an alt-right, then wouldn't it make sense that there must also be an "alt-center and alt-left?"
Go research and tell us what you find. Your idea of parallel logic is a bit weak. The one suggests, not assumes, there are similar parallels.
Comey would be called in to testify, and everyone knows it.

This effort is a no go, guys of the far right. Just won't be a prosecution. Get your hopes up again, though.
oh I am don't you worry about it slake. I can't fking wait. yahooooooo!! here we go real fking justice, watch how it unfolds friend. you'll be amazed.
There will be a grand jury this time and they will make the decision whether or not to indict, not Comey, and certainly not anyone from the Obama administration.
A federal court ruled Tuesday the U.S. attorney general can still get involved in supervising the release of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails, offering President-elect Donald Trump an opportunity to intervene in the controversial case.

In fact, the law requires it, according to the ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. It reversed a lower court decision that the Department of State’s review of Clinton’s emails was sufficient, and any appeal for intervention by the attorney general was “moot.”

The court provides a new opening to Trump and his attorney general designate, Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions. A congressional vote confirming Sessions could occur as early as Jan. 10, but Senate Democrats indicated they will put up a stiff fight to defeat the nomination.

Tuesday’s decision in “Judicial Watch vs. Kerry” affects emails the former secretary and her aides sent and received using private email addresses and a homebrew server in Clinton’s New York mansion to conduct official business. About half of the 55,000 pages of emails from the server were voluntarily handed over to the State Department by Clinton’s lawyers.

Current Secretary of State John Kerry refused to refer the matter to the attorney general as federal law requires. Instead, he allowed State Department officials to pick and choose which emails could be withheld and released to the public.

But the three-judge appeals court panel ruled that the Federal Records Act, “requires the agency head and Archivist to take enforcement action through the Attorney General if those (search) efforts are unsuccessful.”

The judges stated that “nothing the (State) Department did (either before or after those complaints were filed) gave appellants what they wanted. Instead of proceeding through the Attorney General, the department asked the former secretary to return her emails voluntarily and similarly requested that the FBI share any records it obtained.

“The department has not explained why shaking the tree harder—e.g., by following the statutory mandate to seek action by the Attorney General—might not bear more still. Absent a showing that the requested enforcement action could not shake loose a few more emails, the case is not moot.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement that it shows the courts seem ”fed up with the Obama administration’s refusal to enforce the rule of law on Clinton’s emails.”
Meh! More GOP Witch Hunts and the waste of American tax payers hard earned tax dollars.
and finally the truth will come out and hitlery in jail. you gotta love persistence eh?
Does not mean a thing when Comey, who has several years left as head of the FBI and untouchable by Trump, will got into court and explain 'why' they are not important criminally.

I know you alt right crazies hate the truth, but, hey, it is what it is.
And who is the top law enforcement officer is in the US ?
Immaterial. No one can tell Comey to not testify. And if the lunacy of bring Clinton to court occurs in a fascist show trial, Comey will be a defense witness.
now he's not going to testify? Which is it bubba you change your posts like I change my underwear.
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Does not mean a thing when Comey, who has several years left as head of the FBI and untouchable by Trump, will got into court and explain 'why' they are not important criminally.

I know you alt right crazies hate the truth, but, hey, it is what it is.
And who is the top law enforcement officer is in the US ?
Immaterial. No one can tell Comey to not testify. And if the lunacy of bring Clinton to court occurs in a fascist show trial, Comey will be a defense witness.
Fascist show ? You don't even know what that fucking word means.
Yes, that's why you guys are so funny like all fascists. There probably will be not much of an investigation if one does really get off the ground, and less chance of a fascist show trial. Comey is no more impressed with Trump and Sessions than he is with Obama or Clinton.
A federal court ruled Tuesday the U.S. attorney general can still get involved in supervising the release of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails, offering President-elect Donald Trump an opportunity to intervene in the controversial case.

In fact, the law requires it, according to the ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. It reversed a lower court decision that the Department of State’s review of Clinton’s emails was sufficient, and any appeal for intervention by the attorney general was “moot.”

The court provides a new opening to Trump and his attorney general designate, Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions. A congressional vote confirming Sessions could occur as early as Jan. 10, but Senate Democrats indicated they will put up a stiff fight to defeat the nomination.

Tuesday’s decision in “Judicial Watch vs. Kerry” affects emails the former secretary and her aides sent and received using private email addresses and a homebrew server in Clinton’s New York mansion to conduct official business. About half of the 55,000 pages of emails from the server were voluntarily handed over to the State Department by Clinton’s lawyers.

Current Secretary of State John Kerry refused to refer the matter to the attorney general as federal law requires. Instead, he allowed State Department officials to pick and choose which emails could be withheld and released to the public.

But the three-judge appeals court panel ruled that the Federal Records Act, “requires the agency head and Archivist to take enforcement action through the Attorney General if those (search) efforts are unsuccessful.”

The judges stated that “nothing the (State) Department did (either before or after those complaints were filed) gave appellants what they wanted. Instead of proceeding through the Attorney General, the department asked the former secretary to return her emails voluntarily and similarly requested that the FBI share any records it obtained.

“The department has not explained why shaking the tree harder—e.g., by following the statutory mandate to seek action by the Attorney General—might not bear more still. Absent a showing that the requested enforcement action could not shake loose a few more emails, the case is not moot.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement that it shows the courts seem ”fed up with the Obama administration’s refusal to enforce the rule of law on Clinton’s emails.”
Meh! More GOP Witch Hunts and the waste of American tax payers hard earned tax dollars.

The new AG should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate both Hillary's emails and the Clinton Foundation to determine if any federal laws were broken and let the evidence lead to a conclusion. Either we are nation of laws equally applied to all citizens, or we are not! In my opinion, there should not be a two-tier legal system, one for the elites and political class and one for the rest of us! The democrats will oppose this, because they only care about criminal or unethical behavior when it is by a republican!
Hillary lost the election her political career is done the best thing the Trump administration can do is let her fade into a distant memory they have more important things to deal with.
the AG doesn't, it's his job. he needs to get busy quickly. He now has approval for that.

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