Trump AG To Get Shot At Hillary Emails

There will be a grand jury this time and they will make the decision whether or not to indict, not Comey, and certainly not anyone from the Obama administration.
Hillary only lied to "Republican" Amerika!!!! What's wrong with that????? Republican conservatives barely behave as thought they luv America.......I say lie to GOP Amerika they deserve it in spades.
Hillary lost the election her political career is done the best thing the Trump administration can do is let her fade into a distant memory they have more important things to deal with.
Trump WILL be dealing with other things. Sessions, otoh, will be dealing with Clinton.
Let's see the Racist Redneck Sessions deal with a Pardoned Hillary Clinton. President Ford pardon Nixon.
Hillary lost the election her political career is done the best thing the Trump administration can do is let her fade into a distant memory they have more important things to deal with.
Trump WILL be dealing with other things. Sessions, otoh, will be dealing with Clinton.
Let's see the Racist Redneck Sessions deal with a Pardoned Hillary Clinton. President Ford pardon Nixon.
pardon for what? there aren't charges right now!!! so what? A pardon implies guilt. Then we have the smoking gun right? so you lose either way and repubs win again. ouch that must burn.

BTW, post up any evidence of session's anytime asshat.
A federal court ruled Tuesday the U.S. attorney general can still get involved in supervising the release of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails, offering President-elect Donald Trump an opportunity to intervene in the controversial case.

In fact, the law requires it, according to the ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. It reversed a lower court decision that the Department of State’s review of Clinton’s emails was sufficient, and any appeal for intervention by the attorney general was “moot.”

The court provides a new opening to Trump and his attorney general designate, Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions. A congressional vote confirming Sessions could occur as early as Jan. 10, but Senate Democrats indicated they will put up a stiff fight to defeat the nomination.

Tuesday’s decision in “Judicial Watch vs. Kerry” affects emails the former secretary and her aides sent and received using private email addresses and a homebrew server in Clinton’s New York mansion to conduct official business. About half of the 55,000 pages of emails from the server were voluntarily handed over to the State Department by Clinton’s lawyers.

Current Secretary of State John Kerry refused to refer the matter to the attorney general as federal law requires. Instead, he allowed State Department officials to pick and choose which emails could be withheld and released to the public.

But the three-judge appeals court panel ruled that the Federal Records Act, “requires the agency head and Archivist to take enforcement action through the Attorney General if those (search) efforts are unsuccessful.”

The judges stated that “nothing the (State) Department did (either before or after those complaints were filed) gave appellants what they wanted. Instead of proceeding through the Attorney General, the department asked the former secretary to return her emails voluntarily and similarly requested that the FBI share any records it obtained.

“The department has not explained why shaking the tree harder—e.g., by following the statutory mandate to seek action by the Attorney General—might not bear more still. Absent a showing that the requested enforcement action could not shake loose a few more emails, the case is not moot.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement that it shows the courts seem ”fed up with the Obama administration’s refusal to enforce the rule of law on Clinton’s emails.”
Meh! More GOP Witch Hunts and the waste of American tax payers hard earned tax dollars.
A liberal talking about waste. :lol:
Ron Hart: Where did the stimulus money go?
Sessions may not even become the AG, he has to get the Senate's consent first.

Second, we do not go after political opponents in this country, like Putin does in Russia....and since the Attorney general and their lawyers and fbi director comey all agreed there was nothing criminal she could be charged with that came from their very thorough investigation that lasted a year on her server and emails, if Sessions became AG he would not revisit that....and then now go after her when she had already been exonerated for any criminal actions with her emails.

third, comey did not testify that she lied. He simply testified....the partisan congress critters are the ones that are saying she lied under oath, NOT comey....and they simply said this and set up this in the hearings, so they could make a partisan ad against her that ran over and over again.... they set it up and wouldn't even let comey explain the answers that he was giving, and basically told him to shut up and just answer, yes or no to their questions, and they FILMED IT and used his yes or no answers to accuse Hillary of lying instead of Comey being able to explain his answers for the set up questions they were asking him FOR THEIR ADVERTISING.

Sessions will not reopen the settled case....he will appear to be a PARTISAN attorney general and NOT an honest, fair one.....and I don't think he would want to go down in history as that.... He could try to see if our govt has records of the Senator Clinton Govt Blackberry to try to see if the gvt has records somewhere of the emails reecived and sent that she could not retrieve, when she was using that to get whatever Clinton emails were sent when she first took the the gvt archives could be complete.

You all have been fed so many many many many lies regarding this case.....sad really sad....imo.

It broke the rules for her to use personal email all the time, and broke the rules by not having all of those govt emails saved for the gvt record, but unfortunately for you guys, none of that, was a felony or criminal....
Hillary lost the election her political career is done the best thing the Trump administration can do is let her fade into a distant memory they have more important things to deal with.
Trump WILL be dealing with other things. Sessions, otoh, will be dealing with Clinton.
Let's see the Racist Redneck Sessions deal with a Pardoned Hillary Clinton. President Ford pardon Nixon.
pardon for what? there aren't charges right now!!! so what? A pardon implies guilt. Then we have the smoking gun right? so you lose either way and repubs win again. ouch that must burn.

BTW, post up any evidence of session's anytime asshat.

A federal court ruled Tuesday the U.S. attorney general can still get involved in supervising the release of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails, offering President-elect Donald Trump an opportunity to intervene in the controversial case.

In fact, the law requires it, according to the ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. It reversed a lower court decision that the Department of State’s review of Clinton’s emails was sufficient, and any appeal for intervention by the attorney general was “moot.”

The court provides a new opening to Trump and his attorney general designate, Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions. A congressional vote confirming Sessions could occur as early as Jan. 10, but Senate Democrats indicated they will put up a stiff fight to defeat the nomination.

Tuesday’s decision in “Judicial Watch vs. Kerry” affects emails the former secretary and her aides sent and received using private email addresses and a homebrew server in Clinton’s New York mansion to conduct official business. About half of the 55,000 pages of emails from the server were voluntarily handed over to the State Department by Clinton’s lawyers.

Current Secretary of State John Kerry refused to refer the matter to the attorney general as federal law requires. Instead, he allowed State Department officials to pick and choose which emails could be withheld and released to the public.

But the three-judge appeals court panel ruled that the Federal Records Act, “requires the agency head and Archivist to take enforcement action through the Attorney General if those (search) efforts are unsuccessful.”

The judges stated that “nothing the (State) Department did (either before or after those complaints were filed) gave appellants what they wanted. Instead of proceeding through the Attorney General, the department asked the former secretary to return her emails voluntarily and similarly requested that the FBI share any records it obtained.

“The department has not explained why shaking the tree harder—e.g., by following the statutory mandate to seek action by the Attorney General—might not bear more still. Absent a showing that the requested enforcement action could not shake loose a few more emails, the case is not moot.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement that it shows the courts seem ”fed up with the Obama administration’s refusal to enforce the rule of law on Clinton’s emails.”
Meh! More GOP Witch Hunts and the waste of American tax payers hard earned tax dollars.
A liberal talking about waste. :lol:
Ron Hart: Where did the stimulus money go?

Why is this news important? Is it because they may prosecute Hillary?

NO! It is because if it is investigated and shown as a cover up, guess what political party gets hosed-) That is why Fakey and friends can NOT have this. Imagine.........they could forgo indicting Clinton, and instead indict those that covered it up! Do we all realize that once Clinton is NOT indicted, how fast MOST Americans would jump on the "lets get them" bandwagon-) And when Hillary says-----> "I had no idea they were doing this!" Well then, that would just about sink the legacy of he who is known as, "Obowelmovement!"

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