Trump ally Carl Paladino slammed for 'racist' wish list for Obamas

Trump tells us to go fuck ourselves, and now wants us to join his hate group.

Trump ally Carl Paladino slammed for 'racist' wish list for Obamas

So, Obanana tells Republicans to "go to the back of the bus" (A racist comment, by the way), and then wanted us to support his policies? And Trump does basically the same thing, and now it's a national disaster? Get real for a change. Quit slobbering all over the Democrats Pink Pickle and at least try to be included in the national conversation.

You don't have to necessarily agree with everything he wants to do, but you can support those items that will/may benefit the country as a whole, not just certain ethnic groups.
I thought about starting a daily compilation of Libero-Marxist-CoastalCocksucker-Globalists-Socialist Whines over the next 4 years.

Make a book out of it: Liberal Cocksucker Whine of the Day

But, who the Hell would read it?

Merry Christmas to all.
Liberal foaming at the mouth thread #123. Bush never fought back, Trump gets in the left's face and this sends them over the edge.

If you mean by "the left" those who watch, listen and understand that Trump has surrounded himself with the power elite, cronies and plutocrats, you have defined a demographic which understands that fascism is defined as a collusion of Authoritarians vis a vis We the People. Read the 14 points which define fascism:

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

And how they related to trump's actions:

Donald Trump and the 14 signs of Fascism • /r/politics
Maybe explain how a billionaire as SOS is threatening. In fact in any non monetary position why there's cause for concern? Sorry, your rant just seems like a rant!
So, Obanana tells Republicans to "go to the back of the bus" (A racist comment, by the way), and then wanted us to support his policies? And Trump does basically the same thing, and now it's a national disaster? Get real for a change. Quit slobbering all over the Democrats Pink Pickle and at least try to be included in the national conversation.

You don't have to necessarily agree with everything he wants to do, but you can support those items that will/may benefit the country as a whole, not just certain ethnic groups.
^ that
So all along obie has been a Klan handpuppet? No wonder racial tensions have risen, those necks are some sneaky bastards!
So all along obie has been a Klan handpuppet? No wonder racial tensions have risen, those necks are some sneaky bastards!
i wanna see the photos of KKK members on that big exclusive meeting board

i wanna see the photos of KKK members on that big exclusive meeting board

They still can't back up.the Bannon accusations....yet they call him a white supremacist.
Trump tells us to go fuck ourselves, and now wants us to join his hate group.

Trump ally Carl Paladino slammed for 'racist' wish list for Obamas

So, Obanana tells Republicans to "go to the back of the bus" (A racist comment, by the way), and then wanted us to support his policies? And Trump does basically the same thing, and now it's a national disaster? Get real for a change. Quit slobbering all over the Democrats Pink Pickle and at least try to be included in the national conversation.

You don't have to necessarily agree with everything he wants to do, but you can support those items that will/may benefit the country as a whole, not just certain ethnic groups.
LIAR Which dem came out and said the same about dump as that misfit punk McConnell said about obama? All I've heard is we will support him on issues we can agree on and not support him on others NOWHERE did they hope for his failure like repub scum hoped for Obama

If you mean by "the left" those who watch, listen and understand that Trump has surrounded himself with the power elite, cronies and plutocrats, you have defined a demographic which understands that fascism is defined as a collusion of Authoritarians vis a vis We the People. Read the 14 points which define fascism:

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

And how they related to trump's actions:

Donald Trump and the 14 signs of Fascism • /r/politics
Maybe explain how a billionaire as SOS is threatening. In fact in any non monetary position why there's cause for concern? Sorry, your rant just seems like a rant!

Cum.catcher just uses talking points....
If you mean by "the left" those who watch, listen and understand that Trump has surrounded himself with the power elite, cronies and plutocrats, you have defined a demographic which understands that fascism is defined as a collusion of Authoritarians vis a vis We the People. Read the 14 points which define fascism:

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

And how they related to trump's actions:

Donald Trump and the 14 signs of Fascism • /r/politics
Can We not get a "Just Stupid" emote for posts like this. Hell if people can't get past posting liberal stupid cobbled up shit links to "PROVE" their ignorant lies there should be an emote for "Just Stupid".

If you mean by "the left" those who watch, listen and understand that Trump has surrounded himself with the power elite, cronies and plutocrats, you have defined a demographic which understands that fascism is defined as a collusion of Authoritarians vis a vis We the People. Read the 14 points which define fascism:

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

And how they related to trump's actions:

Donald Trump and the 14 signs of Fascism • /r/politics
You watch and listen to the MSM.

Is it any wonder you think the way you do? All that fake news has gone to your head.
Trump tells us to go fuck ourselves, and now wants us to join his hate group.

Trump ally Carl Paladino slammed for 'racist' wish list for Obamas

So, Obanana tells Republicans to "go to the back of the bus" (A racist comment, by the way), and then wanted us to support his policies? And Trump does basically the same thing, and now it's a national disaster? Get real for a change. Quit slobbering all over the Democrats Pink Pickle and at least try to be included in the national conversation.

You don't have to necessarily agree with everything he wants to do, but you can support those items that will/may benefit the country as a whole, not just certain ethnic groups.
LIAR Which dem came out and said the same about dump as that misfit punk McConnell said about obama? All I've heard is we will support him on issues we can agree on and not support him on others NOWHERE did they hope for his failure like repub scum hoped for Obama

Only a lie in your mind. Facts are lies to dimshits, and TRUTH is a thing to fight against as it destroys their talking point narrative.
Can We not get a "Just Stupid" emote for posts like this. Hell if people can't get past posting liberal stupid cobbled up shit links to "PROVE" their ignorant lies there should be an emote for "Just Stupid".

My emotes for him are posted automatically:

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So all along obie has been a Klan handpuppet? No wonder racial tensions have risen, those necks are some sneaky bastards!
So all along obie has been a Klan handpuppet? No wonder racial tensions have risen, those necks are some sneaky bastards!
i wanna see the photos of KKK members on that big exclusive meeting board

i wanna see the photos of KKK members on that big exclusive meeting board

They still can't back up.the Bannon accusations....yet they call him a white supremacist.
They can't back up anything
Right now today there are millions of good single white men who will never have a white family because millions of white females are at war against white men. That right there could be the thing that dooms us to extinction.

Electing Trump is a great victory for us remaining white folks, but the future still looks grim.

I thought about starting a daily compilation of Libero-Marxist-CoastalCocksucker-Globalists-Socialist Whines over the next 4 years.

Make a book out of it: Liberal Cocksucker Whine of the Day

But, who the Hell would read it?

Merry Christmas to all.

At the rate new material is being generated by these loons nobody would have the time to either compile it or read it.

Maybe we could put a few hundred monks on it or something....

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