Trump ally Carl Paladino slammed for 'racist' wish list for Obamas

Trump tells us to go fuck ourselves, and now wants us to join his hate group.

Trump ally Carl Paladino slammed for 'racist' wish list for Obamas

So, Obanana tells Republicans to "go to the back of the bus" (A racist comment, by the way), and then wanted us to support his policies? And Trump does basically the same thing, and now it's a national disaster? Get real for a change. Quit slobbering all over the Democrats Pink Pickle and at least try to be included in the national conversation.

You don't have to necessarily agree with everything he wants to do, but you can support those items that will/may benefit the country as a whole, not just certain ethnic groups.
LIAR Which dem came out and said the same about dump as that misfit punk McConnell said about obama? All I've heard is we will support him on issues we can agree on and not support him on others NOWHERE did they hope for his failure like repub scum hoped for Obama

"Despite bipartisan calls for healing and unity after a brutal presidential campaign, liberal activist groups vowed Wednesday to fight from the get-go to stop President-elect Donald Trump’s agenda."

Liberal PAC vows to ‘obstruct, delay, and halt’ Donald Trump’s agenda

Or did you forget all the hate filled rhetoric about the Tea Party when they vowed opposition to OlBama?

If you mean by "the left" those who watch, listen and understand that Trump has surrounded himself with the power elite, cronies and plutocrats, you have defined a demographic which understands that fascism is defined as a collusion of Authoritarians vis a vis We the People. Read the 14 points which define fascism:

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

And how they related to trump's actions:

Donald Trump and the 14 signs of Fascism • /r/politics
Maybe explain how a billionaire as SOS is threatening. In fact in any non monetary position why there's cause for concern? Sorry, your rant just seems like a rant!

Cum.catcher just uses talking points....
the comment about Michelle returning to being a male? uh?,,hmm,,was she ever a female?
trump forces balck family.jpg
Trump tells us to go fuck ourselves, and now wants us to join his hate group.

Trump ally Carl Paladino slammed for 'racist' wish list for Obamas

So, Obanana tells Republicans to "go to the back of the bus" (A racist comment, by the way), and then wanted us to support his policies? And Trump does basically the same thing, and now it's a national disaster? Get real for a change. Quit slobbering all over the Democrats Pink Pickle and at least try to be included in the national conversation.

You don't have to necessarily agree with everything he wants to do, but you can support those items that will/may benefit the country as a whole, not just certain ethnic groups.
LIAR Which dem came out and said the same about dump as that misfit punk McConnell said about obama? All I've heard is we will support him on issues we can agree on and not support him on others NOWHERE did they hope for his failure like repub scum hoped for Obama

"Despite bipartisan calls for healing and unity after a brutal presidential campaign, liberal activist groups vowed Wednesday to fight from the get-go to stop President-elect Donald Trump’s agenda."

Liberal PAC vows to ‘obstruct, delay, and halt’ Donald Trump’s agenda

Or did you forget all the hate filled rhetoric about the Tea Party when they vowed opposition to OlBama?
Of course. That is those PAC's purpose. Now, the difference here is Obama's liberal policies were rejected at the polls in three consecutive mid term elections. And in statewide elections, the GOP continued to pick up seats.
On the other hand these liberal groups are just screaming to scream. They don;t like not being in control. They are confused and angry over not being permitted to fulfill what which they view as a birthright.
Now here's the irony. For 8 years, and two of those in particular when Obama had the bully pulpit of his party in control of both houses of Congress, libs complained about the so called do nothing Congress, and they pissed their pants over "obstruction"....Seems here that libs want to go with a tit for tat angle.
Well, they will fail. In the first place, the country WANTED a different direction. Obama's elections where as a result of identity politics and nothing else.
Last item. Liberals are not interested in bipartisan anything, The left only talks about this when they are the minority party. When in the majority, their mantra is "elections have consequences"....
These lib PAC's will be unable to reach many people. Only those who consider themselves avowed left wingers will pay attention to them,.
Trump tells us to go fuck ourselves, and now wants us to join his hate group.

Trump ally Carl Paladino slammed for 'racist' wish list for Obamas

So, Obanana tells Republicans to "go to the back of the bus" (A racist comment, by the way), and then wanted us to support his policies? And Trump does basically the same thing, and now it's a national disaster? Get real for a change. Quit slobbering all over the Democrats Pink Pickle and at least try to be included in the national conversation.

You don't have to necessarily agree with everything he wants to do, but you can support those items that will/may benefit the country as a whole, not just certain ethnic groups.
LIAR Which dem came out and said the same about dump as that misfit punk McConnell said about obama? All I've heard is we will support him on issues we can agree on and not support him on others NOWHERE did they hope for his failure like repub scum hoped for Obama

"Despite bipartisan calls for healing and unity after a brutal presidential campaign, liberal activist groups vowed Wednesday to fight from the get-go to stop President-elect Donald Trump’s agenda."

Liberal PAC vows to ‘obstruct, delay, and halt’ Donald Trump’s agenda

Or did you forget all the hate filled rhetoric about the Tea Party when they vowed opposition to OlBama?
Of course. That is those PAC's purpose. Now, the difference here is Obama's liberal policies were rejected at the polls in three consecutive mid term elections. And in statewide elections, the GOP continued to pick up seats.
On the other hand these liberal groups are just screaming to scream. They don;t like not being in control. They are confused and angry over not being permitted to fulfill what which they view as a birthright.
Now here's the irony. For 8 years, and two of those in particular when Obama had the bully pulpit of his party in control of both houses of Congress, libs complained about the so called do nothing Congress, and they pissed their pants over "obstruction"....Seems here that libs want to go with a tit for tat angle.
Well, they will fail. In the first place, the country WANTED a different direction. Obama's elections where as a result of identity politics and nothing else.
Last item. Liberals are not interested in bipartisan anything, The left only talks about this when they are the minority party. When in the majority, their mantra is "elections have consequences"....
These lib PAC's will be unable to reach many people. Only those who consider themselves avowed left wingers will pay attention to them,.

True dat!

But eddiewuss13 said:
"LIAR Which dem came out and said the same about dump as that misfit punk McConnell said about obama?"

He didn't specify what dems he was talking about, so I presented some.
Trump tells us to go fuck ourselves, and now wants us to join his hate group.

Trump ally Carl Paladino slammed for 'racist' wish list for Obamas

So, Obanana tells Republicans to "go to the back of the bus" (A racist comment, by the way), and then wanted us to support his policies? And Trump does basically the same thing, and now it's a national disaster? Get real for a change. Quit slobbering all over the Democrats Pink Pickle and at least try to be included in the national conversation.

You don't have to necessarily agree with everything he wants to do, but you can support those items that will/may benefit the country as a whole, not just certain ethnic groups.
LIAR Which dem came out and said the same about dump as that misfit punk McConnell said about obama? All I've heard is we will support him on issues we can agree on and not support him on others NOWHERE did they hope for his failure like repub scum hoped for Obama

"Despite bipartisan calls for healing and unity after a brutal presidential campaign, liberal activist groups vowed Wednesday to fight from the get-go to stop President-elect Donald Trump’s agenda."

Liberal PAC vows to ‘obstruct, delay, and halt’ Donald Trump’s agenda

Or did you forget all the hate filled rhetoric about the Tea Party when they vowed opposition to OlBama?
Of course. That is those PAC's purpose. Now, the difference here is Obama's liberal policies were rejected at the polls in three consecutive mid term elections. And in statewide elections, the GOP continued to pick up seats.
On the other hand these liberal groups are just screaming to scream. They don;t like not being in control. They are confused and angry over not being permitted to fulfill what which they view as a birthright.
Now here's the irony. For 8 years, and two of those in particular when Obama had the bully pulpit of his party in control of both houses of Congress, libs complained about the so called do nothing Congress, and they pissed their pants over "obstruction"....Seems here that libs want to go with a tit for tat angle.
Well, they will fail. In the first place, the country WANTED a different direction. Obama's elections where as a result of identity politics and nothing else.
Last item. Liberals are not interested in bipartisan anything, The left only talks about this when they are the minority party. When in the majority, their mantra is "elections have consequences"....
These lib PAC's will be unable to reach many people. Only those who consider themselves avowed left wingers will pay attention to them,.

True dat!

But eddiewuss13 said:
"LIAR Which dem came out and said the same about dump as that misfit punk McConnell said about obama?"

He didn't specify what dems he was talking about, so I presented some.
Dude....Please.....Oh forget it. I'd have a better chance of getting a brick wall to engage in substantive debate than the likes of you.
Off you go now.

If you mean by "the left" those who watch, listen and understand that Trump has surrounded himself with the power elite, cronies and plutocrats, you have defined a demographic which understands that fascism is defined as a collusion of Authoritarians vis a vis We the People. Read the 14 points which define fascism:

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

And how they related to trump's actions:

Donald Trump and the 14 signs of Fascism • /r/politics

Democrats are the fascists twit.........try to get it right....they believe in government directing the economy at all levels...
So, Obanana tells Republicans to "go to the back of the bus" (A racist comment, by the way), and then wanted us to support his policies? And Trump does basically the same thing, and now it's a national disaster? Get real for a change. Quit slobbering all over the Democrats Pink Pickle and at least try to be included in the national conversation.

You don't have to necessarily agree with everything he wants to do, but you can support those items that will/may benefit the country as a whole, not just certain ethnic groups.
LIAR Which dem came out and said the same about dump as that misfit punk McConnell said about obama? All I've heard is we will support him on issues we can agree on and not support him on others NOWHERE did they hope for his failure like repub scum hoped for Obama

"Despite bipartisan calls for healing and unity after a brutal presidential campaign, liberal activist groups vowed Wednesday to fight from the get-go to stop President-elect Donald Trump’s agenda."

Liberal PAC vows to ‘obstruct, delay, and halt’ Donald Trump’s agenda

Or did you forget all the hate filled rhetoric about the Tea Party when they vowed opposition to OlBama?
Of course. That is those PAC's purpose. Now, the difference here is Obama's liberal policies were rejected at the polls in three consecutive mid term elections. And in statewide elections, the GOP continued to pick up seats.
On the other hand these liberal groups are just screaming to scream. They don;t like not being in control. They are confused and angry over not being permitted to fulfill what which they view as a birthright.
Now here's the irony. For 8 years, and two of those in particular when Obama had the bully pulpit of his party in control of both houses of Congress, libs complained about the so called do nothing Congress, and they pissed their pants over "obstruction"....Seems here that libs want to go with a tit for tat angle.
Well, they will fail. In the first place, the country WANTED a different direction. Obama's elections where as a result of identity politics and nothing else.
Last item. Liberals are not interested in bipartisan anything, The left only talks about this when they are the minority party. When in the majority, their mantra is "elections have consequences"....
These lib PAC's will be unable to reach many people. Only those who consider themselves avowed left wingers will pay attention to them,.

True dat!

But eddiewuss13 said:
"LIAR Which dem came out and said the same about dump as that misfit punk McConnell said about obama?"

He didn't specify what dems he was talking about, so I presented some.
Dude....Please.....Oh forget it. I'd have a better chance of getting a brick wall to engage in substantive debate than the likes of you.
Off you go now.

Remember, YOU started all this by replying to ME, just as I replied to eddie. You attempted to jump into the conversation. So whatever blows your skirt up.

But no matter, neither you, or your attempted denigration, are any sweat off my balls.

BTW, Merry Christmas!
LIAR Which dem came out and said the same about dump as that misfit punk McConnell said about obama? All I've heard is we will support him on issues we can agree on and not support him on others NOWHERE did they hope for his failure like repub scum hoped for Obama

"Despite bipartisan calls for healing and unity after a brutal presidential campaign, liberal activist groups vowed Wednesday to fight from the get-go to stop President-elect Donald Trump’s agenda."

Liberal PAC vows to ‘obstruct, delay, and halt’ Donald Trump’s agenda

Or did you forget all the hate filled rhetoric about the Tea Party when they vowed opposition to OlBama?
Of course. That is those PAC's purpose. Now, the difference here is Obama's liberal policies were rejected at the polls in three consecutive mid term elections. And in statewide elections, the GOP continued to pick up seats.
On the other hand these liberal groups are just screaming to scream. They don;t like not being in control. They are confused and angry over not being permitted to fulfill what which they view as a birthright.
Now here's the irony. For 8 years, and two of those in particular when Obama had the bully pulpit of his party in control of both houses of Congress, libs complained about the so called do nothing Congress, and they pissed their pants over "obstruction"....Seems here that libs want to go with a tit for tat angle.
Well, they will fail. In the first place, the country WANTED a different direction. Obama's elections where as a result of identity politics and nothing else.
Last item. Liberals are not interested in bipartisan anything, The left only talks about this when they are the minority party. When in the majority, their mantra is "elections have consequences"....
These lib PAC's will be unable to reach many people. Only those who consider themselves avowed left wingers will pay attention to them,.

True dat!

But eddiewuss13 said:
"LIAR Which dem came out and said the same about dump as that misfit punk McConnell said about obama?"

He didn't specify what dems he was talking about, so I presented some.
Dude....Please.....Oh forget it. I'd have a better chance of getting a brick wall to engage in substantive debate than the likes of you.
Off you go now.

Remember, YOU started all this by replying to ME, just as I replied to eddie. You attempted to jump into the conversation. So whatever blows your skirt up.

But no matter, neither you, or your attempted denigration, are any sweat off my balls.

BTW, Merry Christmas!
Ok...Mr Safe Space.
A reminder. This just happens to be a PUBLIC forum......
Merry Christmas
Dude....Please.....Oh forget it. I'd have a better chance of getting a brick wall to engage in substantive debate than the likes of you.
Off you go now.
Impossible, No liberal has any basis for a substantive debate, they have only baseless accusations, inference, labels, lies, assumptions and supposition. That means they have NO basis for any type of debate just as your posts prove.
Dude....Please.....Oh forget it. I'd have a better chance of getting a brick wall to engage in substantive debate than the likes of you.
Off you go now.
Impossible, No liberal has any basis for a substantive debate, they have only baseless accusations, inference, labels, lies, assumptions and supposition. That means they have NO basis for any type of debate just as your posts prove.
Sorta like the bullshit your party has been flinging against the wall about hillary for 30 years?

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