trump Alters Map With Sharpie

Someone gave the President the old and altered map. They did it intending just the result that occurred.

Find out who did it and prosecute them.
Yea right! And the briefing? :auiqs.jpg:There was no fucking briefing. The guy is a clown in a suit who never gets anything right because he knows everything and doesn't know his ass from his Dick.
There was a briefing.
Apparently not. Where is the sharpie line? Answer, it was invented from his own wild imagination that he drew up. Briefings are for those who believe in science and know how to listen. Trump doesn't understand or believe in science, nor do his Sheep. Therefore, there was no briefing, other than his own. This guy was talking to a vegetable clown, and his Sheep follow his lead.
There was a briefing, just because it comes in one ear and goes out the other doesn't mean that staff are not doing their job. He thinks he's a stable genius, but he hasn't completely changed the way the White House is run. Some dictators change the way everything is run at their palace, but it hasn't quite come to that, although there have been excesses with dictatorial tendencies like the NDAs.

He has asked stupid things before, like why we can't use nukes in Syria. Not to mention nuking hurricanes.

And also tweeted stupid things like telling France to drop water from airplanes on the Notre Dame, which would risk more damage. He didn't need any advisors for that one though.
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The map he showed was NOT NOAA, it was ECMWF
It literally says, "NOAA," on the top left corner. :eusa_doh:
So what loon?
So it's not from the ECMWF. How could you not understand that??
Who gives a goddam you fucking idiot? The president made a mark on a fucking map! Jesus ya crazy bastard!

And you saw him doing it?
Yeah, I was right there in his office. He was grabbing pussy as he drew the map. Ugly woman.
I'd say "why would Trumpstettes try to defend his juvenile attempt to avoid any responsibility"?

But we all know, don't we. Trump is a serious man, no one denies this. It's actually sort of funny to see their attempts to disguise what he is not. And if it weren't so fucking trivial and about just making a mistake as to where a hurricane is going (and apparent ignorance of the general path of hurricanes that go with a westerly flow, but shift NE after traveling across land and losing the water that helps sustain energy) I'd say … hey all President's do it.

Reagan cut and run in the ME and never accepted responsibility for 220 dead Marines. LBJ chose not to run for a second term and to look for a peace deal, but he never accepted responsibility about false information in the Gulf on Tonkin. Slick and Somalia. Not a peep. Ditto Obama and Benghazi. In fact the only one I recall from my lifetime who owned up to it was JFK when describing the Bay of Pigs said "success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan."

I mean if this isn't so trivial as not being limited to a joke and laugh at the Trumpsettes' "pathetic" attempts to cover a naked fat old orange fart, we could be in for some trouble when his incompetence gets in some really deep shit.
I'd say "why would Trumpstettes try to defend his juvenile attempt to avoid any responsibility"?

But we all know, don't we. Trump is a serious man, no one denies this. It's actually sort of funny to see their attempts to disguise what he is not. And if it weren't so fucking trivial and about just making a mistake as to where a hurricane is going (and apparent ignorance of the general path of hurricanes that go with a westerly flow, but shift NE after traveling across land and losing the water that helps sustain energy) I'd say … hey all President's do it.

Reagan cut and run in the ME and never accepted responsibility for 220 dead Marines. LBJ chose not to run for a second term and to look for a peace deal, but he never accepted responsibility about false information in the Gulf on Tonkin. Slick and Somalia. Not a peep. Ditto Obama and Benghazi. In fact the only one I recall from my lifetime who owned up to it was JFK when describing the Bay of Pigs said "success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan."

I mean if this isn't so trivial as not being limited to a joke and laugh at the Trumpsettes' "pathetic" attempts to cover a naked fat old orange fart, we could be in for some trouble when his incompetence gets in some really deep shit.
So far, floater, I've seen no one defending him. What I have seen is plenty of people making fun of you brain dead insane morons.
I'd say "why would Trumpstettes try to defend his juvenile attempt to avoid any responsibility"?

But we all know, don't we. Trump is a serious man, no one denies this. It's actually sort of funny to see their attempts to disguise what he is not. And if it weren't so fucking trivial and about just making a mistake as to where a hurricane is going (and apparent ignorance of the general path of hurricanes that go with a westerly flow, but shift NE after traveling across land and losing the water that helps sustain energy) I'd say … hey all President's do it.

Reagan cut and run in the ME and never accepted responsibility for 220 dead Marines. LBJ chose not to run for a second term and to look for a peace deal, but he never accepted responsibility about false information in the Gulf on Tonkin. Slick and Somalia. Not a peep. Ditto Obama and Benghazi. In fact the only one I recall from my lifetime who owned up to it was JFK when describing the Bay of Pigs said "success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan."

I mean if this isn't so trivial as not being limited to a joke and laugh at the Trumpsettes' "pathetic" attempts to cover a naked fat old orange fart, we could be in for some trouble when his incompetence gets in some really deep shit.
With any other President, this “crisis” would have been over in twenty minutes and there would have been minimal press coverage

Any other president would have corrected themselves, apologized for any confusion in Alabama and moved on

But it is not in Trumps makeup. He thinks admitting error shows weakness

Instead he shows weakness of character as he continually digs a deeper hole in trying to cover up with more lies and misinformation
Nobody can predict what a hurricane will do, dumbasses!

Did it do what the weather service said? Fuck no!

It never does.

Well actually you can and there is some serious computer modelling used to figure it out.

Now these people are called meteorologists... They gave every one at leat 48 hours warning for this hurricane...
Nobody can predict what a hurricane will do, dumbasses!

Did it do what the weather service said? Fuck no!

It never does.

Well actually you can and there is some serious computer modelling used to figure it out.

Now these people are called meteorologists... They gave every one at leat 48 hours warning for this hurricane...
And yet it never plowed into Florida, did it?
Nobody can predict what a hurricane will do, dumbasses!

Did it do what the weather service said? Fuck no!

It never does.

Well actually you can and there is some serious computer modelling used to figure it out.

Now these people are called meteorologists... They gave every one at leat 48 hours warning for this hurricane...
Trump gave Alabama a 48 hour warning then refused to admit he was wrong
Then what possoble reason is there for him to hold up a marked up weather map like he did today?

When was his TWEET genius??? I don't even care to look it up.. It's something only DERANGED people would care about..

THAT is a REAL projection he held up.. The sharpie marks just show where Alabama gets involved maybe 3 or 4 BEYOND the cone... THat's what real leadership does.. Make reasonable LOGICAL INFERENCES (look it up dingbat) given the facts and data..

His tweet came when the National Hurricane Center projected the part going as far as central Florida. Why the fuck would a president seek to scare the shit out of Americans who were never at risk?
Update on my post [thanks to edthecynic's posting the actual date and time when trump tweeted Alabama was at risk of getting hit by Dorian]

... I was wrong when I said the National Hurricane Center projected Dorian reaching central Florida when trump posted his tweet.

Here was the National Hurricane Center's projection when trump made that idiotic tweet...


... would ya look at that... trump was right! Alabama was directly in Dorian's path. :ack-1:
Exactly, and remember the pathological lying scum, Tramp, kept telling us how he was continually being updated on the hurricane even while he was on the golf course!

Trump had a staffer follow him around in a golf cart to give him updates on Hurricane Dorian at his Virginia golf course
Grace Panetta

Donald Trump plays a round of golf on the Trump Turnberry resort in South Ayrshire, where he and first lady Melania Trump are spending the weekend.
Jane Barlow/PA Images via Getty Images
But wait, it's getting even funnier as trump triples down on stupid by tweeting this...


... seems the Idiot-in-Chief thinks posting models from four days before he tweeted about Alabsma being in Dorian's path somehow makes him right when the actual storm's path didn't even have it hitting Florida when he made his initial moronic tweet.

It's truly mind-boggling how deep these rightards are willing to swallow for this guy. <smh>

You're really triggered by a sharpie marker and accusing Trump of all sorts of shut aren't you little yellow coward. You got shredded on your fake Obozo "birth certificate" in another thread, so now you cry about a sharpie marker. Mind boggling how little yellow cowards like you swallow for Obozo while Michael reams you from behind.
I'd say "why would Trumpstettes try to defend his juvenile attempt to avoid any responsibility"?

But we all know, don't we. Trump is a serious man, no one denies this. It's actually sort of funny to see their attempts to disguise what he is not. And if it weren't so fucking trivial and about just making a mistake as to where a hurricane is going (and apparent ignorance of the general path of hurricanes that go with a westerly flow, but shift NE after traveling across land and losing the water that helps sustain energy) I'd say … hey all President's do it.

Reagan cut and run in the ME and never accepted responsibility for 220 dead Marines. LBJ chose not to run for a second term and to look for a peace deal, but he never accepted responsibility about false information in the Gulf on Tonkin. Slick and Somalia. Not a peep. Ditto Obama and Benghazi. In fact the only one I recall from my lifetime who owned up to it was JFK when describing the Bay of Pigs said "success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan."

I mean if this isn't so trivial as not being limited to a joke and laugh at the Trumpsettes' "pathetic" attempts to cover a naked fat old orange fart, we could be in for some trouble when his incompetence gets in some really deep shit.
With any other President, this “crisis” would have been over in twenty minutes and there would have been minimal press coverage

Any other president would have corrected themselves, apologized for any confusion in Alabama and moved on

But it is not in Trumps makeup. He thinks admitting error shows weakness

Instead he shows weakness of character as he continually digs a deeper hole in trying to cover up with more lies and misinformation
Well to me it's not really about Trump. Sure him and his magic marker is funny. And humiliating head of Homeland Sec by making him hold the "gee mom, I made it last night and thought it looked real good" map … sweet. And that sob needs some humiliating because he's up to his eyeballs in the cowboy misogynist culture infecting that show.

But it's really about his fans.

And don't get me wrong. When Romney came out and said Obama's coverup over why Benghazi happened was important .. he was right. For Pol was NOT Obama's strong pt. LOL Of course Romney was a plutocrat so when Obama's campaign went negative in the early fall and took him out early it was not all that unfair. Romney IS a plutocrat. Probably a very competent one, but a plutocrat with a garage elevator and dancing horse. LOL

And Trump didn't really need to say anything. Just trot out the Lyin Sarah replacement to say … the hurricane is not going to Ala. Is it his ego or his childhood lack of self-esteem? Whatever it is, it is defining. And defining for his supporters.

Remember when Obama humiliated him at the Wash Correspondents Dinner. Trump still wears that bruising. LOL Obama had cartoon graphics of Trump decorating the WH like Mar a Lago. And it's turned out to be … TRUE. LOL
When was his TWEET genius??? I don't even care to look it up.. It's something only DERANGED people would care about..

THAT is a REAL projection he held up.. The sharpie marks just show where Alabama gets involved maybe 3 or 4 BEYOND the cone... THat's what real leadership does.. Make reasonable LOGICAL INFERENCES (look it up dingbat) given the facts and data..

His tweet came when the National Hurricane Center projected the part going as far as central Florida. Why the fuck would a president seek to scare the shit out of Americans who were never at risk?
Update on my post [thanks to edthecynic's posting the actual date and time when trump tweeted Alabama was at risk of getting hit by Dorian]

... I was wrong when I said the National Hurricane Center projected Dorian reaching central Florida when trump posted his tweet.

Here was the National Hurricane Center's projection when trump made that idiotic tweet...


... would ya look at that... trump was right! Alabama was directly in Dorian's path. :ack-1:
Exactly, and remember the pathological lying scum, Tramp, kept telling us how he was continually being updated on the hurricane even while he was on the golf course!

Trump had a staffer follow him around in a golf cart to give him updates on Hurricane Dorian at his Virginia golf course
Grace Panetta

Donald Trump plays a round of golf on the Trump Turnberry resort in South Ayrshire, where he and first lady Melania Trump are spending the weekend.
Jane Barlow/PA Images via Getty Images
But wait, it's getting even funnier as trump triples down on stupid by tweeting this...


... seems the Idiot-in-Chief thinks posting models from four days before he tweeted about Alabsma being in Dorian's path somehow makes him right when the actual storm's path didn't even have it hitting Florida when he made his initial moronic tweet.

It's truly mind-boggling how deep these rightards are willing to swallow for this guy. <smh>

You're really triggered by a sharpie marker and accusing Trump of all sorts of shut aren't you little yellow coward. You got shredded on your fake Obozo "birth certificate" in another thread, so now you cry about a sharpie marker. Mind boggling how little yellow cowards like you swallow for Obozo while Michael reams you from behind.
What? Obama changed his birthcertificate with a …. wait for it …. Sharpie? LOL
His tweet came when the National Hurricane Center projected the part going as far as central Florida. Why the fuck would a president seek to scare the shit out of Americans who were never at risk?
Update on my post [thanks to edthecynic's posting the actual date and time when trump tweeted Alabama was at risk of getting hit by Dorian]

... I was wrong when I said the National Hurricane Center projected Dorian reaching central Florida when trump posted his tweet.

Here was the National Hurricane Center's projection when trump made that idiotic tweet...


... would ya look at that... trump was right! Alabama was directly in Dorian's path. :ack-1:
Exactly, and remember the pathological lying scum, Tramp, kept telling us how he was continually being updated on the hurricane even while he was on the golf course!

Trump had a staffer follow him around in a golf cart to give him updates on Hurricane Dorian at his Virginia golf course
Grace Panetta

Donald Trump plays a round of golf on the Trump Turnberry resort in South Ayrshire, where he and first lady Melania Trump are spending the weekend.
Jane Barlow/PA Images via Getty Images
But wait, it's getting even funnier as trump triples down on stupid by tweeting this...


... seems the Idiot-in-Chief thinks posting models from four days before he tweeted about Alabsma being in Dorian's path somehow makes him right when the actual storm's path didn't even have it hitting Florida when he made his initial moronic tweet.

It's truly mind-boggling how deep these rightards are willing to swallow for this guy. <smh>

You're really triggered by a sharpie marker and accusing Trump of all sorts of shut aren't you little yellow coward. You got shredded on your fake Obozo "birth certificate" in another thread, so now you cry about a sharpie marker. Mind boggling how little yellow cowards like you swallow for Obozo while Michael reams you from behind.
What? Obama changed his birthcertificate with a …. wait for it …. Sharpie? LOL

No with Adobe and he failed miserably at that. The queer would fck up a wet dream
I'd say "why would Trumpstettes try to defend his juvenile attempt to avoid any responsibility"?

But we all know, don't we. Trump is a serious man, no one denies this. It's actually sort of funny to see their attempts to disguise what he is not. And if it weren't so fucking trivial and about just making a mistake as to where a hurricane is going (and apparent ignorance of the general path of hurricanes that go with a westerly flow, but shift NE after traveling across land and losing the water that helps sustain energy) I'd say … hey all President's do it.

Reagan cut and run in the ME and never accepted responsibility for 220 dead Marines. LBJ chose not to run for a second term and to look for a peace deal, but he never accepted responsibility about false information in the Gulf on Tonkin. Slick and Somalia. Not a peep. Ditto Obama and Benghazi. In fact the only one I recall from my lifetime who owned up to it was JFK when describing the Bay of Pigs said "success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan."

I mean if this isn't so trivial as not being limited to a joke and laugh at the Trumpsettes' "pathetic" attempts to cover a naked fat old orange fart, we could be in for some trouble when his incompetence gets in some really deep shit.
With any other President, this “crisis” would have been over in twenty minutes and there would have been minimal press coverage

Any other president would have corrected themselves, apologized for any confusion in Alabama and moved on

But it is not in Trumps makeup. He thinks admitting error shows weakness

Instead he shows weakness of character as he continually digs a deeper hole in trying to cover up with more lies and misinformation
Well to me it's not really about Trump. Sure him and his magic marker is funny. And humiliating head of Homeland Sec by making him hold the "gee mom, I made it last night and thought it looked real good" map … sweet. And that sob needs some humiliating because he's up to his eyeballs in the cowboy misogynist culture infecting that show.

But it's really about his fans.

And don't get me wrong. When Romney came out and said Obama's coverup over why Benghazi happened was important .. he was right. For Pol was NOT Obama's strong pt. LOL Of course Romney was a plutocrat so when Obama's campaign went negative in the early fall and took him out early it was not all that unfair. Romney IS a plutocrat. Probably a very competent one, but a plutocrat with a garage elevator and dancing horse. LOL

And Trump didn't really need to say anything. Just trot out the Lyin Sarah replacement to say … the hurricane is not going to Ala. Is it his ego or his childhood lack of self-esteem? Whatever it is, it is defining. And defining for his supporters.

Remember when Obama humiliated him at the Wash Correspondents Dinner. Trump still wears that bruising. LOL Obama had cartoon graphics of Trump decorating the WH like Mar a Lago. And it's turned out to be … TRUE. LOL
Once again, Trump has turned what should have been a minor mistake into another embarrassment for his leadership and trustworthiness
Trump is figuring out how to fix all kinds of past mistakes.

See, Trump really did have the biggest crowd ever.

And Wala, there’s the fence.

And look, Trump no longer weighs 300 pounds.


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