trump Alters Map With Sharpie

He’s the greatest president in American history
Only to a herd of Sheep.
Or independent people from all back grounds, and nationalities .
The crowd at his rallies look more like white Sheep to me. Almost like a white sheet plastered behind him. You don't see much of any other kind of background. Looks more like a Klan rally. And based on these last white supremacist killings that were stoked by Trump, I'd say that's exactly what they are. "A klan rally." Lol! No wonder this is your "greatest president."
It’s called assimilation. It’s so we are all similar, together for one cause making America free and great
Liar. As long as assimilation does not mean changing skin color, you will always not accept them as equals.
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

Don't you have some muffins burning in oven or other important things to do??? This is just obsessive blaming..

There WERE DOZENS of trajectory maps that CHANGED day to day.. And YES there WERE ACTUAL REAL MODEL tracks pointing the storm across Florida, entering the Gulf and possibly entering Alabama thru the panhandle...

If you look at the ORIGIN of that track -- it was DAYS BEFORE it even hit the Bahamas.. But -- it's probably real... That was the 1st guess at a tracking cone..

It's just stone stupid to press this as an issue.. EVEN WORSE to ASSUME it's a forgery... But that's the sewer level and obsession you TDS sufferers have descended into..
Just wanted to see what amoral SCUM Bag would defend Prez FRAUD.

We have him.
A senior Mod ahole whose an off the cliff Partisan.

His claim of course was Sunday AM on a Weekend he Canceled Poland for to watch and be Briefed on the Hurricane.... at first at Camp David on Friday.

But quickly turned to another Golfing Weekend a t a Trumpov course in Va..
The Hurricane Track was Nowhere Near Alabama at the time he made the claim nor for Days previous.

Worse than his Ignoring days of Forecasts (or possibly - hark - thinking Alabama was an Atlantic Coast Southern State!!......)

He/staff then [Fraudulently Altered a National Weather Service Map
with a Black Marker to defend from the embarrassment.

Only an ASSHOLE and BLIND 100% Partisan would defend him.

Trump Showed Off A Fake Hurricane Dorian Forecast Map To Support His False Claim It Would Hit Alabama
Asked why the map appeared to be altered with a Sharpie, Trump told reporters, “I don’t know.”

"...About 20 minutes after Trump’s tweet Sunday, the National Weather Service office in Birmingham took the unusual step of tweeting that “Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian.”

Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian. We repeat, No impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across Alabama. The system will remain too far east. #alwx
11:11 AM - Sep 1, 2019

James Spann, a renowned broadcast meteorologist in Alabama, also hit back at the president’s False claim, tweeting, “Alabama will Not be impacted by Dorian in any way.”

“I have zero interest in politics. Dorian will not affect Alabama in any way. That is not a political statement,” Spann said in a tweet.

Trump’s tweet was later fact-checked by Jonathan Karl on ABC World News, prompting the president to lash out at the reporter, calling it a “phony hurricane report by [a] lightweight reporter.” Trump went on to claim — without citing any sources and contrary to his own government’s forecast — that “under certain original scenarios, it was in fact correct that Alabama could have received some ‘hurt.’”.​



Forecasted paths are notorious vapor-ware.. On LATE THURS of that week, ALL of the projections were still for the storm to run through Florida into the Gulf.. Trump took off for Labor Day.. Made an IMPROMPTU speech and recalled the states from the Thurs map.. The one he showed was from Wednesday..

NO harm was done. People living in hurricane country are glued to the most recent forecasts.. YOU being as unhinged as you are GLUED to a setting of raving demented...

Why are you defending the indefensible?

Trump made his claims on Sunday. If he presented information from Thursday he was wrong and had a responsibility to correct his error and apologize for any confusion he may have caused

That is what responsible adults do. Instead, he has prolonged a minor mistake for five days and opened himself up to well deserved mocking

Hey idiot, if you use a weather map that is one or two days old that you SAY was the current map at its time, how do you "prolong" anything much less for 5 days? I'm still waiting for one of you drooling idiots to show where anything even happened much less was prolonged? Produce ONE PERSON who actually acted on Trump's day old map because it had a black line on it that clearly wasn't part of the actual map. Then remember what you said: That RESPONSIBLE ADULTS CORRECT ERRORS AND APOLOGIZE FOR INCORRECT INFORMATION.

So no one acted on it makes it OK> Wow you assfucks are really that desperate.
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. Peo don't care
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

SAD is illegals pouring over the border. Sad is not being able to kick the kids out of here. Sad is not being able to punish the fake asylum requestors or the parents who desert their kids to get over the border. The sharpie is nothing-get over it

Sad is you assfucks not caring that Trump lies to you.

You are probably lying to me and I don't care. Then again, he put money in my pocket with a tax cut and you didn't.

He put money in your pocket that your kids and grandkids will have to pay back since he added more than 2 trillion dollars in debt since then. There ain't no sharpie that can cross that out.

So no good done by Trump is ever good, huh? If you have to be controlled by that thought, we have nothing to talk about.

Any idiot can borrow 1.5 trilion & pass it out & spur the economy in good economic times. If it is so great, lets borrow & pass out hundreds of billions every year.
SAD is illegals pouring over the border. Sad is not being able to kick the kids out of here. Sad is not being able to punish the fake asylum requestors or the parents who desert their kids to get over the border. The sharpie is nothing-get over it

Sad is you assfucks not caring that Trump lies to you.
You are probably lying to me and I don't care. Then again, he put money in my pocket with a tax cut and you didn't.
He put money in your pocket that your kids and grandkids will have to pay back since he added more than 2 trillion dollars in debt since then. There ain't no sharpie that can cross that out.
So no good done by Trump is ever good, huh? If you have to be controlled by that thought, we have nothing to talk about.
Any idiot can borrow 1.5 trilion & pass it out & spur the economy in good economic times. If it is so great, lets borrow & pass out hundreds of billions every year.

Why are you discussing Obama, FakeDave?
Epstein & Weistein did not run for office. Democrats dumped Weiner..
The DemoRATs coddled Weiner, as did his wife who was a top aide to Hillary Clinton. Sorry, but, the demoRATs held into weiner and wifey.
Epstien, close personal friend of Bill Clinton. Stephanopoulos, another top advisor to Bill Clinton and Hillary, and now the anchor of his own political show promoting the politics and propaganda of the Democrats, stephanopoulos attended the party epstien threw when he got out of jail!

Weinstein, was a personal friend of, and donated millions to top democrats.
I never posted that
Don't you have some muffins burning in oven or other important things to do??? This is just obsessive blaming..

There WERE DOZENS of trajectory maps that CHANGED day to day.. And YES there WERE ACTUAL REAL MODEL tracks pointing the storm across Florida, entering the Gulf and possibly entering Alabama thru the panhandle...

If you look at the ORIGIN of that track -- it was DAYS BEFORE it even hit the Bahamas.. But -- it's probably real... That was the 1st guess at a tracking cone..

It's just stone stupid to press this as an issue.. EVEN WORSE to ASSUME it's a forgery... But that's the sewer level and obsession you TDS sufferers have descended into..
Just wanted to see what amoral SCUM Bag would defend Prez FRAUD.

We have him.
A senior Mod ahole whose an off the cliff Partisan.

His claim of course was Sunday AM on a Weekend he Canceled Poland for to watch and be Briefed on the Hurricane.... at first at Camp David on Friday.

But quickly turned to another Golfing Weekend a t a Trumpov course in Va..
The Hurricane Track was Nowhere Near Alabama at the time he made the claim nor for Days previous.

Worse than his Ignoring days of Forecasts (or possibly - hark - thinking Alabama was an Atlantic Coast Southern State!!......)

He/staff then [Fraudulently Altered a National Weather Service Map
with a Black Marker to defend from the embarrassment.

Only an ASSHOLE and BLIND 100% Partisan would defend him.

Trump Showed Off A Fake Hurricane Dorian Forecast Map To Support His False Claim It Would Hit Alabama
Asked why the map appeared to be altered with a Sharpie, Trump told reporters, “I don’t know.”

"...About 20 minutes after Trump’s tweet Sunday, the National Weather Service office in Birmingham took the unusual step of tweeting that “Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian.”

Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian. We repeat, No impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across Alabama. The system will remain too far east. #alwx
11:11 AM - Sep 1, 2019

James Spann, a renowned broadcast meteorologist in Alabama, also hit back at the president’s False claim, tweeting, “Alabama will Not be impacted by Dorian in any way.”

“I have zero interest in politics. Dorian will not affect Alabama in any way. That is not a political statement,” Spann said in a tweet.

Trump’s tweet was later fact-checked by Jonathan Karl on ABC World News, prompting the president to lash out at the reporter, calling it a “phony hurricane report by [a] lightweight reporter.” Trump went on to claim — without citing any sources and contrary to his own government’s forecast — that “under certain original scenarios, it was in fact correct that Alabama could have received some ‘hurt.’”.​



Forecasted paths are notorious vapor-ware.. On LATE THURS of that week, ALL of the projections were still for the storm to run through Florida into the Gulf.. Trump took off for Labor Day.. Made an IMPROMPTU speech and recalled the states from the Thurs map.. The one he showed was from Wednesday..

NO harm was done. People living in hurricane country are glued to the most recent forecasts.. YOU being as unhinged as you are GLUED to a setting of raving demented...
Why are you defending the indefensible?

Trump made his claims on Sunday. If he presented information from Thursday he was wrong and had a responsibility to correct his error and apologize for any confusion he may have caused

That is what responsible adults do. Instead, he has prolonged a minor mistake for five days and opened himself up to well deserved mocking

Hey idiot, if you use a weather map that is one or two days old that you SAY was the current map at its time, how do you "prolong" anything much less for 5 days? I'm still waiting for one of you drooling idiots to show where anything even happened much less was prolonged? Produce ONE PERSON who actually acted on Trump's day old map because it had a black line on it that clearly wasn't part of the actual map. Then remember what you said: That RESPONSIBLE ADULTS CORRECT ERRORS AND APOLOGIZE FOR INCORRECT INFORMATION.
So no one acted on it makes it OK> Wow you assfucks are really that desperate.

Hey assfuck, DESPERATION is finding a small, insignificant mark on a map that meant nothing that Trump neither made nor referred to, that no one noticed, cared about or acted on, and trying to find federal crimes to punish Trump for while justifying endless mocking and ridicule.

Just shows what useless assfucks you are that have absolutely no lives outside of trying to bash Trump! But it STILL won't have one watt of a difference next year when the nation reelects him JUST TO SPITE YOU.
I'd say "why would Trumpstettes try to defend his juvenile attempt to avoid any responsibility"?

But we all know, don't we. Trump is a serious man, no one denies this. It's actually sort of funny to see their attempts to disguise what he is not. And if it weren't so fucking trivial and about just making a mistake as to where a hurricane is going (and apparent ignorance of the general path of hurricanes that go with a westerly flow, but shift NE after traveling across land and losing the water that helps sustain energy) I'd say … hey all President's do it.

Reagan cut and run in the ME and never accepted responsibility for 220 dead Marines. LBJ chose not to run for a second term and to look for a peace deal, but he never accepted responsibility about false information in the Gulf on Tonkin. Slick and Somalia. Not a peep. Ditto Obama and Benghazi. In fact the only one I recall from my lifetime who owned up to it was JFK when describing the Bay of Pigs said "success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan."

I mean if this isn't so trivial as not being limited to a joke and laugh at the Trumpsettes' "pathetic" attempts to cover a naked fat old orange fart, we could be in for some trouble when his incompetence gets in some really deep shit.
With any other President, this “crisis” would have been over in twenty minutes and there would have been minimal press coverage

Any other president would have corrected themselves, apologized for any confusion in Alabama and moved on

But it is not in Trumps makeup. He thinks admitting error shows weakness

Instead he shows weakness of character as he continually digs a deeper hole in trying to cover up with more lies and misinformation
Well to me it's not really about Trump. Sure him and his magic marker is funny. And humiliating head of Homeland Sec by making him hold the "gee mom, I made it last night and thought it looked real good" map … sweet. And that sob needs some humiliating because he's up to his eyeballs in the cowboy misogynist culture infecting that show.

But it's really about his fans.

And don't get me wrong. When Romney came out and said Obama's coverup over why Benghazi happened was important .. he was right. For Pol was NOT Obama's strong pt. LOL Of course Romney was a plutocrat so when Obama's campaign went negative in the early fall and took him out early it was not all that unfair. Romney IS a plutocrat. Probably a very competent one, but a plutocrat with a garage elevator and dancing horse. LOL

And Trump didn't really need to say anything. Just trot out the Lyin Sarah replacement to say … the hurricane is not going to Ala. Is it his ego or his childhood lack of self-esteem? Whatever it is, it is defining. And defining for his supporters.

Remember when Obama humiliated him at the Wash Correspondents Dinner. Trump still wears that bruising. LOL Obama had cartoon graphics of Trump decorating the WH like Mar a Lago. And it's turned out to be … TRUE. LOL
Once again, Trump has turned what should have been a minor mistake into another embarrassment for his leadership and trustworthiness
Nope butcher, the only embarrassment done is by you idiots to yourselves. The problem is that you all too stupid to realize it.
Epstein & Weistein did not run for office. Democrats dumped Weiner..
The DemoRATs coddled Weiner, as did his wife who was a top aide to Hillary Clinton. Sorry, but, the demoRATs held into weiner and wifey.
Epstien, close personal friend of Bill Clinton. Stephanopoulos, another top advisor to Bill Clinton and Hillary, and now the anchor of his own political show promoting the politics and propaganda of the Democrats, stephanopoulos attended the party epstien threw when he got out of jail!

Weinstein, was a personal friend of, and donated millions to top democrats.
I never posted that
Accidents happen Sorry.
... a small, insignificant mark on a map that meant nothing that Trump neither made ...

how do you know this?
Prove he made it. OP states: Trump altered map. Proof? See him do it? Did he SAY he put that on there?
Produce ONE PERSON who acted on that mark, thought anything of it and it changed their lives in Alabama, other than your panicked, desperate, alarmist fools?!

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