trump Alters Map With Sharpie

This is a non story
Trump made it a story by lying and claiming for days now he was right when he was actually wrong.

Really? Who gives a rats @$$

It is only a story if you have TDS. Which you do.

LOL you care about Trump's geographical acumen? Whatever floats your boat. Learn what QE is yet? Still think it is the lowering of interest rates? LMAO.
It's not about me, ya putz. It's about the people of Alabama who were fallaciously informed by the POTUS that a category 5 hurricane was coming their way. And then refused to tell them he was mistaken.

Show a link that they panicked or were at all impacted by this. Thanks. Didn't the people in Fla panic and it missed Fla?
This is a non story
Trump made it a story by lying and claiming for days now he was right when he was actually wrong.

Really? Who gives a rats @$$

It is only a story if you have TDS. Which you do.

Trump seems to give a rats @ss
He keeps changing his story

To troll people like you and bite the bait. Sucker.
Not very good at trolling when he takes all the abuse

He is great at it. Has you posting here constantly. You and many others like you. Losers.
Trump made it a story by lying and claiming for days now he was right when he was actually wrong.

Really? Who gives a rats @$$

It is only a story if you have TDS. Which you do.

Trump seems to give a rats @ss
He keeps changing his story

To troll people like you and bite the bait. Sucker.
Not very good at trolling when he takes all the abuse

He is great at it. Has you posting here constantly. You and many others like you. Losers.
Ahhh... so that's what Obama did to so many on the right.
I wonder if the OP even read his own fucking link.

Even his own link says they don't know who altered the map. There is NO VIDEO of Trump doing it.

From the OP's link:

Oh, and the sharpie is as clear as day. All Hurricane Center maps feature the white outline, and none of them have the additional black line. So, if Trump didn't draw it on there himself, he had someone else do it for him.

So the title itself is a lie. They have no video and no proof Trump altered the map.

Owned by his own link.

Self pwnage is the best pwnage. You TDS fuckheads really need to get a fucking life.

That hasn't stopped the pearl clutchers and hand wringers from spending two days and 31 pages (so far) from screeching about it.

They obviously have no life.

So much outrage over sharpie bubble.

Imagine outrage if Trump drone strike American citizens without due process, or spying on reporters, or running weapons to drug cartels that have border patrol agent killed...

The leftist media was ignoring and very forgiving to all Obama fuckups, yet they highlight everything Trump does as the worst thing ever.

Reeeee, he altered the map with a sharpie!!! Reeeee, he should be impeached!!!
Really? Who gives a rats @$$

It is only a story if you have TDS. Which you do.

Trump seems to give a rats @ss
He keeps changing his story

To troll people like you and bite the bait. Sucker.
Not very good at trolling when he takes all the abuse

He is great at it. Has you posting here constantly. You and many others like you. Losers.
Ahhh... so that's what Obama did to so many on the right.

Probably, yes. I was not on this Forum at the time. You're still a schmuck, Faun.
Trump made it a story by lying and claiming for days now he was right when he was actually wrong.

Really? Who gives a rats @$$

It is only a story if you have TDS. Which you do.

LOL you care about Trump's geographical acumen? Whatever floats your boat. Learn what QE is yet? Still think it is the lowering of interest rates? LMAO.
It's not about me, ya putz. It's about the people of Alabama who were fallaciously informed by the POTUS that a category 5 hurricane was coming their way. And then refused to tell them he was mistaken.

Show a link that they panicked or were at all impacted by this. Thanks. Didn't the people in Fla panic and it missed Fla?
Same thing with the people of Hawaii who were told North Korean missiles were headed their real harm was there?
And this is just one source that shows the cone intersecting Georgia. How did progressives become so insane? I don't get it. What's wrong with them?

View attachment 277782

Yeah, the forecast for Hurricane Dorian is a mess

Here's another one.


First Alert: Dorian a category 4 hurricane, forecast to still strengthen

lol deranged nut jobs losing it over nothing. Par for the course.
When did that model you posted get released? When did Trump make his Alabama warning? What was the current model when Trump mentioned Alabama?

Please don’t just react. Look up the answers to those three questions if you are interested in understanding the situation.
The first image was released, according to the link that even you can easily see, Aug. 29th. Keep trying loons.
I wonder if the OP even read his own fucking link.

Even his own link says they don't know who altered the map. There is NO VIDEO of Trump doing it.

From the OP's link:

Oh, and the sharpie is as clear as day. All Hurricane Center maps feature the white outline, and none of them have the additional black line. So, if Trump didn't draw it on there himself, he had someone else do it for him.

So the title itself is a lie. They have no video and no proof Trump altered the map.

Owned by his own link.

Self pwnage is the best pwnage. You TDS fuckheads really need to get a fucking life.

That hasn't stopped the pearl clutchers and hand wringers from spending two days and 31 pages (so far) from screeching about it.

They obviously have no life.

So much outrage over sharpie bubble.

Imagine outrage if Trump drone strike American citizens without due process, or spying on reporters, or running weapons to drug cartels that have border patrol agent killed...

The leftist media was ignoring and very forgiving to all Obama fuckups, yet they highlight everything Trump does as the worst thing ever.

Reeeee, he altered the map with a sharpie!!! Reeeee, he should be impeached!!!
Demonstrates his lack of character and disdain for the American People

He will say or do anything as long as he does not have to admit to a mistake

From YOUR link you didn't read well:

Trump later told reporters that he did not know anything about the changed map, but was adamant that original forecasts called for Alabama to be impacted by the hurricane.

The president referenced the map during an Oval Office briefing on the government's efforts to monitor and respond to Dorian as it made its way up the East Coast. The White House later released a video of some of his remarks that featured the chart.

"We got lucky in Florida. Very, very lucky indeed," Trump told reporters. "We had actually, our original chart was that it was going to be hitting Florida directly."

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan then pulled up the chart and displayed it on the Resolute Desk. The map featured what appeared to be a marker-drawn addition to the end of the Dorian's previously expected path, extending it toward the Gulf of Mexico and the southern edge of Alabama.

"And that would have affected a lot of other states," Trump said, reviewing the image. "But that was the original chart. It was going to hit not only Florida, but Georgia. It could have — it was going toward the Gulf. That was what was originally projected, and it took a right turn, and ultimately, hopefully we’re going to be lucky."

bolding mine

He never said a word about the black line at all in the video.


The map he showed was an early forecast of the Hurricane possible routes, the President showed this in a TWEET:


He is correct that the early forecast was for a direct hit on Florida, but later was revised that it would turn North Eastward earlier.I saw the same dam thing when I visited several times day the NOAA Hurricane page.

The chart he showed the original forecast of a landfall in Florida was real, and the NOAA did at first made that forecast, which they changed soon afterwards.

You TDS sufferers are making a fool of yourself here.

You aught be ashamed of yourself falling for this manufactored bogus whining about something the President didn't say or do.
Really? Who gives a rats @$$

It is only a story if you have TDS. Which you do.

LOL you care about Trump's geographical acumen? Whatever floats your boat. Learn what QE is yet? Still think it is the lowering of interest rates? LMAO.
It's not about me, ya putz. It's about the people of Alabama who were fallaciously informed by the POTUS that a category 5 hurricane was coming their way. And then refused to tell them he was mistaken.

Show a link that they panicked or were at all impacted by this. Thanks. Didn't the people in Fla panic and it missed Fla?
Same thing with the people of Hawaii who were told North Korean missiles were headed their real harm was there?

What? Stop drinking.

LOL you care about Trump's geographical acumen? Whatever floats your boat. Learn what QE is yet? Still think it is the lowering of interest rates? LMAO.
It's not about me, ya putz. It's about the people of Alabama who were fallaciously informed by the POTUS that a category 5 hurricane was coming their way. And then refused to tell them he was mistaken.

Show a link that they panicked or were at all impacted by this. Thanks. Didn't the people in Fla panic and it missed Fla?
Same thing with the people of Hawaii who were told North Korean missiles were headed their real harm was there?

What? Stop drinking.
And this is just one source that shows the cone intersecting Georgia. How did progressives become so insane? I don't get it. What's wrong with them?

View attachment 277782

Yeah, the forecast for Hurricane Dorian is a mess

Here's another one.


First Alert: Dorian a category 4 hurricane, forecast to still strengthen

lol deranged nut jobs losing it over nothing. Par for the course.
When did that model you posted get released? When did Trump make his Alabama warning? What was the current model when Trump mentioned Alabama?

Please don’t just react. Look up the answers to those three questions if you are interested in understanding the situation.
The first image was released, according to the link that even you can easily see, Aug. 29th. Keep trying loons.
Why can’t you people give complete answers?! You get an F. I asked three questions and you answered 1. The correct answers are...

The OP model was released 8/29. You got that right

Trumps tweet was on 9/1.

The model on 9/1 had shown the hurricane had turned and headed north. Alabama was not in danger at that time.

The national weather service reacted to Trumps tweet immediately saying that Bama was clear.

Trump skipped his Poland trip to stay and monitor the hurricane. He did a piss poor job. Probably got stuck in a sand trap or something. Remember all the crap he gave Obama for playing golf during national emergencies?!

This isn’t hard to understand. Stop making excuses for Trump, he was wrong, the more you spin for him the dumber you look.
Trump seems to give a rats @ss
He keeps changing his story

To troll people like you and bite the bait. Sucker.
Not very good at trolling when he takes all the abuse

He is great at it. Has you posting here constantly. You and many others like you. Losers.
Ahhh... so that's what Obama did to so many on the right.

Probably, yes. I was not on this Forum at the time. You're still a schmuck, Faun.
And this is just one source that shows the cone intersecting Georgia. How did progressives become so insane? I don't get it. What's wrong with them?

View attachment 277782

Yeah, the forecast for Hurricane Dorian is a mess

Here's another one.


First Alert: Dorian a category 4 hurricane, forecast to still strengthen

lol deranged nut jobs losing it over nothing. Par for the course.
When did that model you posted get released? When did Trump make his Alabama warning? What was the current model when Trump mentioned Alabama?

Please don’t just react. Look up the answers to those three questions if you are interested in understanding the situation.
The first image was released, according to the link that even you can easily see, Aug. 29th. Keep trying loons.
Why can’t you people give complete answers?! You get an F. I asked three questions and you answered 1. The correct answers are...

The OP model was released 8/29. You got that right

Trumps tweet was on 9/1.

The model on 9/1 had shown the hurricane had turned and headed north. Alabama was not in danger at that time.

The national weather service reacted to Trumps tweet immediately saying that Bama was clear.

Trump skipped his Poland trip to stay and monitor the hurricane. He did a piss poor job. Probably got stuck in a sand trap or something. Remember all the crap he gave Obama for playing golf during national emergencies?!

This isn’t hard to understand. Stop making excuses for Trump, he was wrong, the more you spin for him the dumber you look.
For one thing, I don't have to answer your goddam questions.
To troll people like you and bite the bait. Sucker.
Not very good at trolling when he takes all the abuse

He is great at it. Has you posting here constantly. You and many others like you. Losers.
Ahhh... so that's what Obama did to so many on the right.

Probably, yes. I was not on this Forum at the time. You're still a schmuck, Faun.

I know I've won when you start going down the emoji route.
And this is just one source that shows the cone intersecting Georgia. How did progressives become so insane? I don't get it. What's wrong with them?

View attachment 277782

Yeah, the forecast for Hurricane Dorian is a mess

Here's another one.


First Alert: Dorian a category 4 hurricane, forecast to still strengthen

lol deranged nut jobs losing it over nothing. Par for the course.
When did that model you posted get released? When did Trump make his Alabama warning? What was the current model when Trump mentioned Alabama?

Please don’t just react. Look up the answers to those three questions if you are interested in understanding the situation.
The first image was released, according to the link that even you can easily see, Aug. 29th. Keep trying loons.
Why can’t you people give complete answers?! You get an F. I asked three questions and you answered 1. The correct answers are...

The OP model was released 8/29. You got that right

Trumps tweet was on 9/1.

The model on 9/1 had shown the hurricane had turned and headed north. Alabama was not in danger at that time.

The national weather service reacted to Trumps tweet immediately saying that Bama was clear.

Trump skipped his Poland trip to stay and monitor the hurricane. He did a piss poor job. Probably got stuck in a sand trap or something. Remember all the crap he gave Obama for playing golf during national emergencies?!

This isn’t hard to understand. Stop making excuses for Trump, he was wrong, the more you spin for him the dumber you look.
For one thing, I don't have to answer your goddam questions.
No shit. Cause if you did you’d prove my point. Thanks for playing.
Here we go. the loons playing there bullshit proof claims. Fact is the map showed the storm going to Georgia is a fact. End of story.
Not very good at trolling when he takes all the abuse

He is great at it. Has you posting here constantly. You and many others like you. Losers.
Ahhh... so that's what Obama did to so many on the right.

Probably, yes. I was not on this Forum at the time. You're still a schmuck, Faun.

I know I've won when you start going down the emoji route.

From YOUR link you didn't read well:

Trump later told reporters that he did not know anything about the changed map, but was adamant that original forecasts called for Alabama to be impacted by the hurricane.

The president referenced the map during an Oval Office briefing on the government's efforts to monitor and respond to Dorian as it made its way up the East Coast. The White House later released a video of some of his remarks that featured the chart.

"We got lucky in Florida. Very, very lucky indeed," Trump told reporters. "We had actually, our original chart was that it was going to be hitting Florida directly."

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan then pulled up the chart and displayed it on the Resolute Desk. The map featured what appeared to be a marker-drawn addition to the end of the Dorian's previously expected path, extending it toward the Gulf of Mexico and the southern edge of Alabama.

"And that would have affected a lot of other states," Trump said, reviewing the image. "But that was the original chart. It was going to hit not only Florida, but Georgia. It could have — it was going toward the Gulf. That was what was originally projected, and it took a right turn, and ultimately, hopefully we’re going to be lucky."

bolding mine

He never said a word about the black line at all in the video.


The map he showed was an early forecast of the Hurricane possible routes, the President showed this in a TWEET:


He is correct that the early forecast was for a direct hit on Florida, but later was revised that it would turn North Eastward earlier.I saw the same dam thing when I visited several times day the NOAA Hurricane page.

The chart he showed the original forecast of a landfall in Florida was real, and the NOAA did at first made that forecast, which they changed soon afterwards.

You TDS sufferers are making a fool of yourself here.

You aught be ashamed of yourself falling for this manufactored bogus whining about something the President didn't say or do.
Are you fucking nuts? That chart you posted was not the latest forecast when trump the weatherman issued his warning to Alabama. This was.....


.... where's the threat to Alabama??

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