trump Alters Map With Sharpie

This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

You are a moron.....

Sharpie President? Alabama National Guard Mobilized For Hurricane Dorian

As the Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor, I briefed President Donald J. Trump multiple times concerning the position, forecast, risks, and Federal Government preparations for and response to Hurricane Dorian," Brown wrote. He noted that Trump's comments won September 1 "were based on that morning's Hurricane Dorian briefing, which included the possibility of tropical storm force winds in southeastern Alabama. In fact, from the evening of Tuesday, August 27 until the morning of September 2, forecasts from the National Hurricane Center showed the possibility of tropical storm force winds hitting parts of Alabama.

Yet perhaps the most important piece of evidence came from the Alabama National Guard itself. The state's National Guard started mobilizing for Hurricane Dorian, because the storm was projected to hit their state.

"[Hurricane Dorian] is projected to reach southern Alabama by the early part of the week. We are watching closely and [ready] to act. Are you?" the Alabama National Guard tweeted.

If the Alabama National Guard was mobilizing for Hurricane Dorian, Trump was right to say that the original projections suggested Alabama would face the fallout. "Sharpie President" is an overblown story.
Not very good at trolling when he takes all the abuse

He is great at it. Has you posting here constantly. You and many others like you. Losers.
Ahhh... so that's what Obama did to so many on the right.

Probably, yes. I was not on this Forum at the time. You're still a schmuck, Faun.

I know I've won when you start going down the emoji route.
My FATHER would have scoffed at you. But you know trying so hard to be among a man amongst men.

Now paper pushing boy how does a 60s document be created usin
Hush soy boy.

Little man. How's that you pencil pushing dweeb? And that's all you were ya know.

Now explain how a 60s document was created on 80s software. If you can't stfu

Paper pushing fag

Your daddy would have had zero effect on my life in the Navy. And, like I thought, you still can't refute anything, nor do you have any proof other than a story some IT dude told you, so again, all you got is insults. Like I said, I'm not surprised, I've come to expect that from you. And, if your daddy was a decent MCPO, he would be pissed that his little princess is using his service to denigrate another serviceman. BTW, I've got 3 Navy Achievement Medals, all awarded by Admirals for being as shit hot at my job as I was, how many does your daddy have?

You never served in the USN...if you did you did you'd know about USN Chiefs you fcking fraud. I knew it.
Do Navy Chiefs use Sharpies to alter documents or do they have too much integrity to do that?

No fag, they'd mock you.

Now run along before you get hurt and whine

Any member of our military would be appalled at the child like lies of the President
Someone in the military would never get away with such an act

They're more appalled with protecting freedom of leftist loons.
So was NOAA's when two years ago they forecast Harvey to be nothing but a Cat 1 hurricane in the Gulf, or when they told, I think it was Houstons to evacuate in an earlier hurricane (Andrew?) all for nothing, and far more died on the highway stuck in unmoving traffic run out of gas in 100° heat than would have been saved had the hurricane hit.

NOAA corrects their predictions when they get updated information

Our President refused to correct himself and even staged an event to present a doctored weather map
Show us the video of Trump refusing to correct the info.

A video and numerous tweets where he continued to present misinformation about Alabama when he had been informed otherwise

Presented throughout this thread


Check the date on this forecast...

View attachment 277638

Now, check the date on the "altered" image shown by Trump.

View attachment 277639
Flaming imbecile .... had trump said days earlier that Dorian could hit Alabama, he would have been right. But saying it after the storm changed direction and was projected to go up the coast, he was wrong.

And because he's a man-child with the temperament of a 4 year old, he can't bring himself to admit he was wrong. And because he won't admit he's wrong and his followers are a bunch of fluffers, y'all are defending him for being wrong and then lying about being wrong.

He did say earlier exactly that, check his twitter, shitstain.

Tell me, what are dates on those weather maps?
Only to a herd of Sheep.
Or independent people from all back grounds, and nationalities .
The crowd at his rallies look more like white Sheep to me. Almost like a white sheet plastered behind him. You don't see much of any other kind of background. Looks more like a Klan rally. And based on these last white supremacist killings that were stoked by Trump, I'd say that's exactly what they are. "A klan rally." Lol! No wonder this is your "greatest president."
It’s called assimilation. It’s so we are all similar, together for one cause making America free and great
Liar. As long as assimilation does not mean changing skin color, you will always not accept them as equals.
Only people complaining are blacks in towns run by democrats
Because blacks are inferior...duh
Trump could say Dorian is still heading for Alabama, and conservatives would argue that he has a point. Remember how many still argue that Mexico is paying for the wall, and that other countries are paying for the tariff taxes Trump has imposed on them.
What is mindboggling is the breakdown of reality that the Trump Regime imposes. It is like a scene from Alice Through the Looking Glass.


Which breakdown of reality? Tell us the reality and describe the breakdown.
After you Trumpers get done with trying to turn this weather map lie into the truth...

Would you like to give the "Iraq was behind 9/11" another shot???
I did a Google search, Big Brother has had TWENTY-ONE seasons!

Remember, this guy is a reality TEE VEE star. His own reality TEE VEE show ran for 14 seasons, 15 if you count the season with Arnold. :71:

The fact that folks think any of it is real? :dunno:

It amuses me.

He got elected because of compulsory schooling and the fact that the population has no ability for critical thinking.

And the nominating process is pretty much rigged.

He got nominated because he's entertaining. Nothing more, nothing less. He made jokes about how bad things are in Washington. And then when he was elected, he made things much, much worse, and no one is laughing any more.

He made this much worse for whom?
NOAA corrects their predictions when they get updated information

Our President refused to correct himself and even staged an event to present a doctored weather map
Show us the video of Trump refusing to correct the info.

A video and numerous tweets where he continued to present misinformation about Alabama when he had been informed otherwise

Presented throughout this thread


Check the date on this forecast...

View attachment 277638

Now, check the date on the "altered" image shown by Trump.

View attachment 277639
Flaming imbecile .... had trump said days earlier that Dorian could hit Alabama, he would have been right. But saying it after the storm changed direction and was projected to go up the coast, he was wrong.

And because he's a man-child with the temperament of a 4 year old, he can't bring himself to admit he was wrong. And because he won't admit he's wrong and his followers are a bunch of fluffers, y'all are defending him for being wrong and then lying about being wrong.

He did say earlier exactly that, check his twitter, shitstain.

Tell me, what are dates on those weather maps?
Dumbfuck..... at 8:51am on 9/1, trump tweeted...


... that came within an hour after the National Hurricane Center released their 8am forecast...

I did a Google search, Big Brother has had TWENTY-ONE seasons!

Remember, this guy is a reality TEE VEE star. His own reality TEE VEE show ran for 14 seasons, 15 if you count the season with Arnold. :71:

The fact that folks think any of it is real? :dunno:

It amuses me.

He got elected because of compulsory schooling and the fact that the population has no ability for critical thinking.

And the nominating process is pretty much rigged.

Also... no one did more for Trumps campaign than Hillary.

That crazy bitch is such an evil weeble even democrats couldn't make themselves vote for her.
Last time I checked, she won the popular vote, you idiot. But in your twisted reality, he won by a landslide. SMH

Last time I checked, Trump won 30 out of 50 states.

With just 2% chance given by the left to win election, that looks like a landslide to me.
I have no doubt it looks like a landslide to you, even though millions more people voted for Hillary Clinton.
Maybe, Derp (we'll never really know for sure since votes are not authenticated), but the problem is:


I don't care if you have 70 million people all vote for Hillary in LA County, all that wins you is the state of California!

(and at the displeasure of a LOT of Californians)

A presidential election is about winning a diversity of people across the land, by having 50 STATE elections. :badgrin:
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

Oh.....would you just SHUT THE FUCK UP! !!
You know, either way Trump goes on this, he's screwed. If he admits that he fabricated the map and drew the cone of uncertainty to include Alabama, then he's a liar trying to cover up his stupid mistake.

If that was an actual map from an actual briefing, then my question is, why are the briefings for the president out of date from what the NWS has? NWS has known that it wasn't going to hit the Gulf ever since it stalled over Bermuda last weekend.

Nope, Trump is a buffoon, and now everyone knows it.
Blah..... Blah...... Blah..... *yawn*
Hopefully, no one acted on trump's fake weather news because the National Weather Service corrected his bullshit within 20 minutes....

Great! So between Trump not even referring to or using the mark, no one paying attention to the mark, and the NWS making clear that the mark meant nothing, that REALLY makes this whole subject another massive, bloated boondoggle by the Left!

But at least it proves one thing: since I haven't seen one conservative worry or complain about it while ten million Leftards have gone absolutely ape over it, it just goes to show who really worries about, follows and takes seriously every little minutia that Trump says and does! :badgrin:

  • Trump is a bad tipper.
  • Trump pumps his own and uses low octane gas to save money.
News at eleven.

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