trump Alters Map With Sharpie

67 pages of pure liberal bullshit. The earlier computer models predicted what Trump wrote.....luckily the storm changed direction.

So if trump says tomorrow that Dorian is still a threat to Alabama, he's right because a week ago it looked like Alabama could have been in the path?


You can't be that stupid.... Wait, never mind.
Show us the video of Trump refusing to correct the info.

A video and numerous tweets where he continued to present misinformation about Alabama when he had been informed otherwise

Presented throughout this thread


Check the date on this forecast...

View attachment 277638

Now, check the date on the "altered" image shown by Trump.

View attachment 277639
Flaming imbecile .... had trump said days earlier that Dorian could hit Alabama, he would have been right. But saying it after the storm changed direction and was projected to go up the coast, he was wrong.

And because he's a man-child with the temperament of a 4 year old, he can't bring himself to admit he was wrong. And because he won't admit he's wrong and his followers are a bunch of fluffers, y'all are defending him for being wrong and then lying about being wrong.

He did say earlier exactly that, check his twitter, shitstain.

Tell me, what are dates on those weather maps?
Dumbfuck..... at 8:51am on 9/1, trump tweeted...

... that came within an hour after the National Hurricane Center released their 8am forecast...

Oh, I see. This is all about Trump's TWEETS. Who the fuck follows that horseshit? I don't even use Facebook or Twitter. Obviously, you must follow Trump on his every tweet 24/7. Who is being controlled by Trump again?! :badgrin:
Russia-gate was a bust, Conspiracy-gate was a bust, Hooker peeing on bed-gate was a bust, Kids in cages-gate was a bust so now......we have.....Sharpie-Gate!! :spinner: And the Democrats just keep spinning.
Cover for what? This thread seems to be one giant waste of bandwidth...

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Cover for the fact that Trump cannot ever admit even the smallest of mistakes and that he is dishonest enough to use an altered map to try and prove he was right.

What mistake he made? Tweeting map that show forecast where Dorian is hitting Orlando and heading to Alabama five days before Dorian changed course?

Hey, maybe maps were altered by Russians. Imagine that...
No mistake in intentionally doctoring a map to cover for inaccurately threatening Alabama and refusing to issue an immediate correction

Who doctored the map?
Interesting question...Who done it?

What we know....

Prior to the fake dog and pony show, Trump was briefed with an unaltered map
By the time the briefing was conducted shortly after, the map had been altered with a Sharpie to include Alabama
Trump does all his signings and always makes notes using a black Sharpie. Few other adults always carry a Sharpie

Draw your own conclusions

In other words, you're insinuating Trump did it. Let's say he did it, tell us why he would do it?
Here we go. the loons playing there bullshit proof claims. Fact is the map showed the storm going to Georgia is a fact. End of story.
THAT's why Donnie had to pencil in his black line to include Alabama. Is it a requirement for a Trumpstette to be illiterate in geography, or is it just something they pull out to deny that Trump screwed something up. Birther, Central Park Five, phony real estate college, tax cuts and the middle class, Europe …..
Here we go. the loons playing there bullshit proof claims. Fact is the map showed the storm going to Georgia is a fact. End of story.
THAT's why Donnie had to pencil in his black line to include Alabama. Is it a requirement for a Trumpstette to be illiterate in geography, or is it just something they pull out to deny that Trump screwed something up. Birther, Central Park Five, phony real estate college, tax cuts and the middle class, Europe …..
What state is next to Georgia, imbecile?
Again leftists prove that they do not understand weather, or geography. I honestly don't see how they can be intelligent enough to draw breath, but apparently that's not a higher brain function.
Nothing in Obamacare law prevents insurance companies from offering the same old plans indefinitely - that it was entirely their choice to cancel any plans they cancelled - and then you call Obama's statement a lie, as if he, and not insurers, was in any way responsible for the cancellation of plans.

However, there were crappy insurance plans which didnt meet the standards (when ACA first started). But these were plans that nobody would like, unless they were masochist.


Law mandates that plans not meeting government requirements are cancelled.
Again leftists prove that they do not understand weather, or geography. I honestly don't see how they can be intelligent enough to draw breath, but apparently that's not a higher brain function.
All they know is they hate Trump and in doing so are destroying themselves.

From YOUR link you didn't read well:

Trump later told reporters that he did not know anything about the changed map, but was adamant that original forecasts called for Alabama to be impacted by the hurricane.

The president referenced the map during an Oval Office briefing on the government's efforts to monitor and respond to Dorian as it made its way up the East Coast. The White House later released a video of some of his remarks that featured the chart.

"We got lucky in Florida. Very, very lucky indeed," Trump told reporters. "We had actually, our original chart was that it was going to be hitting Florida directly."

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan then pulled up the chart and displayed it on the Resolute Desk. The map featured what appeared to be a marker-drawn addition to the end of the Dorian's previously expected path, extending it toward the Gulf of Mexico and the southern edge of Alabama.

"And that would have affected a lot of other states," Trump said, reviewing the image. "But that was the original chart. It was going to hit not only Florida, but Georgia. It could have — it was going toward the Gulf. That was what was originally projected, and it took a right turn, and ultimately, hopefully we’re going to be lucky."

bolding mine

He never said a word about the black line at all in the video.


The map he showed was an early forecast of the Hurricane possible routes, the President showed this in a TWEET:


He is correct that the early forecast was for a direct hit on Florida, but later was revised that it would turn North Eastward earlier.I saw the same dam thing when I visited several times day the NOAA Hurricane page.

The chart he showed the original forecast of a landfall in Florida was real, and the NOAA did at first made that forecast, which they changed soon afterwards.

You TDS sufferers are making a fool of yourself here.

You aught be ashamed of yourself falling for this manufactored bogus whining about something the President didn't say or do.
Are you fucking nuts? That chart you posted was not the latest forecast when trump the weatherman issued his warning to Alabama. This was.....


.... where's the threat to Alabama??

Oh man YOUR stupidity is obvious since Trumps chart was on AUGUST 29, while your chart is dated SEPTEMBER one, a FOUR days later chart. He never said a word about Alabama in the video, never mentions the black line at all, he never pointed to the black line at all either.

I SAW that chart and many others during the updates, it was originally shown to be forecasted to plow right into central/Northern Florida, but later changed to turn north earlier, to just passing along outside the shoreline.

Here is the chart for August 29, the one HE held in his hands for the September 1 Youtube presentation:


He states which YOU ignored:

Trump later told reporters that he did not know anything about the changed map, but was adamant that original forecasts called for Alabama to be impacted by the hurricane.

The president referenced the map during an Oval Office briefing on the government's efforts to monitor and respond to Dorian as it made its way up the East Coast. The White House later released a video of some of his remarks that featured the chart.

"We got lucky in Florida. Very, very lucky indeed," Trump told reporters. "We had actually, our original chart was that it was going to be hitting Florida directly."

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan then pulled up the chart and displayed it on the Resolute Desk. The map featured what appeared to be a marker-drawn addition to the end of the Dorian's previously expected path, extending it toward the Gulf of Mexico and the southern edge of Alabama.

"And that would have affected a lot of other states," Trump said, reviewing the image. "But that was the original chart. It was going to hit not only Florida, but Georgia. It could have — it was going toward the Gulf. That was what was originally projected, and it took a right turn, and ultimately, hopefully we’re going to be lucky."

He was correct that IF the Hurricane did go through Florida as originally forecasted, Alabama would have been impacted, with rain and winds galore.


Hurricane Dorian Update, Path Map as Florida State of Emergency Declared over Potential Category 3 Landfall


I have been following this every day since it became a threat, heck I saw when it was a little baby Tropical Depression. Here is the LATEST chart from the NOAA:



Did you even watch the video at all?

Why don't you dry up your bullcrap?
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The Orange Virus sure is doing his damnedest to make sure he doesn't get a 2nd term.
He knows nothing will stop his ass kissers from voting for his sorry ass The biggest mistake America has ever made The 2nd biggest was not continuing the civil war for a few more months
The Orange Virus sure is doing his damnedest to make sure he doesn't get a 2nd term.
He knows nothing will stop his ass kissers from voting for his sorry ass The biggest mistake America has ever made The 2nd biggest was not continuing the civil war for a few more months
So you want a new civil war so you Democrats can throw dem black folks back in chains.
Trump was very disappointed that he would not have the opportunity to provide major assistance to Alabama hurricane victims, like he did in Puerto Rico, so he has done the second option of press exposure by engaging in a debate with the National Weather Bureau and the press, instead.

I agree. That describes the OP perfectly!
I don't care if the OP lies. It has no effect on my life. A pathological liar of a president, on the other hand...

How that map effected your life?

And what makes you think he altered it?
"How that map effected your life?"

I didn't say it did.

"And what makes you think he altered it?"

I didn't say he did.

As always, you post from a position of ignorance.

You said "pathological liar of a president" effects your life, while we're talking about "altered" weather maps.

How does Trump effects your life? Oh, I see it.

Three years after losing elections and you're still butthurt. No worries, 5 more years and it will end.
Dumbfuck, you do know trump has told more than a "few" lies, right? This not being one of them. :eusa_doh:

Projecting he did, please tell us which one effected your life most, shitstain.

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