trump Alters Map With Sharpie

I did a Google search, Big Brother has had TWENTY-ONE seasons!

Remember, this guy is a reality TEE VEE star. His own reality TEE VEE show ran for 14 seasons, 15 if you count the season with Arnold. :71:

The fact that folks think any of it is real? :dunno:

It amuses me.

He got elected because of compulsory schooling and the fact that the population has no ability for critical thinking.

And the nominating process is pretty much rigged.

Also... no one did more for Trumps campaign than Hillary.

That crazy bitch is such an evil weeble even democrats couldn't make themselves vote for her.
Last time I checked, she won the popular vote, you idiot. But in your twisted reality, he won by a landslide. SMH

Last time I checked, Trump won 30 out of 50 states.

With just 2% chance given by the left to win election, that looks like a landslide to me.
I have no doubt it looks like a landslide to you, even though millions more people voted for Hillary Clinton.

30 out of 50 states voted for Trump.

From YOUR link you didn't read well:

Trump later told reporters that he did not know anything about the changed map, but was adamant that original forecasts called for Alabama to be impacted by the hurricane.

The president referenced the map during an Oval Office briefing on the government's efforts to monitor and respond to Dorian as it made its way up the East Coast. The White House later released a video of some of his remarks that featured the chart.

"We got lucky in Florida. Very, very lucky indeed," Trump told reporters. "We had actually, our original chart was that it was going to be hitting Florida directly."

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan then pulled up the chart and displayed it on the Resolute Desk. The map featured what appeared to be a marker-drawn addition to the end of the Dorian's previously expected path, extending it toward the Gulf of Mexico and the southern edge of Alabama.

"And that would have affected a lot of other states," Trump said, reviewing the image. "But that was the original chart. It was going to hit not only Florida, but Georgia. It could have — it was going toward the Gulf. That was what was originally projected, and it took a right turn, and ultimately, hopefully we’re going to be lucky."

bolding mine

He never said a word about the black line at all in the video.


The map he showed was an early forecast of the Hurricane possible routes, the President showed this in a TWEET:


He is correct that the early forecast was for a direct hit on Florida, but later was revised that it would turn North Eastward earlier.I saw the same dam thing when I visited several times day the NOAA Hurricane page.

The chart he showed the original forecast of a landfall in Florida was real, and the NOAA did at first made that forecast, which they changed soon afterwards.

You TDS sufferers are making a fool of yourself here.

You aught be ashamed of yourself falling for this manufactored bogus whining about something the President didn't say or do.
Are you fucking nuts? That chart you posted was not the latest forecast when trump the weatherman issued his warning to Alabama. This was.....


.... where's the threat to Alabama??

Oh man YOUR stupidity is obvious since Trumps chart was on AUGUST 29, while your chart is dated SEPTEMBER one, a FOUR days later chart. He never said a word about Alabama in the video, never mentions the black line at all, he never pointed to the black line at all either.

I SAW that chart and many others during the updates, it was originally shown to be forecasted to plow right into central/Northern Florida, but later changed to turn north earlier, to just passing along outside the shoreline.

Here is the chart for August 29, the one HE held in his hands for the September 1 Youtube presentation:


He states which YOU ignored:

Trump later told reporters that he did not know anything about the changed map, but was adamant that original forecasts called for Alabama to be impacted by the hurricane.

The president referenced the map during an Oval Office briefing on the government's efforts to monitor and respond to Dorian as it made its way up the East Coast. The White House later released a video of some of his remarks that featured the chart.

"We got lucky in Florida. Very, very lucky indeed," Trump told reporters. "We had actually, our original chart was that it was going to be hitting Florida directly."

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan then pulled up the chart and displayed it on the Resolute Desk. The map featured what appeared to be a marker-drawn addition to the end of the Dorian's previously expected path, extending it toward the Gulf of Mexico and the southern edge of Alabama.

"And that would have affected a lot of other states," Trump said, reviewing the image. "But that was the original chart. It was going to hit not only Florida, but Georgia. It could have — it was going toward the Gulf. That was what was originally projected, and it took a right turn, and ultimately, hopefully we’re going to be lucky."

He was correct that IF the Hurricane did go through Florida as originally forecasted, Alabama would have been impacted, with rain and winds galore.


Hurricane Dorian Update, Path Map as Florida State of Emergency Declared over Potential Category 3 Landfall


I have been following this every day since it became a threat, heck I saw when it was a little baby Tropical Depression. Here is the LATEST chart from the NOAA:



Did you even watch the video at all?

Why don't you dry up your bullcrap?

You probably should take this up with the National Weather bureau. They were the first ones to debunk his Alabama statement.
I wonder if the OP even read his own fucking link.

Even his own link says they don't know who altered the map. There is NO VIDEO of Trump doing it.

From the OP's link:

Oh, and the sharpie is as clear as day. All Hurricane Center maps feature the white outline, and none of them have the additional black line. So, if Trump didn't draw it on there himself, he had someone else do it for him.

So the title itself is a lie. They have no video and no proof Trump altered the map.

Owned by his own link.

Self pwnage is the best pwnage. You TDS fuckheads really need to get a fucking life.

That hasn't stopped the pearl clutchers and hand wringers from spending two days and 31 pages (so far) from screeching about it.

They obviously have no life.

So much outrage over sharpie bubble.

Imagine outrage if Trump drone strike American citizens without due process, or spying on reporters, or running weapons to drug cartels that have border patrol agent killed...

The leftist media was ignoring and very forgiving to all Obama fuckups, yet they highlight everything Trump does as the worst thing ever.

Reeeee, he altered the map with a sharpie!!! Reeeee, he should be impeached!!!
Demonstrates his lack of character and disdain for the American People

He will say or do anything as long as he does not have to admit to a mistake

You believe he altered the map and you keep acting as he did. You lefties keep accusing him of things that are proven to be false, over and over. What does that say about your character?

Let me ask you, has Barry ever told a lie?
He knows nothing will stop his ass kissers from voting for his sorry ass
If you know that then you ought to just STFU and save your breath.
The 2nd biggest was not continuing the civil war for a few more months
Why? So that the Confederacy could have been totally beaten farther into the ground at the expense of thousands of more lives?
The Orange Virus sure is doing his damnedest to make sure he doesn't get a 2nd term.
He knows nothing will stop his ass kissers from voting for his sorry ass The biggest mistake America has ever made The 2nd biggest was not continuing the civil war for a few more months
So you want a new civil war so you Democrats can throw dem black folks back in chains.

Nothing pisses them off more than black prosperity...
Black Unemployment Hits Record Low, Black-White Unemployment Gap Shrinks to Smallest Ever | Breitbart

"A year ago, the black unemployment rate stood at 6.6 percent while the white unemployment rate was 3.4 percent, meaning black unemployment was 185 percent of white unemployment.

"In August, the gap narrowed so that black unemployment was under 162 percent of white unemployment. That is the smallest gap ever in records going back to January 1972.

"This is particularly remarkable because it comes at a time of remarkably low unemployment. Prior to the Trump era, the last time the gap fell below 170 percent was in August of 2009, when the black unemployment rate was 14.8 percent and the white unemployment rate was 8.9 percent."
The Orange Virus sure is doing his damnedest to make sure he doesn't get a 2nd term.
He knows nothing will stop his ass kissers from voting for his sorry ass The biggest mistake America has ever made The 2nd biggest was not continuing the civil war for a few more months
So you want a new civil war so you Democrats can throw dem black folks back in chains.

Nothing pisses them off more than black prosperity...
Black Unemployment Hits Record Low, Black-White Unemployment Gap Shrinks to Smallest Ever | Breitbart

"A year ago, the black unemployment rate stood at 6.6 percent while the white unemployment rate was 3.4 percent, meaning black unemployment was 185 percent of white unemployment.

"In August, the gap narrowed so that black unemployment was under 162 percent of white unemployment. That is the smallest gap ever in records going back to January 1972.

"This is particularly remarkable because it comes at a time of remarkably low unemployment. Prior to the Trump era, the last time the gap fell below 170 percent was in August of 2009, when the black unemployment rate was 14.8 percent and the white unemployment rate was 8.9 percent."
The Great Obama cut black unemployment by eight percent
Trump has cut it less than two percent
I wonder if the OP even read his own fucking link.

Even his own link says they don't know who altered the map. There is NO VIDEO of Trump doing it.

From the OP's link:

Oh, and the sharpie is as clear as day. All Hurricane Center maps feature the white outline, and none of them have the additional black line. So, if Trump didn't draw it on there himself, he had someone else do it for him.

So the title itself is a lie. They have no video and no proof Trump altered the map.

Owned by his own link.

Self pwnage is the best pwnage. You TDS fuckheads really need to get a fucking life.

That hasn't stopped the pearl clutchers and hand wringers from spending two days and 31 pages (so far) from screeching about it.

They obviously have no life.

So much outrage over sharpie bubble.

Imagine outrage if Trump drone strike American citizens without due process, or spying on reporters, or running weapons to drug cartels that have border patrol agent killed...

The leftist media was ignoring and very forgiving to all Obama fuckups, yet they highlight everything Trump does as the worst thing ever.

Reeeee, he altered the map with a sharpie!!! Reeeee, he should be impeached!!!
Demonstrates his lack of character and disdain for the American People

He will say or do anything as long as he does not have to admit to a mistake

You believe he altered the map and you keep acting as he did. You lefties keep accusing him of things that are proven to be false, over and over. What does that say about your character?

Let me ask you, has Barry ever told a lie?
Trump done ir himself with his own stubby little fingers.
I did a Google search, Big Brother has had TWENTY-ONE seasons!

Remember, this guy is a reality TEE VEE star. His own reality TEE VEE show ran for 14 seasons, 15 if you count the season with Arnold. :71:

The fact that folks think any of it is real? :dunno:

It amuses me.

He got elected because of compulsory schooling and the fact that the population has no ability for critical thinking.

And the nominating process is pretty much rigged.

Also... no one did more for Trumps campaign than Hillary.

That crazy bitch is such an evil weeble even democrats couldn't make themselves vote for her.
Last time I checked, she won the popular vote, you idiot. But in your twisted reality, he won by a landslide. SMH

Last time I checked, Trump won 30 out of 50 states.

With just 2% chance given by the left to win election, that looks like a landslide to me.
I have no doubt it looks like a landslide to you, even though millions more people voted for Hillary Clinton.

30 out of 50 states voted for Trump.
1 person 1 vote means shit Thanks republicans
The Orange Virus sure is doing his damnedest to make sure he doesn't get a 2nd term.
He knows nothing will stop his ass kissers from voting for his sorry ass The biggest mistake America has ever made The 2nd biggest was not continuing the civil war for a few more months
So you want a new civil war so you Democrats can throw dem black folks back in chains.
No just wish the old one was longer Some of you morons wouldn't be here now
Lol 49 pages of sharpie.

Get a grip people

What hath Trump wrought?

Trump wishes it would go away too

You're one of the loons that can't let it go.

Pathetic old spammer working on post count. Get a real life asshole
I won’t let it go?

Trump has been obsessing over it for six days now and ordered his staff to find proof he was right

It reached its low point with his Sharpie solution

Now it won’t go away

From YOUR link you didn't read well:

Trump later told reporters that he did not know anything about the changed map, but was adamant that original forecasts called for Alabama to be impacted by the hurricane.

The president referenced the map during an Oval Office briefing on the government's efforts to monitor and respond to Dorian as it made its way up the East Coast. The White House later released a video of some of his remarks that featured the chart.

"We got lucky in Florida. Very, very lucky indeed," Trump told reporters. "We had actually, our original chart was that it was going to be hitting Florida directly."

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan then pulled up the chart and displayed it on the Resolute Desk. The map featured what appeared to be a marker-drawn addition to the end of the Dorian's previously expected path, extending it toward the Gulf of Mexico and the southern edge of Alabama.

"And that would have affected a lot of other states," Trump said, reviewing the image. "But that was the original chart. It was going to hit not only Florida, but Georgia. It could have — it was going toward the Gulf. That was what was originally projected, and it took a right turn, and ultimately, hopefully we’re going to be lucky."

bolding mine

He never said a word about the black line at all in the video.


The map he showed was an early forecast of the Hurricane possible routes, the President showed this in a TWEET:


He is correct that the early forecast was for a direct hit on Florida, but later was revised that it would turn North Eastward earlier.I saw the same dam thing when I visited several times day the NOAA Hurricane page.

The chart he showed the original forecast of a landfall in Florida was real, and the NOAA did at first made that forecast, which they changed soon afterwards.

You TDS sufferers are making a fool of yourself here.

You aught be ashamed of yourself falling for this manufactored bogus whining about something the President didn't say or do.
Are you fucking nuts? That chart you posted was not the latest forecast when trump the weatherman issued his warning to Alabama. This was.....


.... where's the threat to Alabama??

Oh man YOUR stupidity is obvious since Trumps chart was on AUGUST 29, while your chart is dated SEPTEMBER one, a FOUR days later chart. He never said a word about Alabama in the video, never mentions the black line at all, he never pointed to the black line at all either.

I SAW that chart and many others during the updates, it was originally shown to be forecasted to plow right into central/Northern Florida, but later changed to turn north earlier, to just passing along outside the shoreline.

Here is the chart for August 29, the one HE held in his hands for the September 1 Youtube presentation:


He states which YOU ignored:

Trump later told reporters that he did not know anything about the changed map, but was adamant that original forecasts called for Alabama to be impacted by the hurricane.

The president referenced the map during an Oval Office briefing on the government's efforts to monitor and respond to Dorian as it made its way up the East Coast. The White House later released a video of some of his remarks that featured the chart.

"We got lucky in Florida. Very, very lucky indeed," Trump told reporters. "We had actually, our original chart was that it was going to be hitting Florida directly."

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan then pulled up the chart and displayed it on the Resolute Desk. The map featured what appeared to be a marker-drawn addition to the end of the Dorian's previously expected path, extending it toward the Gulf of Mexico and the southern edge of Alabama.

"And that would have affected a lot of other states," Trump said, reviewing the image. "But that was the original chart. It was going to hit not only Florida, but Georgia. It could have — it was going toward the Gulf. That was what was originally projected, and it took a right turn, and ultimately, hopefully we’re going to be lucky."

He was correct that IF the Hurricane did go through Florida as originally forecasted, Alabama would have been impacted, with rain and winds galore.


Hurricane Dorian Update, Path Map as Florida State of Emergency Declared over Potential Category 3 Landfall


I have been following this every day since it became a threat, heck I saw when it was a little baby Tropical Depression. Here is the LATEST chart from the NOAA:



Did you even watch the video at all?

Why don't you dry up your bullcrap?

You probably should take this up with the National Weather bureau. They were the first ones to debunk his Alabama statement.

You mean this from Source Politics?

"Alabama will NOT see any impacts from Dorian. We repeat, no impacts from Hurricane Dorian will be felt across Alabama. The system will remain too far east."

The article was dishonestly misleading because that very video in the SAME article has Trump saying while holding the August 29 NOAA chart that was originally showing Florida was going to get a direct hit, that we were very, very lucky the Hurricane shifted away from hitting Florida, no mention of Alabama at all, no mention about the black line either, no evidence presented that he drew that black line.

He was talking in PAST TENSE!

Go watch the video, I dare you see that he talks about the chart in past tense and never mentions Alabama in it. It is 51 seconds long.

If Florida got the direct hit as originally forcasted, Alabama would have been impacted, but since the storm went north/northwards, that will not happen.

It is obvious that most people including YOU never watched that 51 second video at all, you fell for a manufactured media LIE!

I am amazed at how lazy people are in this thread.
Last edited:

From YOUR link you didn't read well:

Trump later told reporters that he did not know anything about the changed map, but was adamant that original forecasts called for Alabama to be impacted by the hurricane.

The president referenced the map during an Oval Office briefing on the government's efforts to monitor and respond to Dorian as it made its way up the East Coast. The White House later released a video of some of his remarks that featured the chart.

"We got lucky in Florida. Very, very lucky indeed," Trump told reporters. "We had actually, our original chart was that it was going to be hitting Florida directly."

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan then pulled up the chart and displayed it on the Resolute Desk. The map featured what appeared to be a marker-drawn addition to the end of the Dorian's previously expected path, extending it toward the Gulf of Mexico and the southern edge of Alabama.

"And that would have affected a lot of other states," Trump said, reviewing the image. "But that was the original chart. It was going to hit not only Florida, but Georgia. It could have — it was going toward the Gulf. That was what was originally projected, and it took a right turn, and ultimately, hopefully we’re going to be lucky."

bolding mine

He never said a word about the black line at all in the video.


The map he showed was an early forecast of the Hurricane possible routes, the President showed this in a TWEET:


He is correct that the early forecast was for a direct hit on Florida, but later was revised that it would turn North Eastward earlier.I saw the same dam thing when I visited several times day the NOAA Hurricane page.

The chart he showed the original forecast of a landfall in Florida was real, and the NOAA did at first made that forecast, which they changed soon afterwards.

You TDS sufferers are making a fool of yourself here.

You aught be ashamed of yourself falling for this manufactored bogus whining about something the President didn't say or do.
Are you fucking nuts? That chart you posted was not the latest forecast when trump the weatherman issued his warning to Alabama. This was.....


.... where's the threat to Alabama??

Oh man YOUR stupidity is obvious since Trumps chart was on AUGUST 29, while your chart is dated SEPTEMBER one, a FOUR days later chart. He never said a word about Alabama in the video, never mentions the black line at all, he never pointed to the black line at all either.

I SAW that chart and many others during the updates, it was originally shown to be forecasted to plow right into central/Northern Florida, but later changed to turn north earlier, to just passing along outside the shoreline.

Here is the chart for August 29, the one HE held in his hands for the September 1 Youtube presentation:


He states which YOU ignored:

Trump later told reporters that he did not know anything about the changed map, but was adamant that original forecasts called for Alabama to be impacted by the hurricane.

The president referenced the map during an Oval Office briefing on the government's efforts to monitor and respond to Dorian as it made its way up the East Coast. The White House later released a video of some of his remarks that featured the chart.

"We got lucky in Florida. Very, very lucky indeed," Trump told reporters. "We had actually, our original chart was that it was going to be hitting Florida directly."

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan then pulled up the chart and displayed it on the Resolute Desk. The map featured what appeared to be a marker-drawn addition to the end of the Dorian's previously expected path, extending it toward the Gulf of Mexico and the southern edge of Alabama.

"And that would have affected a lot of other states," Trump said, reviewing the image. "But that was the original chart. It was going to hit not only Florida, but Georgia. It could have — it was going toward the Gulf. That was what was originally projected, and it took a right turn, and ultimately, hopefully we’re going to be lucky."

He was correct that IF the Hurricane did go through Florida as originally forecasted, Alabama would have been impacted, with rain and winds galore.


Hurricane Dorian Update, Path Map as Florida State of Emergency Declared over Potential Category 3 Landfall


I have been following this every day since it became a threat, heck I saw when it was a little baby Tropical Depression. Here is the LATEST chart from the NOAA:



Did you even watch the video at all?

Why don't you dry up your bullcrap?

I was very concerned about the projection on Aug 29th because it was coming right over the top of my house and had it continued on that path then it would have impacted Alabama.

Trump was correct at that time.

That didn't happen because the Hurricane veered off that course with the evolving pressure fronts moving across the US and in the Atlantic.

Of course these stupid Moon Bats don't want to hear facts. Their Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness keeps them from ever being rational.

You can never reason with a Moon Bat. It is better to just ridicule them for being dumbasses and sickos than trying to educate them with facts.

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