trump Alters Map With Sharpie

He knows nothing will stop his ass kissers from voting for his sorry ass The biggest mistake America has ever made The 2nd biggest was not continuing the civil war for a few more months
So you want a new civil war so you Democrats can throw dem black folks back in chains.

Nothing pisses them off more than black prosperity...
Black Unemployment Hits Record Low, Black-White Unemployment Gap Shrinks to Smallest Ever | Breitbart

"A year ago, the black unemployment rate stood at 6.6 percent while the white unemployment rate was 3.4 percent, meaning black unemployment was 185 percent of white unemployment.

"In August, the gap narrowed so that black unemployment was under 162 percent of white unemployment. That is the smallest gap ever in records going back to January 1972.

"This is particularly remarkable because it comes at a time of remarkably low unemployment. Prior to the Trump era, the last time the gap fell below 170 percent was in August of 2009, when the black unemployment rate was 14.8 percent and the white unemployment rate was 8.9 percent."
The Great Obama cut black unemployment by eight percent
Trump has cut it less than two percent
Black unemployment went up under Obama.
Get an education Muddy
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is exaggerating his role in bringing economic gains to black Americans.

Brushing off criticism that his tweets against nonwhite lawmakers are racist, Trump asserts that he’s done plenty to improve the fortunes of African Americans as seen by their low unemployment rate, while Democrats have done nothing. That’s not the case.

A look at the claim:

TRUMP: “The facts speak far louder than words! The Democrats always play the Race Card, when in fact they have done so little for our Nation’s great African American people. Now, lowest unemployment in U.S. history, and only getting better.” — tweet Sunday.

THE FACTS: Trump is seeking credit he doesn’t deserve for black job growth. He’s also wrong to assert that Democrats haven’t done anything to improve the economic situation for African Americans.

It’s true that black unemployment did reach a record low during the Trump administration: 5.9 percent in May 2018. It currently stands at 6 percent.

But many economists view the continued economic growth since the middle of 2009, when Democratic President Barack Obama was in office, as the primary explanation for hiring. More important, there are multiple signs that the racial wealth gap is now worsening and the administration appears to have done little, if anything, to specifically address this challenge.

African Americans also had higher income prior to the Trump administration. A black household earned median income of $40,258 in 2017, the latest data available. That’s below a 2000 peak of $42,348, according to the Census Bureau.

The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under Obama, when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017.


AP Economics Writer Christopher Rugaber contributed to this report.
I have an education.
My education helped me to know the difference between fact and fiction.
I also know that journalists are usually liberals and usually stupid. Which why I never pursued getting a job in that field.
I was a journalism major in college for a short period.
Then I got better....
Trump later told reporters that he did not know anything about the changed map,
He also claimed to not know who paid off Stormy Daniels when HE did it.

Joy Behar‏Verified account @JoyVBehar
So Trump is a meteorologist now? Sorry, but just sleeping with someone named “Stormy” doesn’t make you a weather expert.
1:27 PM - 5 Sep 2019

Now just hold your horses, I think is well within the adolescent behavior of Kevin McAleenan, the head of Homeland Sec, who posed as Trump's Map Stand, and whose previous position was head of the guntotin rape threatn' Border Security.
So you want a new civil war so you Democrats can throw dem black folks back in chains.

Nothing pisses them off more than black prosperity...
Black Unemployment Hits Record Low, Black-White Unemployment Gap Shrinks to Smallest Ever | Breitbart

"A year ago, the black unemployment rate stood at 6.6 percent while the white unemployment rate was 3.4 percent, meaning black unemployment was 185 percent of white unemployment.

"In August, the gap narrowed so that black unemployment was under 162 percent of white unemployment. That is the smallest gap ever in records going back to January 1972.

"This is particularly remarkable because it comes at a time of remarkably low unemployment. Prior to the Trump era, the last time the gap fell below 170 percent was in August of 2009, when the black unemployment rate was 14.8 percent and the white unemployment rate was 8.9 percent."
The Great Obama cut black unemployment by eight percent
Trump has cut it less than two percent
Black unemployment went up under Obama.
Get an education Muddy
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is exaggerating his role in bringing economic gains to black Americans.

Brushing off criticism that his tweets against nonwhite lawmakers are racist, Trump asserts that he’s done plenty to improve the fortunes of African Americans as seen by their low unemployment rate, while Democrats have done nothing. That’s not the case.

A look at the claim:

TRUMP: “The facts speak far louder than words! The Democrats always play the Race Card, when in fact they have done so little for our Nation’s great African American people. Now, lowest unemployment in U.S. history, and only getting better.” — tweet Sunday.

THE FACTS: Trump is seeking credit he doesn’t deserve for black job growth. He’s also wrong to assert that Democrats haven’t done anything to improve the economic situation for African Americans.

It’s true that black unemployment did reach a record low during the Trump administration: 5.9 percent in May 2018. It currently stands at 6 percent.

But many economists view the continued economic growth since the middle of 2009, when Democratic President Barack Obama was in office, as the primary explanation for hiring. More important, there are multiple signs that the racial wealth gap is now worsening and the administration appears to have done little, if anything, to specifically address this challenge.

African Americans also had higher income prior to the Trump administration. A black household earned median income of $40,258 in 2017, the latest data available. That’s below a 2000 peak of $42,348, according to the Census Bureau.

The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under Obama, when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017.


AP Economics Writer Christopher Rugaber contributed to this report.
I have an education.
My education helped me to know the difference between fact and fiction.
I also know that journalists are usually liberals and usually stupid. Which why I never pursued getting a job in that field.
I was a journalism major in college for a short period.
Then I got better....
Let me get you a Sharpie
Only stupid Moon Bats, afflicted with the mental illness Trump Derangement Syndrome, would think it was an impeachable offense for a President to show a hurricane projection map with a sharpie mark on it.

That is what these silly little shitheads have become.
On Sept 1st, Trump made his announcement about Alabama.

Today is Sept 6th, and Trump is still tweeting about the hurricane and is trying to say that he was right.

You conservatives keep saying that Trump is doing this just to troll leftists. Well, if he's trolling leftists, he's doing a pretty piss poor job because he's still trying to justify his briefing. I'm thinking that it's more like the media is trolling Trump by reporting on his bullshit, and he keeps going for the bait.

If he had come out on Sept 2nd and said that he had been using an old chart, it would have blown over by that evening. But, he couldn't admit it, and had to double and triple down. You say Trump is doing the trolling, but I think it's actually more like Trump is being trolled, as he keeps responding.
I see that newer comments after mine makes clear leftists in the thread, NEVER watched the video or discovered the obvious Media baiting of the President. From DAILY MAIL and Piers Morgan is much needed expose of what a jackass the Media is, since their relentless baiting of the President is a DELIBERATE tactic, since they know the Billionaire will often react to them.

PIERS MORGAN: Memo to President Trump and the self-obsessed US media: for the love of sweet Alabama, stop this pathetic sharpie sideshow squabble and focus on Hurricane Dorian’s catastrophic carnage
By Piers Morgan for MailOnline

Published: 14:21 EDT, 6 September 2019 | Updated: 15:05 EDT, 6 September 2019


"’s the biggest news story in America right now?

Is it a) one of the worst hurricanes of modern times destroying the Bahamas with massive loss of human life, and now barreling along the East coast?

Or is it b) the question of whether it might at one stage have been aiming for Alabama?

Sometimes in the perpetual mutually abusive toxic relationship between President Trump and the US media, I feel like everyone involved has taken leave of their senses, and this is such a time."


"Now, it is absolutely true that an initial National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecast two days earlier had warned winds from Dorian might hit a small portion of Alabama.

So Trump didn’t just invent this, though by the time he tweeted about it, the hurricane path had changed, and the NOAA responded to Trump’s tweet by swiftly saying said it wouldn’t now hit Alabama.?



Lot more in the link showing how the media goads and play games with Trump, who falls for it too many times. He after all has a Type A personality, and the Media knows it.

That is why they bring up the absurd black sharpie mark nonsense, since it wasn't newsworthy at all, as Piers makes a point about. It is a manufactured attack on the President, an attack that never should have happened.

It is sad to see so many leftists here spend so much time assisting the Media manufactured attacks over and over.
Last edited:
NEW YORK (AP) — President Donald Trump doesn't make mistakes. At least according to him.

Trump's relentless justifications of his erroneous warnings that Hurricane Dorian was threatening Alabama on Sunday, which created days of ridicule and skepticism, are just the latest example of the president's lifelong reluctance to admit an error, no matter how innocuous.

His fervent, dayslong pushback has displayed not only his prolonged focus on a personal spat but his willingness, notably again late on Thursday, to deploy government staff and resources to justify an inaccurate claim. Presidential proclamations can move markets, rattle world capitals and, in this case, unnecessarily alarm the residents of a state. Trump's relationship with the truth and accountability threatened to, yet again, diminish the weight of any president's words.

"Great presidents admit when they've screwed up, they fix it, and they move on," said presidential historian Jon Meacham. "Right now, it is a mistake about a hurricane hitting a state. But it can also be a far bigger deal and cost people lives and help create a climate where people can't trust the government."

This was far from the first time Trump has refused to admit a mistake. Examples range from the harmless, like his assertion that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history, to the more serious, like his claim of widespread voter fraud in 2016 that led to the establishment of an election commission to try and back up his claim.

This particular Trump tempest, as so often, began with a tweet.

On Sunday, the Republican president warned that Alabama was "most likely to be hit (much) harder than anticipated." By then, however, Alabama faced no threat at all from Dorian, as the National Weather Service quickly declared.

Rather than dropping it, Trump went into overdrive defending his alert, and he was still at it four days later.

On Wednesday, Trump displayed a map of Dorian's projected path that showed the cone of uncertainty covering much of Florida but stopping in its panhandle. Until, that is, an extension was added in black marker that covered a swath of Alabama.

The president, who is known for his love of Sharpies, pleaded ignorance about the ad hoc alteration. "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know," he responded when questioned.

That night and the next day, he took to Twitter to again insist that certain storm tracking models proved he was right. He tweeted outdated maps, he pushed White House staff to support his claims and he doubled down — eight times over — on his erroneous forecast.

"In the one model through Florida, the Great State of Alabama would have been hit or grazed," he said in one of the tweets. "What I said was accurate! All Fake News in order to demean!"

Then, late Thursday, the White House put out an official statement from Rear Admiral Peter J. Brown, the president's homeland security and counterterrorism adviser.

It was he, Brown wrote under the White House letterhead, who briefed Trump on Sunday, showing him the official National Hurricane Center forecast but also a number of other models, which "showed possible storm impacts well outside the official forecast cone."

The running controversy, stirred daily by the president, has electrified social media, with #Sharpie trending on Twitter and jokes galore. But, for some, it has become a new referendum on Trump and his fitness for office.
The funniest thing about the whole situation is how seriously the gaslighting useless idiots take it.

This post is a great example of that.


You people are such a joke.
So you want a new civil war so you Democrats can throw dem black folks back in chains.

Nothing pisses them off more than black prosperity...
Black Unemployment Hits Record Low, Black-White Unemployment Gap Shrinks to Smallest Ever | Breitbart

"A year ago, the black unemployment rate stood at 6.6 percent while the white unemployment rate was 3.4 percent, meaning black unemployment was 185 percent of white unemployment.

"In August, the gap narrowed so that black unemployment was under 162 percent of white unemployment. That is the smallest gap ever in records going back to January 1972.

"This is particularly remarkable because it comes at a time of remarkably low unemployment. Prior to the Trump era, the last time the gap fell below 170 percent was in August of 2009, when the black unemployment rate was 14.8 percent and the white unemployment rate was 8.9 percent."
The Great Obama cut black unemployment by eight percent
Trump has cut it less than two percent
Black unemployment went up under Obama.
Get an education Muddy
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is exaggerating his role in bringing economic gains to black Americans.

Brushing off criticism that his tweets against nonwhite lawmakers are racist, Trump asserts that he’s done plenty to improve the fortunes of African Americans as seen by their low unemployment rate, while Democrats have done nothing. That’s not the case.

A look at the claim:

TRUMP: “The facts speak far louder than words! The Democrats always play the Race Card, when in fact they have done so little for our Nation’s great African American people. Now, lowest unemployment in U.S. history, and only getting better.” — tweet Sunday.

THE FACTS: Trump is seeking credit he doesn’t deserve for black job growth. He’s also wrong to assert that Democrats haven’t done anything to improve the economic situation for African Americans.

It’s true that black unemployment did reach a record low during the Trump administration: 5.9 percent in May 2018. It currently stands at 6 percent.

But many economists view the continued economic growth since the middle of 2009, when Democratic President Barack Obama was in office, as the primary explanation for hiring. More important, there are multiple signs that the racial wealth gap is now worsening and the administration appears to have done little, if anything, to specifically address this challenge.

African Americans also had higher income prior to the Trump administration. A black household earned median income of $40,258 in 2017, the latest data available. That’s below a 2000 peak of $42,348, according to the Census Bureau.

The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under Obama, when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017.


AP Economics Writer Christopher Rugaber contributed to this report.
I have an education.
My education helped me to know the difference between fact and fiction.
I also know that journalists are usually liberals and usually stupid. Which why I never pursued getting a job in that field.
I was a journalism major in college for a short period.
Then I got better....
I have bad news for you
On Sept 1st, Trump made his announcement about Alabama.

Today is Sept 6th, and Trump is still tweeting about the hurricane and is trying to say that he was right.

You conservatives keep saying that Trump is doing this just to troll leftists. Well, if he's trolling leftists, he's doing a pretty piss poor job because he's still trying to justify his briefing. I'm thinking that it's more like the media is trolling Trump by reporting on his bullshit, and he keeps going for the bait.

If he had come out on Sept 2nd and said that he had been using an old chart, it would have blown over by that evening. But, he couldn't admit it, and had to double and triple down. You say Trump is doing the trolling, but I think it's actually more like Trump is being trolled, as he keeps responding.
Trumps trolling blew up in his face the second he pulled out his Sharpie

At that point he showed what a pathetic liar he is and opened himself up to ridicule
NEW YORK (AP) — President Donald Trump doesn't make mistakes. At least according to him.

Trump's relentless justifications of his erroneous warnings that Hurricane Dorian was threatening Alabama on Sunday, which created days of ridicule and skepticism, are just the latest example of the president's lifelong reluctance to admit an error, no matter how innocuous.

His fervent, dayslong pushback has displayed not only his prolonged focus on a personal spat but his willingness, notably again late on Thursday, to deploy government staff and resources to justify an inaccurate claim. Presidential proclamations can move markets, rattle world capitals and, in this case, unnecessarily alarm the residents of a state. Trump's relationship with the truth and accountability threatened to, yet again, diminish the weight of any president's words.

"Great presidents admit when they've screwed up, they fix it, and they move on," said presidential historian Jon Meacham. "Right now, it is a mistake about a hurricane hitting a state. But it can also be a far bigger deal and cost people lives and help create a climate where people can't trust the government."

This was far from the first time Trump has refused to admit a mistake. Examples range from the harmless, like his assertion that he had the largest inauguration crowd in history, to the more serious, like his claim of widespread voter fraud in 2016 that led to the establishment of an election commission to try and back up his claim.

This particular Trump tempest, as so often, began with a tweet.

On Sunday, the Republican president warned that Alabama was "most likely to be hit (much) harder than anticipated." By then, however, Alabama faced no threat at all from Dorian, as the National Weather Service quickly declared.

Rather than dropping it, Trump went into overdrive defending his alert, and he was still at it four days later.

On Wednesday, Trump displayed a map of Dorian's projected path that showed the cone of uncertainty covering much of Florida but stopping in its panhandle. Until, that is, an extension was added in black marker that covered a swath of Alabama.

The president, who is known for his love of Sharpies, pleaded ignorance about the ad hoc alteration. "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know," he responded when questioned.

That night and the next day, he took to Twitter to again insist that certain storm tracking models proved he was right. He tweeted outdated maps, he pushed White House staff to support his claims and he doubled down — eight times over — on his erroneous forecast.

"In the one model through Florida, the Great State of Alabama would have been hit or grazed," he said in one of the tweets. "What I said was accurate! All Fake News in order to demean!"

Then, late Thursday, the White House put out an official statement from Rear Admiral Peter J. Brown, the president's homeland security and counterterrorism adviser.

It was he, Brown wrote under the White House letterhead, who briefed Trump on Sunday, showing him the official National Hurricane Center forecast but also a number of other models, which "showed possible storm impacts well outside the official forecast cone."

The running controversy, stirred daily by the president, has electrified social media, with #Sharpie trending on Twitter and jokes galore. But, for some, it has become a new referendum on Trump and his fitness for office.
The funniest thing about the whole situation is how seriously the gaslighting useless idiots take it.

This post is a great example of that.


You people are such a joke.
Then why is President Sharpie still tweeting about it??
Over 1000 posts and 100 pages of triggered crying leftists who now fear sharpies. And wonder why you're going to get steamrolled in 2020. Leftist crying about this has opened YOU up to well deserved ridicule and mocking for lapping up more CNN and MSNBC desperation.
Over 1000 posts and 100 pages of triggered crying leftists who now fear sharpies. And wonder why you're going to get steamrolled in 2020. Leftist crying about this has opened YOU up to well deserved ridicule and mocking for lapping up more CNN and MSNBC desperation.

Damn it
We can keep this shit going as long as Trump does

Now, where is my freaking Sharpie!
Over 1000 posts and 100 pages of triggered crying leftists who now fear sharpies. And wonder why you're going to get steamrolled in 2020. Leftist crying about this has opened YOU up to well deserved ridicule and mocking for lapping up more CNN and MSNBC desperation.

Crying about Trump behaving like a five year old, caught with a can of spray paint, standing in front of wall graffiti, and denying that he did it? That is not a "crying" matter. That is a matter of shame and immature petulance. A "crying" matter is, for example, what he is doing to the environment and the economy. This is a matter of sending a child into "time out" and taking away his Twitter.

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