trump Alters Map With Sharpie

Lol 49 pages of sharpie.

Get a grip people
And three days. :laugh2:

Yet Sharpie Trump tweeted last nite TWICE.

Did you stay up past beddie bye time to read?
YES trying to catch up on my swing trading

You don't have what it takes. No fear, brass gonads and willing to take risks...but I'll take pity on you. Try ENB...but forewarned they are an evil fossil fuel corp.

11k profit after capital gain tax in the last month.

Watch it, learn the swing points first. Then dive in.
Really? You're "proof" is the word of someone you know who works in IT? How about something a bit more concrete, because anyone can get someone to back their bullshit if they look hard enough, and yours sounds just like that. I suppose you believed Trump when he said he saw lots of Muslims cheering when the twin towers collapsed? If you can believe Cheeto Jesus on that claim, why can't you accept his word when he says Obama was a US citizen? Even your dear leader says he's a citizen, so why are you still on the birther train?

Gfy pencil pusher dude You're an incompetent dumbfuck and blabber too much.

By the way my dad was a MCPO... you? His fodder. You know it and so do I

Just what I thought, you don't have anything to back up your bullshit, nor can you refute what I said, so you throw insults and tell me about your daddy who was an MCPO. So what if your daddy was an MCPO? I seriously doubt that I would have been any kind of "fodder" for him, as it's doubtful that he and I would have worked in the same specialty. And, for what it's worth, I've taken on SCPO's, MCPO's, LT's, CDR's, and even one Admiral and won. Why? Because I knew my job very well, and was so good at it that my last 2 tours were both independent duty billets, and both of them I was serving in an E-7 billet as an E-6. Even got special permission from BUPERS to be able to administer Navy Wide Advancement Exams, which is rare, as only E-7's and above are allowed to have possession of those normally.

And no.....................just because your daddy was in the service, that doesn't give you any room to denigrate mine. But, keep on the diet of bitch pudding, I've come to expect no less from you.

My FATHER would have scoffed at you. But you know trying so hard to be among a man amongst men.

Now paper pushing boy how does a 60s document be created usin
Really? You're "proof" is the word of someone you know who works in IT? How about something a bit more concrete, because anyone can get someone to back their bullshit if they look hard enough, and yours sounds just like that. I suppose you believed Trump when he said he saw lots of Muslims cheering when the twin towers collapsed? If you can believe Cheeto Jesus on that claim, why can't you accept his word when he says Obama was a US citizen? Even your dear leader says he's a citizen, so why are you still on the birther train?

Gfy pencil pusher dude You're an incompetent dumbfuck and blabber too much.

By the way my dad was a MCPO... you? His fodder. You know it and so do I

Just what I thought, you don't have anything to back up your bullshit, nor can you refute what I said, so you throw insults and tell me about your daddy who was an MCPO. So what if your daddy was an MCPO? I seriously doubt that I would have been any kind of "fodder" for him, as it's doubtful that he and I would have worked in the same specialty. And, for what it's worth, I've taken on SCPO's, MCPO's, LT's, CDR's, and even one Admiral and won. Why? Because I knew my job very well, and was so good at it that my last 2 tours were both independent duty billets, and both of them I was serving in an E-7 billet as an E-6. Even got special permission from BUPERS to be able to administer Navy Wide Advancement Exams, which is rare, as only E-7's and above are allowed to have possession of those normally.

And no.....................just because your daddy was in the service, that doesn't give you any room to denigrate mine. But, keep on the diet of bitch pudding, I've come to expect no less from you.

Hush soy boy.

Little man. How's that you pencil pushing dweeb? And that's all you were ya know.

Now explain how a 60s document was created on 80s software. If you can't stfu

Paper pushing fag

Your daddy would have had zero effect on my life in the Navy. And, like I thought, you still can't refute anything, nor do you have any proof other than a story some IT dude told you, so again, all you got is insults. Like I said, I'm not surprised, I've come to expect that from you. And, if your daddy was a decent MCPO, he would be pissed that his little princess is using his service to denigrate another serviceman. BTW, I've got 3 Navy Achievement Medals, all awarded by Admirals for being as shit hot at my job as I was, how many does your daddy have?

You never served in the USN...if you did you did you'd know about USN Chiefs you fcking fraud. I knew it.

My pension, ID card, and DD214 all say different. And yes, if your daddy was an effective MCPO, he would be pissed that you are using his service to denigrate another servicemember. And yeah, I do know about Chiefs, and one thing that I know about the smart ones is they know when to listen to someone who knows a subject better than they do.
On Sept 1st, Trump made his announcement about Alabama.

Today is Sept 6th, and Trump is still tweeting about the hurricane and is trying to say that he was right.

You conservatives keep saying that Trump is doing this just to troll leftists. Well, if he's trolling leftists, he's doing a pretty piss poor job because he's still trying to justify his briefing. I'm thinking that it's more like the media is trolling Trump by reporting on his bullshit, and he keeps going for the bait.

If he had come out on Sept 2nd and said that he had been using an old chart, it would have blown over by that evening. But, he couldn't admit it, and had to double and triple down. You say Trump is doing the trolling, but I think it's actually more like Trump is being trolled, as he keeps responding.
Trumps trolling blew up in his face the second he pulled out his Sharpie

At that point he showed what a pathetic liar he is and opened himself up to ridicule


You don't quite grasp the concept of gaslighting, do you? It's not merely saying something you disagree with.
And now you're gaslighting, too.
Gfy pencil pusher dude You're an incompetent dumbfuck and blabber too much.

By the way my dad was a MCPO... you? His fodder. You know it and so do I

Just what I thought, you don't have anything to back up your bullshit, nor can you refute what I said, so you throw insults and tell me about your daddy who was an MCPO. So what if your daddy was an MCPO? I seriously doubt that I would have been any kind of "fodder" for him, as it's doubtful that he and I would have worked in the same specialty. And, for what it's worth, I've taken on SCPO's, MCPO's, LT's, CDR's, and even one Admiral and won. Why? Because I knew my job very well, and was so good at it that my last 2 tours were both independent duty billets, and both of them I was serving in an E-7 billet as an E-6. Even got special permission from BUPERS to be able to administer Navy Wide Advancement Exams, which is rare, as only E-7's and above are allowed to have possession of those normally.

And no.....................just because your daddy was in the service, that doesn't give you any room to denigrate mine. But, keep on the diet of bitch pudding, I've come to expect no less from you.

My FATHER would have scoffed at you. But you know trying so hard to be among a man amongst men.

Now paper pushing boy how does a 60s document be created usin
Gfy pencil pusher dude You're an incompetent dumbfuck and blabber too much.

By the way my dad was a MCPO... you? His fodder. You know it and so do I

Just what I thought, you don't have anything to back up your bullshit, nor can you refute what I said, so you throw insults and tell me about your daddy who was an MCPO. So what if your daddy was an MCPO? I seriously doubt that I would have been any kind of "fodder" for him, as it's doubtful that he and I would have worked in the same specialty. And, for what it's worth, I've taken on SCPO's, MCPO's, LT's, CDR's, and even one Admiral and won. Why? Because I knew my job very well, and was so good at it that my last 2 tours were both independent duty billets, and both of them I was serving in an E-7 billet as an E-6. Even got special permission from BUPERS to be able to administer Navy Wide Advancement Exams, which is rare, as only E-7's and above are allowed to have possession of those normally.

And no.....................just because your daddy was in the service, that doesn't give you any room to denigrate mine. But, keep on the diet of bitch pudding, I've come to expect no less from you.

Hush soy boy.

Little man. How's that you pencil pushing dweeb? And that's all you were ya know.

Now explain how a 60s document was created on 80s software. If you can't stfu

Paper pushing fag

Your daddy would have had zero effect on my life in the Navy. And, like I thought, you still can't refute anything, nor do you have any proof other than a story some IT dude told you, so again, all you got is insults. Like I said, I'm not surprised, I've come to expect that from you. And, if your daddy was a decent MCPO, he would be pissed that his little princess is using his service to denigrate another serviceman. BTW, I've got 3 Navy Achievement Medals, all awarded by Admirals for being as shit hot at my job as I was, how many does your daddy have?

You never served in the USN...if you did you did you'd know about USN Chiefs you fcking fraud. I knew it.

My pension, ID card, and DD214 all say different. And yes, if your daddy was an effective MCPO, he would be pissed that you are using his service to denigrate another servicemember. And yeah, I do know about Chiefs, and one thing that I know about the smart ones is they know when to listen to someone who knows a subject better than they do.

My papa would have read your nonsense and scoffed at you. He was a man amongst men.

Do not ever try to tell me what my father was like. Understand this, paper pusher. He wouldn't have liked you at all. And with reason, I inherited his great fantastic judgement of character....hence why I think you lack it and integrity
On Sept 1st, Trump made his announcement about Alabama.

Today is Sept 6th, and Trump is still tweeting about the hurricane and is trying to say that he was right.

You conservatives keep saying that Trump is doing this just to troll leftists. Well, if he's trolling leftists, he's doing a pretty piss poor job because he's still trying to justify his briefing. I'm thinking that it's more like the media is trolling Trump by reporting on his bullshit, and he keeps going for the bait.

If he had come out on Sept 2nd and said that he had been using an old chart, it would have blown over by that evening. But, he couldn't admit it, and had to double and triple down. You say Trump is doing the trolling, but I think it's actually more like Trump is being trolled, as he keeps responding.
Trumps trolling blew up in his face the second he pulled out his Sharpie

At that point he showed what a pathetic liar he is and opened himself up to ridicule


You don't quite grasp the concept of gaslighting, do you? It's not merely saying something you disagree with.

Gaslighting is the practice of lying repeatedly about unimportant facts to make your mark doubt their understanding of reality - to doubt their sanity. Hmm.... why does that sounds so familiar?
You had to look it up, didn't
On Sept 1st, Trump made his announcement about Alabama.

Today is Sept 6th, and Trump is still tweeting about the hurricane and is trying to say that he was right.

You conservatives keep saying that Trump is doing this just to troll leftists. Well, if he's trolling leftists, he's doing a pretty piss poor job because he's still trying to justify his briefing. I'm thinking that it's more like the media is trolling Trump by reporting on his bullshit, and he keeps going for the bait.

If he had come out on Sept 2nd and said that he had been using an old chart, it would have blown over by that evening. But, he couldn't admit it, and had to double and triple down. You say Trump is doing the trolling, but I think it's actually more like Trump is being trolled, as he keeps responding.
Trumps trolling blew up in his face the second he pulled out his Sharpie

At that point he showed what a pathetic liar he is and opened himself up to ridicule


Last Week.......Greenland
This Week Sharpie

Can’t wait for next weeks Trump induced “crisis”

You know, while I gave you a "funny and agree" for this post, I did so with a bit of trepidation, because his next induced crisis might be the match that lights a new war.

Or it might be a distraction to keep us from noticing that he's starting the next war.

Explaining the Left, Part VI: Do Leftists Believe What They Say? | RealClearPolitics

"There are two main reasons.

"One is that leftists deem their goals more important than telling the truth."
"The second reason is leftism is rooted in feelings, not reason or truth."
Lol 49 pages of sharpie.

Get a grip people
And three days. :laugh2:

Yet Sharpie Trump tweeted last nite TWICE.

Did you stay up past beddie bye time to read?
YES trying to catch up on my swing trading

You don't have what it takes. No fear, brass gonads and willing to take risks...but I'll take pity on you. Try ENB...but forewarned they are an evil fossil fuel corp.

11k profit after capital gain tax in the last month.

Watch it, learn the swing points first. Then dive in.
Don't have what it takes Sorry but now have 20k + AAPL most from before the 7-1 stock split years ago
Trumps trolling blew up in his face the second he pulled out his Sharpie

At that point he showed what a pathetic liar he is and opened himself up to ridicule


Last Week.......Greenland
This Week Sharpie

Can’t wait for next weeks Trump induced “crisis”

You know, while I gave you a "funny and agree" for this post, I did so with a bit of trepidation, because his next induced crisis might be the match that lights a new war.

Or it might be a distraction to keep us from noticing that he's starting the next war.

Explaining the Left, Part VI: Do Leftists Believe What They Say? | RealClearPolitics

"There are two main reasons.

"One is that leftists deem their goals more important than telling the truth."
"The second reason is leftism is rooted in feelings, not reason or truth."
Thank you doctor. Now tell us using your obvious wealth of insight into progressive behaviors, what in the blue blazing hell is wrong with this nut case? ;)

Lol 49 pages of sharpie.

Get a grip people
And three days. :laugh2:

Yet Sharpie Trump tweeted last nite TWICE.

Did you stay up past beddie bye time to read?
YES trying to catch up on my swing trading

You don't have what it takes. No fear, brass gonads and willing to take risks...but I'll take pity on you. Try ENB...but forewarned they are an evil fossil fuel corp.

11k profit after capital gain tax in the last month.

Watch it, learn the swing points first. Then dive in.
Another inter web millionaire

I ever tell ya about the time I was a French Model??

Last Week.......Greenland
This Week Sharpie

Can’t wait for next weeks Trump induced “crisis”

You know, while I gave you a "funny and agree" for this post, I did so with a bit of trepidation, because his next induced crisis might be the match that lights a new war.

Or it might be a distraction to keep us from noticing that he's starting the next war.

Explaining the Left, Part VI: Do Leftists Believe What They Say? | RealClearPolitics

"There are two main reasons.

"One is that leftists deem their goals more important than telling the truth."
"The second reason is leftism is rooted in feelings, not reason or truth."
Thank you doctor. Now tell us using your obvious wealth of insight into progressive behaviors, what in the blue blazing hell is wrong with this nut case? ;)

And three days. :laugh2:

Yet Sharpie Trump tweeted last nite TWICE.

Did you stay up past beddie bye time to read?
YES trying to catch up on my swing trading

You don't have what it takes. No fear, brass gonads and willing to take risks...but I'll take pity on you. Try ENB...but forewarned they are an evil fossil fuel corp.

11k profit after capital gain tax in the last month.

Watch it, learn the swing points first. Then dive in.
Another inter web millionaire

I ever tell ya about the time I was a French Model??

I never claimed to be a millionaire, faggot.

Why don't you run out and get a real life you insufferable asshole?

You're not funny, you're nowhere near clever and you come across as some lonely old man who has nobody so you sit in front of your computer making 50 plus comments a day trying to be relevant. And anyone with a lick of sense recognizes it and mocks you without mercy.

Get it old man? I'm mocking your tired old ass
Oh, puh-leaze. The initial path projections included part of eastern Alabama. However, those projections were changed to exclude Alabama. Trump was using information that was maybe two days old. Not a huge mistake.
Yet Sharpie Trump tweeted last nite TWICE.

Did you stay up past beddie bye time to read?
YES trying to catch up on my swing trading

You don't have what it takes. No fear, brass gonads and willing to take risks...but I'll take pity on you. Try ENB...but forewarned they are an evil fossil fuel corp.

11k profit after capital gain tax in the last month.

Watch it, learn the swing points first. Then dive in.
Another inter web millionaire

I ever tell ya about the time I was a French Model??

I never claimed to be a millionaire, faggot.

Why don't you run out and get a real life you insufferable asshole?

You're not funny, you're nowhere near clever and you come across as some lonely old man who has nobody so you sit in front of your computer making 50 plus comments a day trying to be relevant. And anyone with a lick of sense recognizes it and mocks you without mercy.

Get it old man? I'm mocking your tired old ass

Mocking your Smelly Irish Ass
Oh, puh-leaze. The initial path projections included part of eastern Alabama. However, those projections were changed to exclude Alabama. Trump was using information that was maybe two days old. Not a huge mistake.

Not a big mistake at all.....perfectly excusable

What is not excusable

Upon learning that Alabama was not threatened, not tweeting immediately that you had made a mistake and apologizing for the inconvenience

Tying up your staff trying to create a cover story to show you were right

Conducting a dog and pony show using a modified weather map

Ordering an Admiral to take the blame that he briefed you the wrong material a piker. Liberals give away America and create Sanctuary for people fleeing valid fair federal immigration laws. And without our consent. But never mind all that. Lets focus on Trump...

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