trump Alters Map With Sharpie

Over 1000 posts and 100 pages of triggered crying leftists who now fear sharpies. And wonder why you're going to get steamrolled in 2020. Leftist crying about this has opened YOU up to well deserved ridicule and mocking for lapping up more CNN and MSNBC desperation.

Crying about Trump behaving like a five year old, caught with a can of spray paint, standing in front of wall graffiti, and denying that he did it? That is not a "crying" matter. That is a matter of shame and immature petulance. A "crying" matter is, for example, what he is doing to the environment and the economy. This is a matter of sending a child into "time out" and taking away his Twitter.

He made the economy go boom, retard
Over 1000 posts and 100 pages of triggered crying leftists who now fear sharpies. And wonder why you're going to get steamrolled in 2020. Leftist crying about this has opened YOU up to well deserved ridicule and mocking for lapping up more CNN and MSNBC desperation.

Crying about Trump behaving like a five year old, caught with a can of spray paint, standing in front of wall graffiti, and denying that he did it? That is not a "crying" matter. That is a matter of shame and immature petulance. A "crying" matter is, for example, what he is doing to the environment and the economy. This is a matter of sending a child into "time out" and taking away his Twitter.

Yes you are crying. As always. He was not holding a sharpie. Nor can you show that he altered the map. Trump isn't doing anything to the environment and has saved the economy. Now commence with your whining about a sharpie as Trump rolls to re-election.
Lol 49 pages of sharpie.

Get a grip people
And three days. :laugh2:

Yet Sharpie Trump tweeted last nite TWICE.

Did you stay up past beddie bye time to read?
Hopefully, no one acted on trump's fake weather news because the National Weather Service corrected his bullshit within 20 minutes....

Great! So between Trump not even referring to or using the mark, no one paying attention to the mark, and the NWS making clear that the mark meant nothing, that REALLY makes this whole subject another massive, bloated boondoggle by the Left!

But at least it proves one thing: since I haven't seen one conservative worry or complain about it while ten million Leftards have gone absolutely ape over it, it just goes to show who really worries about, follows and takes seriously every little minutia that Trump says and does! :badgrin:

  • Trump is a bad tipper.
  • Trump pumps his own and uses low octane gas to save money.
News at eleven.
The marked up map revealed his desperation to not be wrong. He looked like an idiot holding it up and it only served to exacerbate not only how wrong he was, but how he simply can't man up and admit he was wrong.
On Sept 1st, Trump made his announcement about Alabama.

Today is Sept 6th, and Trump is still tweeting about the hurricane and is trying to say that he was right.

You conservatives keep saying that Trump is doing this just to troll leftists. Well, if he's trolling leftists, he's doing a pretty piss poor job because he's still trying to justify his briefing. I'm thinking that it's more like the media is trolling Trump by reporting on his bullshit, and he keeps going for the bait.

If he had come out on Sept 2nd and said that he had been using an old chart, it would have blown over by that evening. But, he couldn't admit it, and had to double and triple down. You say Trump is doing the trolling, but I think it's actually more like Trump is being trolled, as he keeps responding.
Trumps trolling blew up in his face the second he pulled out his Sharpie

At that point he showed what a pathetic liar he is and opened himself up to ridicule

On Sept 1st, Trump made his announcement about Alabama.

Today is Sept 6th, and Trump is still tweeting about the hurricane and is trying to say that he was right.

You conservatives keep saying that Trump is doing this just to troll leftists. Well, if he's trolling leftists, he's doing a pretty piss poor job because he's still trying to justify his briefing. I'm thinking that it's more like the media is trolling Trump by reporting on his bullshit, and he keeps going for the bait.

If he had come out on Sept 2nd and said that he had been using an old chart, it would have blown over by that evening. But, he couldn't admit it, and had to double and triple down. You say Trump is doing the trolling, but I think it's actually more like Trump is being trolled, as he keeps responding.
Trumps trolling blew up in his face the second he pulled out his Sharpie

At that point he showed what a pathetic liar he is and opened himself up to ridicule


You don't quite grasp the concept of gaslighting, do you? It's not merely saying something you disagree with.
On Sept 1st, Trump made his announcement about Alabama.

Today is Sept 6th, and Trump is still tweeting about the hurricane and is trying to say that he was right.

You conservatives keep saying that Trump is doing this just to troll leftists. Well, if he's trolling leftists, he's doing a pretty piss poor job because he's still trying to justify his briefing. I'm thinking that it's more like the media is trolling Trump by reporting on his bullshit, and he keeps going for the bait.

If he had come out on Sept 2nd and said that he had been using an old chart, it would have blown over by that evening. But, he couldn't admit it, and had to double and triple down. You say Trump is doing the trolling, but I think it's actually more like Trump is being trolled, as he keeps responding.
Trumps trolling blew up in his face the second he pulled out his Sharpie

At that point he showed what a pathetic liar he is and opened himself up to ridicule


Last Week.......Greenland
This Week Sharpie

Can’t wait for next weeks Trump induced “crisis”
On Sept 1st, Trump made his announcement about Alabama.

Today is Sept 6th, and Trump is still tweeting about the hurricane and is trying to say that he was right.

You conservatives keep saying that Trump is doing this just to troll leftists. Well, if he's trolling leftists, he's doing a pretty piss poor job because he's still trying to justify his briefing. I'm thinking that it's more like the media is trolling Trump by reporting on his bullshit, and he keeps going for the bait.

If he had come out on Sept 2nd and said that he had been using an old chart, it would have blown over by that evening. But, he couldn't admit it, and had to double and triple down. You say Trump is doing the trolling, but I think it's actually more like Trump is being trolled, as he keeps responding.
Trumps trolling blew up in his face the second he pulled out his Sharpie

At that point he showed what a pathetic liar he is and opened himself up to ridicule


You really aren't using that term properly. Trump isn't causing me to doubt MY sanity because of his actions, he is causing me to doubt HIS sanity, as he thinks he can get away with blatant lies on national television.

Here................let me help you out with the definition, as you obviously don't know what it means....................

[ gas-lahyt ]
1. light produced by the combustion of illuminating gas.
2. a gas burner or gas jet for producing this kind of light.
3. adjective
gaslit(def 2).
4. verb (used with object), gas·light·ed or gas·lit, gas·light·ing.
to cause (a person) to doubt his or her sanity through the use of psychological manipulation: How do you know if your partner is gaslighting you?

And no, drawing on a NWS map with a sharpie to prove his point isn't psychological manipulation, it's him seeing how far he can get away with lying.
On Sept 1st, Trump made his announcement about Alabama.

Today is Sept 6th, and Trump is still tweeting about the hurricane and is trying to say that he was right.

You conservatives keep saying that Trump is doing this just to troll leftists. Well, if he's trolling leftists, he's doing a pretty piss poor job because he's still trying to justify his briefing. I'm thinking that it's more like the media is trolling Trump by reporting on his bullshit, and he keeps going for the bait.

If he had come out on Sept 2nd and said that he had been using an old chart, it would have blown over by that evening. But, he couldn't admit it, and had to double and triple down. You say Trump is doing the trolling, but I think it's actually more like Trump is being trolled, as he keeps responding.
Trumps trolling blew up in his face the second he pulled out his Sharpie

At that point he showed what a pathetic liar he is and opened himself up to ridicule


You don't quite grasp the concept of gaslighting, do you? It's not merely saying something you disagree with.

Gaslighting is the practice of lying repeatedly about unimportant facts to make your mark doubt their understanding of reality - to doubt their sanity. Hmm.... why does that sounds so familiar?
On Sept 1st, Trump made his announcement about Alabama.

Today is Sept 6th, and Trump is still tweeting about the hurricane and is trying to say that he was right.

You conservatives keep saying that Trump is doing this just to troll leftists. Well, if he's trolling leftists, he's doing a pretty piss poor job because he's still trying to justify his briefing. I'm thinking that it's more like the media is trolling Trump by reporting on his bullshit, and he keeps going for the bait.

If he had come out on Sept 2nd and said that he had been using an old chart, it would have blown over by that evening. But, he couldn't admit it, and had to double and triple down. You say Trump is doing the trolling, but I think it's actually more like Trump is being trolled, as he keeps responding.
Trumps trolling blew up in his face the second he pulled out his Sharpie

At that point he showed what a pathetic liar he is and opened himself up to ridicule


You really aren't using that term properly. Trump isn't causing me to doubt MY sanity because of his actions, he is causing me to doubt HIS sanity, as he thinks he can get away with blatant lies on national television.

Here................let me help you out with the definition, as you obviously don't know what it means....................

[ gas-lahyt ]
1. light produced by the combustion of illuminating gas.
2. a gas burner or gas jet for producing this kind of light.
3. adjective
gaslit(def 2).
4. verb (used with object), gas·light·ed or gas·lit, gas·light·ing.
to cause (a person) to doubt his or her sanity through the use of psychological manipulation: How do you know if your partner is gaslighting you?

And no, drawing on a NWS map with a sharpie to prove his point isn't psychological manipulation, it's him seeing how far he can get away with lying.
Take it easy on her
She is a Fox viewer

They still can’t figure out what fake news is
On Sept 1st, Trump made his announcement about Alabama.

Today is Sept 6th, and Trump is still tweeting about the hurricane and is trying to say that he was right.

You conservatives keep saying that Trump is doing this just to troll leftists. Well, if he's trolling leftists, he's doing a pretty piss poor job because he's still trying to justify his briefing. I'm thinking that it's more like the media is trolling Trump by reporting on his bullshit, and he keeps going for the bait.

If he had come out on Sept 2nd and said that he had been using an old chart, it would have blown over by that evening. But, he couldn't admit it, and had to double and triple down. You say Trump is doing the trolling, but I think it's actually more like Trump is being trolled, as he keeps responding.
Trumps trolling blew up in his face the second he pulled out his Sharpie

At that point he showed what a pathetic liar he is and opened himself up to ridicule


Last Week.......Greenland
This Week Sharpie

Can’t wait for next weeks Trump induced “crisis”

You know, while I gave you a "funny and agree" for this post, I did so with a bit of trepidation, because his next induced crisis might be the match that lights a new war.
On Sept 1st, Trump made his announcement about Alabama.

Today is Sept 6th, and Trump is still tweeting about the hurricane and is trying to say that he was right.

You conservatives keep saying that Trump is doing this just to troll leftists. Well, if he's trolling leftists, he's doing a pretty piss poor job because he's still trying to justify his briefing. I'm thinking that it's more like the media is trolling Trump by reporting on his bullshit, and he keeps going for the bait.

If he had come out on Sept 2nd and said that he had been using an old chart, it would have blown over by that evening. But, he couldn't admit it, and had to double and triple down. You say Trump is doing the trolling, but I think it's actually more like Trump is being trolled, as he keeps responding.
Trumps trolling blew up in his face the second he pulled out his Sharpie

At that point he showed what a pathetic liar he is and opened himself up to ridicule


Last Week.......Greenland
This Week Sharpie

Can’t wait for next weeks Trump induced “crisis”

You know, while I gave you a "funny and agree" for this post, I did so with a bit of trepidation, because his next induced crisis might be the match that lights a new war.

Or it might be a distraction to keep us from noticing that he's starting the next war.
On Sept 1st, Trump made his announcement about Alabama.

Today is Sept 6th, and Trump is still tweeting about the hurricane and is trying to say that he was right.

You conservatives keep saying that Trump is doing this just to troll leftists. Well, if he's trolling leftists, he's doing a pretty piss poor job because he's still trying to justify his briefing. I'm thinking that it's more like the media is trolling Trump by reporting on his bullshit, and he keeps going for the bait.

If he had come out on Sept 2nd and said that he had been using an old chart, it would have blown over by that evening. But, he couldn't admit it, and had to double and triple down. You say Trump is doing the trolling, but I think it's actually more like Trump is being trolled, as he keeps responding.
Trumps trolling blew up in his face the second he pulled out his Sharpie

At that point he showed what a pathetic liar he is and opened himself up to ridicule


You don't quite grasp the concept of gaslighting, do you? It's not merely saying something you disagree with.

Gaslighting is the practice of lying repeatedly about unimportant facts to make your mark doubt their understanding of reality - to doubt their sanity. Hmm.... why does that sounds so familiar?

Yeah.................why DOES that sound so familiar? Was it on a Cheeto commercial or something like that?

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