trump Alters Map With Sharpie

Trump alters map. Opps. I addressed the topic. Democrats create sanctuary cities without say, a democratic vote? 'Cause they know better..? OH, but they don't like say, the Electoral College. How fucking ironic.
Numbnuts Trump is now floating the idea of exchanging the State of Alabama for Greenland.
The President clearly said he was talking about the initial models.

Here’s video of a forecast in the early days of it.

Skip to 2:55
Rich Thomas forecast: What will Dorian do?

The Euro model had the storm going west into the gulf and then north up to the panhandle and Alabama.

Hillary failed, Mueller failed, Comey failed, Pelosi failed. You’re down to wanting to impeach him for a sharpie mark on a fucking map. Get over it losers.
The President clearly said he was talking about the initial models.

Here’s video of a forecast in the early days of it.

Skip to 2:55
Rich Thomas forecast: What will Dorian do?

The Euro model had the storm going west into the gulf and then north up to the panhandle and Alabama.

Hillary failed, Mueller failed, Comey failed, Pelosi failed. You’re down to wanting to impeach him for a sharpie mark on a fucking map. Get over it losers.
55 pages of progressive insanity on display.
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

It's not a big deal.
But it is fun watching President Trump launch the dumb liberal fanatics into orbit every day.
Reality Check: if Obammy did it he would be a libnutt hero

If Obama had done it, he would have been crucified by the Republicans and denounced by the Democrats for putting out faulty information that could have an impact on the people living there.

View attachment 277488

Shovel ready jobs like what you are alluding to is what would have happened if people had taken Trump's "map" seriously. People currently getting hit would be wondering why the storm surge was around the Outer Banks when Trump said it would cross over Florida and hit Alabama.

Sorry, but putting out faulty information like that can get people killed, especially if they think they can stay home and be safe. Trump trying to cover his ass like this shows he's not interested in actually doing the job of president, he just likes the title and fancy office and all the pomp and circumstance that goes with it. He's not interested in doing the actual job.

You forgot to mention how him & his crime family are using their positions to line their pockets & rob us all blind.
Trump, in a tweet, and later in a FEMA meeting on Sept. 1, claimed Alabama was going to be impacted by Dorian. Theoretically, at the FEMA meeting, he was getting the latest update on Dorian's path. Indeed, according to the White House, even while he was golfing as the Bahamas were being pummeled, the President was receiving hourly updates on Dorian's path.

This begs a question. Was he paying attention?

A more important question is this. Does he ever listen to briefings? Or, does he already have an opinion about vital issues and he doesn't want to be bothered by facts?

The following events illustrate what I mean. On Sept. 1, Trump tweeted, "in addition to Florida - South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated. Looking like one of the largest hurricanes ever. Already category 5. BE CAREFUL! GOD BLESS EVERYONE!"

To avoid Alabamian panic the National Weather Service tweeted “Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian. We repeat, no impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across Alabama. The system will remain too far east.”

Imagine that, the NWS had to correct the President. There is a danger when the President issues a false weather forecast. Actually, when it comes to the weather, Trump should keep his mouth shut.

On Sept. 1, everyone in the country except Trump knew that Dorian would not only miss Alabama, but would miss Florida as well. We all saw similar maps to this one.


It was not a state secret, but Trump didn't know Dorian's path on Sept 1, the day he said Alabama would be affected.

Ordinarily, this would all be a good joke, and many would get a good laugh at Trump's expense. Ordinarily, a President snared by a huge gaffe, would go silent and wait until all the laughter fades away in a day or two. That is what a smart President would do.

But Trump is no ordinary President, and, therein lies the problem. Incredibly, Trump doubled down and insisted that he was right.

On Monday, Trump pushed back on skeptics by insisting that “under certain original scenarios, he was in fact correct that Alabama could have received some ‘hurt.’”

To prove his point, on Wednesday Trump showed off this map to television viewers.

This only made matters and serious questions were being asked about his mental health. There are two serious flaws with this map.

A black sharpie half circle was placed on the NWS map to include Alabama. The attempt was crude and infantile.

While everyone but Trump is looking at updated maps on Sept. 1, the NWS map the President is holding is dated August 28, a day representing the earliest stages of the hurricane.

Trump is still at it on Thursday morning. "In the early days of the hurricane, when it was predicted that Dorian would go through Miami or West Palm Beach, even before it reached the Bahamas, certain models strongly suggested that Alabama & Georgia would be hit as it made its way through Florida & to the Gulf," he tweeted.

True, perhaps, but completely irrelevant. So, now the question not only involves his mental stability, but also his intellectual capabilities. When dealing with a hurricane, intelligent people are interested in the very latest information.

When Trump warned Alabamians, he was using information that was five days old.

Hence the concerns we have for our President. What he said, what he is still saying, makes absolutely no sense at all.
No one in the country knew where Dorian would go. liar.

Still, the Alabama National Guard mobilized days before the Sharpie incident. So why was that? it obviously wasnt because of Trump.... so is it possible Trump knew Alabama had mobilized their national Guard?
I'm still thinking to myself what is the big deal here. Yeah, Trump did specify it was the original forecast that the storm could send hurricane winds Alabama's way, but honestly, do you really believe people in the line of the hurricane Dorian were not following up with other news stations throughout the day? hourly? or did they just tune into the oval office and call it a weekend? I really doubt that Trumps TV spot threw anyone off. So thinking this is just looking for opportunity to hate on Trump which so many people are just doing for fun here.
I wonder if the OP even read his own fucking link.

Even his own link says they don't know who altered the map. There is NO VIDEO of Trump doing it.

From the OP's link:

Oh, and the sharpie is as clear as day. All Hurricane Center maps feature the white outline, and none of them have the additional black line. So, if Trump didn't draw it on there himself, he had someone else do it for him.

So the title itself is a lie. They have no video and no proof Trump altered the map.

Owned by his own link.

Self pwnage is the best pwnage. You TDS fuckheads really need to get a fucking life.

That hasn't stopped the pearl clutchers and hand wringers from spending two days and 31 pages (so far) from screeching about it.

They obviously have no life.

So much outrage over sharpie bubble.

Imagine outrage if Trump drone strike American citizens without due process, or spying on reporters, or running weapons to drug cartels that have border patrol agent killed...

The leftist media was ignoring and very forgiving to all Obama fuckups, yet they highlight everything Trump does as the worst thing ever.

Reeeee, he altered the map with a sharpie!!! Reeeee, he should be impeached!!!

But that's just it. They can't PROVE Trump touched that map with a sharpie and the OP's link states just that.

So the whole fucking thread is a TDS lie.
Trump, in a tweet, and later in a FEMA meeting on Sept. 1, claimed Alabama was going to be impacted by Dorian. Theoretically, at the FEMA meeting, he was getting the latest update on Dorian's path. Indeed, according to the White House, even while he was golfing as the Bahamas were being pummeled, the President was receiving hourly updates on Dorian's path.

This begs a question. Was he paying attention?

A more important question is this. Does he ever listen to briefings? Or, does he already have an opinion about vital issues and he doesn't want to be bothered by facts?

The following events illustrate what I mean. On Sept. 1, Trump tweeted, "in addition to Florida - South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated. Looking like one of the largest hurricanes ever. Already category 5. BE CAREFUL! GOD BLESS EVERYONE!"

To avoid Alabamian panic the National Weather Service tweeted “Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian. We repeat, no impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across Alabama. The system will remain too far east.”

Imagine that, the NWS had to correct the President. There is a danger when the President issues a false weather forecast. Actually, when it comes to the weather, Trump should keep his mouth shut.

On Sept. 1, everyone in the country except Trump knew that Dorian would not only miss Alabama, but would miss Florida as well. We all saw similar maps to this one.


It was not a state secret, but Trump didn't know Dorian's path on Sept 1, the day he said Alabama would be affected.

Ordinarily, this would all be a good joke, and many would get a good laugh at Trump's expense. Ordinarily, a President snared by a huge gaffe, would go silent and wait until all the laughter fades away in a day or two. That is what a smart President would do.

But Trump is no ordinary President, and, therein lies the problem. Incredibly, Trump doubled down and insisted that he was right.

On Monday, Trump pushed back on skeptics by insisting that “under certain original scenarios, he was in fact correct that Alabama could have received some ‘hurt.’”

To prove his point, on Wednesday Trump showed off this map to television viewers.

This only made matters and serious questions were being asked about his mental health. There are two serious flaws with this map.

A black sharpie half circle was placed on the NWS map to include Alabama. The attempt was crude and infantile.

While everyone but Trump is looking at updated maps on Sept. 1, the NWS map the President is holding is dated August 28, a day representing the earliest stages of the hurricane.

Trump is still at it on Thursday morning. "In the early days of the hurricane, when it was predicted that Dorian would go through Miami or West Palm Beach, even before it reached the Bahamas, certain models strongly suggested that Alabama & Georgia would be hit as it made its way through Florida & to the Gulf," he tweeted.

True, perhaps, but completely irrelevant. So, now the question not only involves his mental stability, but also his intellectual capabilities. When dealing with a hurricane, intelligent people are interested in the very latest information.

When Trump warned Alabamians, he was using information that was five days old.

Hence the concerns we have for our President. What he said, what he is still saying, makes absolutely no sense at all.
No one in the country knew where Dorian would go. liar.

Still, the Alabama National Guard mobilized days before the Sharpie incident. So why was that? it obviously wasnt because of Trump.... so is it possible Trump knew Alabama had mobilized their national Guard?
I'm still thinking to myself what is the big deal here. Yeah, Trump did specify it was the original forecast that the storm could send hurricane winds Alabama's way, but honestly, do you really believe people in the line of the hurricane Dorian were not following up with other news stations throughout the day? hourly? or did they just tune into the oval office and call it a weekend? I really doubt that Trumps TV spot threw anyone off. So thinking this is just looking for opportunity to hate on Trump which so many people are just doing for fun here.
It's more than likely that Trump knew way way way more then these idiots crying in this thread did.
On Sept 1st, Trump made his announcement about Alabama.

Today is Sept 6th, and Trump is still tweeting about the hurricane and is trying to say that he was right.

You conservatives keep saying that Trump is doing this just to troll leftists. Well, if he's trolling leftists, he's doing a pretty piss poor job because he's still trying to justify his briefing. I'm thinking that it's more like the media is trolling Trump by reporting on his bullshit, and he keeps going for the bait.

If he had come out on Sept 2nd and said that he had been using an old chart, it would have blown over by that evening. But, he couldn't admit it, and had to double and triple down. You say Trump is doing the trolling, but I think it's actually more like Trump is being trolled, as he keeps responding.
Trumps trolling blew up in his face the second he pulled out his Sharpie

At that point he showed what a pathetic liar he is and opened himself up to ridicule


Last Week.......Greenland
This Week Sharpie

Can’t wait for next weeks Trump induced “crisis”
Ohh democrats will think of something. Then Trump will make money off of it.
After #Sharpiegate, Donald Trump is selling "fine point markers" for $15 to "set the record straight"
My grandparents that immigrated here legally wonder why we need to give Mexican illegals sanctuary from laws they had to follow...And they followed immigration laws and acclimatized. Which brings us back to, I don't know...Wetbacks.. Take off the filters and then look deeply at them. They hate US loco gobacho Americans, even they know liberal Americans are idiots...And they will never acculturate...
Looks like the Dems are dissin Alabama again. Dems are making it easy for Trump to win Alabama in 2020.

So Everyone Said FLORIDA....Nope
S CAROLINA.....Nope Again
It Skimmed Cape Hatteras
And Is Off To Sea Until CANADA

So You Folks Are In A Wad
Because Trump Mentioned Alabama
Based On NOAA Projections Of The Time
But You're Not Upset Because All The Official Projections

How Brain-Dead Are Prog Lying Morons, Anyway ??
And How Wide-Spread Must It Be ??

I've Shown You Official, Dated NOAA Projections
If You Think They're Doctored
Enter The Info In The Lower Left Corner
And Check Them For Yourselves a piker. Liberals give away America and create Sanctuary for people fleeing valid fair federal immigration laws. And without our consent. But never mind all that. Lets focus on Trump...

Its too bad I couldn't play that "diversion" stuff when I actually visited a INS office after noticing all these wetter chaps back in 1993 taking American jobs... Actually it's on point. I saw how entire industries were being subverted and the entire American working class being thrown under the bus proverbially by businesses that grew to exclude the American working class. Diversion? Way hardly. On point.

Did they fill out their employee applications with Sharpies? a piker. Liberals give away America and create Sanctuary for people fleeing valid fair federal immigration laws. And without our consent. But never mind all that. Lets focus on Trump...

Its too bad I couldn't play that "diversion" stuff when I actually visited a INS office after noticing all these wetter chaps back in 1993 taking American jobs... Actually it's on point. I saw how entire industries were being subverted and the entire American working class being thrown under the bus proverbially by businesses that grew to exclude the American working class. Diversion? Way hardly. On point.

Did they fill out their employee applications with Sharpies?
They got their jobs based on their race. That's it.Jesus help us, these rancheros Mexicananos hoochies don't know a sharpie from a cockfight. Or what the fuck human RIGHTS are about.. But the people that exploit them SHOULD. Nobody voted for sanctuary for people that violate Federal immigration law. Nope, never happened.
The President clearly said he was talking about the initial models.

Here’s video of a forecast in the early days of it.

Skip to 2:55
Rich Thomas forecast: What will Dorian do?

The Euro model had the storm going west into the gulf and then north up to the panhandle and Alabama.

Hillary failed, Mueller failed, Comey failed, Pelosi failed. You’re down to wanting to impeach him for a sharpie mark on a fucking map. Get over it losers.
Actually, on Sept 1 he was talking about recent developments

Why would a President intentionally brief four day old information?
Sunday, September 1, 12:31 PM:

Trump speaks at a briefing at Federal Emergency Management Agency headquarters. He again refers to supposed new information that "just came up, unfortunately," about a possible impact on Alabama.

"And, I will say, the states -- and it may get a little piece of a great place: It's called Alabama. And Alabama could even be in for at least some very strong winds and something more than that, it could be. This just came up, unfortunately a piker. Liberals give away America and create Sanctuary for people fleeing valid fair federal immigration laws. And without our consent. But never mind all that. Lets focus on Trump...

Its too bad I couldn't play that "diversion" stuff when I actually visited a INS office after noticing all these wetter chaps back in 1993 taking American jobs... Actually it's on point. I saw how entire industries were being subverted and the entire American working class being thrown under the bus proverbially by businesses that grew to exclude the American working class. Diversion? Way hardly. On point.

Did they fill out their employee applications with Sharpies?
They got their jobs based on their race. That's it.Jesus help us, these rancheros Mexicananos hoochies don't know a sharpie from a cockfight. Or what the fuck human RIGHTS are about.. But the people that exploit them SHOULD. Nobody voted for sanctuary for people that violate Federal immigration law. Nope, never happened.

Well, I am so glad that you managed to tie in your rant about race, illegal aliens, and sanctuary cities, to Trump's weather map lies about hurricanes via sharpies and cockfights!
You know, I used to use the expression, "Trump would lie about the weather". It was, I thought a slight exaggeration of his pathetical lying. I guess that I should never have underestimated Trump's compulsion to lie. He really WILL lie about the weather!
I live with illegal alien Mexicans. Oh, when Mexicans take off their filters and let their hair down: they suck. They hate Americans. Yep. They hate liberals too. Especially Liberals. Yep. They despise all of us Anglo poor or rich gabachos Americans. . Lets not kid our selves. I have seen entire Industries crumble. And NOW its Just Mexicans that get the jobs everyone used to do...So this is really disingenuous as an excuse. Sanctuary Cites were pulled out of somebodies ass to excuse exploiting Mexicans. But that backfired big-time...
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