trump Alters Map With Sharpie

I live with illegal alien Mexicans. Oh, when Mexicans take off their filters and let their hair down: they suck. They hate Americans. Yep. They hate liberals too. . Yep. They despise all of us Anglo poor or rich gabachos . Lets not kid our selves. I have seen entire Industries crumble. And NOW its Just Mexicans that get the jobs everyone used to do...So this is really disingenuous as an excuse. Sanctuary Cites were pulled out of somebodies ass to excuse exploiting Mexicans. But that isn't going to last long.

Mexico does not send their best and brightest. They send murderers, rapists and drug dealers
I think some of them might be good people
The President clearly said he was talking about the initial models.

Here’s video of a forecast in the early days of it.

Skip to 2:55
Rich Thomas forecast: What will Dorian do?

The Euro model had the storm going west into the gulf and then north up to the panhandle and Alabama.

Hillary failed, Mueller failed, Comey failed, Pelosi failed. You’re down to wanting to impeach him for a sharpie mark on a fucking map. Get over it losers.
Actually, on Sept 1 he was talking about recent developments

Why would a President intentionally brief four day old information?

To point out how wrong all the models were.
rightwinger said:
Actually, on Sept 1 he was talking about recent developments

Why would a President intentionally brief four day old information?
NOAA Projection For Sept 2
Still Shows Alabama:

I live with illegal alien Mexicans. Oh, when Mexicans take off their filters and let their hair down: they suck. They hate Americans. Yep. They hate liberals too. . Yep. They despise all of us Anglo poor or rich gabachos . Lets not kid our selves. I have seen entire Industries crumble. And NOW its Just Mexicans that get the jobs everyone used to do...So this is really disingenuous as an excuse. Sanctuary Cites were pulled out of somebodies ass to excuse exploiting Mexicans. But that isn't going to last long.

Mexico does not send their best and brightest. They send murderers, rapists and drug dealers
I think some of them might be good people
Trump alters a map, Libs give sanctuary to illegals without our permission... Mexicans get special treatment no other immigrant received....My Irish catholic or German Jewish forefathers that fled their respective homelands, nor say all the Hungarian or Lithuanian or ..this list goes on, they had to follow immigration laws. They NEVER received or asked for sanctuary from federal immigration laws. So what makes Mexicans so special? So here we are...Trump's the bad guy here...Really?
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I live with illegal alien Mexicans. Oh, when Mexicans take off their filters and let their hair down: they suck. They hate Americans. Yep. They hate liberals too. . Yep. They despise all of us Anglo poor or rich gabachos . Lets not kid our selves. I have seen entire Industries crumble. And NOW its Just Mexicans that get the jobs everyone used to do...So this is really disingenuous as an excuse. Sanctuary Cites were pulled out of somebodies ass to excuse exploiting Mexicans. But that isn't going to last long.

Mexico does not send their best and brightest. They send murderers, rapists and drug dealers
I think some of them might be good people
Mexicans get special treatment no other immigrant received....My Irish catholic or German Jewish forefathers that fled their respective homelands, nor say all the Hungarian or Lithuanian or ..this list goes on, they had to follow immigration laws. They NEVER received or asked for sanctuary from federal immigration laws. So what makes Mexicans so special?
When our ancestors came from Europe they had open access to our country and eventual citizenship

Mexicans used to have access as migrant laborers. That access was cut off
Hopefully, no one acted on trump's fake weather news because the National Weather Service corrected his bullshit within 20 minutes....

Great! So between Trump not even referring to or using the mark, no one paying attention to the mark, and the NWS making clear that the mark meant nothing, that REALLY makes this whole subject another massive, bloated boondoggle by the Left!

But at least it proves one thing: since I haven't seen one conservative worry or complain about it while ten million Leftards have gone absolutely ape over it, it just goes to show who really worries about, follows and takes seriously every little minutia that Trump says and does! :badgrin:

  • Trump is a bad tipper.
  • Trump pumps his own and uses low octane gas to save money.
News at eleven.
The marked up map revealed his desperation to not be wrong. He looked like an idiot holding it up and it only served to exacerbate not only how wrong he was, but how he simply can't man up and admit he was wrong.

Just like you.
I live with illegal alien Mexicans. Oh, when Mexicans take off their filters and let their hair down: they suck. They hate Americans. Yep. They hate liberals too. . Yep. They despise all of us Anglo poor or rich gabachos . Lets not kid our selves. I have seen entire Industries crumble. And NOW its Just Mexicans that get the jobs everyone used to do...So this is really disingenuous as an excuse. Sanctuary Cites were pulled out of somebodies ass to excuse exploiting Mexicans. But that isn't going to last long.

Mexico does not send their best and brightest. They send murderers, rapists and drug dealers
I think some of them might be good people
Mexicans get special treatment no other immigrant received....My Irish catholic or German Jewish forefathers that fled their respective homelands, nor say all the Hungarian or Lithuanian or ..this list goes on, they had to follow immigration laws. They NEVER received or asked for sanctuary from federal immigration laws. So what makes Mexicans so special?
When our ancestors came from Europe they had open access to our country and eventual citizenship

Mexicans used to have access as migrant laborers. That access was cut off
Apples and oranges. Back in the 1700's there weren't any borders. Hmm, even now, modern Mexico penalizes people that violates its sovereign border. Even Mexico gets what "national identity" is about. So that is what makes this so outrageous.
I live with illegal alien Mexicans. Oh, when Mexicans take off their filters and let their hair down: they suck. They hate Americans. Yep. They hate liberals too. . Yep. They despise all of us Anglo poor or rich gabachos . Lets not kid our selves. I have seen entire Industries crumble. And NOW its Just Mexicans that get the jobs everyone used to do...So this is really disingenuous as an excuse. Sanctuary Cites were pulled out of somebodies ass to excuse exploiting Mexicans. But that isn't going to last long.

Mexico does not send their best and brightest. They send murderers, rapists and drug dealers
I think some of them might be good people
Considered the number of right wing terrorist attacks against this country, you can pretty much say the same thing about Republicans.
I live with illegal alien Mexicans. Oh, when Mexicans take off their filters and let their hair down: they suck. They hate Americans. Yep. They hate liberals too. . Yep. They despise all of us Anglo poor or rich gabachos . Lets not kid our selves. I have seen entire Industries crumble. And NOW its Just Mexicans that get the jobs everyone used to do...So this is really disingenuous as an excuse. Sanctuary Cites were pulled out of somebodies ass to excuse exploiting Mexicans. But that isn't going to last long.

Mexico does not send their best and brightest. They send murderers, rapists and drug dealers
I think some of them might be good people
Considered the number of right wing terrorist attacks against this country, you can pretty much say the same thing about Republicans.
Ok lets tone down the hyperbole. What right wing terrorist attacks? I missed that one.
Lets go off topic with say, with sanctuary cities. What a delicious issue... yummy yum...Anyone ever get to vote on say, letting Mexican illegals get sanctuary? Because I far as I can tell, that never happened. Trump may be a weasel. I voted for him. At least we know his sex and race. We don't fucking care, we want our representatives to answer to US. NOT dipshits that pander to the tree people from the moon that employ illegal aliens, nope. , US. That's pretty much it.
Fuck Trump. I see a vast wasteland that only Liberals can face up too, Sanctuary cities that nobody voted for or wanted. I see industries that have been co-opted and diversity vanish... but that isn't diversity, its exploitation under a new guise. I see the homeless proliferate under Democratic stewardship. Liberals don't build things, no, they only tear things apart. Fuck being constructive and stuff...
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"There are two main reasons.

"One is that leftists deem their goals more important than telling the truth."
"The second reason is leftism is rooted in feelings, not reason or truth."
Perfect example of Gaslighting.
Thank you.
Trump was using information that was maybe two days old. Not a huge mistake.
Except the pathological liar claimed he was being updates hourly even while playing golf, so if he mistakingly using an old map then he was LYING about being updated hourly. Either way he was LYING.
Man up and admit it!
The President clearly said he was talking about the initial models.
He said no such thing in his tweet in which he acknowledged that Dorian had already reached Cat 5. The initial models predicted no higher than Cat 3.
Trump did specify it was the original forecast that the storm could send hurricane winds Alabama's way,
Not true, NO original forecast predicted winds higher Tropical Force would reach Alabama, which is BELOW Cat 1.

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