trump Alters Map With Sharpie

... a small, insignificant mark on a map that meant nothing that Trump neither made ...

how do you know this?
Prove he made it. OP states: Trump altered map. Proof? See him do it? Did he SAY he put that on there?
Produce ONE PERSON who acted on that mark, thought anything of it and it changed their lives in Alabama, other than your panicked, desperate, alarmist fools?!

I never claimed he made it, but you claimed he did not...back up your claim
... a small, insignificant mark on a map that meant nothing that Trump neither made ...

how do you know this?
Prove he made it. OP states: Trump altered map. Proof? See him do it? Did he SAY he put that on there?
Produce ONE PERSON who acted on that mark, thought anything of it and it changed their lives in Alabama, other than your panicked, desperate, alarmist fools?!

I never claimed he made it, but you claimed he did not...back up your claim
The OP claimed he made it. Demand him for proof. Why do you take THAT on faith? I said there is no proof that Trump even had a thing to do with making that mark much less even pointing to or referring to it in the video and you clowns are out there claiming he had an entire state in panic and not only needs to apologize but should pay fines and penalty under federal law. :backpedal: :1peleas: :5_1_12024: :abgg2q.jpg: :dance: :iyfyus.jpg: :no_text11:
Trump could say Dorian is still heading for Alabama, and conservatives would argue that he has a point. Remember how many still argue that Mexico is paying for the wall, and that other countries are paying for the tariff taxes Trump has imposed on them.
What is mindboggling is the breakdown of reality that the Trump Regime imposes. It is like a scene from Alice Through the Looking Glass.

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SAD is illegals pouring over the border. Sad is not being able to kick the kids out of here. Sad is not being able to punish the fake asylum requestors or the parents who desert their kids to get over the border. The sharpie is nothing-get over it

Sad is you assfucks not caring that Trump lies to you.
You are probably lying to me and I don't care. Then again, he put money in my pocket with a tax cut and you didn't.
He put money in your pocket that your kids and grandkids will have to pay back since he added more than 2 trillion dollars in debt since then. There ain't no sharpie that can cross that out.
So no good done by Trump is ever good, huh? If you have to be controlled by that thought, we have nothing to talk about.
Any idiot can borrow 1.5 trilion & pass it out & spur the economy in good economic times. If it is so great, lets borrow & pass out hundreds of billions every year.
So again, good to you is still no good-you don't even see your stubbornness do you?
... a small, insignificant mark on a map that meant nothing that Trump neither made ...

how do you know this?
Prove he made it. OP states: Trump altered map. Proof? See him do it? Did he SAY he put that on there?
Produce ONE PERSON who acted on that mark, thought anything of it and it changed their lives in Alabama, other than your panicked, desperate, alarmist fools?!
Hopefully, no one acted on trump's fake weather news because the National Weather Service corrected his bullshit within 20 minutes....


But what can one expect from an Idiot-in-Chief who's never heard of a category 5 hurricane even though there have been several since he's been president?
This is a non story
Trump made it a story by lying and claiming for days now he was right when he was actually wrong.

Really? Who gives a rats @$$

It is only a story if you have TDS. Which you do.

LOL you care about Trump's geographical acumen? Whatever floats your boat. Learn what QE is yet? Still think it is the lowering of interest rates? LMAO.
I did a Google search, Big Brother has had TWENTY-ONE seasons!

Remember, this guy is a reality TEE VEE star. His own reality TEE VEE show ran for 14 seasons, 15 if you count the season with Arnold. :71:

The fact that folks think any of it is real? :dunno:

It amuses me.

He got elected because of compulsory schooling and the fact that the population has no ability for critical thinking.

And the nominating process is pretty much rigged.

Also... no one did more for Trumps campaign than Hillary.

That crazy bitch is such an evil weeble even democrats couldn't make themselves vote for her.
Last time I checked, she won the popular vote, you idiot. But in your twisted reality, he won by a landslide. SMH

Last time I checked, Trump won 30 out of 50 states.

With just 2% chance given by the left to win election, that looks like a landslide to me.
This has got to be one of the saddest things I've seen trump do outside what he's doing to children at the border and sick children here in the US.

How insecure and petty does a person have to be to actually take an old map, alter it then use it to say you're not wrong?

This is serious. People need the right information about hurricanes. Not lies just to say the president isn't wrong.

Trump alters hurricane map with a sharpie so he doesn't have to admit he was wrong (VIDEO)

He's a pathological liar and lies just for the sake of lying. He's one sick fuck. <smh>

I agree. That describes the OP perfectly!

I don't care if the OP lies. It has no effect on my life. A pathological liar of a president, on the other hand...

How that map effected your life?

And what makes you think he altered it?

"How that map effected your life?"

I didn't say it did.

"And what makes you think he altered it?"

I didn't say he did.

As always, you post from a position of ignorance.

You said "pathological liar of a president" effects your life, while we're talking about "altered" weather maps.

How does Trump effects your life? Oh, I see it.

Three years after losing elections and you're still butthurt. No worries, 5 more years and it will end.
He’s the greatest president in American history
Only to a herd of Sheep.
Or independent people from all back grounds, and nationalities .
The crowd at his rallies look more like white Sheep to me. Almost like a white sheet plastered behind him. You don't see much of any other kind of background. Looks more like a Klan rally. And based on these last white supremacist killings that were stoked by Trump, I'd say that's exactly what they are. "A klan rally." Lol! No wonder this is your "greatest president."
It’s called assimilation. It’s so we are all similar, together for one cause making America free and great
Liar. As long as assimilation does not mean changing skin color, you will always not accept them as equals.
Only people complaining are blacks in towns run by democrats
This is a non story
Trump made it a story by lying and claiming for days now he was right when he was actually wrong.

Really? Who gives a rats @$$

It is only a story if you have TDS. Which you do.

LOL you care about Trump's geographical acumen? Whatever floats your boat. Learn what QE is yet? Still think it is the lowering of interest rates? LMAO.
It's not about me, ya putz. It's about the people of Alabama who were fallaciously informed by the POTUS that a category 5 hurricane was coming their way. And then refused to tell them he was mistaken.
This is a non story
Trump made it a story by lying and claiming for days now he was right when he was actually wrong.

Really? Who gives a rats @$$

It is only a story if you have TDS. Which you do.

Trump seems to give a rats @ss
He keeps changing his story

To troll people like you and bite the bait. Sucker.
Not very good at trolling when he takes all the abuse
He's a pathological liar and lies just for the sake of lying. He's one sick fuck. <smh>

I agree. That describes the OP perfectly!
I don't care if the OP lies. It has no effect on my life. A pathological liar of a president, on the other hand...

How that map effected your life?

And what makes you think he altered it?
"How that map effected your life?"

I didn't say it did.

"And what makes you think he altered it?"

I didn't say he did.

As always, you post from a position of ignorance.

You said "pathological liar of a president" effects your life, while we're talking about "altered" weather maps.

How does Trump effects your life? Oh, I see it.

Three years after losing elections and you're still butthurt. No worries, 5 more years and it will end.
Dumbfuck, you do know trump has told more than a "few" lies, right? This not being one of them. :eusa_doh:
And this is just one source that shows the cone intersecting Georgia. How did progressives become so insane? I don't get it. What's wrong with them?

View attachment 277782

Yeah, the forecast for Hurricane Dorian is a mess

Here's another one.


First Alert: Dorian a category 4 hurricane, forecast to still strengthen

lol deranged nut jobs losing it over nothing. Par for the course.
When did that model you posted get released? When did Trump make his Alabama warning? What was the current model when Trump mentioned Alabama?

Please don’t just react. Look up the answers to those three questions if you are interested in understanding the situation.
I'm pointing out the epic hypocrisy and double standards of the left, suck it.
Obama said 57 states instead of 47, a tongue slip.

Trump intentionally misrepresented where the hurricane would go, a violation of 8 US Code § 2074, and then doubled down on this several times.

Obama, "you can keep your doctor and your plan" a blatant lie he repeated a dozen times during the 2012 election. Now shut the hell up you hack.

Let’s look at that “lie”

Republicans at the time were spreading misinformation that everyone would be forced to take Obamacare and be assigned a doctor
Obama responded with his “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”

As it turned out, 98 percent of people kept their existing plan
So Obama was two percent wrong while Republicans were 100 percent wrong in their fear mongering

Look stupid not only did Obama repeat that lie, in the 2014 midterms when Dem's were getting beat up by their local constituents they demanded Obama hold a press conference and take the blame to take the heat off them which he did. Obama, "that was my bad" captured on video and widely reported. OH SNAP!
You mean Obama admitted he was not 100 percent accurate?

Image a president doing that

No he apologized profusely and begged voters not to blank rank and file Dem's for his lie.
Most people on this board have never experienced a Hurricane in their life and do not know what is the dirty or clean side of a Hurricane or the fact the storm could have sent tropical storm like winds into Alabama had the storm taken the earlier path that was projected.

Most that are bashing Trump were the same ones praying his properties would get destroyed, so ya know they are not all there.

But still once the path was clear and known Trump should have said my mistake and then told them to eat shit and die...
I did a Google search, Big Brother has had TWENTY-ONE seasons!

Remember, this guy is a reality TEE VEE star. His own reality TEE VEE show ran for 14 seasons, 15 if you count the season with Arnold. :71:

The fact that folks think any of it is real? :dunno:

It amuses me.

He got elected because of compulsory schooling and the fact that the population has no ability for critical thinking.

And the nominating process is pretty much rigged.

Also... no one did more for Trumps campaign than Hillary.

That crazy bitch is such an evil weeble even democrats couldn't make themselves vote for her.
Last time I checked, she won the popular vote, you idiot. But in your twisted reality, he won by a landslide. SMH

Last time I checked, Trump won 30 out of 50 states.

With just 2% chance given by the left to win election, that looks like a landslide to me.
I have no doubt it looks like a landslide to you, even though millions more people voted for Hillary Clinton.

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