Trump Ambassador Gets Bitch Slapped For Spreading B/S About Muslims/No-Go Zones


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Fox News consumer, Peter Hoekstra, once made these claims about Muslims in the Netherlands in a speech at a pseudocon conference:

“There are cars being burned. There are politicians that are being burned. And yes, there are no-go zones in the Netherlands.”

Guess to which country Donald Trump decided to send this guy as our Ambassador.

You got it. The Netherlands.

And boy oh boy, did the Netherlands welcome this credulous tard with open arms. They immediately began challenging him to name the politicians who were burned, and tell them where the no-go zones are.

This fuckwad first tried to deny he ever said those things, calling it "fake news".

Can you believe this guy? What a fucking coward!

After much sputtering at his first news conference in The Netherlands, Trump's man went down in defeat.

The only politician in flames in the Netherlands is one Peter Hoekstra.

You can watch this lying pseudocon tard busted in the links below:

Roel Geeraedts on Twitter

Sunny Hundal on Twitter
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The comments have widely been described as inaccurate, and seem to reflect certain conspiracy theories about sharia law that crop up in some circles of the far-right in the West. When pressed by the Dutch reporters, Hoekstra declined to retract the comments or give specific examples to back them up.


“This is the Netherlands — you have to answer questions,” another reporter said.

Sherry Keneson-Hall, an embassy counselor who was helping to run the news conference, pushed back, asserting that Hoekstra was answering the questions.

At least one more journalist repeated the question. Reporters asked it at least five times.

“We were all astonished that he didn’t want to take back the comment. It was simply untrue, so why not take it back?” Geeraedts said. “It was awkward, to be honest.”


He has been in hot water in the Netherlands since he was confronted by a Dutch journalist, Wouter Zwart, about the remarks in December. Hoekstra falsely claimed to Zwart that he had never made the remarks and called them “fake news.” Moments later, he denied that he had called them fake news.

Thanks for Making America Retarded Again, asshole.
Any country or area that the Muslims control they do not tolerate any other type of believe. You know what the penalty is... death
The second clip in the OP is funny to watch. When talking to the parroting tard, you can see at the end the Dutch reporter suddenly finds himself in the Twilight Zone and he has to look around to see if he is still on planet Earth. :lol:
Any country or area that the Muslims control they do not tolerate any other type of believe. You know what the penalty is... death
Ah! Another Fox News consumer.
Another day, another left-wing G5000 meltdown over nothing.
Our ambassador insulted and lied about the country in which he has been sent to represent the American people.

I am not surprised you tards are attempting to claim that making up lies and defaming another country is no big deal. Of course you are. You'd rather do that than admit you are fucking gullible parroting rubes who fell for a hoax.
Another day, another left-wing G5000 meltdown over nothing.

And another sad attempt to derail. This thread is about yet another idiot in the administration getting caught in a lie and looking like a fool who can't defend his past statements.
Any country or area that the Muslims control they do not tolerate any other type of believe. You know what the penalty is... death
Ah! Another Fox News consumer.
Sorry I don’t even have cable, but name a country that is Muslim controlled that tolerate any other believe?

It's "belief" not "believe". One time it's a simple mistake, twice makes you a moron.
Any country or area that the Muslims control they do not tolerate any other type of believe. You know what the penalty is... death
Ah! Another Fox News consumer.
Sorry I don’t even have cable, but name a country that is Muslim controlled that tolerate any other believe?


There, that's two. More than you asked for.

You really are quite the ignoramus, aren't you.
Another day, another left-wing G5000 meltdown over nothing.

So it's nothing that we're sending ambassadors to countries that they clearly don't understand.

You'll literally excuse anything done by your team, won't you?
The Netherlands to Trump Chump: Show us the burnt politicians!
Any country or area that the Muslims control they do not tolerate any other type of believe. You know what the penalty is... death
Ah! Another Fox News consumer.
Sorry I don’t even have cable, but name a country that is Muslim controlled that tolerate any other believe?

It's "belief" not "believe". One time it's a simple mistake, twice makes you a moron.
A spelling/grammar Nazi… They are always popping up when they’re losing an debate. Lol
Any country or area that the Muslims control they do not tolerate any other type of believe. You know what the penalty is... death
Ah! Another Fox News consumer.
Sorry I don’t even have cable, but name a country that is Muslim controlled that tolerate any other believe?


There, that's two. More than you asked for.

You really are quite the ignoramus, aren't you.
Those are secular countries generally, name one that is ruled by Islam that tolerate any other belief?
Any country or area that the Muslims control they do not tolerate any other type of believe. You know what the penalty is... death
Ah! Another Fox News consumer.
Sorry I don’t even have cable, but name a country that is Muslim controlled that tolerate any other believe?

It's "belief" not "believe". One time it's a simple mistake, twice makes you a moron.
A spelling/grammar Nazi… They are always popping up when they’re losing an debate. Lol

How about intelligence Nazi? Because anyone who fucks up "believe" and "belief" is not someone who should be commenting on international politics and diplomacy. Maybe you should brush up on the English language first.

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