Proof the right will shout "fake news" at anything they find uncomfortable

Trump Ambassador To Netherlands Caught Out After Accusing TV Reporter Of 'Fake News'

So, the ambassador to Holland said something was "fake news", then they showed him it was real. Then later he said he didn't say "fake news" when he clearly did.

How low will these people sink?

"Zwart: “You mentioned in a debate that there are no-go zones in the Netherlands, and that cars and politicians are being set on fire in the Netherlands.”

Hoekstra: “I didn’t say that. This is actually an incorrect statement. We would call it fake news. I never said that.”"

"Hoekstra is then shown clips of him speaking at a 2015 panel discussion titled ‘Muslim Migration into Europe’, in Charleston, South Carolina."

When challenged about having called the broadcaster’s suggestions “fake news”, Hoekstra denied he had used the phrase “fake news”.

“I didn’t call that fake news,” he said with a straight face. “I didn’t use the words today. I don’t think I did.”"

Proof liberals will attack anyone who disagrees with them.
Proof the right will shout "fake news" at anything they find uncomfortable

Kind of like what the left does with racism?
Trump Ambassador To Netherlands Caught Out After Accusing TV Reporter Of 'Fake News'

So, the ambassador to Holland said something was "fake news", then they showed him it was real. Then later he said he didn't say "fake news" when he clearly did.

How low will these people sink?

"Zwart: “You mentioned in a debate that there are no-go zones in the Netherlands, and that cars and politicians are being set on fire in the Netherlands.”

Hoekstra: “I didn’t say that. This is actually an incorrect statement. We would call it fake news. I never said that.”"

"Hoekstra is then shown clips of him speaking at a 2015 panel discussion titled ‘Muslim Migration into Europe’, in Charleston, South Carolina."

When challenged about having called the broadcaster’s suggestions “fake news”, Hoekstra denied he had used the phrase “fake news”.

“I didn’t call that fake news,” he said with a straight face. “I didn’t use the words today. I don’t think I did.”"

It’s one guy moron, it’s not “these people”. I call fake news when it is. I’m never proven wrong.
Trump Ambassador To Netherlands Caught Out After Accusing TV Reporter Of 'Fake News'

So, the ambassador to Holland said something was "fake news", then they showed him it was real. Then later he said he didn't say "fake news" when he clearly did.

How low will these people sink?

"Zwart: “You mentioned in a debate that there are no-go zones in the Netherlands, and that cars and politicians are being set on fire in the Netherlands.”

Hoekstra: “I didn’t say that. This is actually an incorrect statement. We would call it fake news. I never said that.”"

"Hoekstra is then shown clips of him speaking at a 2015 panel discussion titled ‘Muslim Migration into Europe’, in Charleston, South Carolina."

When challenged about having called the broadcaster’s suggestions “fake news”, Hoekstra denied he had used the phrase “fake news”.

“I didn’t call that fake news,” he said with a straight face. “I didn’t use the words today. I don’t think I did.”"

Most on the right do nothing but lie, conservatives don’t even know what the truth is anymore.

And this is an example of the bigotry and hate common to most conservatives, the rightwing lie that there are ‘no go zones.’

Well there are lots on both sides who are full of shit. People play the game, and they care about the game. I could probably find as much nonsense on the left as the right. However I see what people on the right write more than on the left.
As we know, the term "fake news" began in response to wacky right wing websites that constantly belch out wild "stories" that end up being untrue.

Also as we know, you can always tell when wingers (either side) are stung by a term: They immediately try to co-opt it, and that's just what the Right did.

Another example of this tactic is the way the Left has put a great deal of effort into co-opting "snowflake" & "triggered", because they are stung by THOSE terms.

It's a silly game the ends play. The Right has had much better success co-opting "fake news" only because of Trump's bully pulpit. Constantly.

s0n.....the only people who think "fake news" is ascribed to right wing media are progressive hyper-partisans obsessed with internet forums. Before the election, 90% of the media stories were negative on Trump yet he cleaned clocks in the election. Almost all of the media was siding with Aunt Hilda. "Fake News" became part of the political landscape out of perpetual absurd stories from the msm like Trump is a racist for ordering a vanilla ice cream cone at Carvel all the time.That means the folks out in the real world.........who vote.......... perceived the msm as engineering fake news. As usual, the liberal elites went overboard negative.........they cant help themselves. Always doing it wrong.

I agree with you about the left co-opting "snowflake"............which is pretty hysterical stuff.:2up:
So you're saying that the term was started by the Right to describe the Left?


100% certainty..........there is not nearly enough "right wing" media that reaches the people for "fake news" to emerge as left describing right. Last summer, the attacks on Trump became so over the top........thus, the emergence of the concept of "fake news.". Clearly was a key to Trump being elected.
Trump Ambassador To Netherlands Caught Out After Accusing TV Reporter Of 'Fake News'

So, the ambassador to Holland said something was "fake news", then they showed him it was real. Then later he said he didn't say "fake news" when he clearly did.

How low will these people sink?

"Zwart: “You mentioned in a debate that there are no-go zones in the Netherlands, and that cars and politicians are being set on fire in the Netherlands.”

Hoekstra: “I didn’t say that. This is actually an incorrect statement. We would call it fake news. I never said that.”"

"Hoekstra is then shown clips of him speaking at a 2015 panel discussion titled ‘Muslim Migration into Europe’, in Charleston, South Carolina."

When challenged about having called the broadcaster’s suggestions “fake news”, Hoekstra denied he had used the phrase “fake news”.

“I didn’t call that fake news,” he said with a straight face. “I didn’t use the words today. I don’t think I did.”"

Most on the right do nothing but lie, conservatives don’t even know what the truth is anymore.

And this is an example of the bigotry and hate common to most conservatives, the rightwing lie that there are ‘no go zones.’

lol.........this guy ^^ thinks "no-go zones" are made up!!

Whatever you say s0n!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

:spinner:No-Go Zones in Europe - Bing video:spinner:
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As we know, the term "fake news" began in response to wacky right wing websites that constantly belch out wild "stories" that end up being untrue.

Also as we know, you can always tell when wingers (either side) are stung by a term: They immediately try to co-opt it, and that's just what the Right did.

Another example of this tactic is the way the Left has put a great deal of effort into co-opting "snowflake" & "triggered", because they are stung by THOSE terms.

It's a silly game the ends play. The Right has had much better success co-opting "fake news" only because of Trump's bully pulpit. Constantly.

Except when the "left" uses terms like "triggered" and "snowflake", it's being done tongue in cheek. The Trumptards actually believe anything negative about their dear leader IS "fake news"
As we know, the term "fake news" began in response to wacky right wing websites that constantly belch out wild "stories" that end up being untrue.

Also as we know, you can always tell when wingers (either side) are stung by a term: They immediately try to co-opt it, and that's just what the Right did.

Another example of this tactic is the way the Left has put a great deal of effort into co-opting "snowflake" & "triggered", because they are stung by THOSE terms.

It's a silly game the ends play. The Right has had much better success co-opting "fake news" only because of Trump's bully pulpit. Constantly.

s0n.....the only people who think "fake news" is ascribed to right wing media are progressive hyper-partisans obsessed with internet forums. Before the election, 90% of the media stories were negative on Trump yet he cleaned clocks in the election. Almost all of the media was siding with Aunt Hilda. "Fake News" became part of the political landscape out of perpetual absurd stories from the msm like Trump is a racist for ordering a vanilla ice cream cone at Carvel all the time.That means the folks out in the real world.........who vote.......... perceived the msm as engineering fake news. As usual, the liberal elites went overboard negative.........they cant help themselves. Always doing it wrong.

I agree with you about the left co-opting "snowflake"............which is pretty hysterical stuff.:2up:
So you're saying that the term was started by the Right to describe the Left?


100% certainty..........there is not nearly enough "right wing" media that reaches the people for "fake news" to emerge as left describing right. Last summer, the attacks on Trump became so over the top........thus, the emergence of the concept of "fake news.". Clearly was a key to Trump being elected.
Then we remember the Obama years differently.
Trump Ambassador To Netherlands Caught Out After Accusing TV Reporter Of 'Fake News'

So, the ambassador to Holland said something was "fake news", then they showed him it was real. Then later he said he didn't say "fake news" when he clearly did.

How low will these people sink?

"Zwart: “You mentioned in a debate that there are no-go zones in the Netherlands, and that cars and politicians are being set on fire in the Netherlands.”

Hoekstra: “I didn’t say that. This is actually an incorrect statement. We would call it fake news. I never said that.”"

"Hoekstra is then shown clips of him speaking at a 2015 panel discussion titled ‘Muslim Migration into Europe’, in Charleston, South Carolina."

When challenged about having called the broadcaster’s suggestions “fake news”, Hoekstra denied he had used the phrase “fake news”.

“I didn’t call that fake news,” he said with a straight face. “I didn’t use the words today. I don’t think I did.”"

We could yell fake news at nauseum and we’d be right 90% of the time

No, you wouldn't. You might claim to be right because you're ignoring most of the stuff, but the reality is something different.
So you resort to insults and my cognitive albilities while telling others to stay on topic
Thinking Error:hopover
Trump Ambassador To Netherlands Caught Out After Accusing TV Reporter Of 'Fake News'

So, the ambassador to Holland said something was "fake news", then they showed him it was real. Then later he said he didn't say "fake news" when he clearly did.

How low will these people sink?

"Zwart: “You mentioned in a debate that there are no-go zones in the Netherlands, and that cars and politicians are being set on fire in the Netherlands.”

Hoekstra: “I didn’t say that. This is actually an incorrect statement. We would call it fake news. I never said that.”"

"Hoekstra is then shown clips of him speaking at a 2015 panel discussion titled ‘Muslim Migration into Europe’, in Charleston, South Carolina."

When challenged about having called the broadcaster’s suggestions “fake news”, Hoekstra denied he had used the phrase “fake news”.

“I didn’t call that fake news,” he said with a straight face. “I didn’t use the words today. I don’t think I did.”"

How sad for these people, their supporters, Lying Trump and his brown-nosers that they live in this bizarro fake world in their heads.

And how dangerous for the rest of the human race.

The danger to the human race is not Trump. The danger is Islam. Wake up.
We also see how Democrats will accept fake news as fact if it makes them comfortable remember how many of them jumped for joy when now suspended ABC reporter Brian Ross incorrectly reported that Michael T. Flynn, the former national security adviser, would testify that President Trump had directed him to make contact with Russian officials while Mr. Trump was still a candidate I do.
Trump Ambassador To Netherlands Caught Out After Accusing TV Reporter Of 'Fake News'

So, the ambassador to Holland said something was "fake news", then they showed him it was real. Then later he said he didn't say "fake news" when he clearly did.

How low will these people sink?

"Zwart: “You mentioned in a debate that there are no-go zones in the Netherlands, and that cars and politicians are being set on fire in the Netherlands.”

Hoekstra: “I didn’t say that. This is actually an incorrect statement. We would call it fake news. I never said that.”"

"Hoekstra is then shown clips of him speaking at a 2015 panel discussion titled ‘Muslim Migration into Europe’, in Charleston, South Carolina."

When challenged about having called the broadcaster’s suggestions “fake news”, Hoekstra denied he had used the phrase “fake news”.

“I didn’t call that fake news,” he said with a straight face. “I didn’t use the words today. I don’t think I did.”"

How sad for these people, their supporters, Lying Trump and his brown-nosers that they live in this bizarro fake world in their heads.

And how dangerous for the rest of the human race.

The danger to the human race is not Trump. The danger is Islam. Wake up.

"The danger isn't Japan it's Germany."

Thankfully they knew better at the time and dealt with all the threats. Lying Trump is a direct threat to Western democracy.
Trump Ambassador To Netherlands Caught Out After Accusing TV Reporter Of 'Fake News'

So, the ambassador to Holland said something was "fake news", then they showed him it was real. Then later he said he didn't say "fake news" when he clearly did.

How low will these people sink?

"Zwart: “You mentioned in a debate that there are no-go zones in the Netherlands, and that cars and politicians are being set on fire in the Netherlands.”

Hoekstra: “I didn’t say that. This is actually an incorrect statement. We would call it fake news. I never said that.”"

"Hoekstra is then shown clips of him speaking at a 2015 panel discussion titled ‘Muslim Migration into Europe’, in Charleston, South Carolina."

When challenged about having called the broadcaster’s suggestions “fake news”, Hoekstra denied he had used the phrase “fake news”.

“I didn’t call that fake news,” he said with a straight face. “I didn’t use the words today. I don’t think I did.”"

How sad for these people, their supporters, Lying Trump and his brown-nosers that they live in this bizarro fake world in their heads.

And how dangerous for the rest of the human race.

The danger to the human race is not Trump. The danger is Islam. Wake up.
. Lying Trump is a direct threat to Western democracy.

Yeah but only the hyper-partisan miserables think that of Trump........the few thousand hopelessly duped who religiously tune in to MSNBC every night to join in the unicorn chasing exercise.:bye1:
Trump Ambassador To Netherlands Caught Out After Accusing TV Reporter Of 'Fake News'

So, the ambassador to Holland said something was "fake news", then they showed him it was real. Then later he said he didn't say "fake news" when he clearly did.

How low will these people sink?

"Zwart: “You mentioned in a debate that there are no-go zones in the Netherlands, and that cars and politicians are being set on fire in the Netherlands.”

Hoekstra: “I didn’t say that. This is actually an incorrect statement. We would call it fake news. I never said that.”"

"Hoekstra is then shown clips of him speaking at a 2015 panel discussion titled ‘Muslim Migration into Europe’, in Charleston, South Carolina."

When challenged about having called the broadcaster’s suggestions “fake news”, Hoekstra denied he had used the phrase “fake news”.

“I didn’t call that fake news,” he said with a straight face. “I didn’t use the words today. I don’t think I did.”"

Most on the right do nothing but lie, conservatives don’t even know what the truth is anymore.

And this is an example of the bigotry and hate common to most conservatives, the rightwing lie that there are ‘no go zones.’

lol.........this guy ^^ thinks "no-go zones" are made up!!

Whatever you say s0n!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

:spinner:No-Go Zones in Europe - Bing video:spinner:

This topic isn't about no-go zones. It's about a guy lying.
Trump Ambassador To Netherlands Caught Out After Accusing TV Reporter Of 'Fake News'

So, the ambassador to Holland said something was "fake news", then they showed him it was real. Then later he said he didn't say "fake news" when he clearly did.

How low will these people sink?

"Zwart: “You mentioned in a debate that there are no-go zones in the Netherlands, and that cars and politicians are being set on fire in the Netherlands.”

Hoekstra: “I didn’t say that. This is actually an incorrect statement. We would call it fake news. I never said that.”"

"Hoekstra is then shown clips of him speaking at a 2015 panel discussion titled ‘Muslim Migration into Europe’, in Charleston, South Carolina."

When challenged about having called the broadcaster’s suggestions “fake news”, Hoekstra denied he had used the phrase “fake news”.

“I didn’t call that fake news,” he said with a straight face. “I didn’t use the words today. I don’t think I did.”"

We could yell fake news at nauseum and we’d be right 90% of the time

No, you wouldn't. You might claim to be right because you're ignoring most of the stuff, but the reality is something different.
So you resort to insults and my cognitive albilities while telling others to stay on topic
Thinking Error:hopover

So telling someone they're ignoring information is now insulting people. Fuck off.
Expect radical Islamic riots to break out any minute. Remember when Trump said the same thing about Islamic crime in Sweden, and was criticized by the Swedish Prime Minister?

Riots erupt in Sweden’s capital just days after Trump comments

Of course the leftist sock-puppet media in the Netherlands is going to deny there's a problem with radical Islam. We had a President who did that here for 8 years.

I'm not sure if you understood what the topic of this thread is, it's not about riots....

Do not try to define the narrative. You know damned well what I mean. No-go zones in the Netherlands were evident as far back as 2012..

Netherlands: Muslims Busy Establishing No-Go Zones In The Netherlands

"In the Netherlands, a Dutch court ordered the government to release to the public a politically incorrect list of 40 "no-go" zones in Holland. The top five Muslim problem neighborhoods are in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht. The Kolenkit area in Amsterdam is the number one Muslim "problem district" in the country. The next three districts are in Rotterdam – Pendrecht, het Oude Noorden and Bloemhof. The Ondiep district in Utrecht is in the fifth position, followed by Rivierenwijk (Deventer), Spangen (Rotterdam), Oude Westen (Rotterdam), Heechterp/ Schieringen (Leeuwarden) and Noord-Oost (Maastricht)."

European 'No-Go' Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating

You are being redirected...
Have to distract from the topic of the thread? Too uncomfortable?
Expect radical Islamic riots to break out any minute. Remember when Trump said the same thing about Islamic crime in Sweden, and was criticized by the Swedish Prime Minister?

Riots erupt in Sweden’s capital just days after Trump comments

Of course the leftist sock-puppet media in the Netherlands is going to deny there's a problem with radical Islam. We had a President who did that here for 8 years.

I'm not sure if you understood what the topic of this thread is, it's not about riots....

Do not try to define the narrative. You know damned well what I mean. No-go zones in the Netherlands were evident as far back as 2012..

Netherlands: Muslims Busy Establishing No-Go Zones In The Netherlands

"In the Netherlands, a Dutch court ordered the government to release to the public a politically incorrect list of 40 "no-go" zones in Holland. The top five Muslim problem neighborhoods are in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht. The Kolenkit area in Amsterdam is the number one Muslim "problem district" in the country. The next three districts are in Rotterdam – Pendrecht, het Oude Noorden and Bloemhof. The Ondiep district in Utrecht is in the fifth position, followed by Rivierenwijk (Deventer), Spangen (Rotterdam), Oude Westen (Rotterdam), Heechterp/ Schieringen (Leeuwarden) and Noord-Oost (Maastricht)."

European 'No-Go' Zones for Non-Muslims Proliferating

You are being redirected...

The topic of this thread is pretty clear. Stick to it.
How can we stick to it when it is just more bullshit from you clowns. And I've seen plenty of people here who voted for Trump not call everything fake. Most of us are capable of being honest, unlike you.
Trump Ambassador To Netherlands Caught Out After Accusing TV Reporter Of 'Fake News'

So, the ambassador to Holland said something was "fake news", then they showed him it was real. Then later he said he didn't say "fake news" when he clearly did.

How low will these people sink?

"Zwart: “You mentioned in a debate that there are no-go zones in the Netherlands, and that cars and politicians are being set on fire in the Netherlands.”

Hoekstra: “I didn’t say that. This is actually an incorrect statement. We would call it fake news. I never said that.”"

"Hoekstra is then shown clips of him speaking at a 2015 panel discussion titled ‘Muslim Migration into Europe’, in Charleston, South Carolina."

When challenged about having called the broadcaster’s suggestions “fake news”, Hoekstra denied he had used the phrase “fake news”.

“I didn’t call that fake news,” he said with a straight face. “I didn’t use the words today. I don’t think I did.”"

How sad for these people, their supporters, Lying Trump and his brown-nosers that they live in this bizarro fake world in their heads.

And how dangerous for the rest of the human race.

The danger to the human race is not Trump. The danger is Islam. Wake up.

"The danger isn't Japan it's Germany."

Thankfully they knew better at the time and dealt with all the threats. Lying Trump is a direct threat to Western democracy.
How? What has he done that even makes you say that? Be specific.

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