Proof the right will shout "fake news" at anything they find uncomfortable

Trump Ambassador To Netherlands Caught Out After Accusing TV Reporter Of 'Fake News'

So, the ambassador to Holland said something was "fake news", then they showed him it was real. Then later he said he didn't say "fake news" when he clearly did.

How low will these people sink?

"Zwart: “You mentioned in a debate that there are no-go zones in the Netherlands, and that cars and politicians are being set on fire in the Netherlands.”

Hoekstra: “I didn’t say that. This is actually an incorrect statement. We would call it fake news. I never said that.”"

"Hoekstra is then shown clips of him speaking at a 2015 panel discussion titled ‘Muslim Migration into Europe’, in Charleston, South Carolina."

When challenged about having called the broadcaster’s suggestions “fake news”, Hoekstra denied he had used the phrase “fake news”.

“I didn’t call that fake news,” he said with a straight face. “I didn’t use the words today. I don’t think I did.”"

We could yell fake news at nauseum and we’d be right 90% of the time

No, you wouldn't. You might claim to be right because you're ignoring most of the stuff, but the reality is something different.
So you resort to insults and my cognitive albilities while telling others to stay on topic
Thinking Error:hopover

So telling someone they're ignoring information is now insulting people. Fuck off.


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