Trump and Coal Mining and the stupidity of it all.....

There can actually be less details than "Hope and Change"?

Obama had policies. Trump literally only has Hope and Change. Vote for Donald and Hope things change because you dont know what he supports

oh shut up.

Of course Trump has policies. The difference is being a business man , and he's said this , he knows that you ask for more than you reasonably think you can get, and you settle for what you can live with. That's how deal making works.

He's not going to be Obama who simply says "I won the election" and starts issuing EOs.

I again say Trump is like some formless mass that you guys pour your beliefs into and proclaim thats what he's going to do without saying anything to support it.

Everytime you say "As a businessman" I know you're about to excuse a lie or a contradiction. Everytime

Looka... you supported Obama, the biggest zilch that ever ran for office. At best, a faculty lounge theoretician that we knew nothing of other than he may have been born in Hawaii and was half-white and had some pretty sketchy friends.

Is that your excuse for supporting someone who has less experience than Obama, Less details than Obama and more ties to the other party than Obama?

I mean this guy holds up Steaks that arent his, says they are everyone finds out he's lying and chuckle because of the "showmanship" of the lie. Its lying for no reason. I mean, shit. Why make up a name and call people with bullshit stories? Then lie and say it wasnt you only to say it was you a month later.

Who cares he's an admitted phony. Thats part of the "fun".

LOL a person who supports Hillary fucking Clinton should never chastize another person for supporting a liar. EVER
The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies

Possibly the dumbest thing you have posted ever, or a flat out lie. One of Obama's first acts after taking office was to stop a new coal mine from going into production by changing a bunch of EPA rules. Both senators from West Virginia sent Obama the asshole a scathing letter for doing this but he ignored them.
There can actually be less details than "Hope and Change"?

Obama had policies. Trump literally only has Hope and Change. Vote for Donald and Hope things change because you dont know what he supports

oh shut up.

Of course Trump has policies. The difference is being a business man , and he's said this , he knows that you ask for more than you reasonably think you can get, and you settle for what you can live with. That's how deal making works.

He's not going to be Obama who simply says "I won the election" and starts issuing EOs.

I again say Trump is like some formless mass that you guys pour your beliefs into and proclaim thats what he's going to do without saying anything to support it.

Everytime you say "As a businessman" I know you're about to excuse a lie or a contradiction. Everytime

Looka... you supported Obama, the biggest zilch that ever ran for office. At best, a faculty lounge theoretician that we knew nothing of other than he may have been born in Hawaii and was half-white and had some pretty sketchy friends.

Is that your excuse for supporting someone who has less experience than Obama, Less details than Obama and more ties to the other party than Obama?

I mean this guy holds up Steaks that arent his, says they are everyone finds out he's lying and chuckle because of the "showmanship" of the lie. Its lying for no reason. I mean, shit. Why make up a name and call people with bullshit stories? Then lie and say it wasnt you only to say it was you a month later.

Who cares he's an admitted phony. Thats part of the "fun".

Trump has decades more experience than Obama. OK, I I get it, he isn't a lawyer. Look at the mess all these fucking lawyers have given us. I for one, think this may just be a good thing. What had Obama actually accomplished? NOTHING. He was a faculty lounge theoretician.
While Hillary Clinton was heavily criticized over her comments about the moribund future of the coal mining industry, our beloved Donald Trump recently told coal miners that under his administration "tons of coal mining jobs will be resurrected....."......For those Clinton and Trump's divergent statement, Clinton was pillared, while Trump was cheered.

Now, we can either conclude from Trump's statement that coal miners are basically stupid, or that Trump is just an empty demagogue lying to a group of fellow citizens with callous fiction.

The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies, but simply because of the increasing use of natural gas and a variety of other alternative sources of energy.....Coupled with the very real fact that coal burning is the second most dangerous polluter to our planet, any Trump statement that the coal industry will undergo a renaissance is at best stupid, and at worst an outright lie.

Clinton told a truth that was difficult to hear....while Trump told a lie which is pandering to a desperate segment of our fellow citizens........So, who of these 2 nominees is really worthy of our support?
"If somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can. It's just that it will bankrupt them," and electricity rates will "necessarily skyrocket"
Obama had policies. Trump literally only has Hope and Change. Vote for Donald and Hope things change because you dont know what he supports

oh shut up.

Of course Trump has policies. The difference is being a business man , and he's said this , he knows that you ask for more than you reasonably think you can get, and you settle for what you can live with. That's how deal making works.

He's not going to be Obama who simply says "I won the election" and starts issuing EOs.

I again say Trump is like some formless mass that you guys pour your beliefs into and proclaim thats what he's going to do without saying anything to support it.

Everytime you say "As a businessman" I know you're about to excuse a lie or a contradiction. Everytime

Looka... you supported Obama, the biggest zilch that ever ran for office. At best, a faculty lounge theoretician that we knew nothing of other than he may have been born in Hawaii and was half-white and had some pretty sketchy friends.

Is that your excuse for supporting someone who has less experience than Obama, Less details than Obama and more ties to the other party than Obama?

I mean this guy holds up Steaks that arent his, says they are everyone finds out he's lying and chuckle because of the "showmanship" of the lie. Its lying for no reason. I mean, shit. Why make up a name and call people with bullshit stories? Then lie and say it wasnt you only to say it was you a month later.

Who cares he's an admitted phony. Thats part of the "fun".

LOL a person who supports Hillary fucking Clinton should never chastize another person for supporting a liar. EVER

Why? Are you going with the all lies are lies theory? Kinda like how all sins are equal?
oh shut up.

Of course Trump has policies. The difference is being a business man , and he's said this , he knows that you ask for more than you reasonably think you can get, and you settle for what you can live with. That's how deal making works.

He's not going to be Obama who simply says "I won the election" and starts issuing EOs.

I again say Trump is like some formless mass that you guys pour your beliefs into and proclaim thats what he's going to do without saying anything to support it.

Everytime you say "As a businessman" I know you're about to excuse a lie or a contradiction. Everytime

Looka... you supported Obama, the biggest zilch that ever ran for office. At best, a faculty lounge theoretician that we knew nothing of other than he may have been born in Hawaii and was half-white and had some pretty sketchy friends.

Is that your excuse for supporting someone who has less experience than Obama, Less details than Obama and more ties to the other party than Obama?

I mean this guy holds up Steaks that arent his, says they are everyone finds out he's lying and chuckle because of the "showmanship" of the lie. Its lying for no reason. I mean, shit. Why make up a name and call people with bullshit stories? Then lie and say it wasnt you only to say it was you a month later.

Who cares he's an admitted phony. Thats part of the "fun".

LOL a person who supports Hillary fucking Clinton should never chastize another person for supporting a liar. EVER

Why? Are you going with the all lies are lies theory? Kinda like how all sins are equal?

No, all lies aren't equal. Lies to cover up crimes are FAR more serious than lies to cover up pretending you are your own publicist.
Renewables are just pie in the sky - decades away from being reliable/reasonable/affordable.

...and here chimes yet another moron with his "logic" that since renewables are decades away....we should just sit back, not fund such research and exploration.....and wait for the Easter Bunny....decades from now, while further polluting our air and water and give us reliable/reasonable and affordable alternative sources.

(right wingers are just "amazing" strategists, don't you think???)

Nat, stupid, short sighted libs have bitched about R&D tax credits for decades. Get your story straight.
Renewables are just pie in the sky - decades away from being reliable/reasonable/affordable.

...and here chimes yet another moron with his "logic" that since renewables are decades away....we should just sit back, not fund such research and exploration.....and wait for the Easter Bunny....decades from now, while further polluting our air and water and give us reliable/reasonable and affordable alternative sources.

(right wingers are just "amazing" strategists, don't you think???)

Yes let's continue with oil when the Saudis can run us out of business whenever they want. Let's keep using coal while it poisons our food and environment. We don't want to be the leader in the future of energy.

Brain, you need to pay attention. The Saudis are borrowing money to keep their fragile hold on society going.
I again say Trump is like some formless mass that you guys pour your beliefs into and proclaim thats what he's going to do without saying anything to support it.

Everytime you say "As a businessman" I know you're about to excuse a lie or a contradiction. Everytime

Looka... you supported Obama, the biggest zilch that ever ran for office. At best, a faculty lounge theoretician that we knew nothing of other than he may have been born in Hawaii and was half-white and had some pretty sketchy friends.

Is that your excuse for supporting someone who has less experience than Obama, Less details than Obama and more ties to the other party than Obama?

I mean this guy holds up Steaks that arent his, says they are everyone finds out he's lying and chuckle because of the "showmanship" of the lie. Its lying for no reason. I mean, shit. Why make up a name and call people with bullshit stories? Then lie and say it wasnt you only to say it was you a month later.

Who cares he's an admitted phony. Thats part of the "fun".

LOL a person who supports Hillary fucking Clinton should never chastize another person for supporting a liar. EVER

Why? Are you going with the all lies are lies theory? Kinda like how all sins are equal?

No, all lies aren't equal. Lies to cover up crimes are FAR more serious than lies to cover up pretending you are your own publicist.

What about defrauding people? Or are you about to use that old "He did it as a Businessman"?
Maybe the handouts Obama gave to his contributors would have been better spent on solutions instead of lining the pockets of greedy lazy democrats. who could argue against this well-though-out and carefully researched accusation by a right winger...Well, well done and impressive.

(these morons just keep on coming.......Hey, nitwit, is this thread about Obama?)

Ignore reality at your own risk. The vast majority of DOE grants ended in failure because Obama gave the money to his buddies.
Great planning. Use it all up and then come up with a plan. Genius.
Well there's a few hundred more years of fossil fuels left to burn… Drill baby drill

And when our food is poisoned and we can't see the sky like China and our lungs are filled with cancer... Sure way better than solar and wind.

This isn't going to happen. We're burning fuels cleaner and more efficient than ever. Calm down.

I'll calm down when I can eat fish more than once a week. Till then we have a problem.

Why can't you eat fish more than once a week? WTF???

The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies

Possibly the dumbest thing you have posted ever, or a flat out lie. One of Obama's first acts after taking office was to stop a new coal mine from going into production by changing a bunch of EPA rules. Both senators from West Virginia sent Obama the asshole a scathing letter for doing this but he ignored them.

Why would new production be necessary when the mining companies are cutting back production for market reasons?
Renewable energy is in its infancy, taking baby steps...
I am for "all of the above" use of energy, but not willing to pay for trial and error.
Let's let the people trying to force the shit on us pay for the trail and error? If they want it so bad.
The loss of jobs in the coal industry is NOT because of democrats' policies

Possibly the dumbest thing you have posted ever, or a flat out lie. One of Obama's first acts after taking office was to stop a new coal mine from going into production by changing a bunch of EPA rules. Both senators from West Virginia sent Obama the asshole a scathing letter for doing this but he ignored them.

Why would new production be necessary when the mining companies are cutting back production for market reasons?
A socialist society taxes kill Small business therefore destroying innovation...
Brilliance is going heavy on oil and quickly being put out of business by the Saudis. Great one rightys.

WE have more oil than the Saudi's!!!!! But I wouldn't expect an asshole, like yourself to KNOW FACTS!

america has more oil than saudi arabia - - Yahoo Search Results

Learn something today, you left wing fag!

Funny how they can bring theirs to market so much cheaper and run us out of business. Idiot.
Competition breeds ingenuity, in the long run it's better for everybody. Capitalism is a great thing…

Yes it is. And we shouldn't be in something when others are much better at it.
In places like North Dakota they are not lowering production they're just get more efficient with slant drilling - getting rid of all the old outdated rigs. One slant drill rig replaces several conventional rigs...

They are going bankrupt.
Renewable energy is in its infancy, taking baby steps...
I am for "all of the above" use of energy, but not willing to pay for trial and error.
Let's let the people trying to force the shit on us pay for the trail and error? If they want it so bad.

You want innovation without R&D? I've heard it all :badgrin:
Typical, an ideology that is more concerned with keeping an industry, who's product is a contributor to 4 of the five top diseases that kill Americans.
"Viewed in this way, the totality of coal's impact on health becomes clear. Coal pollutants affect all major body organ systems and contribute to four of the five leading causes of mortality in the U.S.: heart disease, cancer, stroke, and chronic lower respiratory diseases."
Coal Pollution Damages Human Health at Every Stage of Coal Life Cycle, Reports Physicians for Social Responsibility | PSR
Then, they go into denial that the lower price of natural gas isn't killing the coal industry, but they can't prove their point.
Yup, "The Donald" has his dupes following his bullshit like blind sheep.

WE have more oil than the Saudi's!!!!! But I wouldn't expect an asshole, like yourself to KNOW FACTS!

america has more oil than saudi arabia - - Yahoo Search Results

Learn something today, you left wing fag!

Funny how they can bring theirs to market so much cheaper and run us out of business. Idiot.
Competition breeds ingenuity, in the long run it's better for everybody. Capitalism is a great thing…

Yes it is. And we shouldn't be in something when others are much better at it.
In places like North Dakota they are not lowering production they're just get more efficient with slant drilling - getting rid of all the old outdated rigs. One slant drill rig replaces several conventional rigs...

They are going bankrupt.
The inefficient ones are as it should be...

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