Trump and Germany


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Trump is a German by descent. Son and grandson of a German immigrant. He called himself a "proud German". Nevertheless, he bullies Germany, perhaps because of Angela Merkel that the two can not agree? Would the AfD make a chancellor, he might like Germany more. He also praised Austria for Sebastian Kurz.

Trump is a German by descent. Son and grandson of a German immigrant. He called himself a "proud German". Nevertheless, he bullies Germany, perhaps because of Angela Merkel that the two can not agree? Would the AfD make a chancellor, he might like Germany more. He also praised Austria for Sebastian Kurz.

Man, the Germans inflicted terrible losses on the Red Army even in ill conceived offensives late war. I GUESS that's something to be proud of........
AFD will never run Germany because Germans are too dumb and vote 90% for United Merkel's Gang CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens.Lefts.
Trump despise Germany as a country as idiots who are run by more greater idiots.
Does AFD have a charismatic leader?No.
It has many supporters in the East Germany, but it has no chance to run even a small village ( e.g. Goerlitz )
Germany is finished and will perish, I give it not longer as 10 years.
Its future is a Caliphate with Shariah law
AFD can change nothing, because the biggest problem is stupid brainwashed lazy German Michel

Trump is a German by descent. Son and grandson of a German immigrant. He called himself a "proud German". Nevertheless, he bullies Germany, perhaps because of Angela Merkel that the two can not agree? Would the AfD make a chancellor, he might like Germany more. He also praised Austria for Sebastian Kurz.

Don't over reach
AFD will never run Germany because Germans are too dumb and vote 90% for United Merkel's Gang CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens.Lefts.
Trump despise Germany as a country as idiots who are run by more greater idiots.
Does AFD have a charismatic leader?No.
It has many supporters in the East Germany, but it has no chance to run even a small village ( e.g. Goerlitz )
Germany is finished and will perish, I give it not longer as 10 years.
Its future is a Caliphate with Shariah law
AFD can change nothing, because the biggest problem is stupid brainwashed lazy German Michel


AFD is the only opposition party in Germany.
AFD will never run Germany because Germans are too dumb and vote 90% for United Merkel's Gang CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens.Lefts.
Trump despise Germany as a country as idiots who are run by more greater idiots.
Does AFD have a charismatic leader?No.
It has many supporters in the East Germany, but it has no chance to run even a small village ( e.g. Goerlitz )
Germany is finished and will perish, I give it not longer as 10 years.
Its future is a Caliphate with Shariah law
AFD can change nothing, because the biggest problem is stupid brainwashed lazy German Michel


AFD is the only opposition party in Germany.

But it can do nothing because the state is hijacked by insane commies, NWO and satanists.
DDR 2.0 is much worst as DDR 1.0 because its future is a poor caliphate run by corrupted imbeciles.
Do not underestimate the army of more as 10m Muslims who will fight for Merkel and her gang.
The only clever solution is to leave Mad Merkel's state as soon as possible
AFD will never run Germany because Germans are too dumb and vote 90% for United Merkel's Gang CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens.Lefts.
Trump despise Germany as a country as idiots who are run by more greater idiots.
Does AFD have a charismatic leader?No.
It has many supporters in the East Germany, but it has no chance to run even a small village ( e.g. Goerlitz )
Germany is finished and will perish, I give it not longer as 10 years.
Its future is a Caliphate with Shariah law
AFD can change nothing, because the biggest problem is stupid brainwashed lazy German Michel


AFD is the only opposition party in Germany.

But it can do nothing because the state is hijacked by insane commies, NWO and satanists.
DDR 2.0 is much worst as DDR 1.0 because its future is a poor caliphate run by corrupted imbeciles.
Do not underestimate the army of more as 10m Muslims who will fight for Merkel and her gang.
The only clever solution is to leave Mad Merkel's state as soon as possible

Merkel let those people in for humanitarian reasons. More a cynical ploy to get votes; in a rapidly German ageing and diminishing birth rate society.

I've just returned from the US. And what do I see? German speaking Arabs. Security guys on the trains, I don't know what they are. And so on......
AFD will never run Germany because Germans are too dumb and vote 90% for United Merkel's Gang CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens.Lefts.
Trump despise Germany as a country as idiots who are run by more greater idiots.
Does AFD have a charismatic leader?No.
It has many supporters in the East Germany, but it has no chance to run even a small village ( e.g. Goerlitz )
Germany is finished and will perish, I give it not longer as 10 years.
Its future is a Caliphate with Shariah law
AFD can change nothing, because the biggest problem is stupid brainwashed lazy German Michel


AFD is the only opposition party in Germany.

But it can do nothing because the state is hijacked by insane commies, NWO and satanists.
DDR 2.0 is much worst as DDR 1.0 because its future is a poor caliphate run by corrupted imbeciles.
Do not underestimate the army of more as 10m Muslims who will fight for Merkel and her gang.
The only clever solution is to leave Mad Merkel's state as soon as possible

Merkel let those people in for humanitarian reasons. More a cynical ploy to get votes; in a rapidly German ageing and diminishing birth rate society.

I've just returned from the US. And what do I see? German speaking Arabs. Security guys on the trains, I don't know what they are. And so on......

Read here:

She and her criminal gang deliberately killed Germany.

Michael Mannheimer Blog | Islamisierung und Linkstrend stoppen - Grundrechte zurückerobern - echte Gewaltenteilung einführen
Germany brought thre world Marxism, communism, Nazism and two world wars thanks to their stupidity. Now they are pushing globalism, which multiculturalism and open borders. This will lead to another world war.
Germany brought thre world Marxism, communism, Nazism and two world wars thanks to their stupidity. Now they are pushing globalism, which multiculturalism and open borders. This will lead to another world war.

Not only Germans are guilty on both wars.BTW not Germans invented Marxism and Communism.

AFD will never run Germany because Germans are too dumb and vote 90% for United Merkel's Gang CSU-CDU-SPD-FDP-Greens.Lefts.
Trump despise Germany as a country as idiots who are run by more greater idiots.
Does AFD have a charismatic leader?No.
It has many supporters in the East Germany, but it has no chance to run even a small village ( e.g. Goerlitz )
Germany is finished and will perish, I give it not longer as 10 years.
Its future is a Caliphate with Shariah law
AFD can change nothing, because the biggest problem is stupid brainwashed lazy German Michel

Fuck em. Stop wasting your precious time for them. They don´t deserve it.

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