Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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Of course not, which is why I never said any such nonsense. Can you argue what posters actually say or do you have to make shit up like that?
something is driving your belief that biden and pelosi will outlive trump and pence

and I am assuming that you think you are exempt from the wuflu
Governor Mike Dewine tested positive too. That was a false positive. We'll see
Even if Trump is COVID positive, he is one of the few I think who will survive it.

But then again, I thought Herman Cane would too. :(
Did you really understand Cains history though? I didnt know his risk was so high. He shouldnt have attended those rallies, but it was still his choice.

President Trump is obese, but I'm not aware of any serious health conditions. We'll see
First got the news of this on tiktok where a Trump supporter did a ton of screen shots of the left all giddy over this.

Vile creatures who cannot be allowed in any political office in Washington

Yeah, I saw some really ugly responses. But then again I think their response to the whole covid thing from the start has been as low and vile as it gets. Politicizing the hell out of something that people with more than 2 brain cells to rub together realized long ago was another fake "crisis", but they go along with it, knowingly or not, for political purposes.

You think this is a fake crisis?


It's already been established that the numbers are a total joke. You need to turn off the idiot box and get out more.
Yeah, Herman Cain is still laughing at that total joke.
Herman Cain had a serious bout with colon cancer.
I did not know that.

Thanks for the info.

Death is not a loss for the person, but for those who depend on them.

It may be presumptuous of me, but I hope to have some interesting conversations with people across that River jordan.

If he gets sick, let him go over to GW Hospital and sit in the ER waiting room.
Meaning Americans who managed their personal lives well enough to have good health insurance should be denied the treatment they earned?

shame on you

Having good health insurance is not a matter of managing one's personal lives well. You know what a mess our healthcare system is and how many employers don't provide it. You can't be that naïve.

Let the filthy pig go sit in the ER like everybody else. His life isn't worth any more than anyone else's, and most likely a whole lot less. Let the healthcare worker and the bus driver get treated first.
Of course not, which is why I never said any such nonsense. Can you argue what posters actually say or do you have to make shit up like that?
something is driving your belief that biden and pelosi will outlive trump and pence

and I am assuming that you think you are exempt from the wuflu
No one is exempt from it. But a person with COVID-19 is far more likely to die from COVID-19 than someone else who is COVID-19 negative.
I don't have any sympathy for him. He got what he wanted. It's too bad that he has the best medical care in the world rather than what everyone else gets. If he gets sick, let him go over to GW Hospital and sit in the ER waiting room.
Nobodys surprisedby your response you vile dog. You are what we've always said you are

I'm a "vile dog" because I don't worship this no-account trash. That's rich. He's not worth the spit.
Having good health insurance is not a matter of managing one's personal lives well.
Of course it is

if anyone is stuck with sitting in ER waiting for free treatment they have obviously not made the right moves in their personal life to provide for themselves
I don't have any sympathy for him. He got what he wanted. It's too bad that he has the best medical care in the world rather than what everyone else gets. If he gets sick, let him go over to GW Hospital and sit in the ER waiting room.
Nobodys surprisedby your response you vile dog. You are what we've always said you are

I'm a "vile dog" because I don't worship this no-account trash. That's rich. He's not worth the spit.
Yeah you're pretty much a vile disgusting excuse for a human being. Karma will visit you
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