Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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First got the news of this on tiktok where a Trump supporter did a ton of screen shots of the left all giddy over this.

Vile creatures who cannot be allowed in any political office in Washington

Yeah, I saw some really ugly responses. But then again I think their response to the whole covid thing from the start has been as low and vile as it gets. Politicizing the hell out of something that people with more than 2 brain cells to rub together realized long ago was another fake "crisis", but they go along with it, knowingly or not, for political purposes.

You think this is a fake crisis?


It's already been established that the numbers are a total joke. You need to turn off the idiot box and get out more.
Yeah, Herman Cain is still laughing at that total joke.

I said the numbers overall, dupe. People die every year from the flu, tuberculosis, and numerous other illnesses. Which you hypocrites don't care one whit about. You only "care" about this because you've been politicizing the hell out of it, and because the TV told you to.
No one is exempt from it.

But a person with COVID-19 is far more likely to die from COVID-19 than someone else who is COVID-19 negative.
Only if you assume that the chinese disease is an automatic death sentence and pelosi and biden are exempt from catching it
This is what I mean about karma and a FEW of the leftist nuts here.

If it is as bad as THEY say, what if Trump who SEEMS physically strong (hes got energy and endurance Biden cant match), recovers and BIDEN gets it?

Be careful about your gloating you lunatics. Karma can be a bitch
I don't have any sympathy for him. He got what he wanted. It's too bad that he has the best medical care in the world rather than what everyone else gets. If he gets sick, let him go over to GW Hospital and sit in the ER waiting room.
Nobodys surprisedby your response you vile dog. You are what we've always said you are

I'm a "vile dog" because I don't worship this no-account trash. That's rich. He's not worth the spit.
Yeah you're pretty much a vile disgusting excuse for a human being. Karma will visit you

Gee. I must be doing something right. Can I be a "vile" golden retriever or german shepherd? :rolleyes:

Now roll over and play dead. You've probably got the putin's poodle beard, so you're half-way there.
OMG, Trump is quarantined in the WH residence until he is transferred elsewhere if the disease worsens. That rules him out from performing the full scope of Presidential duties.

VP Pence has been in contact with Trump and Hope Hicks and will be quarantined for a min. of 14 days in the VP residence and can't perform any Presidential duties for at least 14 days.

The Prez & VP will both be unable to perform Presidential duties for at least 14 days. The next person in succession to take over the President's duties would be the Speaker of the House. We might see Nancy sitting in the Oval Office for a bit! Who knows?
Wouldn’t that be Ironic. I guess her first order as president would probably involve the SCOTUS. Paging Dr Garland... please report to the waiting room
First got the news of this on tiktok where a Trump supporter did a ton of screen shots of the left all giddy over this.

Vile creatures who cannot be allowed in any political office in Washington

Yeah, I saw some really ugly responses. But then again I think their response to the whole covid thing from the start has been as low and vile as it gets. Politicizing the hell out of something that people with more than 2 brain cells to rub together realized long ago was another fake "crisis", but they go along with it, knowingly or not, for political purposes.

You think this is a fake crisis?


It's already been established that the numbers are a total joke. You need to turn off the idiot box and get out more.
Yeah, Herman Cain is still laughing at that total joke.

I said the numbers overall, dupe. People die every year from the flu, tuberculosis, and numerous other illnesses. Which you hypocrites don't care one whit about. You only "care" about this because you've been politicizing the hell out of it, and because the TV told you to.
Dumbfuck, COVID-19 is as much as 20 times deadlier than the flu. Can you be any more retarded?
OMG, Trump is quarantined in the WH residence until he is transferred elsewhere if the disease worsens. That rules him out from performing the full scope of Presidential duties.

VP Pence has been in contact with Trump and Hope Hicks and will be quarantined for a min. of 14 days in the VP residence and can't perform any Presidential duties for at least 14 days.

The Prez & VP will both be unable to perform Presidential duties for at least 14 days. The next person in succession to take over the President's duties would be the Speaker of the House. We might see Nancy sitting in the Oval Office for a bit! Who knows?
Wouldn’t that be Ironic. I guess her first order as president would probably involve the SCOTUS. Paging Dr Garland... please report to the waiting room
He got his nomination. Now it's up to the Senate. Nothing anyone can do about it
Dumbfuck, COVID-19 is as much as 20 times deadlier than the flu. Can you be any more retarded?
No way.

its new and drawing conclusions based on the numbers from when it first hit is misleading

for instance, gov cuomo is no longer consigning patients with the chinese disease to nursing homes to infect or abuse elderly patients

like this guy in Detroit
I don't have any sympathy for him. He got what he wanted. It's too bad that he has the best medical care in the world rather than what everyone else gets. If he gets sick, let him go over to GW Hospital and sit in the ER waiting room.
Nobodys surprisedby your response you vile dog. You are what we've always said you are

I'm a "vile dog" because I don't worship this no-account trash. That's rich. He's not worth the spit.
Yeah you're pretty much a vile disgusting excuse for a human being. Karma will visit you

Gee. I must be doing something right. Can I be a "vile" golden retriever or german shepherd? :rolleyes:

Now roll over and play dead. You've probably got the putin's poodle beard, so you're half-way there.
I've decided to put you on ignore. You are the most bitter angry, disgusting old hag here. Dont need the poison
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OMG, Trump is quarantined in the WH residence until he is transferred elsewhere if the disease worsens. That rules him out from performing the full scope of Presidential duties.

VP Pence has been in contact with Trump and Hope Hicks and will be quarantined for a min. of 14 days in the VP residence and can't perform any Presidential duties for at least 14 days.

The Prez & VP will both be unable to perform Presidential duties for at least 14 days. The next person in succession to take over the President's duties would be the Speaker of the House. We might see Nancy sitting in the Oval Office for a bit! Who knows?
Wrong again... Trump can perform all of his duties from the WH..
Wrong again... Trump can perform all of his duties from the WH..
If Trump is quarantined [ISOLATED] in the WH Prez residence, how in the fuck can he get down to the Situation Room if he's FORCED TO BE ISOLATED within the Residence if NK, China or even Great White Canada attack? Does your dumb ass know what the reason Amendment XXV was added to the Constitution? It was for situations like this you bloody fool!
Why does he need to be in the Situation room? And why can’t he go there if he wants? As long as he wears a mask and everyone else does, what’s the problem?

Social distancing and masks don’t work? Is that what you are claiming?
Why does he need to be in the Situation room? And why can’t he go there if he wants?
You ignorant shit! Google WH Situation room and see what it's used for. Here is a hint...Obama, Cabinet members, Generals and a few other top spy dogs were allowed in to watch Bin Laden meet his maker! It's run by the NSC in the basement of the West Wing. The room is highly secure with a very select membership allowed entry!

If DefCom goes down a notch or two, POTUS makes the final decision. Got the idea now if POTUS needs to empty a few silos or STOP the action, he/she has to be there but if they are incapacitated due to symptoms of Covid-19 with like a high fever, is their judgement going to be perfect? That's like playing Russian Roulette!

Now that is nothing when considering POTUS-in-waiting is quarantined or ISOLATED for the sake of others. Is your dumb ass getting the picture now dip-stick?
First got the news of this on tiktok where a Trump supporter did a ton of screen shots of the left all giddy over this.

Vile creatures who cannot be allowed in any political office in Washington

Yeah, I saw some really ugly responses. But then again I think their response to the whole covid thing from the start has been as low and vile as it gets. Politicizing the hell out of something that people with more than 2 brain cells to rub together realized long ago was another fake "crisis", but they go along with it, knowingly or not, for political purposes.

You think this is a fake crisis?


It's already been established that the numbers are a total joke. You need to turn off the idiot box and get out more.
Yeah, Herman Cain is still laughing at that total joke.

I said the numbers overall, dupe. People die every year from the flu, tuberculosis, and numerous other illnesses. Which you hypocrites don't care one whit about. You only "care" about this because you've been politicizing the hell out of it, and because the TV told you to.
Dumbfuck, COVID-19 is as much as 20 times deadlier than the flu. Can you be any more retarded?

First of all, nice big fat strawman, since I never made a specific claim on how it compares to the flu. I simply said people die every year from the flu and other illnesses. Secondly, turn off the idiot box. I laugh at brainwashed zombies like you who believe everything you're spoon-fed. You probably aren't even aware that the US can legally propagandize its own citizens. It's pathetic that you call others dumbfucks, when you're a typical brainwashed, bootlicking zombie.
The Risk

For every 1,000 people infected with the coronavirus who are under the age of 50, almost none will die. For people in their fifties and early sixties, about five will die — more men than women. The risk then climbs steeply as the years accrue. For every 1,000 people in their mid-seventies or older who are infected, around 116 will die

If Pence also gets the virus - will Nancy Pelosi become president? Karma...

Fuck you Lakhota.
It could happen. If the 25th Amendment is invoked and Pence is president while Impeached Trump is too sick to carry out his duties... then Pence catches it and becomes too sick to carry out presidential duties...

... you know who's next in line.... President Pelosi. And her very first official order of business.... you guessed it... withdraw Barrett's nomination for the Supreme Court and nominate a hard left Liberal.

Are you seriously hoping the president dies from the virus?

Watch your tone.
Watch yours. trump got a virus he didn't have to get if he had done his job.
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