Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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OMG, Trump is quarantined in the WH residence until he is transferred elsewhere if the disease worsens. That rules him out from performing the full scope of Presidential duties.

VP Pence has been in contact with Trump and Hope Hicks and will be quarantined for a min. of 14 days in the VP residence and can't perform any Presidential duties for at least 14 days.

The Prez & VP will both be unable to perform Presidential duties for at least 14 days. The next person in succession to take over the President's duties would be the Speaker of the House. We might see Nancy sitting in the Oval Office for a bit! Who knows?
Wouldn’t that be Ironic. I guess her first order as president would probably involve the SCOTUS. Paging Dr Garland... please report to the waiting room
Wouldn’t that be Ironic. I guess her first order as president would probably involve the SCOTUS. Paging Dr Garland... please report to the waiting room
Karma can be a real bitch! Man, the Trump sycophants hated that scenario, the sniveling little bitches.
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I wonder who infected Hope Hicks?
Allow me to start the conspiracy theory. It was Democratic hit job. :cool:

Or China or Iran...
Yeah maybe. China would certainly know how to deliver it.
Isnt is amazing that China and the American left are both praying to Satan for the same goal
None of that has happened. But you have supported satan for the past 4 years.
Is your heart black too
No one is exempt from it.

But a person with COVID-19 is far more likely to die from COVID-19 than someone else who is COVID-19 negative.
Only if you assume that the chinese disease is an automatic death sentence and pelosi and biden are exempt from catching it
Uh, no. That's just moronic thinking. A person Impeached Trump's age who is COVID-19 positive has about a 12% chance of dying from it.

Whereas a person that who is COVID-19 negative has only a small chance of even contracting it, especially if they're taking precautions.
It will go away.
It will disappear miraculously.
Yup, just like it has for 99.98% of the people that have ever had it.
Not true for elderly folks.
Your wrong... Left tard...

Even those over 70, with comorbidities, have a survival rate above 99.5% today..

The death rate for people over 70 is 11.6%. It’s even higher for men, who die nearly twice as much as women.

For every 1,000 people in their mid-seventies or older who are infected, around 116 will die. These are the stark statistics obtained by some of the first detailed studies into the mortality risk for COVID-19. ...​
Gender is also a strong risk factor, with men almost twice more likely to die from the coronavirus than women.​

Trump’s risk of death is somewhere between 1 in 5 to 1 in 10, though he will have the best health care in the world.
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Well at the rate of positive tests, it will take us 20+ years to reach herd immunity.

Or we put on our masks and quit spreading this thing.
This is a virus..


It slows it.

Everyone on this planet will get this virus at some point and there isn't a damn thing you can do to stop it.
How is it that every doctor treating COVID patients hasn’t gotten it?
I wonder who infected Hope Hicks?
Allow me to start the conspiracy theory. It was Democratic hit job. :cool:

Or China or Iran...
Yeah maybe. China would certainly know how to deliver it.
Isnt is amazing that China and the American left are both praying to Satan for the same goal
None of that has happened. But you have supported satan for the past 4 years.
Is your heart black too
I'm not hearing you trump supporters who have wished death and imprisonment on those who opposed trump, cheered for every unarmed murder of blacks by police and have threatened to kill people who oppose your bullshit in a civil war whining because there are people who don't have any sympathy for trump.
Are you fucking kidding me? How many people did Trump's irresponsible "it's no worse then a flu" "I played it down, I always like to play it down" politiking killed?
I'll bite.

How many?

Dum dum, that is called a rhetorical question, I'm not asking for an actual count.

Trump consistently downplayed the risk instead of leveling with the people, consistently failed to prepare this country for the the virus he knew was damn serious, consistenly contradicted sound prevenetative advice. Hell, just at the debate he was making fun of Biden at the debate for too much mask wearing....while probably spewing Covid particles into the air.

You claimed that MANY people died as the result of Trump's words.

Give us a verifiable number.

How many?

211,805 as of Oct 1, 2020 at 11:27 GMT.

How many deaths are the Chi-Coms responsible for?
OMG, Trump is quarantined in the WH residence until he is transferred elsewhere if the disease worsens. That rules him out from performing the full scope of Presidential duties.

VP Pence has been in contact with Trump and Hope Hicks and will be quarantined for a min. of 14 days in the VP residence and can't perform any Presidential duties for at least 14 days.

The Prez & VP will both be unable to perform Presidential duties for at least 14 days. The next person in succession to take over the President's duties would be the Speaker of the House. We might see Nancy sitting in the Oval Office for a bit! Who knows?
Wouldn’t that be Ironic. I guess her first order as president would probably involve the SCOTUS. Paging Dr Garland... please report to the waiting room
He got his nomination. Now it's up to the Senate. Nothing anyone can do about it
Imbecile, as unlikely as it is, should Pelosi be president while Impeached Trump and Pence are fighting off Covid, she would indeed be in position to withdraw Barrett and nominate her own candidate.

You really should learn the Constitution. Especially if you're going to participate on a political forum.

The process doesn't end in the Senate -- it ends with the president. If that's Pelosi, she decides Barrett's fate.
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OMG, Trump is quarantined in the WH residence until he is transferred elsewhere if the disease worsens. That rules him out from performing the full scope of Presidential duties.

VP Pence has been in contact with Trump and Hope Hicks and will be quarantined for a min. of 14 days in the VP residence and can't perform any Presidential duties for at least 14 days.

The Prez & VP will both be unable to perform Presidential duties for at least 14 days. The next person in succession to take over the President's duties would be the Speaker of the House. We might see Nancy sitting in the Oval Office for a bit! Who knows?
Wouldn’t that be Ironic. I guess her first order as president would probably involve the SCOTUS. Paging Dr Garland... please report to the waiting room
He got his nomination. Now it's up to the Senate. Nothing anyone can do about it
You mean the president can’t rescind a pick? You sure about that?
The Risk

For every 1,000 people infected with the coronavirus who are under the age of 50, almost none will die. For people in their fifties and early sixties, about five will die — more men than women. The risk then climbs steeply as the years accrue. For every 1,000 people in their mid-seventies or older who are infected, around 116 will die

So what odds would you give an overweight 74 year old with a high stress job given top notch medical care?
I don't have any sympathy for him. He got what he wanted. It's too bad that he has the best medical care in the world rather than what everyone else gets. If he gets sick, let him go over to GW Hospital and sit in the ER waiting room.
Nobodys surprisedby your response you vile dog. You are what we've always said you are

I'm a "vile dog" because I don't worship this no-account trash. That's rich. He's not worth the spit.
Yeah you're pretty much a vile disgusting excuse for a human being. Karma will visit you

Gee. I must be doing something right. Can I be a "vile" golden retriever or german shepherd? :rolleyes:

Now roll over and play dead. You've probably got the putin's poodle beard, so you're half-way there.
I've decided to put you on ignore. You are the most bitter angry, disgusting old hag here. Dont need the poison

Go ahead. If I am bitter, angry, and disgusting, so are you. You are just so spoiled that you can't stand being put in your place by a woman. I have every right to be angry at what I see you bitches trying to pull off.
First got the news of this on tiktok where a Trump supporter did a ton of screen shots of the left all giddy over this.

Vile creatures who cannot be allowed in any political office in Washington

Yeah, I saw some really ugly responses. But then again I think their response to the whole covid thing from the start has been as low and vile as it gets. Politicizing the hell out of something that people with more than 2 brain cells to rub together realized long ago was another fake "crisis", but they go along with it, knowingly or not, for political purposes.

You think this is a fake crisis?


It's already been established that the numbers are a total joke. You need to turn off the idiot box and get out more.
Yeah, Herman Cain is still laughing at that total joke.

I said the numbers overall, dupe. People die every year from the flu, tuberculosis, and numerous other illnesses. Which you hypocrites don't care one whit about. You only "care" about this because you've been politicizing the hell out of it, and because the TV told you to.
Dumbfuck, COVID-19 is as much as 20 times deadlier than the flu. Can you be any more retarded?

First of all, nice big fat strawman, since I never made a specific claim on how it compares to the flu. I simply said people die every year from the flu and other illnesses. Secondly, turn off the idiot box. I laugh at brainwashed zombies like you who believe everything you're spoon-fed. You probably aren't even aware that the US can legally propagandize its own citizens. It's pathetic that you call others dumbfucks, when you're a typical brainwashed, bootlicking zombie.

Your projection is noted and laughed at. Of course you compared it to the flu. In response to me pointing the deaths are real in response to you claiming it's a fake crisis, you compared it to how people also die from the flu.

They do, but they are about 20 times more likely to die if they catch COVID-19.
OMG, Trump is quarantined in the WH residence until he is transferred elsewhere if the disease worsens. That rules him out from performing the full scope of Presidential duties.

VP Pence has been in contact with Trump and Hope Hicks and will be quarantined for a min. of 14 days in the VP residence and can't perform any Presidential duties for at least 14 days.

The Prez & VP will both be unable to perform Presidential duties for at least 14 days. The next person in succession to take over the President's duties would be the Speaker of the House. We might see Nancy sitting in the Oval Office for a bit! Who knows?
Wouldn’t that be Ironic. I guess her first order as president would probably involve the SCOTUS. Paging Dr Garland... please report to the waiting room
He got his nomination. Now it's up to the Senate. Nothing anyone can do about it
Imbecile, as unlikely as it is, should Pelosi be president while Impeached Trump and Pence are fighting off Covid, she would indeed be in position to withdraw Barrett and nominate her own candidate.

You really should learn the Constitution. Especially if you're going to participate on a political forum.

The process doesn't end in the Senate -- it ends with the president. If that's Pelosi, she decides Barrett's fate.
Conservatives know as much about the constitution as Oswald Bates.

Could you imagine if the President of the United States died a few weeks before the election?

I certainly hope not.

But 2020 has been so fucked up, it would be in line with this year.
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