Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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If Pence also gets the virus - will Nancy Pelosi become president? Karma...

Fuck you Lakhota.
It could happen. If the 25th Amendment is invoked and Pence is president while Impeached Trump is too sick to carry out his duties... then Pence catches it and becomes too sick to carry out presidential duties...

... you know who's next in line.... President Pelosi. And her very first official order of business.... you guessed it... withdraw Barrett's nomination for the Supreme Court and nominate a hard left Liberal.
Dont get your hopes up
It is a nothing burger. The virus is harmless while having a healthy immune system. Even the doctor on Fox News said that COVID-19 isn't the same COVID-19 that was in April.
But it was Biden who sprayed the virus on him during the debate so that he will not be able to debate him. Which I knew that they were going to come up with a scheme to shut down the debates and his rallies.
That little suspicious device that Biden had up his sleeves, probably was a spray nozzle that sprayed the virus on Pres. Trump, making sure this time that he contracts it.

What Is Up Joe Biden's Sleeve

It will go away.
It will disappear miraculously.
Yup, just like it has for 99.98% of the people that have ever had it.
Not true for elderly folks.
Hence the 0.02%.
^^^ never listen to a rightard. Especially about issues regarding health.

In reality, there have been 4,949,281 total settled cases; with 4,736,621 recovered and 212,660 deaths.

That's 4.3%, not 0.02%.
Wrong. Those don’t count serology tests that randomly tests the population to give us an idea of how many have had it and never knew about it. It shows that an estimated 23 million have had it, which puts the death rate at 0.01%. Also, the death rates are now MUCH lower than when this all first started. Many different treatments now are known.

Why stop at 23 million if you're gonna make up numbers? Just say a trillion people have had it and the death rate is near 0%.
Are you saying serology tests are a hoax?
Are you fucking kidding me? How many people did Trump's irresponsible "it's no worse then a flu" "I played it down, I always like to play it down" politiking killed?
I'll bite.

How many?

Dum dum, that is called a rhetorical question, I'm not asking for an actual count.

Trump consistently downplayed the risk instead of leveling with the people, consistently failed to prepare this country for the the virus he knew was damn serious, consistenly contradicted sound prevenetative advice. Hell, just at the debate he was making fun of Biden at the debate for too much mask wearing....while probably spewing Covid particles into the air.

You claimed that MANY people died as the result of Trump's words.

Give us a verifiable number.

How many?

211,805 as of Oct 1, 2020 at 11:27 GMT.

How many deaths are the Chi-Coms responsible for?

Who cares. Once the virus became a pandemic, it was incumbent on the president to take those necessary steps to mitigate the effects of this virus on the U.S.

And he failed to take those steps.
Are you fucking kidding me? How many people did Trump's irresponsible "it's no worse then a flu" "I played it down, I always like to play it down" politiking killed?
Trump was right not to panic the financial markets which would have caused a crash.
Then why did he create a panic tonight and announce he's COVID-19 positive? Since when does he give a shit about starting a panic?
It will go away.
It will disappear miraculously.
Yup, just like it has for 99.98% of the people that have ever had it.
Not true for elderly folks.
Hence the 0.02%.
^^^ never listen to a rightard. Especially about issues regarding health.

In reality, there have been 4,949,281 total settled cases; with 4,736,621 recovered and 212,660 deaths.

That's 4.3%, not 0.02%.
Wrong. Those don’t count serology tests that randomly tests the population to give us an idea of how many have had it and never knew about it. It shows that an estimated 23 million have had it, which puts the death rate at 0.01%. Also, the death rates are now MUCH lower than when this all first started. Many different treatments now are known.

Why stop at 23 million if you're gonna make up numbers? Just say a trillion people have had it and the death rate is near 0%.
Are you saying serology tests are a hoax?
No, I'm saying the numbers you're plucking from your ass are a hoax.
First got the news of this on tiktok where a Trump supporter did a ton of screen shots of the left all giddy over this.

Vile creatures who cannot be allowed in any political office in Washington
If Pence also gets the virus - will Nancy Pelosi become president? Karma...

Fuck you Lakhota.
It could happen. If the 25th Amendment is invoked and Pence is president while Impeached Trump is too sick to carry out his duties... then Pence catches it and becomes too sick to carry out presidential duties...

... you know who's next in line.... President Pelosi. And her very first official order of business.... you guessed it... withdraw Barrett's nomination for the Supreme Court and nominate a hard left Liberal.
Dont get your hopes up
I'm not, but it it's now in the realm of possibilities.
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I don't have any sympathy for him. He got what he wanted. It's too bad that he has the best medical care in the world rather than what everyone else gets. If he gets sick, let him go over to GW Hospital and sit in the ER waiting room.
Who cares. Once the virus became a pandemic, it was incumbent on the president to take those necessary steps to mitigate the effects of this virus on the U.S.
And he failed to take those steps.
What specific steps did Trump fail to take, you jack ass?

He expanded hospital bed availability, used the military to be an emergency hospital force, used the emergency powers act to compell US manufacturers to produce more ventillators and PPE and to start an emergency expansion to the research for this disease in JANUARY, you fucking moron.

Jeebus, you Dimocrats are so FUCKING STUPID.

Welcome to my ignore list, ass hole.
I wonder if Trump still thinks it's a hoax?
There are two types of people who believe that Trump said the virus is a hoax.

Type 1 are people who don't really follow politics. They just heard the lie about Trump on the fake news or in casual conversation or something and never bothered to fact check it. They are not aware that the Democrats are such despicable lying immoral America hating scumbags that they would purposefully and relentlessly disseminate dangerous defamatory disinformation regarding COVID 19. They have only heard one side of the story and are a bit naive regarding exactly how fucking evil Democrats really are. It's simply unfathomable for them to believe that Democrats would stoop so low that they would spread such an unconscionable lie. A lie that has certainly caused an untold number of Americans to die a slow painful death drowning in their own bodily fluids.

Type 2 are low IQ individuals. TDS afflicted morons who do not possess the critical thinking skills necessary to fact check anything. They are feeble-minded individuals who's low IQ makes them extremely suggestable and therefore easily brainwashed by the fake news media via the simplest brainwashing technique. Repeated messaging. They will believe whatever lie about Trump has been told to them repeatedly, even after they have been informed of the truth. If they are told both the truth and a lie, they will believe whatever they heard most often. And in this case, they believe the lie because they were simply told the lie more often than the truth. In their simpleton minds, the lie becomes the truth. They're idiots.

You are not type 1. You have been informed on this very board that Trump never said that the virus was a hoax.
He said it was the Democrats' new hoax. Turns out, it wasn't a hoax. Turns out Democrats were spot on.
You've outed yourself as a type 2.

You're a TDS afflicted moron with an IQ that is so low that you do not possess the critical thinking skills necessary to discern fact from fiction.
Does Melania's old vodka drinking sausage eating commie parents still live in the WH residence?
You claimed that MANY people died as the result of Trump's words.
Give us a verifiable number.
How many?
The more exacting question should be 'What did Trump specifically fail to do.'

And all they will respond with are generic, abstract bullshit.
OMG, Trump is quarantined in the WH residence until he is transferred elsewhere if the disease worsens. That rules him out from performing the full scope of Presidential duties.

VP Pence has been in contact with Trump and Hope Hicks and will be quarantined for a min. of 14 days in the VP residence and can't perform any Presidential duties for at least 14 days.

The Prez & VP will both be unable to perform Presidential duties for at least 14 days. The next person in succession to take over the President's duties would be the Speaker of the House. We might see Nancy sitting in the Oval Office for a bit! Who knows?
Wrong again... Trump can perform all of his duties from the WH..
Wrong again... Trump can perform all of his duties from the WH..
Damn but you're as dumb and ignorant as a fucking stump. Trump is now finished and all of your NO, NO, NO's aren't going to change what will be coming to pass this October and November. He's a victim of his own bloody hubris! Live with it!
But it was Biden who sprayed the virus on him during the debate so that he will not be able to debate him. Which I knew that they were going to come up with a scheme to shut down the debates and his rallies.
They should charge Biden with attempted murder for this.
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