Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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I wonder who infected Hope Hicks?
Probably not the first time Trump caught something from a woman.

Howard Stern: "I even went as far to say that you're braver than any Vietnam vet because you're out there screwing a lot of women."

"Getting the Congressional Medal of Honor, in actuality," said Trump.

Later in the interview Trump and Stern again compared avoiding STDs to Vietnam.

"I'm having a good time, but Howard, you know the one negative: It's very, very dangerous out there," said Trump.

"Yes it is, it's your Vietnam," added Stern.

"It's Vietnam," added Trump. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful."
Trump is ,was, and will always be a swine Any women voting for him must be without a brain

Well since he's had some great looking wives I think you are full of shit.

Not much other than mail order brides. Anyone who inherited half billion from Daddy can score with hot babes.

I doubt any of them were mail order and you are right. Money draws but none of his ex's have a bad thing to say about him.
He was a prick with all of them They talk it'll cost them

Being a butthole is expensive! ;)

The New York Times reported in 1991 that Ivana's divorce settlement included $14 million, a 45-room Connecticut mansion, an apartment in the Trump Plaza, and the use of Mar-a-Lago for one month a year. The divorce was finalized in 1992.

Being a billionaire he can afford to be a butthole. Can you??
I wonder who infected Hope Hicks?
Probably not the first time Trump caught something from a woman.

Howard Stern: "I even went as far to say that you're braver than any Vietnam vet because you're out there screwing a lot of women."

"Getting the Congressional Medal of Honor, in actuality," said Trump.

Later in the interview Trump and Stern again compared avoiding STDs to Vietnam.

"I'm having a good time, but Howard, you know the one negative: It's very, very dangerous out there," said Trump.

"Yes it is, it's your Vietnam," added Stern.

"It's Vietnam," added Trump. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful."
Trump is ,was, and will always be a swine Any women voting for him must be without a brain

Well since he's had some great looking wives I think you are full of shit.
Cheated on them all and needed to pay prostitutes What a guy What a great repub president Pure scum

Got a link for him cheating and paying prostitutes?? I didn't think so. You're so full of shit you should be a sewer worker.

He laid pipe to a porn queen while Mel was home alone with a newborn and had to pay 135 grand in hush money just before the election to keep her quiet. Please catch up.
I wonder who infected Hope Hicks?
Probably not the first time Trump caught something from a woman.

Howard Stern: "I even went as far to say that you're braver than any Vietnam vet because you're out there screwing a lot of women."

"Getting the Congressional Medal of Honor, in actuality," said Trump.

Later in the interview Trump and Stern again compared avoiding STDs to Vietnam.

"I'm having a good time, but Howard, you know the one negative: It's very, very dangerous out there," said Trump.

"Yes it is, it's your Vietnam," added Stern.

"It's Vietnam," added Trump. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful."
Trump is ,was, and will always be a swine Any women voting for him must be without a brain

Well since he's had some great looking wives I think you are full of shit.

Not much other than mail order brides. Anyone who inherited half billion from Daddy can score with hot babes.

I doubt any of them were mail order and you are right. Money draws but none of his ex's have a bad thing to say about him.
He was a prick with all of them They talk it'll cost them

Being a butthole is expensive! ;)

The New York Times reported in 1991 that Ivana's divorce settlement included $14 million, a 45-room Connecticut mansion, an apartment in the Trump Plaza, and the use of Mar-a-Lago for one month a year. The divorce was finalized in 1992.

Being a billionaire he can afford to be a butthole. Can you??

1. It's obvious that he ain't no billionaire 2. I have no aspirations to be either a billionaire OR a butthole.
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
Yeah, really doesn’t matter who you are supporting, the idea that you know the facts and anyone who disagrees with you is lost, is some of the most ignorant nonsense our society is dealing with right now. While I wouldn’t vote for President Trump to be my village dog catcher, I know plenty of caring, thoughtful people who see him as needed to stem the tide of over reaching government. When I talk to these folks and try to change their minds, I don’t start by calling “fucking idiots”, I reserve that distinction for folks who display their idiocy in what they have to say.

It is difficult for me to believe that anyone who is aware of the facts would even consider throwing support behind Trump unless
they were convinced that the resulting chaos somehow benefits them personally....even though they know it is bad for the nation.
Some folks do not see him as that damaging. They hate his tweets, they think he is a barbarian AND this is all better than letting AOC (and all she represents to them) rush the gates of government. That is an opinion and like all opinions may or may not be completely supported by facts. But to say that the facts can only support one possible conclusion here is exactly the type of sediment folks on the right see as proof of left wing fascism. The hard part about democracy is that well meaning, intelligent and thoughtful people can disagree. To see one side as inherently good and one as inherently evil is the reason why so much of what goes on in places like this is utter nonsense. If you believe you are correct make an argument around ideas, hold your insults for those who show themselves to be either irrational or actually unintelligent. Not hard to find, but don’t dismiss their argument before they make it.
Sorry for the soap box, but what is killing democracy is not our politicians but The Peoples unwillingness to actually participate in meaningful ways.

What. factually speaking, does AOC represent? Not looking for an opinion here.
Democratic Socialist policies like the Green New Deal.

That was a waste of time. Ciao.
What?! You know people like you really piss me off, because you allow the right wing nut jobs to discredit anyone left as center as closed minded, because you are. I see you the same way I see the Proud Boys, all worked up but not enough sense to know what to do about it.
Good luck with all of that, you closed minded bigot!
Democratic Socialist, by the way, is how she self-describes! So how anything I’ve said is problematic to you, I have no idea.
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
My "neither" Vote is a punishment to the Democrats. Not those in Office, the ones at home who were so block-headed as to choose the Candidate with the least favorable optics two times straight thus allowing the most dangerous President we might have ever had. They deserve what they get. Instead of an active, coherent & future-looking Candidate that can actually articulate all of the vile shit he's done and elucidating a decent path for the future, they chose a belt-way candidate who has them all hoping that he can speak coherently at a debate.
Debates don’t matter.
I wonder who infected Hope Hicks?
Probably not the first time Trump caught something from a woman.

Howard Stern: "I even went as far to say that you're braver than any Vietnam vet because you're out there screwing a lot of women."

"Getting the Congressional Medal of Honor, in actuality," said Trump.

Later in the interview Trump and Stern again compared avoiding STDs to Vietnam.

"I'm having a good time, but Howard, you know the one negative: It's very, very dangerous out there," said Trump.

"Yes it is, it's your Vietnam," added Stern.

"It's Vietnam," added Trump. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful."
Trump is ,was, and will always be a swine Any women voting for him must be without a brain

Well since he's had some great looking wives I think you are full of shit.
Cheated on them all and needed to pay prostitutes What a guy What a great repub president Pure scum

Got a link for him cheating and paying prostitutes?? I didn't think so. You're so full of shit you should be a sewer worker.

He laid pipe to a porn queen while Mel was home alone with a newborn and had to pay 135 grand in hush money just before the election to keep her quiet. Please catch up.

No he didn't. You should read the story before you open your mouth and sound like the imbecile you are.

Oh it was hush money all right. Money he paid to shut her up during the election.

He never had an affair with Stormy. Just a good business deal to shut her up and she signed NDE which she broke. She tried to sue Trump and her case got thrown out.
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
Yeah, really doesn’t matter who you are supporting, the idea that you know the facts and anyone who disagrees with you is lost, is some of the most ignorant nonsense our society is dealing with right now. While I wouldn’t vote for President Trump to be my village dog catcher, I know plenty of caring, thoughtful people who see him as needed to stem the tide of over reaching government. When I talk to these folks and try to change their minds, I don’t start by calling “fucking idiots”, I reserve that distinction for folks who display their idiocy in what they have to say.
Are you suggesting there's not a right thing to do, and that people aren't personally responsible if they cannot understand what a fact is?
No I am not, I am suggesting that you alone are not the arbiter of what is or is not factual and what conclusions can be drawn.
That's trivial - nobody is the arbiter of what a fact is besides reality. Just because someone recognizes what the facts are, doesnt mean theyre the ones deciding its a fact...glad I could clear up that distinction, though...because it seems to me that in the interest of some magical fairness you're suggesting that everyone is entitled to their own facts.
No, what I am saying, is that raw data is factual, but what we all do is use our reason to extrapolate truth out of those facts. I am not defending those who willfully stick their heads in the sand and deny reality. I am simply suggesting that reasonable people can have reasonable disagreements about what the facts “mean”. This is not me saying, Alternative Facts are anything but lies, but I am suggesting like an statistician will tell you, numbers can be manipulated to derive meaning almost any meaning, yet they are factual.
What you are saying is completely trivial. If you think the only way to conclude that Trump is and has been bad for the Country is by arbitrary opinion, and the facts cannot support that - then it's not by some colloquial interpretation of the facts to say that you are wrong, and perhaps stupid. Universal you, in the hypothetical...not you you. You knew that.

Which you?

The letter. The letter u.

Or two of them, or the letter that says two of them. Double you. Or W.
Great, insults.
All I am saying is that a reasonable person can completely disagree with you while looking at the same data. Maybe they believe that immigration and people of color are destroying our culture. I disagree with them, but the second you say they have no right to express that opinion at all, you are betraying democratic norms. There is a reason the ACLU fought for the rights of Nazis to hold a march. Freedom belongs to everyone or no one. By the way, all I have advocated for is not dismissing people before you hear why they think what they think. I fear that you do not see how your unwillingness to accept the ability of others to disagree With you, without being wrong, exists whether you wish to accept it or not. And you are exposing the most legitimate criticism of the modern left, you are intolerant of any type of digression from the doctrines of critical theory.
If your curious where that leads check out China under Mao and that is not hyperbol.
Everyone doesn't get their own set of facts, and it doesn't matter how emotional or unfair that makes you feel, or anyone else either.

Also, it's really fucking weird you're accusing me of wanting anyone to have no right to express their opinion. What the fuck? Nobody said that. <-- see, that's a fact, and you don't get to interpret it any other way except to say, 'oh, haha, yeah I guess you're not saying that anyone isn't entitled to their opinions...I'm just saying that you GT are NOT entitled to YOURS, that they're stupid.'
Wow, you didn’t read what I wrote or I failed to make it clear enough. I get you.
I wonder who infected Hope Hicks?
Probably not the first time Trump caught something from a woman.

Howard Stern: "I even went as far to say that you're braver than any Vietnam vet because you're out there screwing a lot of women."

"Getting the Congressional Medal of Honor, in actuality," said Trump.

Later in the interview Trump and Stern again compared avoiding STDs to Vietnam.

"I'm having a good time, but Howard, you know the one negative: It's very, very dangerous out there," said Trump.

"Yes it is, it's your Vietnam," added Stern.

"It's Vietnam," added Trump. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful."
Trump is ,was, and will always be a swine Any women voting for him must be without a brain

Well since he's had some great looking wives I think you are full of shit.

Not much other than mail order brides. Anyone who inherited half billion from Daddy can score with hot babes.

I doubt any of them were mail order and you are right. Money draws but none of his ex's have a bad thing to say about him.
He was a prick with all of them They talk it'll cost them

Being a butthole is expensive! ;)

The New York Times reported in 1991 that Ivana's divorce settlement included $14 million, a 45-room Connecticut mansion, an apartment in the Trump Plaza, and the use of Mar-a-Lago for one month a year. The divorce was finalized in 1992.

Being a billionaire he can afford to be a butthole. Can you??

1. It's obvious that he ain't no billionaire 2. I have no aspirations to be either a billionaire OR a butthole.

Well he's worth 2.5 billion. So he's a billionaire. You aren't and never will be.
Poor Left tard.... Cant or wont debate the facts I posted?

Hmmm....should I listen to the director of the CDC or the anonymous Trump supporter with no medical degrees and can't make his argument without calling me a "tard"? Such an eloquent response from someone who clearly knows what they're talking about.


Maybe try throwing in a few "commie" insults and a "cuck" or two. Oh, and don't forget to sprinkle in some "TDS". I think that will really drive your point home.

Such difficult decisions...
How about you apply commonsense to your thought process...

Explain to me how a virus that is 0.1 microns in size is stopped by a filter that only filters down to 1.5 microns... I'll wait...

And how is that screen door on your submarine working out?
Before we get into the physics of it all can I ask a simpler question.... How do you think doctors and nurses that are treating COVID positive patients every day are not all sick by now? We know this is a highly contagious virus... how do you explain that?
Its simple... Proper mask dawning and removal.. Proper eye shields.. Positive pressure face masks, and having the appropriate mask filtration.

They also wear gloves and change them frequently all while washing their hands before and after removing or dawning a mask.

Its process and the negative pressure environments that hospitals use to protect staff.
Ok so the gear works. Why are you then making a case against the effectiveness of masks?
Because medical grade protective gear is 150 times tighter filtration than your average N-95 mask. Its 1,500 times greater than a standard medical mask, Its 150,000 time greater than a cloth mask... not to mention these are not sealed so unprotected and unfiltered air goes around them. If your counting on these to stop this virus your up in the damn night.

Then to top it all off, no one has been trained in the proper procedures of using a mask... Use it once and then dispose of it, never touch your face, never touch the outside of the mask, never take it off and lay it down and then put it back on... I could go on and on but its like watching a train wreck in slow motion..

Without a proper seal, without proper levels of filtration, and without proper training, this places your hands to your facial region near mucosal membrans where the virus enters the body. If you have handeled you mask from the front and you rub your nose or eyes, guess what, your infected... This is a feel good placebo in my opinion and that of many in the biological warfare realm... This is WORSE than not wearing a mask at all...
Ok, then allow me an analogy. COVID is the sun and we are trying to avoid getting burned. Docs are wearing shirts, common masks are like wearing sunblock, which will work to a degree but not as well as a shirt. The sunblock can be effective if used correctly but if you don’t combine the sunblock with taking time in the shade then you are likely going to get burned. If you don’t wear any sunblock then you are very likely to get burned. Does that work?
Unfortunately, the President of the United States and the First Lady have tested positive for COVID-19.

President Trump, first lady test positive for coronavirus, set to quarantine at White House

Given the cavalier manner in which the present Administration and its leadership has perceived and articulated this godawful pandemic over most of the past year...

Does this development have any serious chance of altering the depth and substance of the Federal response and the Federal handling of this national emergency?

What exactly do you want to see them do right now?
Resign ! Any public official who has treated this pandemic the way Trump has , needs to resign.

HA! your posting is a joke man....
Trump is a joke.
I wonder who infected Hope Hicks?
Probably not the first time Trump caught something from a woman.

Howard Stern: "I even went as far to say that you're braver than any Vietnam vet because you're out there screwing a lot of women."

"Getting the Congressional Medal of Honor, in actuality," said Trump.

Later in the interview Trump and Stern again compared avoiding STDs to Vietnam.

"I'm having a good time, but Howard, you know the one negative: It's very, very dangerous out there," said Trump.

"Yes it is, it's your Vietnam," added Stern.

"It's Vietnam," added Trump. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful."
Trump is ,was, and will always be a swine Any women voting for him must be without a brain

Well since he's had some great looking wives I think you are full of shit.

Not much other than mail order brides. Anyone who inherited half billion from Daddy can score with hot babes.

I doubt any of them were mail order and you are right. Money draws but none of his ex's have a bad thing to say about him.
He was a prick with all of them They talk it'll cost them

Being a butthole is expensive! ;)

The New York Times reported in 1991 that Ivana's divorce settlement included $14 million, a 45-room Connecticut mansion, an apartment in the Trump Plaza, and the use of Mar-a-Lago for one month a year. The divorce was finalized in 1992.

Being a billionaire he can afford to be a butthole. Can you??

1. It's obvious that he ain't no billionaire 2. I have no aspirations to be either a billionaire OR a butthole.

Well he's worth 2.5 billion. So he's a billionaire. You aren't and never will be.
Trump is no more a billionaire then a guy who owns a $250k house but owes $200 k on it, is worth the full price of the house.
Poor Left tard.... Cant or wont debate the facts I posted?

Hmmm....should I listen to the director of the CDC or the anonymous Trump supporter with no medical degrees and can't make his argument without calling me a "tard"? Such an eloquent response from someone who clearly knows what they're talking about.


Maybe try throwing in a few "commie" insults and a "cuck" or two. Oh, and don't forget to sprinkle in some "TDS". I think that will really drive your point home.

Such difficult decisions...
How about you apply commonsense to your thought process...

Explain to me how a virus that is 0.1 microns in size is stopped by a filter that only filters down to 1.5 microns... I'll wait...

And how is that screen door on your submarine working out?
Before we get into the physics of it all can I ask a simpler question.... How do you think doctors and nurses that are treating COVID positive patients every day are not all sick by now? We know this is a highly contagious virus... how do you explain that?
Its simple... Proper mask dawning and removal.. Proper eye shields.. Positive pressure face masks, and having the appropriate mask filtration.

They also wear gloves and change them frequently all while washing their hands before and after removing or dawning a mask.

Its process and the negative pressure environments that hospitals use to protect staff.
Ok so the gear works. Why are you then making a case against the effectiveness of masks?
Because medical grade protective gear is 150 times tighter filtration than your average N-95 mask. Its 1,500 times greater than a standard medical mask, Its 150,000 time greater than a cloth mask... not to mention these are not sealed so unprotected and unfiltered air goes around them. If your counting on these to stop this virus your up in the damn night.

Then to top it all off, no one has been trained in the proper procedures of using a mask... Use it once and then dispose of it, never touch your face, never touch the outside of the mask, never take it off and lay it down and then put it back on... I could go on and on but its like watching a train wreck in slow motion..

Without a proper seal, without proper levels of filtration, and without proper training, this places your hands to your facial region near mucosal membrans where the virus enters the body. If you have handeled you mask from the front and you rub your nose or eyes, guess what, your infected... This is a feel good placebo in my opinion and that of many in the biological warfare realm... This is WORSE than not wearing a mask at all...
Ok, then allow me an analogy. COVID is the sun and we are trying to avoid getting burned. Docs are wearing shirts, common masks are like wearing sunblock, which will work to a degree but not as well as a shirt. The sunblock can be effective if used correctly but if you don’t combine the sunblock with taking time in the shade then you are likely going to get burned. If you don’t wear any sunblock then you are very likely to get burned. Does that work?
Your analogy fails...

Here is why. If your wearing a shirt that has mesh screen the size of 2'x 2' it will not block your sun... This is what your trying to stop something the size of pencil dot with. Your going to get a real bad burn.
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
Yeah, really doesn’t matter who you are supporting, the idea that you know the facts and anyone who disagrees with you is lost, is some of the most ignorant nonsense our society is dealing with right now. While I wouldn’t vote for President Trump to be my village dog catcher, I know plenty of caring, thoughtful people who see him as needed to stem the tide of over reaching government. When I talk to these folks and try to change their minds, I don’t start by calling “fucking idiots”, I reserve that distinction for folks who display their idiocy in what they have to say.
Are you suggesting there's not a right thing to do, and that people aren't personally responsible if they cannot understand what a fact is?
No I am not, I am suggesting that you alone are not the arbiter of what is or is not factual and what conclusions can be drawn.
That's trivial - nobody is the arbiter of what a fact is besides reality. Just because someone recognizes what the facts are, doesnt mean theyre the ones deciding its a fact...glad I could clear up that distinction, though...because it seems to me that in the interest of some magical fairness you're suggesting that everyone is entitled to their own facts.
No, what I am saying, is that raw data is factual, but what we all do is use our reason to extrapolate truth out of those facts. I am not defending those who willfully stick their heads in the sand and deny reality. I am simply suggesting that reasonable people can have reasonable disagreements about what the facts “mean”. This is not me saying, Alternative Facts are anything but lies, but I am suggesting like an statistician will tell you, numbers can be manipulated to derive meaning almost any meaning, yet they are factual.
What you are saying is completely trivial. If you think the only way to conclude that Trump is and has been bad for the Country is by arbitrary opinion, and the facts cannot support that - then it's not by some colloquial interpretation of the facts to say that you are wrong, and perhaps stupid. Universal you, in the hypothetical...not you you. You knew that.

Which you?

The letter. The letter u.

Or two of them, or the letter that says two of them. Double you. Or W.
Great, insults.
All I am saying is that a reasonable person can completely disagree with you while looking at the same data. Maybe they believe that immigration and people of color are destroying our culture. I disagree with them, but the second you say they have no right to express that opinion at all, you are betraying democratic norms. There is a reason the ACLU fought for the rights of Nazis to hold a march. Freedom belongs to everyone or no one. By the way, all I have advocated for is not dismissing people before you hear why they think what they think. I fear that you do not see how your unwillingness to accept the ability of others to disagree With you, without being wrong, exists whether you wish to accept it or not. And you are exposing the most legitimate criticism of the modern left, you are intolerant of any type of digression from the doctrines of critical theory.
If your curious where that leads check out China under Mao and that is not hyperbol.
Everyone doesn't get their own set of facts, and it doesn't matter how emotional or unfair that makes you feel, or anyone else either.

Also, it's really fucking weird you're accusing me of wanting anyone to have no right to express their opinion. What the fuck? Nobody said that. <-- see, that's a fact, and you don't get to interpret it any other way except to say, 'oh, haha, yeah I guess you're not saying that anyone isn't entitled to their opinions...I'm just saying that you GT are NOT entitled to YOURS, that they're stupid.'
Wow, you didn’t read what I wrote or I failed to make it clear enough. I get you.
I read it just fine - you implied that someone is trying to take someone's rights.. (you: I disagree with them, but the second you say they have no right to express that opinion at all, you are betraying democratic norms.)... away, by calling them stupid....and then went on a diatribe about why taking their rights away is bad.

Since I did none of that and didnt even imply anyone should have their rights taken away, it was just dumb of you to say all of that. You are saying trivial shit over and over again because of your antipathy for calling a spade a spade, a dumb opinion, a lack of a grasp of the facts...stupid. Reality can suck sometimes, and some people are pretty fucking stupid. Hence: Trump.
I wonder who infected Hope Hicks?
Probably not the first time Trump caught something from a woman.

Howard Stern: "I even went as far to say that you're braver than any Vietnam vet because you're out there screwing a lot of women."

"Getting the Congressional Medal of Honor, in actuality," said Trump.

Later in the interview Trump and Stern again compared avoiding STDs to Vietnam.

"I'm having a good time, but Howard, you know the one negative: It's very, very dangerous out there," said Trump.

"Yes it is, it's your Vietnam," added Stern.

"It's Vietnam," added Trump. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful."
Trump is ,was, and will always be a swine Any women voting for him must be without a brain

Well since he's had some great looking wives I think you are full of shit.

Not much other than mail order brides. Anyone who inherited half billion from Daddy can score with hot babes.

I doubt any of them were mail order and you are right. Money draws but none of his ex's have a bad thing to say about him.
He was a prick with all of them They talk it'll cost them

Being a butthole is expensive! ;)

The New York Times reported in 1991 that Ivana's divorce settlement included $14 million, a 45-room Connecticut mansion, an apartment in the Trump Plaza, and the use of Mar-a-Lago for one month a year. The divorce was finalized in 1992.

Being a billionaire he can afford to be a butthole. Can you??

1. It's obvious that he ain't no billionaire 2. I have no aspirations to be either a billionaire OR a butthole.

Well he's worth 2.5 billion. So he's a billionaire. You aren't and never will be.
Trump is no more a billionaire then a guy who owns a $250k house but owes $200 k on it, is worth the full price of the house.

If you want to believe that then be my guest. He is a billionaire. Do some research dumbass. I did that's how I know.

When he was elected he was worth 3 billion. Now he's worth 2.5.
I wonder who infected Hope Hicks?
Probably not the first time Trump caught something from a woman.

Howard Stern: "I even went as far to say that you're braver than any Vietnam vet because you're out there screwing a lot of women."

"Getting the Congressional Medal of Honor, in actuality," said Trump.

Later in the interview Trump and Stern again compared avoiding STDs to Vietnam.

"I'm having a good time, but Howard, you know the one negative: It's very, very dangerous out there," said Trump.

"Yes it is, it's your Vietnam," added Stern.

"It's Vietnam," added Trump. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful."
Trump is ,was, and will always be a swine Any women voting for him must be without a brain

Well since he's had some great looking wives I think you are full of shit.

Not much other than mail order brides. Anyone who inherited half billion from Daddy can score with hot babes.

I doubt any of them were mail order and you are right. Money draws but none of his ex's have a bad thing to say about him.
He was a prick with all of them They talk it'll cost them

Being a butthole is expensive! ;)

The New York Times reported in 1991 that Ivana's divorce settlement included $14 million, a 45-room Connecticut mansion, an apartment in the Trump Plaza, and the use of Mar-a-Lago for one month a year. The divorce was finalized in 1992.

Being a billionaire he can afford to be a butthole. Can you??

1. It's obvious that he ain't no billionaire 2. I have no aspirations to be either a billionaire OR a butthole.

Well he's worth 2.5 billion. So he's a billionaire. You aren't and never will be.
Trump is no more a billionaire then a guy who owns a $250k house but owes $200 k on it, is worth the full price of the house.

Yep, the NYT's blockbuster tax revelations indicate that Donald owes 400 million that will come due in next couple of years. Russia and Saudi Arabia are most likely lenders as no bank in the US would give him a loan.

I think Mark Cuban probably had it about right when he guessed Don the Con to be worth about 350 million after debt.
Were they wearing defective masks by any chance?
Will Pence be sworn in?
He should be...Amendment XXV should come into play given Trump is incapacitated and quarantined. But he just claimed, via his entourage, he will be working from the WH residence. Who the fuck really knows what that Idiot will do though!
Nope... He is not incapacitated...

XXV does not apply..

And how do YOU know he's not?
Because Captain Clorox sez so?
He wouldn't LIE about something like this, oh no, he NEVER lies.
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
Yeah, really doesn’t matter who you are supporting, the idea that you know the facts and anyone who disagrees with you is lost, is some of the most ignorant nonsense our society is dealing with right now. While I wouldn’t vote for President Trump to be my village dog catcher, I know plenty of caring, thoughtful people who see him as needed to stem the tide of over reaching government. When I talk to these folks and try to change their minds, I don’t start by calling “fucking idiots”, I reserve that distinction for folks who display their idiocy in what they have to say.
Are you suggesting there's not a right thing to do, and that people aren't personally responsible if they cannot understand what a fact is?
No I am not, I am suggesting that you alone are not the arbiter of what is or is not factual and what conclusions can be drawn.
That's trivial - nobody is the arbiter of what a fact is besides reality. Just because someone recognizes what the facts are, doesnt mean theyre the ones deciding its a fact...glad I could clear up that distinction, though...because it seems to me that in the interest of some magical fairness you're suggesting that everyone is entitled to their own facts.
No, what I am saying, is that raw data is factual, but what we all do is use our reason to extrapolate truth out of those facts. I am not defending those who willfully stick their heads in the sand and deny reality. I am simply suggesting that reasonable people can have reasonable disagreements about what the facts “mean”. This is not me saying, Alternative Facts are anything but lies, but I am suggesting like an statistician will tell you, numbers can be manipulated to derive meaning almost any meaning, yet they are factual.
What you are saying is completely trivial. If you think the only way to conclude that Trump is and has been bad for the Country is by arbitrary opinion, and the facts cannot support that - then it's not by some colloquial interpretation of the facts to say that you are wrong, and perhaps stupid. Universal you, in the hypothetical...not you you. You knew that.

Which you?

The letter. The letter u.

Or two of them, or the letter that says two of them. Double you. Or W.
Great, insults.
All I am saying is that a reasonable person can completely disagree with you while looking at the same data. Maybe they believe that immigration and people of color are destroying our culture. I disagree with them, but the second you say they have no right to express that opinion at all, you are betraying democratic norms. There is a reason the ACLU fought for the rights of Nazis to hold a march. Freedom belongs to everyone or no one. By the way, all I have advocated for is not dismissing people before you hear why they think what they think. I fear that you do not see how your unwillingness to accept the ability of others to disagree With you, without being wrong, exists whether you wish to accept it or not. And you are exposing the most legitimate criticism of the modern left, you are intolerant of any type of digression from the doctrines of critical theory.
If your curious where that leads check out China under Mao and that is not hyperbol.
Everyone doesn't get their own set of facts, and it doesn't matter how emotional or unfair that makes you feel, or anyone else either.

Also, it's really fucking weird you're accusing me of wanting anyone to have no right to express their opinion. What the fuck? Nobody said that. <-- see, that's a fact, and you don't get to interpret it any other way except to say, 'oh, haha, yeah I guess you're not saying that anyone isn't entitled to their opinions...I'm just saying that you GT are NOT entitled to YOURS, that they're stupid.'
Wow, you didn’t read what I wrote or I failed to make it clear enough. I get you.
I read it just fine - you implied that someone is trying to take someone's rights.. (you: I disagree with them, but the second you say they have no right to express that opinion at all, you are betraying democratic norms.)... away, by calling them stupid....and then went on a diatribe about why taking their rights away is bad.

Since I did none of that and didnt even imply anyone should have their rights taken away, it was just dumb of you to say all of that. You are saying trivial shit over and over again because of your antipathy for calling a spade a spade, a dumb opinion, a lack of a grasp of the facts...stupid. Reality can suck sometimes, and some people are pretty fucking stupid. Hence: Trump.
When you say, I know the facts so I am the authority for truth, you are attempting to curtail someone else’s speech. Why is this idea so hard for you to understand? Democratic norms dictate that reasonable people can have reasonable discussions. When you present the idea that the only explanation for someone to support Trump is that they are stupid, you not only dismiss the foundation of open discussion but you also make it hard for them to care about anything else you have to say. What I mean by that is, if you want others to respect what you have to say, start by respecting their right to have an opinion you think is wrong.
How in the world you continue to take issue with that is difficult for me to understand.
I wonder who infected Hope Hicks?
Probably not the first time Trump caught something from a woman.

Howard Stern: "I even went as far to say that you're braver than any Vietnam vet because you're out there screwing a lot of women."

"Getting the Congressional Medal of Honor, in actuality," said Trump.

Later in the interview Trump and Stern again compared avoiding STDs to Vietnam.

"I'm having a good time, but Howard, you know the one negative: It's very, very dangerous out there," said Trump.

"Yes it is, it's your Vietnam," added Stern.

"It's Vietnam," added Trump. "It is very dangerous. So I'm very, very careful."
Trump is ,was, and will always be a swine Any women voting for him must be without a brain

Well since he's had some great looking wives I think you are full of shit.

Not much other than mail order brides. Anyone who inherited half billion from Daddy can score with hot babes.

I doubt any of them were mail order and you are right. Money draws but none of his ex's have a bad thing to say about him.
He was a prick with all of them They talk it'll cost them

Being a butthole is expensive! ;)

The New York Times reported in 1991 that Ivana's divorce settlement included $14 million, a 45-room Connecticut mansion, an apartment in the Trump Plaza, and the use of Mar-a-Lago for one month a year. The divorce was finalized in 1992.

Being a billionaire he can afford to be a butthole. Can you??

1. It's obvious that he ain't no billionaire 2. I have no aspirations to be either a billionaire OR a butthole.

Well he's worth 2.5 billion. So he's a billionaire. You aren't and never will be.
Trump is no more a billionaire then a guy who owns a $250k house but owes $200 k on it, is worth the full price of the house.

Yep, the NYT's blockbuster tax revelations indicate that Donald owes 400 million that will come due in next couple of years. Russia and Saudi Arabia are most likely lenders as no bank in the US would give him a loan.

I think Mark Cuban probably had it about right when he guessed Don the Con to be worth about 350 million after debt.

I think it's Deutsche Bank, they've been busted many times for allowing their customers to launder money.
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
Yeah, really doesn’t matter who you are supporting, the idea that you know the facts and anyone who disagrees with you is lost, is some of the most ignorant nonsense our society is dealing with right now. While I wouldn’t vote for President Trump to be my village dog catcher, I know plenty of caring, thoughtful people who see him as needed to stem the tide of over reaching government. When I talk to these folks and try to change their minds, I don’t start by calling “fucking idiots”, I reserve that distinction for folks who display their idiocy in what they have to say.
Are you suggesting there's not a right thing to do, and that people aren't personally responsible if they cannot understand what a fact is?
No I am not, I am suggesting that you alone are not the arbiter of what is or is not factual and what conclusions can be drawn.
That's trivial - nobody is the arbiter of what a fact is besides reality. Just because someone recognizes what the facts are, doesnt mean theyre the ones deciding its a fact...glad I could clear up that distinction, though...because it seems to me that in the interest of some magical fairness you're suggesting that everyone is entitled to their own facts.
No, what I am saying, is that raw data is factual, but what we all do is use our reason to extrapolate truth out of those facts. I am not defending those who willfully stick their heads in the sand and deny reality. I am simply suggesting that reasonable people can have reasonable disagreements about what the facts “mean”. This is not me saying, Alternative Facts are anything but lies, but I am suggesting like an statistician will tell you, numbers can be manipulated to derive meaning almost any meaning, yet they are factual.
What you are saying is completely trivial. If you think the only way to conclude that Trump is and has been bad for the Country is by arbitrary opinion, and the facts cannot support that - then it's not by some colloquial interpretation of the facts to say that you are wrong, and perhaps stupid. Universal you, in the hypothetical...not you you. You knew that.

Which you?

The letter. The letter u.

Or two of them, or the letter that says two of them. Double you. Or W.
Great, insults.
All I am saying is that a reasonable person can completely disagree with you while looking at the same data. Maybe they believe that immigration and people of color are destroying our culture. I disagree with them, but the second you say they have no right to express that opinion at all, you are betraying democratic norms. There is a reason the ACLU fought for the rights of Nazis to hold a march. Freedom belongs to everyone or no one. By the way, all I have advocated for is not dismissing people before you hear why they think what they think. I fear that you do not see how your unwillingness to accept the ability of others to disagree With you, without being wrong, exists whether you wish to accept it or not. And you are exposing the most legitimate criticism of the modern left, you are intolerant of any type of digression from the doctrines of critical theory.
If your curious where that leads check out China under Mao and that is not hyperbol.

We're not against immigration, we're against ILLEGAL immigration. And we aren't against "people of color" coming here, we only want whites to come here LEGALLY too. Fuck the shit out of you.

To say you're open to hearing things you disagree with then you denigrate and demagogue people who disagree with you and intentionally misrepresent our views as racist and xenophobic really is no better than anything any other anti-free speech leftist does
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