Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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This new virus only attacks the nasal passages, that causes you to sneeze as if you have an allergy. It only gives you a headache. A lot of employees at work has caught it. it only last three to five days.
All you need to do to get rid of it. You need to get plenty rest and take aspirins and go on a strict non GMO or organic diet. And take vitamin C, zinc and D3. And drink plenty of 100% organic juices without any sugar.

This new virus only attacks the nasal passages, that causes you to sneeze as if you have an allergy. It only gives you a headache. A lot of employees at work has caught it. it only last three to five days.
All you need to do to get rid of it. You need to get plenty rest and take aspirins and go on a strict non GMO or organic diet. And take vitamin C, zinc and D3. And drink plenty of 100% organic juices without any sugar.

That is all wrong and stupid, and you should shut up immediately.

Trump used to say that too. Now he has it.
Your mask cannot stop it... This virus is <0.1 microns in size and N-95 masks are 1.5 microns filtration. The major mode of transmission is hand touches surface, hand touches face, eyes, nose, or mouth. Airborne is about 7th on the list of ways to contract this.
Let say you are right. Nurses and doctors heavily used N95......... then we should be seing hundreds or thousands of doctors and nurses that perished with CV-19. Am I wrong?
Stop spreading this misinformation it’s not good to your fellow Americans. Who should we listen to? The scientists, FDA,CDC, NIH, doctors, hospitals? Or you?
Convenient timing after that side show they called a debate the other night. Guess they really really really didn't want to debate again. Ha. I'm sure Biden is just as pleased.

Is it time yet, warrior?

No, looks like both sides of the duopoly are retreating from the electorate. They'll both be holed up for the rest of the cycle, most likely.

Ah well. There's at least three other options if Trump and Biden wanna hide from the electorate.

Trump hides from nothing. Trump stares down solar eclipses.

The Worst People in the World (All Have Blue Checkmarks)


California congressional candidate Steve Cox.

Steve Cox Wants Trump to Die
My prayers go up for the President and First Lady, that they have a healthy recovery.

President Donald Trump tweeted on his official social media account that he and the first lady had tested positive for coronavirus on Thursday evening.
"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19," the president tweeted.

Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab
Donald J. Trump

Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!
This a hoax created by the democrats. They are old Americans that has underlying illness like kidney, diabetes, heart problems they will die anyway. So what is the big deal? Mask is not good because a waitress told him. Coronavirus no big deal don’t worry about it. I will have my rallies.
You are unwise to downplay this. Joe Biden is 78 and he has not been infected yet. That's because he has followed the directions of the experts. trump is not superman, he could die from this. I hope he doesn't but time is up for magical thinking.
I pray for his and Melania's recovery.
I want Trump and Melania to survive so he can face the damages and disastrous he has done to this country.
Convenient timing after that side show they called a debate the other night. Guess they really really really didn't want to debate again. Ha. I'm sure Biden is just as pleased.

Is it time yet, warrior?

No, looks like both sides of the duopoly are retreating from the electorate. They'll both be holed up for the rest of the cycle, most likely.

Ah well. There's at least three other options if Trump and Biden wanna hide from the electorate.

Trump hides from nothing. Trump stares down solar eclipses.

The Worst People in the World (All Have Blue Checkmarks)

View attachment 396216

California congressional candidate Steve Cox.

Steve Cox Wants Trump to Die
I don’t have a Twitter account but my cousin told me that Twitter is lit up with anti Trump like you posted. Remember Trump attack sick people with no mercy and cruel, Created so many enemies.
You are unwise to downplay this. Joe Biden is 78 and he has not been infected yet. That's because he has followed the directions of the experts. trump is not superman, he could die from this. I hope he doesn't but time is up for magical thinking.
I pray for his and Melania's recovery.
I want Trump and Melania to survive so he can face the damages and disastrous he has done to this country.
Yep. Also, i would like to see him suffer severely, then recover. Maybe he will learn empathy and some caring for other people. He might be president for 4 more years, after all.
This a problem. You are bitchin of people trashing Trump at the same time you are posting a fake news about Pelosi. I saw Pelosi made comments about Trump. YOU ARE LYING. Here’s the exact link.

Pelosi reacts to Trump's coronavirus diagnosis - CNN Video

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she is praying for President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump after the president announced they both tested positive for coronavirus.
I can see this playing itself out in several ways. Just as many good as bad.

It's a wash.

For everyone except for those in the futures game, that is.
Trump will most likely recover as he is a very healthy person, and I think Melania will as well.

If Democrats attack Trump over this unfortunate event, and I am betting that they will, they cant help doing stuff like that, it is going to blow up in their faces like everything else.

To Democrats EVERYTHING is about politics; they have no soul.

But if Trump dies, that puts Pence in as the candidate, and if he promises to continue with Trumps policies, this will definitely be a landslide win.
Look who is talking? I blasted you several times for posting fake news even coming from a foreign country against Biden.

Spreading misinformation. What are you talking about Dude? How many of you wish and posted Biden is old he will not survive first term? You don’t have the luxury of trashing other people and don’t expect retaliation. I’ve know you for many years you should know better than posting fake media just to proved you are fake person.
To all of the "neither candidate is good and you are all being duped by the deep state" crowd,

The problem with your POV is that facts exist. Look to the facts and the path reveals itself.
My "neither" Vote is a punishment to the Democrats. Not those in Office, the ones at home who were so block-headed as to choose the Candidate with the least favorable optics two times straight thus allowing the most dangerous President we might have ever had. They deserve what they get. Instead of an active, coherent & future-looking Candidate that can actually articulate all of the vile shit he's done and elucidating a decent path for the future, they chose a belt-way candidate who has them all hoping that he can speak coherently at a debate.

Were I you, I'd choose the beltway candidate who stutters, misspeaks on occasion and is too damn old over the most dangerous president we've ever had. ;)
Dangerous to the Commie-Americans, so I'm good with that
I can see this playing itself out in several ways. Just as many good as bad.

It's a wash.

For everyone except for those in the futures game, that is.
Trump will most likely recover as he is a very healthy person

I hear his brother was healthy at 71 too. But then something happened, maybe something like a flu.
They never reveal his exact caused of death of his brother. I could be wrong but I never saw the caused of death.
This new virus only attacks the nasal passages, that causes you to sneeze as if you have an allergy. It only gives you a headache. A lot of employees at work has caught it. it only last three to five days.
All you need to do to get rid of it. You need to get plenty rest and take aspirins and go on a strict non GMO or organic diet. And take vitamin C, zinc and D3. And drink plenty of 100% organic juices without any sugar.

That is all wrong and stupid, and you should shut up immediately.


My prayers go up for the President and First Lady, that they have a healthy recovery.

President Donald Trump tweeted on his official social media account that he and the first lady had tested positive for coronavirus on Thursday evening.
"Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19," the president tweeted.

Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab
Donald J. Trump

Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!
You worked hard for this Mr. President. Hope you enjoy every minute of it.
Remember, it's just the flu, a democrat hoax

I wasn't expecting such a cold-hearted response like this from you. It's funny how boards like this make the evil in people's heart shine brighter than a thousand suns.

You cannot have both ways kid. Lots of lots of you trashed Hillary when she was sick. Especially from Trump. Here’s the link. NOW YOU FUCKING TELL ME..... WHO IS THE MOST DESPICABLE BASTARD CRUEL PERSON THAT CAN DO THAT? That’s Trump your god.

During a campaign rally in October 2016, candidate Donald Trump mocked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after she was diagnosed with pneumonia.

"Here's a woman, she's supposed to fight all of these different things, and she can't make it 15 feet to her car. Give me a break. Give me a break," Trump said, then pantomimed Clinton stumbling at a 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York City the previous month.
Convenient timing after that side show they called a debate the other night. Guess they really really really didn't want to debate again. Ha. I'm sure Biden is just as pleased.
Biden was in close proximity for 90 minuets.... He gets a test too...
God will see to it that biden gets it.
All Biden needs to do is touch the surface where the virus is and then touch his face by putting on or taking off his mask and he has got it... Shit happens... and there isn't anything anyone can do about it unless you live in a sterile bubble..

Yup. These lefty meatheads think you can control a virus.

You can't. No matter who runs the show, no matter what they have to say, no matter what they do a pandemic kills. It can't be controlled.

It will get into any country no matter the safeguards that country institutes. Its a killer and can't be controlled.
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.

It can't be eliminated entirely, until at 80 or 90% herd immunity, via vaccination. The small pox virus was killed, eliminated, is one example

because smallpox only infects humans and has no other reservoir or infection source. It also didn't mutate into differing forms like some other viruses do.

But we still can control virus spread, through our actions... we have always been able to ....

With AIDS, wear a rubber...

With the Spanish flu, wear masks, cancelled schools, churches and gatherings of people together...

With measles, quarantine kids at home...

Only the Spanish Flu is applicable, and even then they had to balance risk of infection with risk of economic disaster.

What you are looking for is zero risk of infection at the cost of destroying the economy.
I m not looking for zero risk.

Well that's what your side appears to be selling.
There is no need to "sell it" Marty, it's actually FACT BASED....

Those spreading the bull crud that masks don't work to slow down the spread of infection, are the ones trying to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, to everyone.

The ones who are saying masks work to slow the spread of infection, are the ones who told us before they don't work and can in fact be dangerous.

What is that sound? London bridge is falling down!

You suck at analogies. That or you don't have long term memory to remember what happened six months ago.

So why don't we wear masks for the flu if masks work on viruses?

Speechless dude - Simply Speechless :eusa_doh:
People should wear mask to prevent the spread of the flu. It would save tens of thousands of lives as would raising participation in flu vaccines from 45% to 65%. As to why people don't wear masks, lots of reasons. Coronavirus is much more infections and spreads more easily than the flu. It is about 5 to 10 times more deadly than the flu. Symptoms last a lot longer than the flu and there appears to be some long term effects on health. There is no known cure for the coronavirus. IMHO, the main reasons most people don't wear masks to prevent the flu is about 45% of them take the vaccine and feel protected and the inconvenience out weights the risk in the minds of most people.

Since coronavirus will be around for years, although not at epidemic levels, many people will continue to wear masks just as they will attempt to keep social distance, wash hands, use hand sanitizer. The result will be a more healthy America, with less infections, and lower healthcare costs.

Coronavirus will have changed America in many ways long after it has gone.
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I thought the virus didn’t affect anyone?!

Like the flu, old or unhealthy people are more affected, Einstein.
Lol actually it affects everyone who has it. I’m glad I could clear this up for you lol
You just evaded her cleared nothing up by your dodgeball
Evaded what facts? That it disproportionately affects old people the worse? Uh yeah no shit. My entire point was about Trump’s claim it affects “virtually no one”. Duh.
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