Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Having had two brain surgeries, and with dementia, joe biden is in far more danger.......
Biden isn't the one in a hospital fighting COVID-19 -- he's the one wishing Impeached Trump a speedy recovery from it.

He has been hidden from the public for months........who knows if he has had it or doofus.
Are you serious?
He's deranged.
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.

That is precisely how they wanted you to react. The bolded part is the conclusion they wanted people to arrive at. Problem - Reaction - Solution. It's amazing to me how easy it is for the PTSB to manipulate the masses.
What are you talking about? That not manipulation is simple fact. How is what I said inaccurate?

It's not about a virus, it never has been. It's about pushing numerous agendas. It's another elusive "invisible enemy" that serves as the perfect pretext for power grabs and bringing about a number of draconian globalist agendas. Since we've been lied to continually in the last couple decades about so many things, and since the US can legally propagandize its own citizens, I take EVERYTHING that comes from the government / controlled media with a big grain of salt.

This guy explains it well, but you have to watch the whole video because he doesn't get to the point right away (The video can't be embedded because it's on bitchute, so here's the link) : Hold On! Here We Go!
Maybe it’s not about a virus for you but it is for millions of other people. Last time I checked the world revolves around the sun... you’re just along for the ride
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Having had two brain surgeries, and with dementia, joe biden is in far more danger.......
Biden isn't the one in a hospital fighting COVID-19 -- he's the one wishing Impeached Trump a speedy recovery from it.

He has been hidden from the public for months........who knows if he has had it or doofus.

You possess exactly zero evidence Biden ever had it.

I possess a shit ton of evidence Impeached Trump has it.

This is why I placed 2a in permanent limbo. Life is too short for stupid conspiracy theories. ;)
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.

That is precisely how they wanted you to react. The bolded part is the conclusion they wanted people to arrive at. Problem - Reaction - Solution. It's amazing to me how easy it is for the PTSB to manipulate the masses.
What are you talking about? That not manipulation is simple fact. How is what I said inaccurate?

It's not about a virus, it never has been. It's about pushing numerous agendas. It's another elusive "invisible enemy" that serves as the perfect pretext for power grabs and bringing about a number of draconian globalist agendas. Since we've been lied to continually in the last couple decades about so many things, and since the US can legally propagandize its own citizens, I take EVERYTHING that comes from the government / controlled media with a big grain of salt.

This guy explains it well, but you have to watch the whole video because he doesn't get to the point right away (The video can't be embedded because it's on bitchute, so here's the link) : Hold On! Here We Go!
Maybe it’s not about a virus for you but it is for millions of other people. Last time I checked the world revolves around the sun... you’re just along for the ride

Actually, millions of people worldwide have woken up and understood what is actually going on and where this all heading. Americans? Not so much.
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.

That is precisely how they wanted you to react. The bolded part is the conclusion they wanted people to arrive at. Problem - Reaction - Solution. It's amazing to me how easy it is for the PTSB to manipulate the masses.
What are you talking about? That not manipulation is simple fact. How is what I said inaccurate?

It's not about a virus, it never has been. It's about pushing numerous agendas. It's another elusive "invisible enemy" that serves as the perfect pretext for power grabs and bringing about a number of draconian globalist agendas. Since we've been lied to continually in the last couple decades about so many things, and since the US can legally propagandize its own citizens, I take EVERYTHING that comes from the government / controlled media with a big grain of salt.

This guy explains it well, but you have to watch the whole video because he doesn't get to the point right away (The video can't be embedded because it's on bitchute, so here's the link) : Hold On! Here We Go!
Maybe it’s not about a virus for you but it is for millions of other people. Last time I checked the world revolves around the sun... you’re just along for the ride

Actually, millions of people worldwide have woken up and understood what is actually going on and where this all heading. Americans? Not so much.
Well I’m sure the world is grateful to have you out here speaking for them. Good luck messaging to the medical workers and victims of the disease. SMH
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.

That is precisely how they wanted you to react. The bolded part is the conclusion they wanted people to arrive at. Problem - Reaction - Solution. It's amazing to me how easy it is for the PTSB to manipulate the masses.
What are you talking about? That not manipulation is simple fact. How is what I said inaccurate?

It's not about a virus, it never has been. It's about pushing numerous agendas. It's another elusive "invisible enemy" that serves as the perfect pretext for power grabs and bringing about a number of draconian globalist agendas. Since we've been lied to continually in the last couple decades about so many things, and since the US can legally propagandize its own citizens, I take EVERYTHING that comes from the government / controlled media with a big grain of salt.

This guy explains it well, but you have to watch the whole video because he doesn't get to the point right away (The video can't be embedded because it's on bitchute, so here's the link) : Hold On! Here We Go!


Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.

That is precisely how they wanted you to react. The bolded part is the conclusion they wanted people to arrive at. Problem - Reaction - Solution. It's amazing to me how easy it is for the PTSB to manipulate the masses.
What are you talking about? That not manipulation is simple fact. How is what I said inaccurate?

It's not about a virus, it never has been. It's about pushing numerous agendas. It's another elusive "invisible enemy" that serves as the perfect pretext for power grabs and bringing about a number of draconian globalist agendas. Since we've been lied to continually in the last couple decades about so many things, and since the US can legally propagandize its own citizens, I take EVERYTHING that comes from the government / controlled media with a big grain of salt.

This guy explains it well, but you have to watch the whole video because he doesn't get to the point right away (The video can't be embedded because it's on bitchute, so here's the link) : Hold On! Here We Go!
Maybe it’s not about a virus for you but it is for millions of other people. Last time I checked the world revolves around the sun... you’re just along for the ride

Actually, millions of people worldwide have woken up and understood what is actually going on and where this all heading. Americans? Not so much.
Well I’m sure the world is grateful to have you out here speaking for them. Good luck messaging to the medical workers and victims of the disease. SMH

I was just stating a fact, there have been massive protests in many parts of the world, England, Germany, Spain, and numerous other places, because people with common sense are waking up and can see where this is all heading.

You on the other hand, are lapping up everything you've been spoon-fed by a corrupt government and controlled media that can legally propagandize you. And on top of that, you eagerly spread their message for them. That's the very definition of useful idiot.
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.

That is precisely how they wanted you to react. The bolded part is the conclusion they wanted people to arrive at. Problem - Reaction - Solution. It's amazing to me how easy it is for the PTSB to manipulate the masses.
What are you talking about? That not manipulation is simple fact. How is what I said inaccurate?

It's not about a virus, it never has been. It's about pushing numerous agendas. It's another elusive "invisible enemy" that serves as the perfect pretext for power grabs and bringing about a number of draconian globalist agendas. Since we've been lied to continually in the last couple decades about so many things, and since the US can legally propagandize its own citizens, I take EVERYTHING that comes from the government / controlled media with a big grain of salt.

This guy explains it well, but you have to watch the whole video because he doesn't get to the point right away (The video can't be embedded because it's on bitchute, so here's the link) : Hold On! Here We Go!



Nice try, but I'm not a Q person. I'm actually against Q, they are a big part of the problem, because it's about misdirection and giving Republicans false hope.

This guy explains it:

Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Everyone will eventually get this virus...........will be reclassified for happening time and time again from now on.

Most walk right through it...........because the T cells know how to fight it.......from past exposure to the other 6 types of Corona................why so many get it and don't know it.

T cells are degraded as we get it doesn't remember what day it is anymore..........forgets how to fight it off and why older people get it and they get the Flu and die......because our immune systems are weakened as we age.......

Tis a fact of life......whether you like it or not...........Covid shots will be like Flu shots in the future.......Labs guessing which strain MAY HIT US.........BEST GUESS because the Flue does CORONA.......which are still part of the common cold and Flu now.

Will you ASSHOLES stop this shit after the election.......You are BORING ME.
If you’re board then don’t join the thread. Seems pretty simple to me
I said your comments are boring me.........board is a different

We will all eventually get it...........most get it and don't know it........and here you are going with your daily TDS.......this will happen eventually...........all we have done is screwed the economy for the inevitable.............and an election..........BS
The retarded attitude that you’re spitting and that got Trump hospitalized is what’s dragged the economy down. The partisan fights, mocking masks, downplaying the virus. Had we gone after this thing in a unified way then we would be in a much better spot right now and could actually be opening up in a much safer environment. I’m sorry you don’t understand that.
BS.........I've shown the studies.......those INFECTED BY TDS you........well.........SORRY ......NO CURE FOR YOU.
How much training in science do you have?

People with no experience throw scientific studies around all the time as if they actually understand wha they’re talking about.
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Everyone will eventually get this virus...........will be reclassified for happening time and time again from now on.

Most walk right through it...........because the T cells know how to fight it.......from past exposure to the other 6 types of Corona................why so many get it and don't know it.

T cells are degraded as we get it doesn't remember what day it is anymore..........forgets how to fight it off and why older people get it and they get the Flu and die......because our immune systems are weakened as we age.......

Tis a fact of life......whether you like it or not...........Covid shots will be like Flu shots in the future.......Labs guessing which strain MAY HIT US.........BEST GUESS because the Flue does CORONA.......which are still part of the common cold and Flu now.

Will you ASSHOLES stop this shit after the election.......You are BORING ME.
If you’re board then don’t join the thread. Seems pretty simple to me
I said your comments are boring me.........board is a different

We will all eventually get it...........most get it and don't know it........and here you are going with your daily TDS.......this will happen eventually...........all we have done is screwed the economy for the inevitable.............and an election..........BS
The retarded attitude that you’re spitting and that got Trump hospitalized is what’s dragged the economy down. The partisan fights, mocking masks, downplaying the virus. Had we gone after this thing in a unified way then we would be in a much better spot right now and could actually be opening up in a much safer environment. I’m sorry you don’t understand that.
BS.........I've shown the studies.......those INFECTED BY TDS you........well.........SORRY ......NO CURE FOR YOU.
Studies?! What are you talking about? Studies show the virus is contagious for two weeks. They also show that you can’t catch it if you’re not exposed to it. So if everybody locked themselves in their homes for a couple weeks it would be gone. I know that’s not possible but a variation of that is how you reduce cases, slow the spread, give tome to develop the proper medicine to treat and prevent. Wake the fuck up, this is basic stuff I’m telling you.
Yawn.......I've been showing many studies since this began and more recently........surely you have seen me post them time and time again........

But your narrative is TDS and nothing more.

We will eventually get this.........and IT WILL RUN IT'S COURSE.........same for Trump.......and even eventually Biden.......can't hide in the basement forever bro...........and with it's gonna be just like the yearly Flu......and in already is like that..........this is the 7th strain of Corona........

But I guess you don't care about that or the T Cell studies that make your Narrative suck.

Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Everyone will eventually get this virus...........will be reclassified for happening time and time again from now on.

Most walk right through it...........because the T cells know how to fight it.......from past exposure to the other 6 types of Corona................why so many get it and don't know it.

T cells are degraded as we get it doesn't remember what day it is anymore..........forgets how to fight it off and why older people get it and they get the Flu and die......because our immune systems are weakened as we age.......

Tis a fact of life......whether you like it or not...........Covid shots will be like Flu shots in the future.......Labs guessing which strain MAY HIT US.........BEST GUESS because the Flue does CORONA.......which are still part of the common cold and Flu now.

Will you ASSHOLES stop this shit after the election.......You are BORING ME.
If you’re board then don’t join the thread. Seems pretty simple to me
I said your comments are boring me.........board is a different

We will all eventually get it...........most get it and don't know it........and here you are going with your daily TDS.......this will happen eventually...........all we have done is screwed the economy for the inevitable.............and an election..........BS
The retarded attitude that you’re spitting and that got Trump hospitalized is what’s dragged the economy down. The partisan fights, mocking masks, downplaying the virus. Had we gone after this thing in a unified way then we would be in a much better spot right now and could actually be opening up in a much safer environment. I’m sorry you don’t understand that.
BS.........I've shown the studies.......those INFECTED BY TDS you........well.........SORRY ......NO CURE FOR YOU.
How much training in science do you have?

People with no experience throw scientific studies around all the time as if they actually understand wha they’re talking about.
I post STUDIES from those who do have a problem with my data I suggest you take it to them.

You know.......the PROFESSIONALS who do these studies..........But OH WELL.

NICE SPIN............
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.

That is precisely how they wanted you to react. The bolded part is the conclusion they wanted people to arrive at. Problem - Reaction - Solution. It's amazing to me how easy it is for the PTSB to manipulate the masses.
What are you talking about? That not manipulation is simple fact. How is what I said inaccurate?

It's not about a virus, it never has been. It's about pushing numerous agendas. It's another elusive "invisible enemy" that serves as the perfect pretext for power grabs and bringing about a number of draconian globalist agendas. Since we've been lied to continually in the last couple decades about so many things, and since the US can legally propagandize its own citizens, I take EVERYTHING that comes from the government / controlled media with a big grain of salt.

This guy explains it well, but you have to watch the whole video because he doesn't get to the point right away (The video can't be embedded because it's on bitchute, so here's the link) : Hold On! Here We Go!
Maybe it’s not about a virus for you but it is for millions of other people. Last time I checked the world revolves around the sun... you’re just along for the ride

Actually, millions of people worldwide have woken up and understood what is actually going on and where this all heading. Americans? Not so much.
Well I’m sure the world is grateful to have you out here speaking for them. Good luck messaging to the medical workers and victims of the disease. SMH

I was just stating a fact, there have been massive protests in many parts of the world, England, Germany, Spain, and numerous other places, because people with common sense are waking up and can see where this is all heading.

You on the other hand, are lapping up everything you've been spoon-fed by a corrupt government and controlled media that can legally propagandize you. And on top of that, you eagerly spread their message for them. That's the very definition of useful idiot.
What message am I spreading? That acting safely will keep you healthy? Ohh damn, the horror!!!!
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Everyone will eventually get this virus...........will be reclassified for happening time and time again from now on.

Most walk right through it...........because the T cells know how to fight it.......from past exposure to the other 6 types of Corona................why so many get it and don't know it.

T cells are degraded as we get it doesn't remember what day it is anymore..........forgets how to fight it off and why older people get it and they get the Flu and die......because our immune systems are weakened as we age.......

Tis a fact of life......whether you like it or not...........Covid shots will be like Flu shots in the future.......Labs guessing which strain MAY HIT US.........BEST GUESS because the Flue does CORONA.......which are still part of the common cold and Flu now.

Will you ASSHOLES stop this shit after the election.......You are BORING ME.
If you’re board then don’t join the thread. Seems pretty simple to me
I said your comments are boring me.........board is a different

We will all eventually get it...........most get it and don't know it........and here you are going with your daily TDS.......this will happen eventually...........all we have done is screwed the economy for the inevitable.............and an election..........BS
The retarded attitude that you’re spitting and that got Trump hospitalized is what’s dragged the economy down. The partisan fights, mocking masks, downplaying the virus. Had we gone after this thing in a unified way then we would be in a much better spot right now and could actually be opening up in a much safer environment. I’m sorry you don’t understand that.
BS.........I've shown the studies.......those INFECTED BY TDS you........well.........SORRY ......NO CURE FOR YOU.
Studies?! What are you talking about? Studies show the virus is contagious for two weeks. They also show that you can’t catch it if you’re not exposed to it. So if everybody locked themselves in their homes for a couple weeks it would be gone. I know that’s not possible but a variation of that is how you reduce cases, slow the spread, give tome to develop the proper medicine to treat and prevent. Wake the fuck up, this is basic stuff I’m telling you.
Yawn.......I've been showing many studies since this began and more recently........surely you have seen me post them time and time again........

But your narrative is TDS and nothing more.

We will eventually get this.........and IT WILL RUN IT'S COURSE.........same for Trump.......and even eventually Biden.......can't hide in the basement forever bro...........and with it's gonna be just like the yearly Flu......and in already is like that..........this is the 7th strain of Corona........

But I guess you don't care about that or the T Cell studies that make your Narrative suck.

How do those study’s contradict my “narrative”?
People with no experience throw scientific studies around all the time as if they actually understand wha they’re talking about.
Exactly WHAT IS DIFFICULT about the studies I JUST POSTED AGAIN.........hmmm..........Do you have a Reading comprehension problem..........hmmm

It states CLEARLY.....that in the Study.....40 to 60 % have some immunity or immunity with the virus.............because of past corona viruses......and the body's T Cells remember how to fight it.

Which is why under 50 the death rate is like .001%...........But that doesn't push the FEAR NARRATIVE your side has been pushing from the beginning............I posted the studies from the beginning of this.......and still do...........OH WELL.

Understanding adaptive immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is important for vaccine development, interpreting coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pathogenesis, and calibration of pandemic control measures. Using HLA class I and II predicted peptide “megapools,” circulating SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells were identified in ∼70% and 100% of COVID-19 convalescent patients, respectively. CD4+ T cell responses to spike, the main target of most vaccine efforts, were robust and correlated with the magnitude of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgA titers. The M, spike, and N proteins each accounted for 11%–27% of the total CD4+ response, with additional responses commonly targeting nsp3, nsp4, ORF3a, and ORF8, among others. For CD8+ T cells, spike and M were recognized, with at least eight SARS-CoV-2 ORFs targeted. Importantly, we detected SARS-CoV-2-reactive CD4+ T cells in ∼40%–60% of unexposed individuals, suggesting cross-reactive T cell recognition between circulating “common cold” coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2.
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Having had two brain surgeries, and with dementia, joe biden is in far more danger.......
Biden isn't the one in a hospital fighting COVID-19 -- he's the one wishing Impeached Trump a speedy recovery from it.

He has been hidden from the public for months........who knows if he has had it or doofus.

You possess exactly zero evidence Biden ever had it.

I possess a shit ton of evidence Impeached Trump has it.

This is why I placed 2a in permanent limbo. Life is too short for stupid conspiracy theories. ;)
Then you may have missed the idiocy he posted where before making the baseless claim that Biden could have had COVID-19, he said COVID-19 would be more life threatening for Biden to contract than for Impeached Trump to contract.

Meaning he's talking out of both sides of his mouth where Biden would probably not survive COVID-19 ... but that Biden could have had COVID-19.


Discussion Our study demonstrates the presence of S-reactive CD4+ 161 T cells in COVID-19 patients, and in 162 a subset of SARS-CoV-2 seronegative HD. In light of the very recent emergence of SARS163 CoV-2, our data raise the intriguing possibility that pre-existing S-reactive T cells in a subset 164 of SARS-CoV-2 seronegative HD represent cross-reactive clones raised against S-proteins, 165 probably acquired as a result of previous exposure to HCoV. Endemic HCoV account for about 166 20% of “common cold” upper respiratory tract infections in humans. HCoV infections are ubiquitous, but they display a winter seasonality in temperate regions32–34 167 . Based on 168 epidemiological data indicating an average of two episodes of “common cold” per year in the 169 adult population, it may be extrapolated that the average adult contracts a HCoV infection on 170 average every two to three years. Protective antibodies may wane in the interim but cellular immunity could remain15,35 171 . Although the overall amino acid sequence homology of spike 172 glycoproteins is relatively low among HCoV, there is an overlap of MHC-II epitopes located 173 especially in the C-terminal domain of the here used peptide pools (Figure 1a, Supplementary Figure 1). This may explain the preferential reactivity of CD4+ 174 T cells to the C-terminal domain 175 in one third of SARS-CoV-2 seronegative HD.

They are the ones WHO MAKE VACCINES................

And they are studying WHY younger people walk through it........and older don't.......and WHY some don't even know they had it..........or HAVE IT.......

The studies show so far that if you had another version of Corona......your body remembers how to fight it off via the T cells......and why so many don't ever know they had it.....

The last study shows, which was the first study actually........shows how people had the common cold.....corona and that helped the body fight this one.

We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.
Chloroquine is effective in preventing the spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. Favorable inhibition of virus spread was observed when the cells were either treated with chloroquine prior to or after SARS CoV infection. In addition, the indirect immunofluorescence assay described herein represents a simple and rapid method for screening SARS-CoV antiviral compounds.

The HCL nonsense from the left.....who hated the drug because Trump endorsed it........PRAISED FAUCI.............but Fauci has KNOWN about it since 2005 from the 2003 SARs.......outbreak from 2003........

Just political BS from the lame stream media in full attack mode against Trump........All it has ever been....

People with no experience throw scientific studies around all the time as if they actually understand wha they’re talking about.
Exactly WHAT IS DIFFICULT about the studies I JUST POSTED AGAIN.........hmmm..........Do you have a Reading comprehension problem..........hmmm

It states CLEARLY.....that in the Study.....40 to 60 % have some immunity or immunity with the virus.............because of past corona viruses......and the body's T Cells remember how to fight it.

Which is why under 50 the death rate is like .001%...........But that doesn't push the FEAR NARRATIVE your side has been pushing from the beginning............I posted the studies from the beginning of this.......and still do...........OH WELL.

Understanding adaptive immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is important for vaccine development, interpreting coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pathogenesis, and calibration of pandemic control measures. Using HLA class I and II predicted peptide “megapools,” circulating SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells were identified in ∼70% and 100% of COVID-19 convalescent patients, respectively. CD4+ T cell responses to spike, the main target of most vaccine efforts, were robust and correlated with the magnitude of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgA titers. The M, spike, and N proteins each accounted for 11%–27% of the total CD4+ response, with additional responses commonly targeting nsp3, nsp4, ORF3a, and ORF8, among others. For CD8+ T cells, spike and M were recognized, with at least eight SARS-CoV-2 ORFs targeted. Importantly, we detected SARS-CoV-2-reactive CD4+ T cells in ∼40%–60% of unexposed individuals, suggesting cross-reactive T cell recognition between circulating “common cold” coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2.
Because we don’t know if those cross reactive antibodies confer immunity or decrease susceptibility to COVID 19.

DNC stupidity

Airborne back in March

Fauci knew about it in 2005 ......HCL

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