Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden absolutely should take every precaution possible, as should everyone-- but of the two, Impeached Trump is the one who eschewed precautions and of the two, Impeached Trump is the one who got infected and can die from it.
Just reported on MSNBC. No link yet.
Are they celebrating at MSNBC?
I would say most of the world is,he is as big a threrat to the world as he is this country and they know it.
Explain the threat.
Well lets look at his portfolio of hate , He is a Bigot, he is cruel, he wants to be a dictator, he is the leader of the hate party, he threatens peoples lives, he is anti Democracy , it just gets in his way, He is driven by hatred, he preaches hatred. He is mentally ill, he is a criminal, he the biggest liar known to man, He is a chauvinistic ass, he is a Islamophobic , He is our Hitler, he has his brown shirts keeping the riots going. He cares about nobody but himself. He is a Pussy Grabber, he said it was Ok to call his daughter a piece of ass and he is a totally fake christian, and he wants to instill those values to the young in this country and he wants way more power and for a longer time then prescribed by our constitution, He shits on our flag and constitution, He may be the most hated man in the world. Do you want more. The day he walks out of the white house is when his life in court and jail starts and it will continue for the rest of his life.
That’s all emotional opinion.
Where’s the evidence? Facts.
Well here is my guarantee, what I listed are facts and much will be proven with his tax returns and the things the courts will find this ass hole guilty of, They are standing on the white house steps as we speak waiting for the pile of shit to leave office.. Hell 75% of my list you would have to be blind and brain dead to argue against.
No, you just whined.
List facts or you have no argument.

The NY State Attorney General is Donald's worst nightmare. And nothing Billy Barr can do about it. :)
BTW ARE YOU GONNA HONOR YOUR WORD IF TRUMP WINS....................HMMM.........or will you just post under another sock puppet.............hmmmm
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.

That is precisely how they wanted you to react. The bolded part is the conclusion they wanted people to arrive at. Problem - Reaction - Solution. It's amazing to me how easy it is for the PTSB to manipulate the masses.
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Having had two brain surgeries, and with dementia, joe biden is in far more danger.......
Biden isn't the one in a hospital fighting COVID-19 -- he's the one wishing Impeached Trump a speedy recovery from it.
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Having had two brain surgeries, and with dementia, joe biden is in far more danger.......
Biden isn't the one in a hospital fighting COVID-19 -- he's the one wishing Impeached Trump a speedy recovery from it.

He has been hidden from the public for months........who knows if he has had it or doofus.
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Everyone will eventually get this virus...........will be reclassified for happening time and time again from now on.

Most walk right through it...........because the T cells know how to fight it.......from past exposure to the other 6 types of Corona................why so many get it and don't know it.

T cells are degraded as we get it doesn't remember what day it is anymore..........forgets how to fight it off and why older people get it and they get the Flu and die......because our immune systems are weakened as we age.......

Tis a fact of life......whether you like it or not...........Covid shots will be like Flu shots in the future.......Labs guessing which strain MAY HIT US.........BEST GUESS because the Flue does CORONA.......which are still part of the common cold and Flu now.

Will you ASSHOLES stop this shit after the election.......You are BORING ME.
If you’re board then don’t join the thread. Seems pretty simple to me
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.

That is precisely how they wanted you to react. The bolded part is the conclusion they wanted people to arrive at. Problem - Reaction - Solution. It's amazing to me how easy it is for the PTSB to manipulate the masses.
What are you talking about? That not manipulation is simple fact. How is what I said inaccurate?
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Everyone will eventually get this virus...........will be reclassified for happening time and time again from now on.

Most walk right through it...........because the T cells know how to fight it.......from past exposure to the other 6 types of Corona................why so many get it and don't know it.

T cells are degraded as we get it doesn't remember what day it is anymore..........forgets how to fight it off and why older people get it and they get the Flu and die......because our immune systems are weakened as we age.......

Tis a fact of life......whether you like it or not...........Covid shots will be like Flu shots in the future.......Labs guessing which strain MAY HIT US.........BEST GUESS because the Flue does CORONA.......which are still part of the common cold and Flu now.

Will you ASSHOLES stop this shit after the election.......You are BORING ME.
If you’re board then don’t join the thread. Seems pretty simple to me
I said your comments are boring me.........board is a different

We will all eventually get it...........most get it and don't know it........and here you are going with your daily TDS.......this will happen eventually...........all we have done is screwed the economy for the inevitable.............and an election..........BS
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Having had two brain surgeries, and with dementia, joe biden is in far more danger.......
Biden isn't the one in a hospital fighting COVID-19 -- he's the one wishing Impeached Trump a speedy recovery from it.

He has been hidden from the public for months........who knows if he has had it or doofus.
Are you serious?
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Everyone will eventually get this virus...........will be reclassified for happening time and time again from now on.

Most walk right through it...........because the T cells know how to fight it.......from past exposure to the other 6 types of Corona................why so many get it and don't know it.

T cells are degraded as we get it doesn't remember what day it is anymore..........forgets how to fight it off and why older people get it and they get the Flu and die......because our immune systems are weakened as we age.......

Tis a fact of life......whether you like it or not...........Covid shots will be like Flu shots in the future.......Labs guessing which strain MAY HIT US.........BEST GUESS because the Flue does CORONA.......which are still part of the common cold and Flu now.

Will you ASSHOLES stop this shit after the election.......You are BORING ME.
If you’re board then don’t join the thread. Seems pretty simple to me
I said your comments are boring me.........board is a different

We will all eventually get it...........most get it and don't know it........and here you are going with your daily TDS.......this will happen eventually...........all we have done is screwed the economy for the inevitable.............and an election..........BS
The retarded attitude that you’re spitting and that got Trump hospitalized is what’s dragged the economy down. The partisan fights, mocking masks, downplaying the virus. Had we gone after this thing in a unified way then we would be in a much better spot right now and could actually be opening up in a much safer environment. I’m sorry you don’t understand that.
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Everyone will eventually get this virus...........will be reclassified for happening time and time again from now on.

Most walk right through it...........because the T cells know how to fight it.......from past exposure to the other 6 types of Corona................why so many get it and don't know it.

T cells are degraded as we get it doesn't remember what day it is anymore..........forgets how to fight it off and why older people get it and they get the Flu and die......because our immune systems are weakened as we age.......

Tis a fact of life......whether you like it or not...........Covid shots will be like Flu shots in the future.......Labs guessing which strain MAY HIT US.........BEST GUESS because the Flue does CORONA.......which are still part of the common cold and Flu now.

Will you ASSHOLES stop this shit after the election.......You are BORING ME.
If you’re board then don’t join the thread. Seems pretty simple to me
I said your comments are boring me.........board is a different

We will all eventually get it...........most get it and don't know it........and here you are going with your daily TDS.......this will happen eventually...........all we have done is screwed the economy for the inevitable.............and an election..........BS
The retarded attitude that you’re spitting and that got Trump hospitalized is what’s dragged the economy down. The partisan fights, mocking masks, downplaying the virus. Had we gone after this thing in a unified way then we would be in a much better spot right now and could actually be opening up in a much safer environment. I’m sorry you don’t understand that.
BS.........I've shown the studies.......those INFECTED BY TDS you........well.........SORRY ......NO CURE FOR YOU.
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.
Only in your dreams... This is a VIRUS, a micro organism that lives in the air and in water vapor.. Tell me how you think your going to stop it and control it... I'll wait..
Social distance
Social distancing is probably the oldest and most reliable method of stopping transmission of a disease. When a virus moves through the air it is considered to be airborne. It floats through the air and travels through ventilation systems and is picked up by air currents. Measles, Tuberculosis, and smallpox are examples of an airborne virus. The fact that they float through the air makes them extremely contagious.

Coronavirus is not airborne. It's primary method of transmission is within expelled droplets. It travels within both large and small droplets expelled from the airways of an infected person. Depending on the velocity of the droplets, they settle disperse and dry up at varying rates of time. In a room, talking and breathing at normal levels will limit most all droplets to 6 feet. Singing and yelling expels the droplets at a higher velocity and they can travel 12 feet or even further. One thing to keep in mind is that the droplets disperse as they travel, thus lowering the viral load (concentration level). We don't know how much of a viral load it takes to create an infection but we do know the higher the viral load, the more likely an infection will develop and the more serious it will be.

Apparently the White House relies on social distancing because mask wearing is not common. The problem is no one enforces social distancing and thus people are commonly seen within a foot or so with no masks. People sit next to one another without masks. I find it surprising that this is the first major outbreak.
Last edited:
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Everyone will eventually get this virus...........will be reclassified for happening time and time again from now on.

Most walk right through it...........because the T cells know how to fight it.......from past exposure to the other 6 types of Corona................why so many get it and don't know it.

T cells are degraded as we get it doesn't remember what day it is anymore..........forgets how to fight it off and why older people get it and they get the Flu and die......because our immune systems are weakened as we age.......

Tis a fact of life......whether you like it or not...........Covid shots will be like Flu shots in the future.......Labs guessing which strain MAY HIT US.........BEST GUESS because the Flue does CORONA.......which are still part of the common cold and Flu now.

Will you ASSHOLES stop this shit after the election.......You are BORING ME.
If you’re board then don’t join the thread. Seems pretty simple to me
I said your comments are boring me.........board is a different

We will all eventually get it...........most get it and don't know it........and here you are going with your daily TDS.......this will happen eventually...........all we have done is screwed the economy for the inevitable.............and an election..........BS
The retarded attitude that you’re spitting and that got Trump hospitalized is what’s dragged the economy down. The partisan fights, mocking masks, downplaying the virus. Had we gone after this thing in a unified way then we would be in a much better spot right now and could actually be opening up in a much safer environment. I’m sorry you don’t understand that.

He did.......he got the governors all of the resources they needed to flatten the curve, then you asshats changed the goal to no one dying of the virus........

Here....what the actual governors said about this before they murdered senior citizens by putting infected people in their nursing homes...

‘He Has Delivered for New York': Cuomo Praises Trump's Coronavirus Response
But on Monday, Cuomo took to an unlikely venue -- The Howard Stern Show -- to offer genuine praise for the president's response to the coronavirus in his home state.

"He has delivered for New York. He has," Cuomo said of Trump, in response to a question from Stern about whether the president has really done anything of consequence to help.

"By and large it has worked," Cuomo said of the relationship.

He cited, as he has before, the sending of the Navy ship USNS Comfort and the construction of a military field hospital at the Javits Center as examples of the president responding quickly to the state's needs.
He also, surprisingly, noted the president has even had a kind word for his brother Chris Cuomo - the CNN anchor who has himself been battling COVID-19.

New Jersey..

'Extremely responsive': New Jersey governor praises Trump for coronavirus assistance | News Break

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy gave the Trump administration a round of applause for helping his state combat the coronavirus. New Jersey has been one of the states hit hardest by the pandemic, with more than 120,000 confirmed cases and over 7,500 deaths. Murphy, a Democrat, joined Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday and praised President Trump and his team for helping the state.

California governor praises Trump's efforts to help state amid coronavirus crisis

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) offered praise for President Trump’s efforts to help the state amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Newsom, who has frequently clashed with the White House, credited Trump’s intervention in getting a Navy ship to California and expanding federal resources in the Golden State, which has grappled with a significant outbreak.

"We have the USNS Mercy in California because of [Trump's] direct intervention and support, 2,000 of these federal medical stations because of his direct support," Newsom said on CNN.
"So I can only speak for myself, but I have to be complementary. Otherwise, I would be simply lying to you, misleading you, and that is a wonderful thing to be able to say, and I hope that continues."
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Everyone will eventually get this virus...........will be reclassified for happening time and time again from now on.

Most walk right through it...........because the T cells know how to fight it.......from past exposure to the other 6 types of Corona................why so many get it and don't know it.

T cells are degraded as we get it doesn't remember what day it is anymore..........forgets how to fight it off and why older people get it and they get the Flu and die......because our immune systems are weakened as we age.......

Tis a fact of life......whether you like it or not...........Covid shots will be like Flu shots in the future.......Labs guessing which strain MAY HIT US.........BEST GUESS because the Flue does CORONA.......which are still part of the common cold and Flu now.

Will you ASSHOLES stop this shit after the election.......You are BORING ME.
If you’re board then don’t join the thread. Seems pretty simple to me
I said your comments are boring me.........board is a different

We will all eventually get it...........most get it and don't know it........and here you are going with your daily TDS.......this will happen eventually...........all we have done is screwed the economy for the inevitable.............and an election..........BS
The retarded attitude that you’re spitting and that got Trump hospitalized is what’s dragged the economy down. The partisan fights, mocking masks, downplaying the virus. Had we gone after this thing in a unified way then we would be in a much better spot right now and could actually be opening up in a much safer environment. I’m sorry you don’t understand that.
BS.........I've shown the studies.......those INFECTED BY TDS you........well.........SORRY ......NO CURE FOR YOU.
Studies?! What are you talking about? Studies show the virus is contagious for two weeks. They also show that you can’t catch it if you’re not exposed to it. So if everybody locked themselves in their homes for a couple weeks it would be gone. I know that’s not possible but a variation of that is how you reduce cases, slow the spread, give tome to develop the proper medicine to treat and prevent. Wake the fuck up, this is basic stuff I’m telling you.
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Everyone will eventually get this virus...........will be reclassified for happening time and time again from now on.

Most walk right through it...........because the T cells know how to fight it.......from past exposure to the other 6 types of Corona................why so many get it and don't know it.

T cells are degraded as we get it doesn't remember what day it is anymore..........forgets how to fight it off and why older people get it and they get the Flu and die......because our immune systems are weakened as we age.......

Tis a fact of life......whether you like it or not...........Covid shots will be like Flu shots in the future.......Labs guessing which strain MAY HIT US.........BEST GUESS because the Flue does CORONA.......which are still part of the common cold and Flu now.

Will you ASSHOLES stop this shit after the election.......You are BORING ME.
If you’re board then don’t join the thread. Seems pretty simple to me
I said your comments are boring me.........board is a different

We will all eventually get it...........most get it and don't know it........and here you are going with your daily TDS.......this will happen eventually...........all we have done is screwed the economy for the inevitable.............and an election..........BS
The retarded attitude that you’re spitting and that got Trump hospitalized is what’s dragged the economy down. The partisan fights, mocking masks, downplaying the virus. Had we gone after this thing in a unified way then we would be in a much better spot right now and could actually be opening up in a much safer environment. I’m sorry you don’t understand that.

The economy is recovering no matter how hard the democrat governors try to keep their states locked down until after the moron.
Of course it can be controlled and reduced in spread.
Only in your dreams... This is a VIRUS, a micro organism that lives in the air and in water vapor.. Tell me how you think your going to stop it and control it... I'll wait..
Social distance
Social distancing is probably the oldest and most reliable method of stopping transmission of a disease. When a virus moves through the air it is considered to be airborne. It floats through the air and travels through ventilation systems and is picked up by air currents. Measles, Tuberculosis, and smallpox are examples of an airborne virus. The fact that they float through the air makes them extremely contagious.

Coronavirus is not airborne. It travels within large and small droplets expelled from the airways of an infected person. Depending on the velocity of the droplets, they settle disperse and dry up at varying rates of time. In a room, talking and breathing at normal levels will limit most all droplets to 6 feet. Singing and yelling expels the droplets at a higher velocity and they can travel 12 feet or even further. One thing to keep in mind is that the droplets disperse as they travel, thus lowering the viral load (concentration level). We don't know how much of a viral load it takes to create an infection but we do know the higher the viral load, the more likely an infection will develop and the more serious it will be.
Good explanation and very common sense. So why is it so you think these Trumpsters aren’t understanding this basic process you laid out?
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Everyone will eventually get this virus...........will be reclassified for happening time and time again from now on.

Most walk right through it...........because the T cells know how to fight it.......from past exposure to the other 6 types of Corona................why so many get it and don't know it.

T cells are degraded as we get it doesn't remember what day it is anymore..........forgets how to fight it off and why older people get it and they get the Flu and die......because our immune systems are weakened as we age.......

Tis a fact of life......whether you like it or not...........Covid shots will be like Flu shots in the future.......Labs guessing which strain MAY HIT US.........BEST GUESS because the Flue does CORONA.......which are still part of the common cold and Flu now.

Will you ASSHOLES stop this shit after the election.......You are BORING ME.
If you’re board then don’t join the thread. Seems pretty simple to me
I said your comments are boring me.........board is a different

We will all eventually get it...........most get it and don't know it........and here you are going with your daily TDS.......this will happen eventually...........all we have done is screwed the economy for the inevitable.............and an election..........BS
The retarded attitude that you’re spitting and that got Trump hospitalized is what’s dragged the economy down. The partisan fights, mocking masks, downplaying the virus. Had we gone after this thing in a unified way then we would be in a much better spot right now and could actually be opening up in a much safer environment. I’m sorry you don’t understand that.

He did.......he got the governors all of the resources they needed to flatten the curve, then you asshats changed the goal to no one dying of the virus........

Here....what the actual governors said about this before they murdered senior citizens by putting infected people in their nursing homes...

‘He Has Delivered for New York': Cuomo Praises Trump's Coronavirus Response
But on Monday, Cuomo took to an unlikely venue -- The Howard Stern Show -- to offer genuine praise for the president's response to the coronavirus in his home state.

"He has delivered for New York. He has," Cuomo said of Trump, in response to a question from Stern about whether the president has really done anything of consequence to help.

"By and large it has worked," Cuomo said of the relationship.

He cited, as he has before, the sending of the Navy ship USNS Comfort and the construction of a military field hospital at the Javits Center as examples of the president responding quickly to the state's needs.
He also, surprisingly, noted the president has even had a kind word for his brother Chris Cuomo - the CNN anchor who has himself been battling COVID-19.

New Jersey..

'Extremely responsive': New Jersey governor praises Trump for coronavirus assistance | News Break

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy gave the Trump administration a round of applause for helping his state combat the coronavirus. New Jersey has been one of the states hit hardest by the pandemic, with more than 120,000 confirmed cases and over 7,500 deaths. Murphy, a Democrat, joined Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday and praised President Trump and his team for helping the state.

California governor praises Trump's efforts to help state amid coronavirus crisis

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) offered praise for President Trump’s efforts to help the state amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Newsom, who has frequently clashed with the White House, credited Trump’s intervention in getting a Navy ship to California and expanding federal resources in the Golden State, which has grappled with a significant outbreak.

"We have the USNS Mercy in California because of [Trump's] direct intervention and support, 2,000 of these federal medical stations because of his direct support," Newsom said on CNN.
"So I can only speak for myself, but I have to be complementary. Otherwise, I would be simply lying to you, misleading you, and that is a wonderful thing to be able to say, and I hope that continues."
Yes Trump sent money and medical support to governors in need. Bravo, something a trained monkey would do. As far as the rest of it which I outline he completely fail and lead a movement which has now resulted in him and lord knows how many of his supporters in the hospital. #RemeberHerman
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
Everyone will eventually get this virus...........will be reclassified for happening time and time again from now on.

Most walk right through it...........because the T cells know how to fight it.......from past exposure to the other 6 types of Corona................why so many get it and don't know it.

T cells are degraded as we get it doesn't remember what day it is anymore..........forgets how to fight it off and why older people get it and they get the Flu and die......because our immune systems are weakened as we age.......

Tis a fact of life......whether you like it or not...........Covid shots will be like Flu shots in the future.......Labs guessing which strain MAY HIT US.........BEST GUESS because the Flue does CORONA.......which are still part of the common cold and Flu now.

Will you ASSHOLES stop this shit after the election.......You are BORING ME.
If you’re board then don’t join the thread. Seems pretty simple to me
I said your comments are boring me.........board is a different

We will all eventually get it...........most get it and don't know it........and here you are going with your daily TDS.......this will happen eventually...........all we have done is screwed the economy for the inevitable.............and an election..........BS
The retarded attitude that you’re spitting and that got Trump hospitalized is what’s dragged the economy down. The partisan fights, mocking masks, downplaying the virus. Had we gone after this thing in a unified way then we would be in a much better spot right now and could actually be opening up in a much safer environment. I’m sorry you don’t understand that.

The economy is recovering no matter how hard the democrat governors try to keep their states locked down until after the moron.
When did I say the economy wasn’t recovering?
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.

That is precisely how they wanted you to react. The bolded part is the conclusion they wanted people to arrive at. Problem - Reaction - Solution. It's amazing to me how easy it is for the PTSB to manipulate the masses.
What are you talking about? That not manipulation is simple fact. How is what I said inaccurate?

It's not about a virus, it never has been. It's about pushing numerous agendas. It's another elusive "invisible enemy" that serves as the perfect pretext for power grabs and bringing about a number of draconian globalist agendas. Since we've been lied to continually in the last couple decades about so many things, and since the US can legally propagandize its own citizens, I take EVERYTHING that comes from the government / controlled media with a big grain of salt.

This guy explains it well, but you have to watch the whole video because he doesn't get to the point right away (The video can't be embedded because it's on bitchute, so here's the link) : Hold On! Here We Go!
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Having had two brain surgeries, and with dementia, joe biden is in far more danger.......
Biden isn't the one in a hospital fighting COVID-19 -- he's the one wishing Impeached Trump a speedy recovery from it.

He has been hidden from the public for months........who knows if he has had it or doofus.

You possess exactly zero evidence Biden ever had it.

I possess a shit ton of evidence Impeached Trump has it.
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