Trump and Russia

A bit of advise to Dems spinning up their response to the Mueller probe... Stop using the Obstruction of Justice line, it’s a loser. The report is said to show no collusion and no more indictments... anything you are accusing Trump of “obstructing” would be false claims against him and you are only going to make him look stronger and more justified.

To the Reps spinning up their talking points. Don’t gloat too much about total vindication... many many lies and dirty dealings were exposed and several Trump people plead or were found guilty of crimes. Trump was exposed of several lies so it was an ugly and embarrassing for everybody.

Both sides should let it go and move forward to an actual policy debate. I know this won’t happen but that’s what adults would do if they were in charge.
Oh we'll gloat, after all the things said and done..a few crimes they found does not make up for what they did. If you investigated the Clintons you would find some....wait they did have friends go to jail......
This was a political witchunt........The purpose of this wasn't about was to make people afraid to associate with Trump......they failed on every effort. The establishment lost, big time and that is worth celebrating. and in 2020 when they lose again, I'm going to be a huge dick about it.....because they deserve all of my disrespect.
The Clintons were investigated exhaustively. Does Benghazi and Email Server ring a bell?! Gloat all you want, it’s only you and your tribe that care. You drones on both sides are what’s destroying America.
Just you believe that Trump obstructed justice? I'm not asking you if you think he will
be charged with that crime. I am asking you if you believe he did.
I think he is in the grey area but as POTUS he is going to prevail from the grey. Especially now that he can say the thing he is accused of obstructing found that he did nothing wrong. It’s going to be perceived as an innocent guy defending himself against false accusations. His accusers will look bad and he will look good in the public eye.

I don't believe indictment should be the bar for the President of the United States. I watched and heard him obstruct justice with my own eyes and ears.

Mueller said that the DOJ gave him all of the time and resources he asked for, there was no obstruction.
Barr said that there was no obstruction, and its his call, so end of discussion
. (hint: your opinion doesn't mean anything)

No conclusion is different than exoneration. (Not my opinion).

What were the facts surrounding that decision by Mueller?

Yeah. that's what I though.......

Barr said no obstruction. Its his fucking call. End of discussion. Thanks for playing.

Barr is Trump's Consigliere.

"The Special Counsel therefore did not draw a conclusion one way or the other as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction. Instead, for each of the relevant actions investigated, the report sets out evidence on both sides of the question and leaves unresolved what the Special Counsel views as "difficult issues" of law and fact concerning whether the President's actions and intent could be viewed as obstruction. The Special Counsel states that "while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."
Ohhh, this bullshit is just getting started.
As one left loon on tv put it this morning, "this is just round 1"
At this point, its nothing more than a partisan shit show.
We can all only control our own actions.
Nope, we can investigate the people that constructed this hoax. Trying to frame a President is a big deal, and like the old saying goes, if you attack the king, you better kill him.......or's the time for or else....the right isn't going to turn the other cheek this time
Yeah right... and he was going to “Lock her up” once he became president, right?
Just you believe that Trump obstructed justice? I'm not asking you if you think he will
be charged with that crime. I am asking you if you believe he did.
I think he is in the grey area but as POTUS he is going to prevail from the grey. Especially now that he can say the thing he is accused of obstructing found that he did nothing wrong. It’s going to be perceived as an innocent guy defending himself against false accusations. His accusers will look bad and he will look good in the public eye.

I don't believe indictment should be the bar for the President of the United States. I watched and heard him obstruct justice with my own eyes and ears.
I’m not a fan of Trump as our POTUS but let’s get real, if the Dems go after this obstruction argument it is not going to work in their favor

They will investigate Trump's admin. If it leads to obstruction....why would they decline?

BTW.....none of the candidates has focused on the Mueller investigation on the campaign trail. They are
focused on policy.
As they should be... it’s the media who has to move on

The media reports the news. When Trump is news. When he is news.
A bit of advise to Dems spinning up their response to the Mueller probe... Stop using the Obstruction of Justice line, it’s a loser. The report is said to show no collusion and no more indictments... anything you are accusing Trump of “obstructing” would be false claims against him and you are only going to make him look stronger and more justified.

To the Reps spinning up their talking points. Don’t gloat too much about total vindication... many many lies and dirty dealings were exposed and several Trump people plead or were found guilty of crimes. Trump was exposed of several lies so it was an ugly and embarrassing for everybody.

Both sides should let it go and move forward to an actual policy debate. I know this won’t happen but that’s what adults would do if they were in charge.
Oh we'll gloat, after all the things said and done..a few crimes they found does not make up for what they did. If you investigated the Clintons you would find some....wait they did have friends go to jail......
This was a political witchunt........The purpose of this wasn't about was to make people afraid to associate with Trump......they failed on every effort. The establishment lost, big time and that is worth celebrating. and in 2020 when they lose again, I'm going to be a huge dick about it.....because they deserve all of my disrespect.
The Clintons were investigated exhaustively. Does Benghazi and Email Server ring a bell?! Gloat all you want, it’s only you and your tribe that care. You drones on both sides are what’s destroying America.
No I'm talking Whitewater, Hubbel went to jail for that.
The email server investigation was a was run by anti-Trumpers.......they let her keep the server, when does a cop let you keep evidence?
Ohhh, this bullshit is just getting started.
As one left loon on tv put it this morning, "this is just round 1"
At this point, its nothing more than a partisan shit show.
We can all only control our own actions.
Nope, we can investigate the people that constructed this hoax. Trying to frame a President is a big deal, and like the old saying goes, if you attack the king, you better kill him.......or's the time for or else....the right isn't going to turn the other cheek this time
Yeah right... and he was going to “Lock her up” once he became president, right?
It's not over with, people were cool with moving on after the election...but not this time.....2 years of total bullshit and people like Schiff saying he HAS proof of collusion (where is it Adam?) it's time to relook at everything these partisan tools investigated.
A bit of advise to Dems spinning up their response to the Mueller probe... Stop using the Obstruction of Justice line, it’s a loser. The report is said to show no collusion and no more indictments... anything you are accusing Trump of “obstructing” would be false claims against him and you are only going to make him look stronger and more justified.

To the Reps spinning up their talking points. Don’t gloat too much about total vindication... many many lies and dirty dealings were exposed and several Trump people plead or were found guilty of crimes. Trump was exposed of several lies so it was an ugly and embarrassing for everybody.

Both sides should let it go and move forward to an actual policy debate. I know this won’t happen but that’s what adults would do if they were in charge.
I flipped back and forth between CNN and MSNBC yesterday and MSNBC wins as to who is double and tripling down on their delusion and denial. It was amazing, funny and scary all at the same time.
A bit of advise to Dems spinning up their response to the Mueller probe... Stop using the Obstruction of Justice line, it’s a loser. The report is said to show no collusion and no more indictments... anything you are accusing Trump of “obstructing” would be false claims against him and you are only going to make him look stronger and more justified.

To the Reps spinning up their talking points. Don’t gloat too much about total vindication... many many lies and dirty dealings were exposed and several Trump people plead or were found guilty of crimes. Trump was exposed of several lies so it was an ugly and embarrassing for everybody.

Both sides should let it go and move forward to an actual policy debate. I know this won’t happen but that’s what adults would do if they were in charge.
Oh we'll gloat, after all the things said and done..a few crimes they found does not make up for what they did. If you investigated the Clintons you would find some....wait they did have friends go to jail......
This was a political witchunt........The purpose of this wasn't about was to make people afraid to associate with Trump......they failed on every effort. The establishment lost, big time and that is worth celebrating. and in 2020 when they lose again, I'm going to be a huge dick about it.....because they deserve all of my disrespect.
The Clintons were investigated exhaustively. Does Benghazi and Email Server ring a bell?! Gloat all you want, it’s only you and your tribe that care. You drones on both sides are what’s destroying America.

Crimes were Committed, that Involved The Clintons and this is why they were investigated.

What Crime did The President Commit, to cause Mueller to be appointed?
I think he is in the grey area but as POTUS he is going to prevail from the grey. Especially now that he can say the thing he is accused of obstructing found that he did nothing wrong. It’s going to be perceived as an innocent guy defending himself against false accusations. His accusers will look bad and he will look good in the public eye.

I don't believe indictment should be the bar for the President of the United States. I watched and heard him obstruct justice with my own eyes and ears.

Mueller said that the DOJ gave him all of the time and resources he asked for, there was no obstruction.
Barr said that there was no obstruction, and its his call, so end of discussion
. (hint: your opinion doesn't mean anything)

No conclusion is different than exoneration. (Not my opinion).

What were the facts surrounding that decision by Mueller?

Yeah. that's what I though.......

Barr said no obstruction. Its his fucking call. End of discussion. Thanks for playing.

Barr is Trump's Consigliere.

"The Special Counsel therefore did not draw a conclusion one way or the other as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction. Instead, for each of the relevant actions investigated, the report sets out evidence on both sides of the question and leaves unresolved what the Special Counsel views as "difficult issues" of law and fact concerning whether the President's actions and intent could be viewed as obstruction. The Special Counsel states that "while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."

IMHO Barr would be more of an "establishment GOP AG" than Trump's Consigliere. Remember, Barr was a Bush AG (1991-1993), last I heard the Bushes and Trumps were not on the best of terms.
It is Barr's call as to whether obstruction occurred or not.
It is Barr's call that no obstruction occurred.
Full stop, no obstruction.
No one else can charge him with it. (Rudy says because there is no crime)

Keep grasping at straws, it makes the dems look desperate, if we can't get Trump he wins in 2020 because our candidates all suck.
A bit of advise to Dems spinning up their response to the Mueller probe... Stop using the Obstruction of Justice line, it’s a loser. The report is said to show no collusion and no more indictments... anything you are accusing Trump of “obstructing” would be false claims against him and you are only going to make him look stronger and more justified.

To the Reps spinning up their talking points. Don’t gloat too much about total vindication... many many lies and dirty dealings were exposed and several Trump people plead or were found guilty of crimes. Trump was exposed of several lies so it was an ugly and embarrassing for everybody.

Both sides should let it go and move forward to an actual policy debate. I know this won’t happen but that’s what adults would do if they were in charge.

That's what the adults are saying. Nothing we can do about this. What's next, and that would appear to be keep on with the same policies and work that won the mid-Terms.

They've already passed their election reform legislation. They are now in a position to look at health care, the opiod crisis, and climate change, all things that Americans want to see dealt with and which the Administration has been utterly ignoring because the President has to pick fights with everyone.
Ohhh, this bullshit is just getting started.
As one left loon on tv put it this morning, "this is just round 1"
At this point, its nothing more than a partisan shit show.
that's all it ever was.

and 1 loon shouting isn't enough to dictate policy for either side. time we remembered that.
Nancy pelosi said impeachment was off the table.
Did you notice how the dominoes fell?
With these sheep all it takes is ine
I think he is in the grey area but as POTUS he is going to prevail from the grey. Especially now that he can say the thing he is accused of obstructing found that he did nothing wrong. It’s going to be perceived as an innocent guy defending himself against false accusations. His accusers will look bad and he will look good in the public eye.

I don't believe indictment should be the bar for the President of the United States. I watched and heard him obstruct justice with my own eyes and ears.
I’m not a fan of Trump as our POTUS but let’s get real, if the Dems go after this obstruction argument it is not going to work in their favor

They will investigate Trump's admin. If it leads to obstruction....why would they decline?

BTW.....none of the candidates has focused on the Mueller investigation on the campaign trail. They are
focused on policy.
As they should be... it’s the media who has to move on

The media reports the news. When Trump is news. When he is news.
The media should report Trumps lies. I never suggested otherwise
A bit of advise to Dems spinning up their response to the Mueller probe... Stop using the Obstruction of Justice line, it’s a loser. The report is said to show no collusion and no more indictments... anything you are accusing Trump of “obstructing” would be false claims against him and you are only going to make him look stronger and more justified.

To the Reps spinning up their talking points. Don’t gloat too much about total vindication... many many lies and dirty dealings were exposed and several Trump people plead or were found guilty of crimes. Trump was exposed of several lies so it was an ugly and embarrassing for everybody.

Both sides should let it go and move forward to an actual policy debate. I know this won’t happen but that’s what adults would do if they were in charge.
Oh we'll gloat, after all the things said and done..a few crimes they found does not make up for what they did. If you investigated the Clintons you would find some....wait they did have friends go to jail......
This was a political witchunt........The purpose of this wasn't about was to make people afraid to associate with Trump......they failed on every effort. The establishment lost, big time and that is worth celebrating. and in 2020 when they lose again, I'm going to be a huge dick about it.....because they deserve all of my disrespect.
The Clintons were investigated exhaustively. Does Benghazi and Email Server ring a bell?! Gloat all you want, it’s only you and your tribe that care. You drones on both sides are what’s destroying America.
No I'm talking Whitewater, Hubbel went to jail for that.
The email server investigation was a was run by anti-Trumpers.......they let her keep the server, when does a cop let you keep evidence?
Weak diversionary talking points
Ohhh, this bullshit is just getting started.
As one left loon on tv put it this morning, "this is just round 1"
At this point, its nothing more than a partisan shit show.
that's all it ever was.

and 1 loon shouting isn't enough to dictate policy for either side. time we remembered that.
Nancy pelosi said impeachment was off the table.
Did you notice how the dominoes fell?
With these sheep all it takes is ine
and i'm sure she said this after she came to grips it was never ON the table.

she's one of the stupid i don't really listen to much.
I don't believe indictment should be the bar for the President of the United States. I watched and heard him obstruct justice with my own eyes and ears.
I’m not a fan of Trump as our POTUS but let’s get real, if the Dems go after this obstruction argument it is not going to work in their favor

They will investigate Trump's admin. If it leads to obstruction....why would they decline?

BTW.....none of the candidates has focused on the Mueller investigation on the campaign trail. They are
focused on policy.
As they should be... it’s the media who has to move on

The media reports the news. When Trump is news. When he is news.
The media should report Trumps lies. I never suggested otherwise
they should everyone accountable to the same set of standards. they are WAY OFF on that note.
Ohhh, this bullshit is just getting started.
As one left loon on tv put it this morning, "this is just round 1"
At this point, its nothing more than a partisan shit show.
We can all only control our own actions.
Nope, we can investigate the people that constructed this hoax. Trying to frame a President is a big deal, and like the old saying goes, if you attack the king, you better kill him.......or's the time for or else....the right isn't going to turn the other cheek this time
Yeah right... and he was going to “Lock her up” once he became president, right?
It's not over with, people were cool with moving on after the election...but not this time.....2 years of total bullshit and people like Schiff saying he HAS proof of collusion (where is it Adam?) it's time to relook at everything these partisan tools investigated.
I’m down, let’s see the report. Simple question... did anybody associated with the Trump campaign lie about and/or have communications with Russians during the campaign?
Ohhh, this bullshit is just getting started.
As one left loon on tv put it this morning, "this is just round 1"
At this point, its nothing more than a partisan shit show.
We can all only control our own actions.
Nope, we can investigate the people that constructed this hoax. Trying to frame a President is a big deal, and like the old saying goes, if you attack the king, you better kill him.......or's the time for or else....the right isn't going to turn the other cheek this time
Yeah right... and he was going to “Lock her up” once he became president, right?
It's not over with, people were cool with moving on after the election...but not this time.....2 years of total bullshit and people like Schiff saying he HAS proof of collusion (where is it Adam?) it's time to relook at everything these partisan tools investigated.
I’m down, let’s see the report. Simple question... did anybody associated with the Trump campaign lie about and/or have communications with Russians during the campaign?
No, According to Mueller, not one single American worked with the Russians AT ALL on any election interference.

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